Governor Cuomo accused of sexual harassment by former aide

You guys had 8 investigations into Benghazi.

let's try having an investigation into Russia where POTUS isn't running interference, see how that works out, 'kay?

Trump never interfered once in the phony Russia probe. Mueller hired all anti-Trump lawyers for his team. As a major member of the deep state, he still couldn't find shit because there was nothing to find. Trump was a private citizen when he ran for the presidency; no political power and no international ties. The only people who colluded with the Russians were Hillary and the DNC, getting their phony information from them through a foreign agent. They even tried to cover it up by laundering money through a law firm instead of writing the checks themselves.
Trump didn't interfere with the Mueller probe? Really?? What rock have you been hiding under? Throughout his term, Trump impeded anything that had to do with his nefarious activities when he should have let the DOJ do its job. He even hired a lap dog as AG to do his bidding.
Did Trump and His Team Successfully Obstruct Mueller's ... › did-trump-and-his-team-success...

Jun 25, 2019 — Special Counsel Robert Mueller documented efforts by the Trump campaign to impede his investigation into Russia's attack on our election.
Well we can take your word for it, and some propagandist...or we can go right to Mueller...he did testify under oath:


At any time in the investigation, was your investigation curtailed or stopped or hindered?

We all know what Trump tried to do, whether you twist or not.
what am I twisting? Those are Mueller's's obvious at this point you won't accept the results of any investigation and are always going to be tied up in your imaginary the chum the propagandist toss out for their little dembot fish
His words don't mean that Trump didn't attempt to interfere.
Other then he was the one leading the investigation and he said he didn't....gotcha...yeah yeah we get it, you won't accept the Mueller or his report.....
I certainly do accept Mueller and his report, which accused Trump of having culpability. No you don't "gotcha....yeah we get it" because you don't get it.

Trump threatens lawsuits over Mueller probe - POLITICO › news › 2020/02/18 › donald-trum...

Feb 18, 2020 — President Donald Trump on Tuesday threatened to file retaliatory lawsuits "all ... to have incurred as a result of former special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation. ... "These were Mueller prosecutors, and the whole Mueller ... The former special counsel's work led to Stone's arrest in January 2019 and ...
If obstructing justice in the Dems campaign to kill grandparents wasn't it appears the they have resorted back to their old Clinton playbook and started witness tampering as a smear and retaliation campaign has been launched against Cuomo's victims....
You guys had 8 investigations into Benghazi.

let's try having an investigation into Russia where POTUS isn't running interference, see how that works out, 'kay?

Trump never interfered once in the phony Russia probe. Mueller hired all anti-Trump lawyers for his team. As a major member of the deep state, he still couldn't find shit because there was nothing to find. Trump was a private citizen when he ran for the presidency; no political power and no international ties. The only people who colluded with the Russians were Hillary and the DNC, getting their phony information from them through a foreign agent. They even tried to cover it up by laundering money through a law firm instead of writing the checks themselves.
Trump didn't interfere with the Mueller probe? Really?? What rock have you been hiding under? Throughout his term, Trump impeded anything that had to do with his nefarious activities when he should have let the DOJ do its job. He even hired a lap dog as AG to do his bidding.
Did Trump and His Team Successfully Obstruct Mueller's ... › did-trump-and-his-team-success...

Jun 25, 2019 — Special Counsel Robert Mueller documented efforts by the Trump campaign to impede his investigation into Russia's attack on our election.
Well we can take your word for it, and some propagandist...or we can go right to Mueller...he did testify under oath:


At any time in the investigation, was your investigation curtailed or stopped or hindered?

We all know what Trump tried to do, whether you twist or not.
what am I twisting? Those are Mueller's's obvious at this point you won't accept the results of any investigation and are always going to be tied up in your imaginary the chum the propagandist toss out for their little dembot fish
His words don't mean that Trump didn't attempt to interfere.
Other then he was the one leading the investigation and he said he didn't....gotcha...yeah yeah we get it, you won't accept the Mueller or his report.....
I certainly do accept Mueller and his report, which accused Trump of having culpability. No you don't "gotcha....yeah we get it" because you don't get it.
Trump threatens lawsuits over Mueller probe - POLITICO › news › 2020/02/18 › donald-trum...

Feb 18, 2020 — President Donald Trump on Tuesday threatened to file retaliatory lawsuits "all ... to have incurred as a result of former special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation. ... "These were Mueller prosecutors, and the whole Mueller ... The former special counsel's work led to Stone's arrest in January 2019 and ...
Why does every thread get turned into trump?
You people are fucking OBSESSED
Gov. Cuomo accused of sexual harassment by former aide | Fox News

A former aide to Gov. Andrew Cuomo is accusing the embattled New York leader of sexually harassing her -- including unwanted kissing and touching -- and says his top female staffers "normalized" the behavior.
"Let’s play strip poker," Boylan said Cuomo remarked on a flight from an event in October 2017, according to an essay she wrote on Medium published Wednesday.
In another encounter in December 2016, Boylan said Cuomo arranged through a handler to meet her in his Albany office, to which she agreed reluctantly. She said he gave her a tour of his office, "smirked" and showed off a cigar box he said was given to him by former President Bill Clinton while he served as the secretary of Housing and Urban Development.
Boylan said she interpreted that to be an innuendo referencing the affair between Clinton and his then-intern Monica Lewinsky in the mid-1990s. :lol:

Boylan said his behavior "was all so normalized — particularly by Melissa DeRosa and other top women around him — that only now do I realize how insidious his abuse was."

It keeps getting worse for ol' Cuomo
I believe these women are being truthful, just as I believe the 23 women who accused Trump of sexual misconduct. You and your ilk called these women all liars because they had no proof, and yet you seem to support Cuomo's accusers who also have no proof. Curious, yes?
You guys had 8 investigations into Benghazi.

let's try having an investigation into Russia where POTUS isn't running interference, see how that works out, 'kay?

Trump never interfered once in the phony Russia probe. Mueller hired all anti-Trump lawyers for his team. As a major member of the deep state, he still couldn't find shit because there was nothing to find. Trump was a private citizen when he ran for the presidency; no political power and no international ties. The only people who colluded with the Russians were Hillary and the DNC, getting their phony information from them through a foreign agent. They even tried to cover it up by laundering money through a law firm instead of writing the checks themselves.
Trump didn't interfere with the Mueller probe? Really?? What rock have you been hiding under? Throughout his term, Trump impeded anything that had to do with his nefarious activities when he should have let the DOJ do its job. He even hired a lap dog as AG to do his bidding.
Did Trump and His Team Successfully Obstruct Mueller's ... › did-trump-and-his-team-success...

Jun 25, 2019 — Special Counsel Robert Mueller documented efforts by the Trump campaign to impede his investigation into Russia's attack on our election.
Well we can take your word for it, and some propagandist...or we can go right to Mueller...he did testify under oath:


At any time in the investigation, was your investigation curtailed or stopped or hindered?

We all know what Trump tried to do, whether you twist or not.
what am I twisting? Those are Mueller's's obvious at this point you won't accept the results of any investigation and are always going to be tied up in your imaginary the chum the propagandist toss out for their little dembot fish
His words don't mean that Trump didn't attempt to interfere.
Other then he was the one leading the investigation and he said he didn't....gotcha...yeah yeah we get it, you won't accept the Mueller or his report.....
I certainly do accept Mueller and his report, which accused Trump of having culpability. No you don't "gotcha....yeah we get it" because you don't get it.
Trump threatens lawsuits over Mueller probe - POLITICO › news › 2020/02/18 › donald-trum...

Feb 18, 2020 — President Donald Trump on Tuesday threatened to file retaliatory lawsuits "all ... to have incurred as a result of former special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation. ... "These were Mueller prosecutors, and the whole Mueller ... The former special counsel's work led to Stone's arrest in January 2019 and ...
No it didn't....geez.....he specifically and clearly started there was no evidence to support the claim there was an conspiracy/collusion between the campaign and Russia.

I don't blame the President for wanting to sue over the lies, and propaganda that the left wing hoaxers spread...I mean look here you are still eating up their lies, and ignoring the report and testimony of Mueller


Thank you. Is it true, the evidence gathered during your investigation -- given the questions that you've just answered, is it true the evidence gathered during your investigation did not establish that the president was involved in the underlying crime related to Russian election interference as stated in Volume 1, page 7?

We found insufficient evidence of the president's culpability.

So that would be a yes.


That would be a yes.



Thank you. Isn't it true the evidence did not establish that the president or those close to him were involved in the charged (ph) Russian computer hacking or active measure conspiracies or that the president otherwise had unlawful relationships with any Russian official, Volume 2, page 76? Correct?

I will leave the answer to our report.

So that is a yes. Is that any (ph) true your investigation did not establish that members of the Trump campaign conspired or coordinated with Russian government in election interference activity, Volume 1, page 2; Volume 1, page 173?

Thank you. Yes.

Gov. Cuomo accused of sexual harassment by former aide | Fox News

A former aide to Gov. Andrew Cuomo is accusing the embattled New York leader of sexually harassing her -- including unwanted kissing and touching -- and says his top female staffers "normalized" the behavior.
"Let’s play strip poker," Boylan said Cuomo remarked on a flight from an event in October 2017, according to an essay she wrote on Medium published Wednesday.
In another encounter in December 2016, Boylan said Cuomo arranged through a handler to meet her in his Albany office, to which she agreed reluctantly. She said he gave her a tour of his office, "smirked" and showed off a cigar box he said was given to him by former President Bill Clinton while he served as the secretary of Housing and Urban Development.
Boylan said she interpreted that to be an innuendo referencing the affair between Clinton and his then-intern Monica Lewinsky in the mid-1990s. :lol:

Boylan said his behavior "was all so normalized — particularly by Melissa DeRosa and other top women around him — that only now do I realize how insidious his abuse was."

It keeps getting worse for ol' Cuomo
I believe these women are being truthful, just as I believe the 23 women who accused Trump of sexual misconduct. You and your ilk called these women all liars because they had no proof, and yet you seem to support Cuomo's accusers who also have no proof. Curious, yes?
Who did i call a liar?
I havent shown support for them. In fact, i actually defended him.
But go ahead and make shit up. Thats what happens you see reality as a binary.
You guys had 8 investigations into Benghazi.

let's try having an investigation into Russia where POTUS isn't running interference, see how that works out, 'kay?

Trump never interfered once in the phony Russia probe. Mueller hired all anti-Trump lawyers for his team. As a major member of the deep state, he still couldn't find shit because there was nothing to find. Trump was a private citizen when he ran for the presidency; no political power and no international ties. The only people who colluded with the Russians were Hillary and the DNC, getting their phony information from them through a foreign agent. They even tried to cover it up by laundering money through a law firm instead of writing the checks themselves.
Trump didn't interfere with the Mueller probe? Really?? What rock have you been hiding under? Throughout his term, Trump impeded anything that had to do with his nefarious activities when he should have let the DOJ do its job. He even hired a lap dog as AG to do his bidding.
Did Trump and His Team Successfully Obstruct Mueller's ... › did-trump-and-his-team-success...

Jun 25, 2019 — Special Counsel Robert Mueller documented efforts by the Trump campaign to impede his investigation into Russia's attack on our election.
Well we can take your word for it, and some propagandist...or we can go right to Mueller...he did testify under oath:


At any time in the investigation, was your investigation curtailed or stopped or hindered?

We all know what Trump tried to do, whether you twist or not.
what am I twisting? Those are Mueller's's obvious at this point you won't accept the results of any investigation and are always going to be tied up in your imaginary the chum the propagandist toss out for their little dembot fish
His words don't mean that Trump didn't attempt to interfere.
Other then he was the one leading the investigation and he said he didn't....gotcha...yeah yeah we get it, you won't accept the Mueller or his report.....
I certainly do accept Mueller and his report, which accused Trump of having culpability. No you don't "gotcha....yeah we get it" because you don't get it.
Trump threatens lawsuits over Mueller probe - POLITICO › news › 2020/02/18 › donald-trum...

Feb 18, 2020 — President Donald Trump on Tuesday threatened to file retaliatory lawsuits "all ... to have incurred as a result of former special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation. ... "These were Mueller prosecutors, and the whole Mueller ... The former special counsel's work led to Stone's arrest in January 2019 and ...
Why does every thread get turned into trump?
You people are fucking OBSESSED
No, it is you people who are fucking OBSESSED. You gave Trump a free ticket at every turn, no matter what, when he has done much of the same that you accuse the Dems of doing. That is why you need to be reminded of how hypocritical you are.
Because they had nowhere else to put them.... The hospitals were full, their families didn't want them back, and frankly, the nursing homes were the only places set up to deal with them.

Funny. How is it red states had no problem finding where to put them? DeSantis found places, and Florida has the third highest elderly population in the country. If Cuomo wasn't going to use the ship and Javits Center, then WTF did we waste millions of dollars building those facilities? Of course he had places to put them; more than any other state in the country.

Limbaugh stopped being a thing years ago. Probably right after he called Sandra Fluke a slut.

Millions still loved him and listened to him every day.

My point was she got the job because she was kind of a hottie... and I'm sure there are a lot of other hotties on the CIA payroll. Just like Fang Fang, who was a hottie.

I agree with you, Plamegate was a lot of bullshit. So was MonicaGate and ContraGate and every other bullshit investigation where they go in looking at one thing and end up somewhere else. But Libby really did lie to investigators. Karl Rove didn't. Armitage didn't. Robert Novak didn't. So while Plamegate was a Republican Circle Jerk (everyone involved was a Republican, except maybe Plame) it shows the problem with special investigations in general.

How sexist of you. She only got the job because she was a hottie, with no evidence to support your usual.

All the commies were trying to do is go after Bush, and if they couldn't get to him, one of his associates. Gee, starting to see a pattern here? This is why they are Nazis. I do hope when we get the House in 22, and possibly the Senate, the Republicans start doing the same.

Um, yeah, because nobody cared who he dated 5 years ago.

And seriously, look at her! Who wouldn't tap that? I'd tap that.

Of course you would. You're a leftist. You'd sell out your own country for a 20 dollar bill. Thanks to Bill Clinton, China has navigation technology for their nuclear arms today. However real Americans think of our country first and themselves last.

We don't care who this guy is sleeping with, we care about what he revealed to her, what did he allow her access to. She stuck around for quite a while. Do you think if she hit a dead end road with him, she would have stayed so long. She was obviously gaining valuable US information. Do you think Feinstein's spy drover her around for 20 years because it was such a good job to have?
You guys had 8 investigations into Benghazi.

let's try having an investigation into Russia where POTUS isn't running interference, see how that works out, 'kay?

Trump never interfered once in the phony Russia probe. Mueller hired all anti-

Trump lawyers for his team. As a major member of the deep state, he still couldn't

find shit because there was nothing to find. Trump was a private citizen when he ran for the presidency; no political power and no international ties. The only people who colluded with the Russians were Hillary and the DNC, getting their phony information from them through a foreign agent. They even tried to cover it up by laundering money through a law firm instead of writing the checks themselves.
Trump didn't interfere with the Mueller probe? Really?? What rock have you been hiding under? Throughout his term, Trump impeded anything that had to do with his nefarious activities when he should have let the DOJ do its job. He even hired a lap dog as AG to do his bidding.
Did Trump and His Team Successfully Obstruct Mueller's ... › did-trump-and-his-team-success...

Jun 25, 2019 — Special Counsel Robert Mueller documented efforts by the Trump campaign to impede his investigation into Russia's attack on our election.
Well we can take your word for it, and some propagandist...or we can go right to Mueller...he did testify under oath:


At any time in the investigation, was your investigation curtailed or stopped or hindered?

We all know what Trump tried to do, whether you twist or not.
what am I twisting? Those are Mueller's's obvious at this point you won't accept the results of any investigation and are always going to be tied up in your imaginary the chum the propagandist toss out for their little dembot fish
His words don't mean that Trump didn't attempt to interfere.
Other then he was the one leading the investigation and he said he didn't....gotcha...yeah yeah we get it, you won't accept the Mueller or his report.....
I certainly do accept Mueller and his report, which accused Trump of having culpability. No you don't "gotcha....yeah we get it" because you don't get it.
Trump threatens lawsuits over Mueller probe - POLITICO › news › 2020/02/18 › donald-trum...

Feb 18, 2020 — President Donald Trump on Tuesday threatened to file retaliatory lawsuits "all ... to have incurred as a result of former special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation. ... "These were Mueller prosecutors, and the whole Mueller ... The former special counsel's work led to Stone's arrest in January 2019 and ...
No it didn't....geez.....he specifically and clearly started there was no evidence to support the claim there was an conspiracy/collusion between the campaign and Russia.

I don't blame the President for wanting to sue over the lies, and propaganda that the left wing hoaxers spread...I mean look here you are still eating up their lies, and ignoring the report and testimony of Mueller


Thank you. Is it true, the evidence gathered during your investigation -- given the questions that you've just answered, is it true the evidence gathered during your investigation did not establish that the president was involved in the underlying crime related to Russian election interference as stated in Volume 1, page 7?

We found insufficient evidence of the president's culpability.

So that would be a yes.


That would be a yes.



Thank you. Isn't it true the evidence did not establish that the president or those close to him were involved in the charged (ph) Russian computer hacking or active measure conspiracies or that the president otherwise had unlawful relationships with any Russian official, Volume 2, page 76? Correct?

I will leave the answer to our report.

So that is a yes. Is that any (ph) true your investigation did not establish that members of the Trump campaign conspired or coordinated with Russian government in election interference activity, Volume 1, page 2; Volume 1, page 173?

Thank you. Yes.

I just gave you an article describing Trump's reaction to the Mueller investigation
The liar is Trump and he wanted to put a lid on Mueller.
Trump was not exonerated by my report, Robert Mueller tells ... › news › world-us-canada-49100778

Jul 25, 2019 — Yes, says Mueller. The questions focused largely on Mr Mueller's investigation of President Trump and his decision to say he could not exonerate ...

Mueller Report: Breaking Down the Biggest Myths | Time › Ideas › mueller report

Jun 24, 2019 — McGahn said he was prepared to resign rather than comply. Because the law punishes attempts, Trump's effort to end the investigation ...

The Mueller Investigation, Explained - PBS › wgbh › frontline › article › the-mueller...

Barr said that Mueller's team did not determine whether Trump illegally obstructed justice, writing: “while this report does not conclude that the president ..
You guys had 8 investigations into Benghazi.

let's try having an investigation into Russia where POTUS isn't running interference, see how that works out, 'kay?

Trump never interfered once in the phony Russia probe. Mueller hired all anti-Trump lawyers for his team. As a major member of the deep state, he still couldn't find shit because there was nothing to find. Trump was a private citizen when he ran for the presidency; no political power and no international ties. The only people who colluded with the Russians were Hillary and the DNC, getting their phony information from them through a foreign agent. They even tried to cover it up by laundering money through a law firm instead of writing the checks themselves.
Trump didn't interfere with the Mueller probe? Really?? What rock have you been hiding under? Throughout his term, Trump impeded anything that had to do with his nefarious activities when he should have let the DOJ do its job. He even hired a lap dog as AG to do his bidding.
Did Trump and His Team Successfully Obstruct Mueller's ... › did-trump-and-his-team-success...

Jun 25, 2019 — Special Counsel Robert Mueller documented efforts by the Trump campaign to impede his investigation into Russia's attack on our election.
Well we can take your word for it, and some propagandist...or we can go right to Mueller...he did testify under oath:


At any time in the investigation, was your investigation curtailed or stopped or hindered?

We all know what Trump tried to do, whether you twist or not.
what am I twisting? Those are Mueller's's obvious at this point you won't accept the results of any investigation and are always going to be tied up in your imaginary the chum the propagandist toss out for their little dembot fish
His words don't mean that Trump didn't attempt to interfere.
Other then he was the one leading the investigation and he said he didn't....gotcha...yeah yeah we get it, you won't accept the Mueller or his report.....
I certainly do accept Mueller and his report, which accused Trump of having culpability. No you don't "gotcha....yeah we get it" because you don't get it.
Trump threatens lawsuits over Mueller probe - POLITICO › news › 2020/02/18 › donald-trum...

Feb 18, 2020 — President Donald Trump on Tuesday threatened to file retaliatory lawsuits "all ... to have incurred as a result of former special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation. ... "These were Mueller prosecutors, and the whole Mueller ... The former special counsel's work led to Stone's arrest in January 2019 and ...
Why does every thread get turned into trump?
You people are fucking OBSESSED
No, it is you people who are fucking OBSESSED. You gave Trump a free ticket at every turn, no matter what, when he has done much of the same that you accuse the Dems of doing. That is why you need to be reminded of how hypocritical you are.
What free ticket did i give him?
There you go just making shit up again.
You guys had 8 investigations into Benghazi.

let's try having an investigation into Russia where POTUS isn't running interference, see how that works out, 'kay?

Trump never interfered once in the phony Russia probe. Mueller hired all anti-Trump lawyers for his team. As a major member of the deep state, he still couldn't find shit because there was nothing to find. Trump was a private citizen when he ran for the presidency; no political power and no international ties. The only people who colluded with the Russians were Hillary and the DNC, getting their phony information from them through a foreign agent. They even tried to cover it up by laundering money through a law firm instead of writing the checks themselves.
Trump didn't interfere with the Mueller probe? Really?? What rock have you been hiding under? Throughout his term, Trump impeded anything that had to do with his nefarious activities when he should have let the DOJ do its job. He even hired a lap dog as AG to do his bidding.
Did Trump and His Team Successfully Obstruct Mueller's ... › did-trump-and-his-team-success...

Jun 25, 2019 — Special Counsel Robert Mueller documented efforts by the Trump campaign to impede his investigation into Russia's attack on our election.
Well we can take your word for it, and some propagandist...or we can go right to Mueller...he did testify under oath:


At any time in the investigation, was your investigation curtailed or stopped or hindered?

We all know what Trump tried to do, whether you twist or not.
what am I twisting? Those are Mueller's's obvious at this point you won't accept the results of any investigation and are always going to be tied up in your imaginary the chum the propagandist toss out for their little dembot fish
His words don't mean that Trump didn't attempt to interfere.
Other then he was the one leading the investigation and he said he didn't....gotcha...yeah yeah we get it, you won't accept the Mueller or his report.....
I certainly do accept Mueller and his report, which accused Trump of having culpability. No you don't "gotcha....yeah we get it" because you don't get it.
Trump threatens lawsuits over Mueller probe - POLITICO › news › 2020/02/18 › donald-trum...

Feb 18, 2020 — President Donald Trump on Tuesday threatened to file retaliatory lawsuits "all ... to have incurred as a result of former special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation. ... "These were Mueller prosecutors, and the whole Mueller ... The former special counsel's work led to Stone's arrest in January 2019 and ...
Why does every thread get turned into trump?
You people are fucking OBSESSED
No, it is you people who are fucking OBSESSED. You gave Trump a free ticket at every turn, no matter what, when he has done much of the same that you accuse the Dems of doing. That is why you need to be reminded of how hypocritical you are.
What free ticket did i give him?
There you go just making shit up again.
You defended his behavior at every level and never held him responsible, and still don't. That is not making up shit, pal.
You guys had 8 investigations into Benghazi.

let's try having an investigation into Russia where POTUS isn't running interference, see how that works out, 'kay?

Trump never interfered once in the phony Russia probe. Mueller hired all anti-Trump lawyers for his team. As a major member of the deep state, he still couldn't find shit because there was nothing to find. Trump was a private citizen when he ran for the presidency; no political power and no international ties. The only people who colluded with the Russians were Hillary and the DNC, getting their phony information from them through a foreign agent. They even tried to cover it up by laundering money through a law firm instead of writing the checks themselves.
Trump didn't interfere with the Mueller probe? Really?? What rock have you been hiding under? Throughout his term, Trump impeded anything that had to do with his nefarious activities when he should have let the DOJ do its job. He even hired a lap dog as AG to do his bidding.
Did Trump and His Team Successfully Obstruct Mueller's ... › did-trump-and-his-team-success...

Jun 25, 2019 — Special Counsel Robert Mueller documented efforts by the Trump campaign to impede his investigation into Russia's attack on our election.
Well we can take your word for it, and some propagandist...or we can go right to Mueller...he did testify under oath:


At any time in the investigation, was your investigation curtailed or stopped or hindered?

We all know what Trump tried to do, whether you twist or not.
what am I twisting? Those are Mueller's's obvious at this point you won't accept the results of any investigation and are always going to be tied up in your imaginary the chum the propagandist toss out for their little dembot fish
His words don't mean that Trump didn't attempt to interfere.
Other then he was the one leading the investigation and he said he didn't....gotcha...yeah yeah we get it, you won't accept the Mueller or his report.....
I certainly do accept Mueller and his report, which accused Trump of having culpability. No you don't "gotcha....yeah we get it" because you don't get it.
Trump threatens lawsuits over Mueller probe - POLITICO › news › 2020/02/18 › donald-trum...

Feb 18, 2020 — President Donald Trump on Tuesday threatened to file retaliatory lawsuits "all ... to have incurred as a result of former special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation. ... "These were Mueller prosecutors, and the whole Mueller ... The former special counsel's work led to Stone's arrest in January 2019 and ...
Why does every thread get turned into trump?
You people are fucking OBSESSED
No, it is you people who are fucking OBSESSED. You gave Trump a free ticket at every turn, no matter what, when he has done much of the same that you accuse the Dems of doing. That is why you need to be reminded of how hypocritical you are.
What free ticket did i give him?
There you go just making shit up again.
You defended his behavior at every level and never held him responsible, and still don't. That is not making up shit, pal.
Show me then, dumbfuck.
I guess all those posts and threads trashing the fucking idiot doesnt count?
As i said, you just make shit up because you are binary.
You guys had 8 investigations into Benghazi.

let's try having an investigation into Russia where POTUS isn't running interference, see how that works out, 'kay?

Trump never interfered once in the phony Russia probe. Mueller hired all anti-Trump lawyers for his team. As a major member of the deep state, he still couldn't find shit because there was nothing to find. Trump was a private citizen when he ran for the presidency; no political power and no international ties. The only people who colluded with the Russians were Hillary and the DNC, getting their phony information from them through a foreign agent. They even tried to cover it up by laundering money through a law firm instead of writing the checks themselves.
Trump didn't interfere with the Mueller probe? Really?? What rock have you been hiding under? Throughout his term, Trump impeded anything that had to do with his nefarious activities when he should have let the DOJ do its job. He even hired a lap dog as AG to do his bidding.
Did Trump and His Team Successfully Obstruct Mueller's ... › did-trump-and-his-team-success...

Jun 25, 2019 — Special Counsel Robert Mueller documented efforts by the Trump campaign to impede his investigation into Russia's attack on our election.
Well we can take your word for it, and some propagandist...or we can go right to Mueller...he did testify under oath:


At any time in the investigation, was your investigation curtailed or stopped or hindered?

We all know what Trump tried to do, whether you twist or not.
what am I twisting? Those are Mueller's's obvious at this point you won't accept the results of any investigation and are always going to be tied up in your imaginary the chum the propagandist toss out for their little dembot fish
His words don't mean that Trump didn't attempt to interfere.
Other then he was the one leading the investigation and he said he didn't....gotcha...yeah yeah we get it, you won't accept the Mueller or his report.....
I certainly do accept Mueller and his report, which accused Trump of having culpability. No you don't "gotcha....yeah we get it" because you don't get it.
Trump threatens lawsuits over Mueller probe - POLITICO › news › 2020/02/18 › donald-trum...

Feb 18, 2020 — President Donald Trump on Tuesday threatened to file retaliatory lawsuits "all ... to have incurred as a result of former special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation. ... "These were Mueller prosecutors, and the whole Mueller ... The former special counsel's work led to Stone's arrest in January 2019 and ...
Why does every thread get turned into trump?
You people are fucking OBSESSED
No, it is you people who are fucking OBSESSED. You gave Trump a free ticket at every turn, no matter what, when he has done much of the same that you accuse the Dems of doing. That is why you need to be reminded of how hypocritical you are.
What free ticket did i give him?
There you go just making shit up again.
You defended his behavior at every level and never held him responsible, and still don't. That is not making up shit, pal.
Show me then, dumbfuck.
I guess all those posts and threads trashing the fucking idiot doesnt count?
As i said, you just make shit up because you are binary.
You mean that you trashed the fucking blob? Nah
You guys had 8 investigations into Benghazi.

let's try having an investigation into Russia where POTUS isn't running interference, see how that works out, 'kay?

Trump never interfered once in the phony Russia probe. Mueller hired all anti-Trump lawyers for his team. As a major member of the deep state, he still couldn't find shit because there was nothing to find. Trump was a private citizen when he ran for the presidency; no political power and no international ties. The only people who colluded with the Russians were Hillary and the DNC, getting their phony information from them through a foreign agent. They even tried to cover it up by laundering money through a law firm instead of writing the checks themselves.
Trump didn't interfere with the Mueller probe? Really?? What rock have you been hiding under? Throughout his term, Trump impeded anything that had to do with his nefarious activities when he should have let the DOJ do its job. He even hired a lap dog as AG to do his bidding.
Did Trump and His Team Successfully Obstruct Mueller's ... › did-trump-and-his-team-success...

Jun 25, 2019 — Special Counsel Robert Mueller documented efforts by the Trump campaign to impede his investigation into Russia's attack on our election.
Well we can take your word for it, and some propagandist...or we can go right to Mueller...he did testify under oath:


At any time in the investigation, was your investigation curtailed or stopped or hindered?

We all know what Trump tried to do, whether you twist or not.
what am I twisting? Those are Mueller's's obvious at this point you won't accept the results of any investigation and are always going to be tied up in your imaginary the chum the propagandist toss out for their little dembot fish
His words don't mean that Trump didn't attempt to interfere.
Other then he was the one leading the investigation and he said he didn't....gotcha...yeah yeah we get it, you won't accept the Mueller or his report.....
I certainly do accept Mueller and his report, which accused Trump of having culpability. No you don't "gotcha....yeah we get it" because you don't get it.
Trump threatens lawsuits over Mueller probe - POLITICO › news › 2020/02/18 › donald-trum...

Feb 18, 2020 — President Donald Trump on Tuesday threatened to file retaliatory lawsuits "all ... to have incurred as a result of former special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation. ... "These were Mueller prosecutors, and the whole Mueller ... The former special counsel's work led to Stone's arrest in January 2019 and ...
Why does every thread get turned into trump?
You people are fucking OBSESSED
No, it is you people who are fucking OBSESSED. You gave Trump a free ticket at every turn, no matter what, when he has done much of the same that you accuse the Dems of doing. That is why you need to be reminded of how hypocritical you are.
What free ticket did i give him?
There you go just making shit up again.
You defended his behavior at every level and never held him responsible, and still don't. That is not making up shit, pal.
Show me then, dumbfuck.
I guess all those posts and threads trashing the fucking idiot doesnt count?
As i said, you just make shit up because you are binary.
You mean that you trashed the fucking blob? Nah
You are the definition of a moonbat.
At what point does the narcissistic Governor realize he has lost support from many in his own party...
You guys had 8 investigations into Benghazi.

let's try having an investigation into Russia where POTUS isn't running interference, see how that works out, 'kay?

Trump never interfered once in the phony Russia probe. Mueller hired all anti-Trump lawyers for his team. As a major member of the deep state, he still couldn't find shit because there was nothing to find. Trump was a private citizen when he ran for the presidency; no political power and no international ties. The only people who colluded with the Russians were Hillary and the DNC, getting their phony information from them through a foreign agent. They even tried to cover it up by laundering money through a law firm instead of writing the checks themselves.
Trump didn't interfere with the Mueller probe? Really?? What rock have you been hiding under? Throughout his term, Trump impeded anything that had to do with his nefarious activities when he should have let the DOJ do its job. He even hired a lap dog as AG to do his bidding.
Did Trump and His Team Successfully Obstruct Mueller's ... › did-trump-and-his-team-success...

Jun 25, 2019 — Special Counsel Robert Mueller documented efforts by the Trump campaign to impede his investigation into Russia's attack on our election.
Well we can take your word for it, and some propagandist...or we can go right to Mueller...he did testify under oath:


At any time in the investigation, was your investigation curtailed or stopped or hindered?

We all know what Trump tried to do, whether you twist or not.
what am I twisting? Those are Mueller's's obvious at this point you won't accept the results of any investigation and are always going to be tied up in your imaginary the chum the propagandist toss out for their little dembot fish
His words don't mean that Trump didn't attempt to interfere.
Other then he was the one leading the investigation and he said he didn't....gotcha...yeah yeah we get it, you won't accept the Mueller or his report.....
I certainly do accept Mueller and his report, which accused Trump of having culpability. No you don't "gotcha....yeah we get it" because you don't get it.
Trump threatens lawsuits over Mueller probe - POLITICO › news › 2020/02/18 › donald-trum...

Feb 18, 2020 — President Donald Trump on Tuesday threatened to file retaliatory lawsuits "all ... to have incurred as a result of former special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation. ... "These were Mueller prosecutors, and the whole Mueller ... The former special counsel's work led to Stone's arrest in January 2019 and ...
Why does every thread get turned into trump?
You people are fucking OBSESSED
No, it is you people who are fucking OBSESSED. You gave Trump a free ticket at every turn, no matter what, when he has done much of the same that you accuse the Dems of doing. That is why you need to be reminded of how hypocritical you are.
What free ticket did i give him?
There you go just making shit up again.
You defended his behavior at every level and never held him responsible, and still don't. That is not making up shit, pal.
Show me then, dumbfuck.
I guess all those posts and threads trashing the fucking idiot doesnt count?
As i said, you just make shit up because you are binary.
You mean that you trashed the fucking blob? Nah
You are the definition of a moonbat.
You are not the smartest rock in the pile.
You guys had 8 investigations into Benghazi.

let's try having an investigation into Russia where POTUS isn't running interference, see how that works out, 'kay?

Trump never interfered once in the phony Russia probe. Mueller hired all anti-Trump lawyers for his team. As a major member of the deep state, he still couldn't find shit because there was nothing to find. Trump was a private citizen when he ran for the presidency; no political power and no international ties. The only people who colluded with the Russians were Hillary and the DNC, getting their phony information from them through a foreign agent. They even tried to cover it up by laundering money through a law firm instead of writing the checks themselves.
Trump didn't interfere with the Mueller probe? Really?? What rock have you been hiding under? Throughout his term, Trump impeded anything that had to do with his nefarious activities when he should have let the DOJ do its job. He even hired a lap dog as AG to do his bidding.
Did Trump and His Team Successfully Obstruct Mueller's ... › did-trump-and-his-team-success...

Jun 25, 2019 — Special Counsel Robert Mueller documented efforts by the Trump campaign to impede his investigation into Russia's attack on our election.
Well we can take your word for it, and some propagandist...or we can go right to Mueller...he did testify under oath:


At any time in the investigation, was your investigation curtailed or stopped or hindered?

We all know what Trump tried to do, whether you twist or not.
what am I twisting? Those are Mueller's's obvious at this point you won't accept the results of any investigation and are always going to be tied up in your imaginary the chum the propagandist toss out for their little dembot fish
His words don't mean that Trump didn't attempt to interfere.
Other then he was the one leading the investigation and he said he didn't....gotcha...yeah yeah we get it, you won't accept the Mueller or his report.....
I certainly do accept Mueller and his report, which accused Trump of having culpability. No you don't "gotcha....yeah we get it" because you don't get it.
Trump threatens lawsuits over Mueller probe - POLITICO › news › 2020/02/18 › donald-trum...

Feb 18, 2020 — President Donald Trump on Tuesday threatened to file retaliatory lawsuits "all ... to have incurred as a result of former special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation. ... "These were Mueller prosecutors, and the whole Mueller ... The former special counsel's work led to Stone's arrest in January 2019 and ...
Why does every thread get turned into trump?
You people are fucking OBSESSED
No, it is you people who are fucking OBSESSED. You gave Trump a free ticket at every turn, no matter what, when he has done much of the same that you accuse the Dems of doing. That is why you need to be reminded of how hypocritical you are.
What free ticket did i give him?
There you go just making shit up again.
You defended his behavior at every level and never held him responsible, and still don't. That is not making up shit, pal.
Show me then, dumbfuck.
I guess all those posts and threads trashing the fucking idiot doesnt count?
As i said, you just make shit up because you are binary.
You mean that you trashed the fucking blob? Nah
You are the definition of a moonbat.
You are not the smartest rock in the pile.
Correct. I am human.
You guys had 8 investigations into Benghazi.

let's try having an investigation into Russia where POTUS isn't running interference, see how that works out, 'kay?

Trump never interfered once in the phony Russia probe. Mueller hired all anti-

Trump lawyers for his team. As a major member of the deep state, he still couldn't

find shit because there was nothing to find. Trump was a private citizen when he ran for the presidency; no political power and no international ties. The only people who colluded with the Russians were Hillary and the DNC, getting their phony information from them through a foreign agent. They even tried to cover it up by laundering money through a law firm instead of writing the checks themselves.
Trump didn't interfere with the Mueller probe? Really?? What rock have you been hiding under? Throughout his term, Trump impeded anything that had to do with his nefarious activities when he should have let the DOJ do its job. He even hired a lap dog as AG to do his bidding.
Did Trump and His Team Successfully Obstruct Mueller's ... › did-trump-and-his-team-success...

Jun 25, 2019 — Special Counsel Robert Mueller documented efforts by the Trump campaign to impede his investigation into Russia's attack on our election.
Well we can take your word for it, and some propagandist...or we can go right to Mueller...he did testify under oath:


At any time in the investigation, was your investigation curtailed or stopped or hindered?

We all know what Trump tried to do, whether you twist or not.
what am I twisting? Those are Mueller's's obvious at this point you won't accept the results of any investigation and are always going to be tied up in your imaginary the chum the propagandist toss out for their little dembot fish
His words don't mean that Trump didn't attempt to interfere.
Other then he was the one leading the investigation and he said he didn't....gotcha...yeah yeah we get it, you won't accept the Mueller or his report.....
I certainly do accept Mueller and his report, which accused Trump of having culpability. No you don't "gotcha....yeah we get it" because you don't get it.
Trump threatens lawsuits over Mueller probe - POLITICO › news › 2020/02/18 › donald-trum...

Feb 18, 2020 — President Donald Trump on Tuesday threatened to file retaliatory lawsuits "all ... to have incurred as a result of former special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation. ... "These were Mueller prosecutors, and the whole Mueller ... The former special counsel's work led to Stone's arrest in January 2019 and ...
No it didn't....geez.....he specifically and clearly started there was no evidence to support the claim there was an conspiracy/collusion between the campaign and Russia.

I don't blame the President for wanting to sue over the lies, and propaganda that the left wing hoaxers spread...I mean look here you are still eating up their lies, and ignoring the report and testimony of Mueller


Thank you. Is it true, the evidence gathered during your investigation -- given the questions that you've just answered, is it true the evidence gathered during your investigation did not establish that the president was involved in the underlying crime related to Russian election interference as stated in Volume 1, page 7?

We found insufficient evidence of the president's culpability.

So that would be a yes.


That would be a yes.



Thank you. Isn't it true the evidence did not establish that the president or those close to him were involved in the charged (ph) Russian computer hacking or active measure conspiracies or that the president otherwise had unlawful relationships with any Russian official, Volume 2, page 76? Correct?

I will leave the answer to our report.

So that is a yes. Is that any (ph) true your investigation did not establish that members of the Trump campaign conspired or coordinated with Russian government in election interference activity, Volume 1, page 2; Volume 1, page 173?

Thank you. Yes.

I just gave you an article describing Trump's reaction to the Mueller investigation
The liar is Trump and he wanted to put a lid on Mueller.
Trump was not exonerated by my report, Robert Mueller tells ... › news › world-us-canada-49100778

Jul 25, 2019 — Yes, says Mueller. The questions focused largely on Mr Mueller's investigation of President Trump and his decision to say he could not exonerate ...

Mueller Report: Breaking Down the Biggest Myths | Time › Ideas › mueller report

Jun 24, 2019 — McGahn said he was prepared to resign rather than comply. Because the law punishes attempts, Trump's effort to end the investigation ...

The Mueller Investigation, Explained - PBS › wgbh › frontline › article › the-mueller...

Barr said that Mueller's team did not determine whether Trump illegally obstructed justice, writing: “while this report does not conclude that the president ..
So instead of taking Mueller's own words for it, you resort to op-eds from propagandist telling you what to think? hahahha

I know....I know....

Regardless, this thread is about the Dems gold standard, Cuomo....Trump has been fully investigated and exonerated for the accusations by the Dems
At what point does the narcissistic Governor realize he has lost support from many in his own party...

All he cares about is being reelected which people may do. They are not very bright in New York. Proof of that is they reelected the Bronx dingbat.

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