Fairy Moonbeam Brown certainly qualifies for hard prison time, if not a nice jaunt in front of a firing squad.
Calling a pardon "aiding and abetting" criminals is preposterous.

In this case, taken together with his “sanctuary” policies, denying that his conduct constitutes aiding and abetting criminals is preposterous. He is openly taking the side of criminals against that of the law-abiding. He is openly taking the side of foreign invaders against that of his own country and his own fellow Americans. It is preposterous for you to deny that this conduct on his part makes him a criminal and a traitor, who should be treated as such.
Do you know what, exactly, those "sanctuary" policies are? I heard someone going over them a couple weeks ago. California is not refusing to work with ICE. They are refusing to put on ICE jackets and do their work.

I'll tell you one thing: If I were governor and I had a vocal group of people calling my residents "foreign invaders," I'd do what I could to protect them, too.

If they are not that, then what are they?
Undocumented residents.
They are ILLEGALS NOT undocumented dumb ass.
Calling a pardon "aiding and abetting" criminals is preposterous.

In this case, taken together with his “sanctuary” policies, denying that his conduct constitutes aiding and abetting criminals is preposterous. He is openly taking the side of criminals against that of the law-abiding. He is openly taking the side of foreign invaders against that of his own country and his own fellow Americans. It is preposterous for you to deny that this conduct on his part makes him a criminal and a traitor, who should be treated as such.
Do you know what, exactly, those "sanctuary" policies are? I heard someone going over them a couple weeks ago. California is not refusing to work with ICE. They are refusing to put on ICE jackets and do their work.

I'll tell you one thing: If I were governor and I had a vocal group of people calling my residents "foreign invaders," I'd do what I could to protect them, too.

If they are not that, then what are they?
Undocumented residents.
They are ILLEGALS NOT undocumented dumb ass.
only the right wing gets upset over a civil offense.
you have to be un-American, stupid, PRO criminal, unlawful, etc to WANT illegals/undocumented foreigners/etc

Sweet does that mean we can deport Melania's family if she divorces Trump? Will Baron then be considered an anchor baby?
Wrong dumb fuck they are legal residents they have LEGALLY obtained either citizenship or Green Cards.

But they are part of chain migration that Trump says is wrong and bad for the country. Shouldn't he have to practice what he preaches?
In this case, taken together with his “sanctuary” policies, denying that his conduct constitutes aiding and abetting criminals is preposterous. He is openly taking the side of criminals against that of the law-abiding. He is openly taking the side of foreign invaders against that of his own country and his own fellow Americans. It is preposterous for you to deny that this conduct on his part makes him a criminal and a traitor, who should be treated as such.
Do you know what, exactly, those "sanctuary" policies are? I heard someone going over them a couple weeks ago. California is not refusing to work with ICE. They are refusing to put on ICE jackets and do their work.

I'll tell you one thing: If I were governor and I had a vocal group of people calling my residents "foreign invaders," I'd do what I could to protect them, too.

If they are not that, then what are they?
Undocumented residents.
They are ILLEGALS NOT undocumented dumb ass.
only the right wing gets upset over a civil offense.
only the left loves criminals/illegals and hate police/America
Do you know what, exactly, those "sanctuary" policies are? I heard someone going over them a couple weeks ago. California is not refusing to work with ICE. They are refusing to put on ICE jackets and do their work.

I'll tell you one thing: If I were governor and I had a vocal group of people calling my residents "foreign invaders," I'd do what I could to protect them, too.

If they are not that, then what are they?
Undocumented residents.
They are ILLEGALS NOT undocumented dumb ass.
only the right wing gets upset over a civil offense.
only the left loves criminals/illegals and hate police/America
can we give our Statue of Liberty back to the French, and blame the right wing?
the majority of ''illegals'' in this country come in via airplane, and have over stayed their visa, not on foot.
Who the hell cares, remove them all. And quit referring to them as undocumented or as immigrants they are ILLEGALS.
Duhhhh, read what I wrote silly one! I did NOT call them undocumented or immigrants so YOU need to calm yourself down!
the majority of ''illegals'' in this country come in via airplane, and have over stayed their visa, not on foot.
Who the hell cares, remove them all. And quit referring to them as undocumented or as immigrants they are ILLEGALS.
Duhhhh, read what I wrote silly one! I did NOT call them undocumented or immigrants so YOU need to calm yourself down!
You have in the past and more importantly the people you are defending in this thread call them that and you don't say a word about it. Same thing in my book.
Trump rips California governor for pardoning ex-cons facing deportation

President Trump took aim at California Gov. Jerry Brown on Saturday for pardoning five ex-convicts facing deportation, asking if residents of the Golden State “really want” such policies for criminal immigrants.

The president referred to Brown as “Moonbeam,” a nickname he was given in the late 1970s during his first time as governor for proposing a California space academy and later adopting a plan to launch and orbit a satellite for emergency communications.

“Governor Jerry 'Moonbeam' Brown pardoned 5 criminal illegal aliens whose crimes include (1) Kidnapping and Robbery (2) Badly beating wife and threatening a crime with intent to terrorize (3) Dealing drugs. Is this really what the great people of California want? @FoxNews,” tweeted Trump.

The president’s remarks follow Brown’s pardon Friday of 56 convicted felons, two of whom were members of families that fled the Khmer Rouge regime in Cambodia four decades ago.

It was the Democrat governor’s third consecutive pardon round in which he intervened on behalf of immigrants who faced deportation because of criminal conditions.

The pardons don’t automatically stop deportation proceedings, but they eliminate the state convictions on which federal authorities based their deportation decisions on.
the majority of ''illegals'' in this country come in via airplane, and have over stayed their visa, not on foot.
Who the hell cares, remove them all. And quit referring to them as undocumented or as immigrants they are ILLEGALS.
Duhhhh, read what I wrote silly one! I did NOT call them undocumented or immigrants so YOU need to calm yourself down!
You have in the past and more importantly the people you are defending in this thread call them that and you don't say a word about it. Same thing in my book.
Does it matter? If they are called Illegal immigrants or illegal aliens or undocumented immigrants?


So getting your panties in a wad over a "title" that covers them no matter which one is used, serves absolutely no purpose other than showing deep seeded hatred on your coat sleeve for all to see RGS...
Calling a pardon "aiding and abetting" criminals is preposterous.

In this case, taken together with his “sanctuary” policies, denying that his conduct constitutes aiding and abetting criminals is preposterous. He is openly taking the side of criminals against that of the law-abiding. He is openly taking the side of foreign invaders against that of his own country and his own fellow Americans. It is preposterous for you to deny that this conduct on his part makes him a criminal and a traitor, who should be treated as such.
Do you know what, exactly, those "sanctuary" policies are? I heard someone going over them a couple weeks ago. California is not refusing to work with ICE. They are refusing to put on ICE jackets and do their work.

I'll tell you one thing: If I were governor and I had a vocal group of people calling my residents "foreign invaders," I'd do what I could to protect them, too.

If they are not that, then what are they?
Undocumented residents.

Wrong. They have no right to reside here.

They entered by illegal means, which renders them invaders.
nope! not according to the law.....

They are not even felons if they enter illegally.

They become felons if they are caught, deported, and then return again illegally and caught again, then tried, convicted....
Last edited:
WRONG!!!! not jailed but HANGED for treason
pretty please stand by that stance, if your god Trump is charged with treason for aiding and abetting the enemy! :rolleyes:
what Brown is doing is obviously treason
you use the word ''if'' for Trump--exactly --if
of course what brown is doing is NOT treason.....

do you even know what treason is?
  1. the crime of betraying one's country, especially by attempting to kill the sovereign or overthrow the government.
these invaders are trying to destroy America.....Brown is helping them
What is considered treason in the US?

Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. No person shall be convicted of treason unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or on confession in open court.
Trump is like too many other people. He spends far too much time ridiculing others and not nearly enough time developing his own initiatives and expanding his own competence.
The pardons don’t automatically stop deportation proceedings, but they eliminate the state convictions on which federal authorities based their deportation decisions on.
Be that as it may, with regard to a state's code of laws, it is a governor's right and within his/her authority to determine whether a given offender's acts and intentions violate the a state's greater good. If one doesn't like a governor's decision(s) in that regard, one has several options:
  • If one resides in the governor's state:
    • Move to another state.
    • Advocate for the governor's removal and vote accordingly.
    • "Get over it."
    • Advocate for limitations on a governor's pardoning power.
  • If one does not reside in the governor's state:
    • Move to the state and advocate for the governor's removal and vote accordingly.
    • Move to the state and advocate for limitations on a governor's pardoning power.
    • "Get over it."
Mexico is not an enemy nation, nor are we at war with them, cold war or physical war.
Trump is like too many other people. He spends far too much time ridiculing others and not nearly enough time developing his own initiatives and expanding his own competence.
The pardons don’t automatically stop deportation proceedings, but they eliminate the state convictions on which federal authorities based their deportation decisions on.
Be that as it may, with regard to a state's code of laws, it is a governor's right and within his/her authority to determine whether a given offender's acts and intentions violate the a state's greater good. If one doesn't like a governor's decision(s) in that regard, one has several options:
  • If one resides in the governor's state:
    • Move to another state.
    • Advocate for the governor's removal and vote accordingly.
    • "Get over it."
    • Advocate for limitations on a governor's pardoning power.
  • If one does not reside in the governor's state:
    • Move to the state and advocate for the governor's removal and vote accordingly.
    • Move to the state and advocate for limitations on a governor's pardoning power.
    • "Get over it."
Or cut all federal funding to California, set random roads blocks for roads leading out, and check their legal status. If your illegal, you stay in California. Use the rejected funds to pay for the road blocks. That way citizens can leave and illegals stay, let California become more of a Shit hole than it already is.
When you know that the legislature of your state is releasing dangerous criminals back on the streets to prey upon the citizens, it is best to take advantage of whatever gun laws are afforded to you. In some cases, it might be necessary to wear a side arm within your home and be ready at all times.
When you know that the legislature of your state is releasing dangerous criminals back on the streets to prey upon the citizens, it is best to take advantage of whatever gun laws are afforded to you. In some cases, it might be necessary to wear a side arm within your home and be ready at all times.
Good advice but it's California - only celebrities, judges and state congress people are given the blessing to carry
Trump rips California governor for pardoning ex-cons facing deportation

President Trump took aim at California Gov. Jerry Brown on Saturday for pardoning five ex-convicts facing deportation, asking if residents of the Golden State “really want” such policies for criminal immigrants.

The president referred to Brown as “Moonbeam,” a nickname he was given in the late 1970s during his first time as governor for proposing a California space academy and later adopting a plan to launch and orbit a satellite for emergency communications.

“Governor Jerry 'Moonbeam' Brown pardoned 5 criminal illegal aliens whose crimes include (1) Kidnapping and Robbery (2) Badly beating wife and threatening a crime with intent to terrorize (3) Dealing drugs. Is this really what the great people of California want? @FoxNews,” tweeted Trump.

The president’s remarks follow Brown’s pardon Friday of 56 convicted felons, two of whom were members of families that fled the Khmer Rouge regime in Cambodia four decades ago.

It was the Democrat governor’s third consecutive pardon round in which he intervened on behalf of immigrants who faced deportation because of criminal conditions.

The pardons don’t automatically stop deportation proceedings, but they eliminate the state convictions on which federal authorities based their deportation decisions on.

deport them anyway
Trump rips California governor for pardoning ex-cons facing deportation

President Trump took aim at California Gov. Jerry Brown on Saturday for pardoning five ex-convicts facing deportation, asking if residents of the Golden State “really want” such policies for criminal immigrants.

The president referred to Brown as “Moonbeam,” a nickname he was given in the late 1970s during his first time as governor for proposing a California space academy and later adopting a plan to launch and orbit a satellite for emergency communications.

“Governor Jerry 'Moonbeam' Brown pardoned 5 criminal illegal aliens whose crimes include (1) Kidnapping and Robbery (2) Badly beating wife and threatening a crime with intent to terrorize (3) Dealing drugs. Is this really what the great people of California want? @FoxNews,” tweeted Trump.

The president’s remarks follow Brown’s pardon Friday of 56 convicted felons, two of whom were members of families that fled the Khmer Rouge regime in Cambodia four decades ago.

It was the Democrat governor’s third consecutive pardon round in which he intervened on behalf of immigrants who faced deportation because of criminal conditions.

The pardons don’t automatically stop deportation proceedings, but they eliminate the state convictions on which federal authorities based their deportation decisions on.
Federal authorities need to stop playing pattycake. ALL illegal aliens should be deported. No decision making is needed
(waste of time & effort) .

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