Government Shutdown October 1st! Yay Republicans!

Projecting bitch Republicans didn't vote with democrats but RINOs did

The spending bill that Trump refused to sign passed the Senate by a vote of 100-0. That is your beloved party you loser. Quit trying to ide the fact you are too fucking ignorant to know who had control of congress and just move on
The spending bill that Trump refused to sign passed the Senate by a vote of 100-0. That is your beloved party you loser. Quit trying to ide the fact you are too fucking ignorant to know who had control of congress and just move on
No link to your opinion
The gop could have limited it's objections to spending .... and conditioned a CR to setting a cap to spending in the 24 budget.
No link to your opinion

What is the point, I gave you multiple links showing you were wrong about the control of the house and then you just moved the goal post.

you are too dishonest to bother giving a link to ever again
What is the point, I gave you multiple links showing you were wrong about the control of the house and then you just moved the goal post.

you are too dishonest to bother giving a link to ever again
Where is your link that shows the vote count.
Where is your link that shows the vote count.

What is the point, I gave you multiple links showing you were wrong about the control of the house and then you just moved the goal post.

you are too dishonest to bother giving a link to ever again
I love these government shut downs! There is so much beta drama. For example, the government does not actually shut down. Both sides accuse each other of hurting the country because they did not unequivocally accept their opponents’ demands.

The best thing about these shut downs is how, after a few weeks, you realize we don’t even need all the furloughed federal workers. LOL!!!

I am hoping for a long-term shut down. Just a couple more weeks. Fingers crossed! 🤞🏻
Kinda like the Hollywood strike. 😀
What is the point, I gave you multiple links showing you were wrong about the control of the house and then you just moved the goal post.

you are too dishonest to bother giving a link to ever again
You made the comment you should post a link. Because I know for a fact the vote wasn't 100-0
You first

Nope. I gave you all sorts of links about who controlled the House and Senate and you ignored them and then moved the goal post when even your stupidity was finally breached.

I am not playing that game again.
I'm guessing he read that it was "unanymous" and made the leap to 100 to 0.

An honest mistake that an honest person should simply admit to.

We'll see.

The Senate has 100 members. If the Senate unanimously approved something, then would not the vote need to be 100-0?

Does unanimously have a different meaning in your world?
Two weeks until the Republicans shut down the government for...wait why?

Veteran Republican strategist Karl Rove warned House Republicans that they will only hurt themselves if they allow the government to shut down this fall amid budget battles within their conference and with the Senate and White House.

“Republicans are going to shoot themselves in the foot in the run-up to the 2024 election if they continue to think that shutdowns are a great way to put themselves in front of the American people,” Rove said in a Fox News interview Sunday.
It takes two to tango.

Please tell me that you’re objective enough to realize that the Dims aren’t exactly willing to even try to meet the GOP. Sure the Republicans are divided. But that’s not the main problem.

For either the so-called “moderate” Republicans must gain Dim votes or they must gain the splintered Republican votes. The latter ain’t happening. And the former won’t happen with the mindset and lockstep of the Dims.

Alternatively, the majority of the Republicans would have to toss up their hands, say, “ah fuck it” and join the conservative splinter GOP members. I’d like that. But I’m not counting on it.

And guess what, if the latter happened, the Dim controlled Senate would refuse to go along.

Stop with all the spin.

We spend waaaaaaay the fuck too much money — as things already stand. I am not a major fan of shutting down the government. But, it ain’t the end of the world.
Nope. I gave you all sorts of links about who controlled the House and Senate and you ignored them and then moved the goal post when even your stupidity was finally breached.

I am not playing that game again.
You made the claim simp

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