Government Shutdown October 1st! Yay Republicans!

Two weeks until the Republicans shut down the government for...wait why?

Their God has told them what to do, so they have no choice.
Funny shit you believe. Republican controlled house and Senate shuts the government on a republican president

No, the Repub President shut down the government, do try to keep up.

Are you truly so uninformed that you do not know that the Repubs held the House and the Senate for all 2017 and 2018?


There was a spending bill done, it passed the GOP House and it passed the Senate by a vote of 100-0. The President said he would sign it and then some talking heads on FoxNews said bad things about him and he changed his mind and refused to...thus shutting down the government.
Their God has told them what to do, so they have no choice.

Their level of ignorance is reaching epic proportions. One of these stupid Trump worshipers does not even know who had the majority in the House and the Senate in 2018.
Pardon my naivety , but don't government officials, especially the elected ones, take an oath of servitude to our constitution assuming office? I,E,> "we the peeps" ???

Seems they've found a way to hold us peeps hostage to their whims via shutdown here

How is this constitutional ? Isn't this sedition ?

Unfuzz me

Another day closer. Senate passed a clean extension. Its all up to the Republican clown show now.
Another day closer. Senate passed a clean extension. Its all up to the Republican clown show now.

It is really no longer a question of if, just how long and if they will at least pass a funding bill for the DOD/VA before Friday night.
What exactly is a "clean" extension of the bloated, wasteful, pork filled, and out of control budget produced under Nancy Pelosi?

It's just more of the same isn't it? If you have an exposed sewer pipe pouring effluent on your front lawn, adding a twenty foot extention with a plan to add more doesnt make it "clean."
You're the one that believe Republicans would shut down the government with a republican president just to give democrats more propaganda to use against Republicans
I only believe it because that's what they did,

Reality is real, deal with it.
I only believe it because that's what they did,

Reality is real, deal with it.
No it's not how it happened.
The longest government shutdown happened between 2018 and 2019 when then-President Trump and congressional Democrats entered a standoff over his demand for funding for a border wall.
Two weeks until the Republicans shut down the government for...wait why?

Veteran Republican strategist Karl Rove warned House Republicans that they will only hurt themselves if they allow the government to shut down this fall amid budget battles within their conference and with the Senate and White House.

“Republicans are going to shoot themselves in the foot in the run-up to the 2024 election if they continue to think that shutdowns are a great way to put themselves in front of the American people,” Rove said in a Fox News interview Sunday.
Go through this every fiscal year end no matter what party is in charge.
Sorry, but it is.

I do not know what alternate universe you are posting from but here in reality the republicans held all three branches for that time period.
The longest government shutdown happened between 2018 and 2019 when then-President Trump and congressional Democrats entered a standoff over his demand for funding for a border wall.
The longest government shutdown happened between 2018 and 2019 when then-President Trump and congressional Democrats entered a standoff over his demand for funding for a border wall.
Democrats were not in charge of either house.
No it's not how it happened.
The longest government shutdown happened between 2018 and 2019 when then-President Trump and congressional Democrats entered a standoff over his demand for funding for a border wall.

The shutdown started when the GOP held the House, the Senate and the White House.

No matter how many times you try to pretend this is not true, it will always be true.

You should be embarrassed to be so ignorant of the facts.
The shutdown started when the GOP held the House, the Senate and the White House.

No matter how many times you try to pretend this is not true, it will always be true.

You should be embarrassed to be so ignorant of the facts.
The longest government shutdown happened between 2018 and 2019 when then-President Trump and congressional Democrats entered a standoff over his demand for funding for a border wall.
Both of you need to take your grievance up with npr
The shutdown started when the GOP held the House, the Senate and the White House.

No matter how many times you try to pretend this is not true, it will always be true.

You should be embarrassed to be so ignorant of the facts.
Gosh, all those military people starving!

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