HUGE: Border Patrol Turns on Joe Biden, Proclaims Support for Texas National Guard

Not gonna happen.

Actually, they are following federal law, in that once they claim asylum, their cases have to be processed.

They're not claiming asylum. The Biden phone app to hustle illegals into the country makes no mention of asylum.

CBP One also has muddled the asylum process. At no point does the app ask users “Are you seeking asylum?” Those arriving for the CBP One appointments are given no interviews and asked no questions about vulnerabilities they listed in the app or about why they’re seeking asylum in the U.S.—they’re simply released into the country on official parole. Their court dates, in immigration court, aren’t even necessarily asylum trials: they’re often deportation hearings, where defendants can make arguments for remaining in the country, including through our asylum system. “That’s the crazy part: nothing in the new [CBP One] parole program requires that you seek asylum,” Orta said. “Somehow, we’ve decided to punish those who arrive on the border, without the app, actually seeking asylum, but we’re going to let in those who may or may not have any particular reason to seek asylum, [including some] who feel safe in their home country.”

Are normal people supposed to know what your cult-speak is trying to say?
Well, since you’re not at all “normal,” the dainty, you’d have no frame of reference.

You already know the answer, of course, since he has been referred to that way for a long time.

The Potato is your President: The very elderly, hair-sniffing, pedo-inclined, criminal, demented scumbag presently infesting the White House.
Watch Liability wet his pants think he has me here in this thread.

too funny
Ah, the Dainty. You’re so tiresome in your always petty efforts.

Whether you’re in this thread or not truly doesn’t matter. You’re a void wherever you are.

And I wouldn’t say you’re too funny. Or even funny. And you’re certainly not intelligent. But you have the market cornered on dull and narcissistic.
/——/ Are you drunk? The meme had nothing to do with Trump. You clowns are unhinged.
Oh, I am sure the guy who whipped the Haitian immigrants from horseback isn't happy.

That didn't happen, liar.

And they will refuse.

They might...

Nobody was whipped, you ding dong. 🤪

Joey is lying.

Funny thing about useful idiots: no matter how much their narrative is proven to be a lie, they just keep repeating it. Educate yourself on the so-called whipping incident, or remain a braying, ignorant jackass.

Not ignorant. Joey is dishonest. He is a disciple of Goebbels, and favors The Big Lie.
Game on.

The weakest President in modern times is looking even weaker. What will Joe do?

According to a new post put out by the Border Patrol Union, and a new report from Griff Jenkins of Fox News, Biden has lost operational control of the situation, at least in a practical sense.
The Biden administration had initially warned Texas that it had until mid-day Friday to relinquish control of Shelby Park, the nearby boat dock, and the International Bridge. That deadline has now come and gone, and instead of there being a major clash between the Border Patrol and the state-controlled soldiers on site, it appears those on the ground have already de-escalated the situation.
The Border Patrol Union ends by slamming Biden for creating the current "catastrophe" and reiterating that there will be no conflict between CBP agents and state forces. The statement is a clear signal of support for the Texas National Guard, its mission, and those leading it, including Gov. Greg Abbott.
Furthering the division between the Border Patrol and the White House was a senior CBP official who said they have no plans to follow through on removing the razor wire put up by Texas. Biden has completely lost whatever leverage he had.


I thought the SCOTUS just said they have the authority to remove it. Biden removes it, Texas puts it back up. It’ll be a great look for Biden’s reelection campaign, facilitating the invasion of illegals.

SCOTUS has no authority whatsoever. It opines, that's all. It has no enforcement power, that part depends on the cooperation of the executive branch.
Seems like it’s diffused now but this is a HUGE victory for establishing what we won’t tolerate
The fat lady hasn't sung yet.

The Democrat leadership is completely evil, they'll come up with something.
If the rules they had in 1925 been in place today, there wouldn't be a need for sneaking across the Rio Grande. You'd just show up, and four years later get your citizenship.

And, of course, you couldn't live on the dole!

Are seriously this ignorant?

I ride both both english and western. Split reins with western saddle are used to 'steer' the horse. Nobody was whipped.

Stay away from the Joy Reid show.
No, he is that dishonest.
They have no choice; the Supreme Court has spoken. Just like in Dobbs....when you celebrated removal of choice.
No analog in your failed would-be analogy.

All Dobbs did was return the question to the States.

What the SCOTUS said in the Texas ruling was not at all clear. I’d say read their carefully drafted opinion, except they didn’t offer one.

It did lift an earlier stay (ok ok. An earlier “injunction.”) So?

You and dolts like you don’t get it. Ever. 👍
No analog in your failed would-be analogy.

All Dobbs did was return the question to the States.

What the SCOTUS said in the Texas ruling was not at all clear. I’d say read their carefully drafted opinion, except they didn’t offer one.

It did lift an earlier stay (ok ok. An earlier “injunction.”) So?

You and dolts like you don’t get it. Ever. 👍
Translation: If you don’t like the ruling; you say it can be ignored. If you do like the want it enforced.

You have a lot in common with a four year old.
Translation: If you don’t like the ruling; you say it can be ignored. If you do like the want it enforced.

You have a lot in common with a four year old.
False translation. Imagine that. A simpleton like you needing to resort to dishonesty.

Not at all what I said. So, gfy. 👍

See if you can get an honest and intelligent adult to assist you here.

If the SCOTUS lifted a stay on Border Security which HAD prevented them from cutting the Texas concertina wire, what has Texas done wrong at this point? Note, Potato hasn’t sent in the border patrol Yet to cut the wire. Use that fact in your revised attempt to alter your analysis, you dope.

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