Governor Cuomo accused of sexual harassment by former aide

Really? How many American Spies have the Chinese caught in the last decade? Can you link to a story about one?

And I mean American spies, not Chinese nationals who got accused of passing secrets.

You only make my point. We are not sending hot American women to sleep with people in the Chinese government. That's why none were convicted or imprisoned. If we did and it was leaked to he press, can you imagine how revolted the women's movement would be?

Because it's a non-story. Eric Swalwell has Yellow Fever is not a big story, man.

It is when he's in the Congress and possibly leaked or allowed confidential or classified information to be given to her.
No, they are freaking hospital ships there for formatted to deal with patients. The US Navy happens to be able to handle all sorts of situations

Obviously, you've never been treated in a military medical facility. Here's the main point... They are already working with a population that is young and healthy.

Wow, so you think that "ignored Guidelines" is equal to "not fully in line". Really?
There was no other patients on the ship or in the mobil hospitals They were set up just for NY

yep, he ignored them and lied.

Your continued to defense of his deadly policies....and attempted cover up is noted. Cuomo was out writing a book to get rich off the Chinese Virus, and the Dems loved him, gave him a freaking Emmy for his lies.....sad...he's sick and the propagandist that sold his lies are sick....but what's sad is the Dembots that continue to defend his deadly acts
You only make my point. We are not sending hot American women to sleep with people in the Chinese government. That's why none were convicted or imprisoned. If we did and it was leaked to he press, can you imagine how revolted the women's movement would be?

They'd probably be, You go Girl. Hey, I remember how hot Valerie Plame was before Bush outed her.

It is when he's in the Congress and possibly leaked or allowed confidential or classified information to be given to her.

"possibly". Get back to me when you prove he "definitely" did it. Trump "probably" colluded with the Russians.
There was no other patients on the ship or in the mobil hospitals They were set up just for NY

And they were useless for the purpose. Chicago did the same thing, we set up a huge hospital in the McCormack Center, and it was never used. The problem? Not enough PPE, ventilators, doctors and nurses.

Your continued to defense of his deadly policies....and attempted cover up is noted. Cuomo was out writing a book to get rich off the Chinese Virus, and the Dems loved him, gave him a freaking Emmy for his lies.....sad...he's sick and the propagandist that sold his lies are sick....but what's sad is the Dembots that continue to defend his deadly acts

The only guy who had deadly acts was Trump.

He called it a hoax.
He told people to drink bleach and shove UV lights up their ass.
He disbanded the Pandemic response team
He stopped cooperating with the WHO
He held super-spreader events.

All Cuomo did was record some numbers in the wrong column.
You only make my point. We are not sending hot American women to sleep with people in the Chinese government. That's why none were convicted or imprisoned. If we did and it was leaked to he press, can you imagine how revolted the women's movement would be?

They'd probably be, You go Girl. Hey, I remember how hot Valerie Plame was before Bush outed her.

It is when he's in the Congress and possibly leaked or allowed confidential or classified information to be given to her.

"possibly". Get back to me when you prove he "definitely" did it. Trump "probably" colluded with the Russians.
Sorry, we had not one but two investigations into Trump and Russia.....we knew in 2016 there was no conspiracy with, but that didn't keep the Obamagate gang from conspiring to reopen the investigation after he won, and undermine the new admin....we then had a second probe, that lasted two plus years...full of lies and propaganda....but when done, Mueller made clear there was none.
There was no other patients on the ship or in the mobil hospitals They were set up just for NY

And they were useless for the purpose. Chicago did the same thing, we set up a huge hospital in the McCormack Center, and it was never used. The problem? Not enough PPE, ventilators, doctors and nurses.

Your continued to defense of his deadly policies....and attempted cover up is noted. Cuomo was out writing a book to get rich off the Chinese Virus, and the Dems loved him, gave him a freaking Emmy for his lies.....sad...he's sick and the propagandist that sold his lies are sick....but what's sad is the Dembots that continue to defend his deadly acts

The only guy who had deadly acts was Trump.

He called it a hoax.
He told people to drink bleach and shove UV lights up their ass.
He disbanded the Pandemic response team
He stopped cooperating with the WHO
He held super-spreader events.

All Cuomo did was record some numbers in the wrong column.
No the military provided medical staff and supplies in NY....not sure about Chicago..

Nope, Trump didn't cause Cuomo to ignore the guidelines and force the medical community to violate them as well and send the elderly off to die and spread the virus.....he also didn't cause Cuomo to lie and attempt to cover it up. Your deflection and inability to accept the truth highlights the DNC cult has taken you in worries, you won't have to go to Xiden's re-education centers on the border
Sorry, we had not one but two investigations into Trump and Russia.....we knew in 2016 there was no conspiracy with, but that didn't keep the Obamagate gang from conspiring to reopen the investigation after he won, and undermine the new admin....we then had a second probe, that lasted two plus years...full of lies and propaganda....but when done, Mueller made clear there was none.

You guys had 8 investigations into Benghazi.

let's try having an investigation into Russia where POTUS isn't running interference, see how that works out, 'kay? worries, you won't have to go to Xiden's re-education centers on the border know you guys sound crazier each day.
Sorry, we had not one but two investigations into Trump and Russia.....we knew in 2016 there was no conspiracy with, but that didn't keep the Obamagate gang from conspiring to reopen the investigation after he won, and undermine the new admin....we then had a second probe, that lasted two plus years...full of lies and propaganda....but when done, Mueller made clear there was none.

You guys had 8 investigations into Benghazi.

let's try having an investigation into Russia where POTUS isn't running interference, see how that works out, 'kay? worries, you won't have to go to Xiden's re-education centers on the border know you guys sound crazier each day.
There was no criminal probe of Benghazi.....Congress has probes, and we found out a lot of mistakes by the Biden admin, that's what oversight is all about, and fixed those mistakes Not sure what that has to do with my post though.

We did.......we had one where Trump fully cooperated, in an unprecedented manner...not once claiming Executive Priv against Mueller.....sorry you can't accept the results.....but really not've been programmed very well it seems by the leftist cult.....
We did.......we had one where Trump fully cooperated, in an unprecedented manner...not once claiming Executive Priv against Mueller.....sorry you can't accept the results.....but really not've been programmed very well it seems by the leftist cult.....

By fully cooperated, you mean offer pardons to anyone who kept his mouth shut... Sure.
We did.......we had one where Trump fully cooperated, in an unprecedented manner...not once claiming Executive Priv against Mueller.....sorry you can't accept the results.....but really not've been programmed very well it seems by the leftist cult.....

By fully cooperated, you mean offer pardons to anyone who kept his mouth shut... Sure.
When you have to resort to making things up....then you've already lost...I tip my hat to the propagandist who have taken you fully in
When you have to resort to making things up....then you've already lost...I tip my hat to the propagandist who have taken you fully in

He pardoned Flynn and Manafort. Do you really think there wasn't a deal made there? Are you that naïve ?
Flynn deserved it, but that pardon wasn't promised...Flynn spoke with the Mueller team.

No pardons were offered during the investigation....just rubbish on your part, and back to making things up. Mueller conducted a fully, deep investigation and cleared the President and campaign.....just as Clapper, and the Obama Admin concluded in 2016 before the Obamagate gang met and planed their attack on the incoming admin
Was it a hoax? No, and it was serious when trump said it was not serious even though he knew differently. A con man.

It was not serious. He made that statement at the end of February. Even in March, a month later, it was Dr. Fauci that said masks were not necessary. Covid didn't actually become a problem until April. Sorry you can't accept the truth. But even leftists factcheck agrees with me:

Understand that it was very serious and it was brand new to the world stage.
That Fauci may or may not have said no masks were necessary is irrelevant, as the medical community was first learning about this virus and how to deal with it. Trump admitted, in an interview with Bob Woodward, that he knew that it was serious but he didn't want to panic the populace. Of course, the populace had every right to know in order to prepare for the virus onslaught. So what was the "hoax" perpetrated by the Democrats? There was no "hoax" nor is there any excuse for Trump's 2-month delay in dealing with it while he ranted about the Democratic "hoax".
Wasn't serious, eh?
On 30 January 2020, the Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the outbreak of COVID-19 to be a Public Health Emergency of International Concern and issued a set of Temporary Recommendations.
If there were justice under liberal rules (guilty by accusation) he'd be decorating a lamp post on a Harlem street corner already.

Justice delays is justice denied! Right, liberals???
I think those are Trump's rules, yes?
Understand that it was very serious and it was brand new to the world stage.
That Fauci may or may not have said no masks were necessary is irrelevant, as the medical community was first learning about this virus and how to deal with it. Trump admitted, in an interview with Bob Woodward, that he knew that it was serious but he didn't want to panic the populace. Of course, the populace had every right to know in order to prepare for the virus onslaught. So what was the "hoax" perpetrated by the Democrats? There was no "hoax" nor is there any excuse for Trump's 2-month delay in dealing with it while he ranted about the Democratic "hoax".
Wasn't serious, eh?
On 30 January 2020, the Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the outbreak of COVID-19 to be a Public Health Emergency of International Concern and issued a set of Temporary Recommendations.

It was serious but nobody knew it at the time. The public knew about it as soon as we got the information. However because we believed it was not likely to be a problem here, we didn't take many precautions, just like we didn't for H1N1, Ebola, West Niles virus, none of those things. How many years of deadly diseases and viruses did we live through just fine without lifting a finger? We expected Covid to be the same.

It's so easy being critical looking in the rear view mirror, isn't it? You armchair quarterbacks always have the answers, don't you? 200,000 Americans lost their lives to the common flu during the 2 terms of DumBama. Are you going to blame him for that? If not, why not? After all, we've had flu vaccines for decades, and he still allowed it to happen. :eusa_shhh: We knew and had generations of research on the flu. No excuse for it, right? It was all his fault, right?

Trump is no more responsible for Covid than he was for the California wildfires, or Bush was for hurricanes. You leftists lie so much you don't realize how obvious you are when you do it, because you do it constantly.

You guys had 8 investigations into Benghazi.

let's try having an investigation into Russia where POTUS isn't running interference, see how that works out, 'kay?

Trump never interfered once in the phony Russia probe. Mueller hired all anti-Trump lawyers for his team. As a major member of the deep state, he still couldn't find shit because there was nothing to find. Trump was a private citizen when he ran for the presidency; no political power and no international ties. The only people who colluded with the Russians were Hillary and the DNC, getting their phony information from them through a foreign agent. They even tried to cover it up by laundering money through a law firm instead of writing the checks themselves.
All Cuomo did was record some numbers in the wrong column.

Horse shit. He ordered nursing homes to allow hospital patients with Covid back into those facilities, even after they warned him they didn't have the resources to deal with the problem.
They'd probably be, You go Girl. Hey, I remember how hot Valerie Plame was before Bush outed her.

Bush didn't out anybody. More communist lies is all, just like Trump and the Russians. It was Richard Armitage that leaked her name, but nothing happened to the guy because he was also well liked by the Communists. All that talk about putting an agents life on the line, destroying our agencies credibility, making it more dangerous for other agents in the future, all lies. When they found out who it really was, they didn't even fine the guy.

Instead, the commies tried to lockup Libby for near life because he didn't answer some questions correctly. Like I said, the Democrats are nothing but a bunch of Nazis that need to be defeated.

"possibly". Get back to me when you prove he "definitely" did it. Trump "probably" colluded with the Russians.

Well when you can have them launch a 30 million dollar investigation into it, then make that claim. But commies protect their own. It made the media for less than a week, disappeared, and he kept his position on the House Intelligence committee, and even played a role in the second phony impeachment of Trump.
Understand that it was very serious and it was brand new to the world stage.
That Fauci may or may not have said no masks were necessary is irrelevant, as the medical community was first learning about this virus and how to deal with it. Trump admitted, in an interview with Bob Woodward, that he knew that it was serious but he didn't want to panic the populace. Of course, the populace had every right to know in order to prepare for the virus onslaught. So what was the "hoax" perpetrated by the Democrats? There was no "hoax" nor is there any excuse for Trump's 2-month delay in dealing with it while he ranted about the Democratic "hoax".
Wasn't serious, eh?
On 30 January 2020, the Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the outbreak of COVID-19 to be a Public Health Emergency of International Concern and issued a set of Temporary Recommendations.

It was serious but nobody knew it at the time. The public knew about it as soon as we got the information. However because we believed it was not likely to be a problem here, we didn't take many precautions, just like we didn't for H1N1, Ebola, West Niles virus, none of those things. How many years of deadly diseases and viruses did we live through just fine without lifting a finger? We expected Covid to be the same.

It's so easy being critical looking in the rear view mirror, isn't it? You armchair quarterbacks always have the answers, don't you? 200,000 Americans lost their lives to the common flu during the 2 terms of DumBama. Are you going to blame him for that? If not, why not? After all, we've had flu vaccines for decades, and he still allowed it to happen. :eusa_shhh: We knew and had generations of research on the flu. No excuse for it, right? It was all his fault, right?

Trump is no more responsible for Covid than he was for the California wildfires, or Bush was for hurricanes. You leftists lie so much you don't realize how obvious you are when you do it, because you do it constantly.

The blob is not responsible for the covid virus. He is responsible for his denials, his
"hoax" claims, and his approach to the pandemic. You blob supporters have more excuses for the blob's fuck-ups than Carter has peanuts. The WHO announced that it was very serious early on and the blob refuted that claim by saying that we had it under control and that it would soon disappear.
Your ridiculous comment about 200,000 deaths during Obama's years is patently FALSE. Out of the blob's lying mouth and into your manipulated ears:

President Obama declared H1N1 a public health ... - PolitiFact › factchecks › mar ›

Claim: Says President Barack Obama “waited six months to call swine flu an emergency after thousands died.”
CIA’s hookers can easily operate in the U.S., too, and not have to travel so far. The pathology of these opportunist sleep-ups may have intensified during this pandemic of the communist virus, and we know that the girls love to be in style by mimicking their sisters.

’She can play all the roles. But is this because she enjoys a solid identity, a fantastic power of identification, or because she has none at all? Surely because she has none. But the trick is to know — as she does — how to exploit this fantastic absence of identity.’
(Baudrillard, The Laying -Off of Desire)

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