Governor Black Face/Klan robes....won't open up state for 2 years......he needs to be removed from office.

We may see Virginia split north and south again. The northern counties that border DC can be as liberal as they want, while the south can stay blue, similar to what West Virginia did in 1863.

It was 1861, he said without looking it up, and those counties seceded from Virginia's secession because they weren't going to fight for slavery. A sentiment that was not at all uncommon throughout the states of the Confederacy. But there had been no "stay blue" as the Democrat in the election of 1860 came in dead last and won nothing from Virginia, east OR west.
You guys in Virginia are getting it good and voted for it, I hope you enjoy it.

Phase One, however, may last for two years and will require some businesses remain closed during that time, while others would be allowed to reopen with “strict safety restrictions.” It is unclear which businesses would be forced to stay closed during Phase One. An outline of the plan stated Phase one would involve “continued social distancing, continued teleworking [and] face coverings recommended in public.”

Northam truly and honestly wants to spark an insurrection. He WANTS a civil war to start in Virginia.

Wonder how much China is paying him?


You are absolutely right on this. Black Face's over-the-top reaction to civil rights advocates in Richmond last year protesting against his Draconian Gun code, tells me that he's doing anything he can to provoke his American enemies.

Similar to the liberal response to the Charlottesville event, designed to try and start a fight between the Triple K and the Antifa based Liberal extremists.
You guys in Virginia are getting it good and voted for it, I hope you enjoy it.

Phase One, however, may last for two years and will require some businesses remain closed during that time, while others would be allowed to reopen with “strict safety restrictions.” It is unclear which businesses would be forced to stay closed during Phase One. An outline of the plan stated Phase one would involve “continued social distancing, continued teleworking [and] face coverings recommended in public.”

Just a matter of time before the wannabe dictator , puts guards on the border and prohibits people from leaving the state. Welcome to East Germany
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You guys in Virginia are getting it good and voted for it, I hope you enjoy it.

Phase One, however, may last for two years and will require some businesses remain closed during that time, while others would be allowed to reopen with “strict safety restrictions.” It is unclear which businesses would be forced to stay closed during Phase One. An outline of the plan stated Phase one would involve “continued social distancing, continued teleworking [and] face coverings recommended in public.”

Just a matter of time before the wannabe dictator , puts guards on the border and prohibits people from leaving the state. Welcome to East Germany

He wouldn't last the night.
It's like he's trying to destroy his own state.
China, South Korea, and Japan opened early and had a COVID spike.

So they're all dead?
If you shut down a state for two years it's done for.
So by all means sacrifice the social security recipients.

Have them self quarantine,you know,kinda like they're doing right now ya dipshit!
What happens when all business goes broke in Virginia?
Can the oldsters just pack up and leave? Of course they cant. So what do they do when there are no services left in the state? How does that help the elderly?
For being a so called one percenter you sure do lack the ability to see the long term effects of shutting down a state for two years.
If you cant see something as obvious as this how do you expect us to believe you know jackshit about finances?
It's like he's trying to destroy his own state.
China, South Korea, and Japan opened early and had a COVID spike.

So they're all dead?
If you shut down a state for two years it's done for.
So by all means sacrifice the social security recipients.

Boomers? Keep in mind they are all armed, and not the most patient of people.

If they feel they have nothing to lose, it will be a turkey shoot.
Germaphobia is a real mental and emotional illness. He is afflicted with it
The Defeat Death brigade is more insane than the idle nut who might have wanted to be at a packed football game a month ago
You cannot run life based on avoidance of bad. You must participate in the benefit of good or at least seek it.
He is not a leader but rather a frantic follower of the overreactive hoax and self health obsession.
I would think that a medical doctor like Gov. Black Face wouldn't be that germaphobic. There is definitely a political motivation that he has to drag out the financial pain he is implementing. BTW, how does he plan to pay for this?

His actions have nothing to do with germs.

Correct. I found this on Gateway so libs don't bother reading it.

This was passed along to me from Bob B. and also credit to Kevin Sorbo.

For me…
When the State tells you it’s safe to go to Home Depot to buy a sponge but dangerous to go and buy a flower, it’s not about your health.
When the State shuts down millions of private businesses but doesn’t lay off a single government employee, it’s not about your health.
When the State bans dentists because its unsafe, but deems an abortion visit is safe, it’s not about your health.
When the State prevents you from buying cucumber seeds because it’s dangerous, but allows personal lottery ticket sales, it’s not about your health.
When the State tells you it’s dangerous to go golf alone, fish alone or be in a motor boat alone, but the Governor can get his stage make-up done, and hair done for 5 TV appearances a week, it’s not about your health.
When the state puts you IN a jail cell for walking in a park with your child because it’s too dangerous but lets criminals OUT of jail cells for their health- It’s not about YOUR health!
When the state tells you it’s too dangerous to get treated by a doctor for chiropractic or physical therapy treatments yet deems a liquor store essential- It’s not about your health!
When the State lets you go to the grocery store or hardware store but is demanding mail-in voting, ITS NOT ABOUT YOUR HEALTH.
WAKE UP PEOPLE — If you think this is all about your health you’re mistaken! Please open your eyes! Stop being lead like blind sheep.
Northern VA had been turned into another metropolis in the DC suburbs. Bunch of left wing city dwellers with the same infection rates of all the other democrat enclaves.
The rest of VA need to proceed with secession into WVA.
Northern VA had been turned into another metropolis in the DC suburbs. Bunch of left wing city dwellers with the same infection rates of all the other democrat enclaves.
The rest of VA need to proceed with secession into WVA.

Right on target there. The statistics indicate that tremendous rural counties like Bland and Bath have yet to see a single case. And even major conservative cities like Bristol have very few

You guys in Virginia are getting it good and voted for it, I hope you enjoy it.

Phase One, however, may last for two years and will require some businesses remain closed during that time, while others would be allowed to reopen with “strict safety restrictions.” It is unclear which businesses would be forced to stay closed during Phase One. An outline of the plan stated Phase one would involve “continued social distancing, continued teleworking [and] face coverings recommended in public.”

2 years lol
We may see Virginia split north and south again. The northern counties that border DC can be as liberal as they want, while the south can stay blue, similar to what West Virginia did in 1863.
So will the Northern Counties closer to D.C. and with the plum government jobs and related jobs have little decline while the rest of the state suffers more so?
We may see Virginia split north and south again. The northern counties that border DC can be as liberal as they want, while the south can stay blue, similar to what West Virginia did in 1863.
So will the Northern Counties closer to D.C. and with the plum government jobs and related jobs have little decline while the rest of the state suffers more so?

The Tidewater area is full of military bases. That will balance the load.
We may see Virginia split north and south again. The northern counties that border DC can be as liberal as they want, while the south can stay blue, similar to what West Virginia did in 1863.
So will the Northern Counties closer to D.C. and with the plum government jobs and related jobs have little decline while the rest of the state suffers more so?

The Tidewater area is full of military bases. That will balance the load.
Used to. Now it’s been overrun by the numbers in NOVA. DC geographic and gov expansion. VA needs to secede from NOVA.
You guys in Virginia are getting it good and voted for it, I hope you enjoy it.

Phase One, however, may last for two years and will require some businesses remain closed during that time, while others would be allowed to reopen with “strict safety restrictions.” It is unclear which businesses would be forced to stay closed during Phase One. An outline of the plan stated Phase one would involve “continued social distancing, continued teleworking [and] face coverings recommended in public.”

Last week you told us you lived in Sleaziana. Before that it was Chicago and/or New York. Now you're in Virginia.

Hey, show us some more fake mass shooting links from your perch there in ....... Wyoming.

Drinking and using meds....not a pretty look...doesn't help your posts either...

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