Government Schools Turn Young People into Socialists


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
Government Schools Turn Young People into Socialists

August 15, 2012
by Gary DeMar

Public schools are the breeding ground for socialism. Adolf Hitler understood the need for government controlled education. Kids have been so brainwashed by government educators that they believe that Nazism is an ideology of the political right. In fact, it’s a leftist ideology: National Socialism.

On May 1, 1937, Hitler declared, “This new Reich will give its youth to no one, but will itself take youth and give to youth its own education and its own upbringing.”[1]


When we sent our children to non-government schools, my wife and I worked and went without so we could afford it. We drove our cars for nearly ten years. I finally gave up my 1987 Honda Accord after 267,000 miles. Sacrifice was a regular vocabulary word in our house.

Spending someone else’s money is always more profitable than spending your own. Public schools, by their very existence, will assure future generations that socialism will prevail in America.

Read more: Government Schools Turn Young People into Socialists : Political Outcast
Sorry to dispute you....

Schools are filed with today's students who are self-centered, materialistic, show little empathy for others, and are not concerned about their futures.

From a life of personal observations, I don't think this kind of mindset fosters socialism......

This Gary DeMar is a whack-job...
What a strange, untruthful article written by a strange author posted by a strange member of USMB.
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It is perfectly natural for the young and naive to embrace socialism, and it is probably a good thing when schools encourage sharing as opposed to selfishness.

It is only when we have to fend for ourselves, and see others sucking at the various government and charitable teats, that we come to understand that " each according to his need..." is a rather vacuous and destructive policy. Those who fail to learn it become, of course, Democrats.
Democrats and Republicans and 90% of Americans are social democrats.

We believe in public tax-supported VA, school districts, sanitation and clean water, fire and police and emergency systems, and hundreds of other public entities.

To pretend somehow all of that is socialism is simply ludicrous.
The public school system produced the work and file of the 20th Century, the one America dominated. The problem is not the system, the problem is the parents, who simply don't care.

However, Oddball, if you have a solution, go for it.

Sorry to dispute you....

Schools are filed with today's students who are self-centered, materialistic, show little empathy for others, and are not concerned about their futures.
And that is supposed to be evidence of the success of gubmint schools in what way?
Public school teacher here. Nearly half our staff is Republican and I would say that teenagers are more libertarian by nature than anything. But statistically, young people will vote the same as their parents.

Schools are a microcosm of the community. Liberal towns will have liberal schools and vice versa. Perhaps this thread belongs in the conspiracy forum.
The public school system produced the work and file of the 20th Century, the one America dominated. The problem is not the system, the problem is the parents, who simply don't care.

However, Oddball, if you have a solution, go for it.

Sorry to dispute you....

Schools are filed with today's students who are self-centered, materialistic, show little empathy for others, and are not concerned about their futures.
And that is supposed to be evidence of the success of gubmint schools in what way?
Right...Typical leftist response....Blame the customers.

There are plenty of solutions floated to improve gubmint schools (vouchers, privatization, etcetera) but leftloon control freaks and teacher's unions don't want to give up on the monopoly.
What 'leftist' response? You are one of the most ignorant of board members, and you prove it often.

So, you offer vouchers and privatization without any evidence, without any support, simply talking out of your ass, as usual.

Your nattering gets old, son.
The public school system produced the work and file of the 20th Century, the one America dominated. The problem is not the system, the problem is the parents, who simply don't care.

However, Oddball, if you have a solution, go for it.

And that is supposed to be evidence of the success of gubmint schools in what way?
Right...Typical leftist response....Blame the customers.

There are plenty of solutions floated to improve gubmint schools (vouchers, privatization, etcetera) but leftloon control freaks and teacher's unions don't want to give up on the monopoly.
Public school teacher here. Nearly half our staff is Republican and I would say that teenagers are more libertarian by nature than anything. But statistically, young people will vote the same as their parents.

Schools are a microcosm of the community. Liberal towns will have liberal schools and vice versa. Perhaps this thread belongs in the conspiracy forum.

Government Schools are not a microcosm of the community. Government Schools are a leftward drag on a community. Every generation of student tends to be more Liberal than the generation before.
Ariux, our own Neaderthal redux knuckledragger, chimes in.

Public school teacher here. Nearly half our staff is Republican and I would say that teenagers are more libertarian by nature than anything. But statistically, young people will vote the same as their parents.

Schools are a microcosm of the community. Liberal towns will have liberal schools and vice versa. Perhaps this thread belongs in the conspiracy forum.

Government Schools are not a microcosm of the community. Government Schools are a leftward drag on a community. Every generation of student tends to be more Liberal than the generation before.
education provides facts.

facts have a liberal bias
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why do you pretend court documented evidence is meaningless?

Why do you pretend education is evil because it doesnt back you fucked up world view?

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