Governor Cuomo accused of sexual harassment by former aide

Frankly, my view is that you and your ilk are being brainwashed and grifted by Trump. I also watched videos and heard him live.

Apparently you haven't because all your talking points sound like an echo chamber from CNN. What CNN tells you Trump said and what he actually said are two different things.
Yes, it's a big deal...many deaths were likely preventable....putting sick people, in the home with other elderly people who we know were much more greatly impacted by the virus..was wrong.

Except that NY didn't do anything that the other states didn't do, and they all had high death rates in Nursing homes, because there was no where else to really put these folks.

No there was more hospital beds provided by Trump, that Cuomo requested, then didn't use.

No, the guidelines did not say that, they gave a specific guide as to when or it what conditions that was possible, and Cuomo ignored it, and order them returned....causing spread and death

Yes, the guidelines did say that.
No, the hospital beds on the drafty ship were not appropriate for anyone, which is why no doctors sent their patients there. Do you really think that Cuomo was making medical decisions on individual cases? Nope. That was doctors and medical administrators who realized "Meh, we can send granny back to her nursing home, where she'll be comfortable in her own room with people who've been taking care of her for years, or we can send her to a leaky, crowded ship."

"Retard"? Seriously, that term is very offensive.....something a neanderthal would

Sorry, man, the Right seems to be all retards these days... And I shall call you, "Corky" from now on.
Yeah, he got involved with a hot young spy from an enemy country as a rising politician, and had no clue? You have to be kidding me. The the Democrats kept it secret and then put him on the House intelligence committee? Really? Why would you put a sucker like Swalwell in such a position? If he can be compromised once, he can be compromised a hundred times.

Except no one proved Fang-fang got anything of any value...

You don't think we aren't sending over pretty blondes to fuck low-level Chinese officials? or does the thought the CIA does this make you sooooo angry?
Yes, it's a big deal...many deaths were likely preventable....putting sick people, in the home with other elderly people who we know were much more greatly impacted by the virus..was wrong.

Except that NY didn't do anything that the other states didn't do, and they all had high death rates in Nursing homes, because there was no where else to really put these folks.

No there was more hospital beds provided by Trump, that Cuomo requested, then didn't use.

No, the guidelines did not say that, they gave a specific guide as to when or it what conditions that was possible, and Cuomo ignored it, and order them returned....causing spread and death

Yes, the guidelines did say that.
No, the hospital beds on the drafty ship were not appropriate for anyone, which is why no doctors sent their patients there. Do you really think that Cuomo was making medical decisions on individual cases? Nope. That was doctors and medical administrators who realized "Meh, we can send granny back to her nursing home, where she'll be comfortable in her own room with people who've been taking care of her for years, or we can send her to a leaky, crowded ship."

"Retard"? Seriously, that term is very offensive.....something a neanderthal would

Sorry, man, the Right seems to be all retards these days... And I shall call you, "Corky" from now on.
Yes, they did, they completely ignored teh guidelines on nursing homes, and forced sick folks back in with none sick elderly people. There was space, unused space, space provided by the Feds...and if the ship is good enough for our wounded soldiers, it's good enough for citizens of NYC
but it just wasn't the boat:

No, the guidelines did not say that, the guidelines gave very specific conditions on when they could be returned and Cuomo ignored them. PolitiFact - New York’s nursing home policy was not fully in line with CDC

Yes, Cuomo made the decsion, against the advice of experts, and forced Nursing Homes to take Covid positive people back, even if the experts at the Home were against's the Order: _NHAdmissionsReadmissions_ 032520.pdf

“No resident shall be denied re-admission or admission to the (nursing home) solely based on a confirmed or suspected diagnosis of COVID-19.”

Nursing homes are also "prohibited from requiring a hospitalized resident who is determined medically stable to be tested for COVID-19 prior to admission or readmission,” according to the order.

I don't expect you to actually get informed about what happened and continue to defend this genocide, and attempted coverup by your party. I, in fact know you won't, given your usage of the horrible word and mocking of people with disabilities People with mental disabilities have the ability to learn, Dembots don't

Frankly, my view is that you and your ilk are being brainwashed and grifted by Trump. I also watched videos and heard him live.

Apparently you haven't because all your talking points sound like an echo chamber from CNN. What CNN tells you Trump said and what he actually said are two different things.
What I heard while watching Trump squawk and what you are selling are 2 different things.
Except no one proved Fang-fang got anything of any value...

You don't think we aren't sending over pretty blondes to fuck low-level Chinese officials? or does the thought the CIA does this make you sooooo angry?

I seriously doubt that because the Chinese are so much smarter than Democrats. They would never fall for that, and anybody that did in government power would be executed or imprisoned for the rest of their life, not awarded for their stupidity like Democrats do here.

In a relationship you have trust. That means one morning when he went out to get coffee or breakfast, he left here all alone in his home and home office. God only knows what she did get her hands on. I'm sure as a spy, she memorized the pass code to his smart phone, and who knows what she was doing in the middle of the night with it while he was passed out from being drunk. We just don't know.

What we do know is that he was not smart enough to have the CIA or FBI check her out first. What we do know is he obviously didn't ask anybody for advice. Had he done that, they would have told him she was whoring around with all kinds of Democrat politicians, and that would have told him what she was actually all about.
Except that NY didn't do anything that the other states didn't do, and they all had high death rates in Nursing homes, because there was no where else to really put these folks.

You have no idea what you're talking about. Many states did much better.

On March 9, Veronica Catoe, the CEO of the Florida Assisted Living Association, was called into the state Emergency Operations Center to discuss a growing concern. How would millions of confined elderly residents withstand the onslaught of a novel respiratory virus?

Catoe said she’d never met Emergency Management Division Director Jared Moskowitz before that day. At that moment, she felt part of the decision process.

So it surprised Catoe when, five days later, DeSantis’ administration dropped a stunning order: Most visitors would be barred from entering the state’s 4,000 long-term care facilities.

“There was no collaboration, it just came out,” Catoe said recently. “Initially, it was extremely hard for providers.”

Ultimately, Catoe said DeSantis made the right call. Not only did he end visitation at long-term care centers, he stopped hospitals from transferring COVID-positive patients back to their original facilities. New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, whom DeSantis has used as a foil throughout the pandemic, directed facilities to accept COVID-positive transfers, and the results were disastrous.

Read more here:
What I heard while watching Trump squawk and what you are selling are 2 different things.

Be honest, you didn't even watch it. He said the virus was the Democrats new hoax, not that the virus was the hoax.
What the hell are you saying? Oh, He said that it was the Democrat's hoax, as if
it didn't exist, except in the mind of the Democrats. ????

At the time he said that, Covid was no more of a threat to us than ebola or H1N1. It was around, but nothing we really had to be concerned about. What Trump basically said is that the Democrats were politicizing this non-serious threat to try and make him look bad. He didn't say there was no such thing as Covid which is what a hoax of the virus would have been. He said the Democrats are using it as a hoax against him.
What I heard while watching Trump squawk and what you are selling are 2 different things.

Be honest, you didn't even watch it. He said the virus was the Democrats new hoax, not that the virus was the hoax.
What the hell are you saying? Oh, He said that it was the Democrat's hoax, as if
it didn't exist, except in the mind of the Democrats. ????

At the time he said that, Covid was no more of a threat to us than ebola or H1N1. It was around, but nothing we really had to be concerned about. What Trump basically said is that the Democrats were politicizing this non-serious threat to try and make him look bad. He didn't say there was no such thing as Covid which is what a hoax of the virus would have been. He said the Democrats are using it as a hoax against him.
'A non-serious threat' is how he put it and blamed the Dems for a "hoax".
Was it a hoax? No, and it was serious when trump said it was not serious even though he knew differently. A con man.
If there were justice under liberal rules (guilty by accusation) he'd be decorating a lamp post on a Harlem street corner already.

Justice delays is justice denied! Right, liberals???
Yes, they did, they completely ignored teh guidelines on nursing homes, and forced sick folks back in with none sick elderly people. There was space, unused space, space provided by the Feds...and if the ship is good enough for our wounded soldiers, it's good enough for citizens of NYC

Uh, not really. You see, the thing is, the purpose of a hospital ship is different from a hospital. It patches up the wounded until they can be evaced to higher level care. Good for urgent care, not so good for long term care.

Oh, all those folks in nursing homes have some kind of medical issue, or they wouldn't be in nursing homes. The guidelines by the feds was to isolate them in place if their cases weren't serious, but move them to hospitals if they were. This all in the early stages of the pandemic where there wasn't enough PPE, ventilators, etc.
Was it a hoax? No, and it was serious when trump said it was not serious even though he knew differently. A con man.

It was not serious. He made that statement at the end of February. Even in March, a month later, it was Dr. Fauci that said masks were not necessary. Covid didn't actually become a problem until April. Sorry you can't accept the truth. But even leftists factcheck agrees with me:

I seriously doubt that because the Chinese are so much smarter than Democrats. They would never fall for that, and anybody that did in government power would be executed or imprisoned for the rest of their life, not awarded for their stupidity like Democrats do here.

Really? If anything, they'd probably be more susceptible to espionage, because they aren't the ones doing well in the system. You don't think we're using sexy agents, you are deluded.

In a relationship you have trust. That means one morning when he went out to get coffee or breakfast, he left here all alone in his home and home office. God only knows what she did get her hands on. I'm sure as a spy, she memorized the pass code to his smart phone, and who knows what she was doing in the middle of the night with it while he was passed out from being drunk. We just don't know.

Lots of speculation. Was their relationship that close? No one has said it was, that they were even sleeping together, much less she had access to his home computer.

What we do know is that he was not smart enough to have the CIA or FBI check her out first. What we do know is he obviously didn't ask anybody for advice. Had he done that, they would have told him she was whoring around with all kinds of Democrat politicians, and that would have told him what she was actually all about.

Why would you have the FBI or CIA check out your girlfriend? I'm sure if he did that, you'd be out here screaming on how he is wasting government resources. Do you have any evidence she was whoring around? SHe maybe dated four guys during a 5 year period... most single women are whores by that definition.
Yes, they did, they completely ignored teh guidelines on nursing homes, and forced sick folks back in with none sick elderly people. There was space, unused space, space provided by the Feds...and if the ship is good enough for our wounded soldiers, it's good enough for citizens of NYC

Uh, not really. You see, the thing is, the purpose of a hospital ship is different from a hospital. It patches up the wounded until they can be evaced to higher level care. Good for urgent care, not so good for long term care.

Oh, all those folks in nursing homes have some kind of medical issue, or they wouldn't be in nursing homes. The guidelines by the feds was to isolate them in place if their cases weren't serious, but move them to hospitals if they were. This all in the early stages of the pandemic where there wasn't enough PPE, ventilators, etc.
No, they are freaking hospital ships there for formatted to deal with patients. The US Navy happens to be able to handle all sorts of situations

They have been deployed to handle aftermaths of hurricanes,....anything from basic medical needs to surgeries The ships as I highlighted where the only things available, they also set up mobil hospitals. The folks in the nursing homes, didn't have to leave the hospital....they could have stayed there....and not brought back...that was the problem.

Cuomo ignored the CDC guidelines PolitiFact - New York’s nursing home policy was not fully in line with CDC

Then lied about it, and attempted to cover up the numbers....
No, they are freaking hospital ships there for formatted to deal with patients. The US Navy happens to be able to handle all sorts of situations

Obviously, you've never been treated in a military medical facility. Here's the main point... They are already working with a population that is young and healthy.

Wow, so you think that "ignored Guidelines" is equal to "not fully in line". Really?
Really? If anything, they'd probably be more susceptible to espionage, because they aren't the ones doing well in the system. You don't think we're using sexy agents, you are deluded.

I seriously doubt it. This spy left the US untouched. That doesn't happen to our spies in other countries. They are prosecuted and imprisoned.

Lots of speculation. Was their relationship that close? No one has said it was, that they were even sleeping together, much less she had access to his home computer.

She was with him for some time, even helped on his various campaigns. When the news came out about their intimate relationship, neither Swalwell nor the commies denied it. They just passed the word to their buddies in the MSM to leave it alone so it would die, which it did as always.

Why would you have the FBI or CIA check out your girlfriend?

Because he was a rising star in politics and she was from Communist China???? :eusa_shhh:

I'm sure if he did that, you'd be out here screaming on how he is wasting government resources. Do you have any evidence she was whoring around? SHe maybe dated four guys during a 5 year period... most single women are whores by that definition.

She was sleeping with other Democrat politicians. They were from the area of Silicone Valley like Swalwell. You know, that area the Chinese are dying to get into?
I seriously doubt it. This spy left the US untouched. That doesn't happen to our spies in other countries. They are prosecuted and imprisoned.

Really? How many American Spies have the Chinese caught in the last decade? Can you link to a story about one?

And I mean American spies, not Chinese nationals who got accused of passing secrets.

She was with him for some time, even helped on his various campaigns. When the news came out about their intimate relationship, neither Swalwell nor the commies denied it. They just passed the word to their buddies in the MSM to leave it alone so it would die, which it did as always.

Because it's a non-story. Eric Swalwell has Yellow Fever is not a big story, man.

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