Governor Abbott tells Biden to shove his vaccine mandates on the Texas National Guard.

Well, as long as the National Guard can be deployed to active service at any time, they need to be vaccinated just like anyone in the active military.

JESUS GOD are all you Leftards morons? The National Guard is NOT THE FUCKING MILITARY! They are just a state militia.

Military is federal, used in foreign wars:
  • Army
  • Navy
  • Marines
  • Air Force
  • Space Force
That is it. Get it? There is no national guard in there.
I'm sorry to hear that.
Thanks . In the Marines.
Long story short, it was the anthrax vaccine that GHW Bush's defense secretary Rumsfeld had pushed through without FDA approval - late 80's early 90's. ...(Persian Gulf War)

We covertly armed Saddam with bioweapons which he never used against Iran.
(Those were the 'wmd's' supposedly never found., years later when Dubya was president after 9/11.) Then he invaded Kuwait and we were afraid he'd use them on our guys. ( of course later it was simply included in along with depleted uranium poisoning & a slew of other issues known as 'Gulf War Syndrome'.)

Anyway, he got a medical discharge and took a lump settlement. Lives in Hawaii now
on meds for life . Can't have children ...etc.

You never hear about it because they probably all signed secrecy agreements at the time of receiving their payments. And of course we have no real free press anymore.
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Didn't Abbott just go to Joe, hat in hand, asking the feds for more monoclonal antibodies and testing sites, plus trained personnel to staff them?

Is the man a loon?
The way Cumo asked for more hospital rooms and Trump sent him a navy hospital ship? Which he didn't use, just sent those covid patients to a nursing home. What could go wrong? Oh wait!
JESUS GOD are all you Leftards morons? The National Guard is NOT THE FUCKING MILITARY! They are just a state militia.

Military is federal, used in foreign wars:
  • Army
  • Navy
  • Marines
  • Air Force
  • Space Force
That is it. Get it? There is no national guard in there.
Don't get all upset. The National Guard can be called to active duty in the US military. They are considered veterans and receive veterans' benefits. There is no Army of Texas. It is the US Army.
Military is federal, used in foreign wars:
Following the attacks on Sept. 11, 2001, a total of 2,995 men and women from the Maine National Guard deployed to Afghanistan, Iraq and Kuwait. Some worked in critical support roles, such as running supply convoys up and down the world's most dangerous highways.Nov 7, 2021

Press Herald › after-...

After two wars and incalculable sacrifice, the Maine National Guard pivots to a peacetime mission - Portland Press Herald

Following the attacks on Sept. 11, 2001, a total of 2,995 men and women from the Maine National Guard deployed to Afghanistan, Iraq and Kuwait. Some worked in critical support roles, such as running supply convoys up and down the world's most dangerous highways.Nov 7, 2021
View attachment 584070
Press Herald › after-...

After two wars and incalculable sacrifice, the Maine National Guard pivots to a peacetime mission - Portland Press Herald

Hey, it is Biddum's Fascist-Marxist America now. Laws are made to be broken. Free people are there to be oppressed. Media is there to lie to the people.
Thanks . In the Marines.
Long story short, it was the anthrax vaccine that GHW Bush's defense secretary Rumsfeld had pushed through without FDA approval - late 80's early 90's. ...(Persian Gulf War)

We covertly armed Saddam with bioweapons which he never used against Iran.
Those were the 'wmd's' supposedly never found. Thyen he invaded Kuwait and we were afraid he'd use them on our guys. ( of course later it was simply included in along with depleted uranium poisoning & a slew of other issues known as 'Gulf War Syndrome'.)

Anyway, he got a medical discharge and took a lump settlement. Lives in Hawaii now
on meds for life . Can't have children ...etc.

You never hear about it because they probably all signed secrecy agreements at the time of receiving their payments. And of course we have no real free press anymore.

The anthrax vaccine has been around and approved since the 70’s.

Sorry to hear about your brother and it might have been caused by the vaccine but it wasn’t an unapproved vaccine.
The anthrax vaccine has been around and approved since the 70’s.

Sorry to hear about your brother and it might have been caused by the vaccine but it wasn’t an unapproved vaccine.

Different strain.

It was supposed to be something like a series of shots over a length of time ( second shot in 6 months, etc ) but they sped it up without approval to rush to the Persian Gulf.
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By 1980, American scientists had extensive experience with anthrax, weaponized and not. USAMRIID’s request for the Ames strain from the National Veterinary Services Laboratory would not have been anything out of the ordinary. In fact, the Ames strain had become fairly common, thanks to its virulence. Labs across the country often used it in order to infect animals and test out their vaccines or treatments.

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Different strain.

It was supposed to be something like a series of shots over a length of time ( second shot in 6 months, etc ) but they sped it up without approval to rush to the Persian Gulf.
Yeah I had 7 of them.…

I don’t know that the vaccine was different just that it wasn’t tested for effectiveness against airborne anthrax. That was the complaint at the time.
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Don't mess with Texas, Joe.

Gov. Greg Abbott, R-Texas , on Tuesday released a letter announcing his intention to sue the federal government for what he claimed is an unconstitutional vaccine mandate for the Texas National Guard.

"As the commander-in-chief of Texas’s militia, I have issued a straightforward order to every member of the Texas National Guard within my chain of command: Do not punish any guardsman for choosing not to receive a COVID-19 vaccine," Abbott wrote in the letter, which was addressed to Maj. Gen. Tracy Norris, Adjutant General of the Texas Military Department.

"Unless President Biden federalizes the Texas National Guard in accordance with Title 10 of the U.S. Code, he is not your commander-in-chief under our federal or state Constitutions. And as long as I am your commander-in-chief, I will not tolerate efforts to compel receipt of a COVID-19 vaccine," Abbott continued.

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