Governor Anne Richards of Texas giving her views on abortion

I’m not the one complaining here, you are

Yes if all the college girls vote repubs from office and institute abortion on demand I wont like it

But dont count your chickens too soon
I am a male, almost 70. I will not care personally, as it will not affect me personally. I do admire the swing of the pendulum, though. It is a message, that legislators should get back to business for the good of the country, rather than their attacks and attempts on everybody they do not like or agree with, in their culture wars to legislate from on high, over the little people they hate, including women. Most people just want to be left the fk alone.
they should have been happy with safe legal and rare,,
now they want to kill the child for any reason at anytime,,
“Rare” was always a lib lie

Indeed. There is no honest nor rational basis to use the word “safe” to describe a procedure which, when successful, always has the effect and intent to murder an innocent human being in cold blood. That's about as far opposite as you can get from the meaning of the word “safe”.
Like the man said, a rose by any other name…

Unborn children are human beings that deserve to live in the 1st trimester as much as in the 5th or 5,000th trimester
It occurs to me that 5000 divided by 3 would make that child the oldest person since Old Testament days

So lets reduce that number to something more reasonable like 300
I am a male, almost 70. I will not care personally, as it will not affect me personally. I do admire the swing of the pendulum, though. It is a message, that legislators should get back to business for the good of the country, rather than their attacks and attempts on everybody they do not like or agree with, in their culture wars to legislate from on high, over the little people they hate, including women. Most people just want to be left the fk alone.
Conservatives didnt start the culture wars

Libs did when they defied the will of the people with Roe v Wade
That's kind of the point in this country having been set up as a republic rather than as a democracy.

Certain human rights of individuals are to be protected, even against a majority that wants to deny these rights.

IN a pure democracy, if a majority want to vote to torture and murder you, then that's what happens.

In a republic such as ours, at least in theory, your right to not be tortured and murdered would take precedence over the desire of a majority to do so.

It is a serious failing of our republic that we do not protect the rights of the most innocent and defenseless of all human beings; but there is no reason to believe that a democracy would do any better in this case.
But, when you go too far, without care, the people will rise up and vote your ass out of office. Also, as we have seen, many states have a method for getting issues directly on the ballot. Those issues get decided by the electorate. Argument for and against by legislators and candidates are taken into account and the faces of legislators changes accordingly. This is the way it was intended to work, so that the majority would not be mercilessly ruled over by a vocal minority.

This will be a major issue in both ballet referendum and legislative election in the next election and several to come. This one issue may very well turn some red states blue, just because some assholes went way too far, when they came to power.
But, when you go too far, without care, the people will rise up and vote your ass out of office.

It's a sign of how degenerate our society has become, that protection innocents children from being murdered in cold blood is seen as “go[ing] too far.”.

I say that allowing the murder of any child, that upholding such murder as a “right”, is going way too far.

The Nazis murdered about sixteen million of their own people, back in the 1930s and 1940s.

We've murdered four times that many of our own people, in the form of abortion.
Conservatives didnt start the culture wars

Libs did when they defied the will of the people with Roe v Wade
In line with Americans wanting abortion to be legal to some degree, 61% currently say that overturning Roe v. Wade was a “bad thing,” while 38% call it a “good thing.” Those views are similar to what Gallup measured in 2022, when asking about Roe hypothetically being overturned, as well as more than 30 years of trends showing opposition to overturning Roe.

Also a Zygote is not a baby. Babies are born.
how is not wanting innocent children in the womb murdered a religious issue??

There are no "innocent children in the womb" nor are they murdered. Would that you cared more for living children. Lots of them are dying needlessly you only care about the children when they're in utero.

There are lots of "innocent children" dying in the first year of life. The USA has the highest rates of maternal mortality and infant mortality in the first world. But you don't care about ANY of that. You only care about "unborn children".

Once babies really are "alive" they're on their own and you couldn't care less what happens to them.
There are no "innocent children in the womb" nor are they murdered. Would that you cared more for living children. Lots of them are dying needlessly you only care about the children when they're in utero.

There are lots of "innocent children" dying in the first year of life. The USA has the highest rates of maternal mortality and infant mortality in the first world. But you don't care about ANY of that. You only care about "unborn children".

Once babies really are "alive" they're on their own and you couldn't care less what happens to them.
Sorry bout that,

1. Its up to the mothers to LOVE their children, as far as I know, you can't legislate LOVE.
2. Same goes for fathers.
3. Humans need a protector, if we don't do it nobody will.
4. Life is a precious thing, the wonder of life, the whole stepping into creation as a whole is so wonderful.
5. If we can't do this with awe and respect for the creator, then I wouldn't doubt he would stop this.

In line with Americans wanting abortion to be legal to some degree, 61% currently say that overturning Roe v. Wade was a “bad thing,” while 38% call it a “good thing.” Those views are similar to what Gallup measured in 2022, when asking about Roe hypothetically being overturned, as well as more than 30 years of trends showing opposition to overturning Roe.

Also a Zygote is not a baby. Babies are born.
I concede that the 70-year lib sexual revolution has affected the morals of the nation

If that is the popular will so be it

But ignorance is no virtue

The drunken party girl mentality is a blight on the nation
It's a sign of how degenerate our society has become, that protection innocents children from being murdered in cold blood is seen as “go[ing] too far.”.

I say that allowing the murder of any child, that upholding such murder as a “right”, is going way too far.

The Nazis murdered about sixteen million of their own people, back in the 1930s and 1940s.

We've murdered four times that many of our own people, in the form of abortion.
Not protecting children. Protecting mothers, families and in many cases the unborn from a probable lifetime of suffering, from Republican "Big Government".
Basically, like I've always advocated myself, if you don't believe in abortion, don't have one.

Just don't ask the government to get involved.

She was a powerful woman.

It's all that matters happening in America, whether they force Texas to let her get an abortion or not, MAGA man
Sorry bout that,

1. Its up to the mothers to LOVE their children, as far as I know, you can't legislate LOVE.
2. Same goes for fathers.
3. Humans need a protector, if we don't do it nobody will.
4. Life is a precious thing, the wonder of life, the whole stepping into creation as a whole is so wonderful.
5. If we can't do this with awe and respect for the creator, then I wouldn't doubt he would stop this.

And when you figure out a way to force woman to love and care for unwanted pregnancy's
Or create a program that requires Every Person who is Anti Abortion to either take in love and raise EVERY unwanted child.
OR PAY some one who would love and nurture Every unwanted child.
Sorry bout that,

1. Years ago, Lincoln gave the Blacks Freedom, they were freed from the Democrats, who fought for slavery.
2. Republicans did that.
3. Now....yes I'm about to say it....
4. The Republicans are fighting to free, the unborn from who else?
5. The Democrats.
6. They were wrong then on the Black issue, and they are wrong now, unless we do whats right, it will fall on of all, we must protect the unborn.

Sorry bout that,

1. Years ago, Lincoln gave the Blacks Freedom, they were freed from the Democrats, who fought for slavery.
2. Republicans did that.
3. Now....yes I'm about to say it....
4. The Republicans are fighting to free, the unborn from who else?
5. The Democrats.
6. They were wrong then on the Black issue, and they are wrong now, unless we do whats right, it will fall on of all, we must protect the unborn.

Like the Freemen after war, the Neo-GOP and anti-choice advocates want nothing to do with the Children they demand get born. They'd just as soon have them live in abject poverty and misery.
At least a criminal gets a trial and is represented by council before being put to death
Yeah, like a few years back the killers of Emmitt Till were let go by a jury Scott free although they all knew they murdered the kid.

This happened all the time back then, and continues to happen today, although to a slightly lessor extent.

Doesn't seem to bother you, so stop lying.

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