Governor Cuomo accused of sexual harassment by former aide

You guys had 8 investigations into Benghazi.

let's try having an investigation into Russia where POTUS isn't running interference, see how that works out, 'kay?

Trump never interfered once in the phony Russia probe. Mueller hired all anti-Trump lawyers for his team. As a major member of the deep state, he still couldn't find shit because there was nothing to find. Trump was a private citizen when he ran for the presidency; no political power and no international ties. The only people who colluded with the Russians were Hillary and the DNC, getting their phony information from them through a foreign agent. They even tried to cover it up by laundering money through a law firm instead of writing the checks themselves.
Trump didn't interfere with the Mueller probe? Really?? What rock have you been hiding under? Throughout his term, Trump impeded anything that had to do with his nefarious activities when he should have let the DOJ do its job. He even hired a lap dog as AG to do his bidding.

Did Trump and His Team Successfully Obstruct Mueller's ... › did-trump-and-his-team-success...

Jun 25, 2019 — Special Counsel Robert Mueller documented efforts by the Trump campaign to impede his investigation into Russia's attack on our election.
The blob is not responsible for the covid virus. He is responsible for his denials, his
"hoax" claims, and his approach to the pandemic. You blob supporters have more excuses for the blob's fuck-ups than Carter has peanuts. The WHO announced that it was very serious early on and the blob refuted that claim by saying that we had it under control and that it would soon disappear.
Your ridiculous comment about 200,000 deaths during Obama's years is patently FALSE. Out of the blob's lying mouth and into your manipulated ears:
President Obama declared H1N1 a public health ... - PolitiFact › factchecks › mar ›

Claim: Says President Barack Obama “waited six months to call swine flu an emergency after thousands died.”

Which is my point. A President cannot control a microorganism. A President cannot tell people what they have to do in a constitutional republic. All a President can do is pass the information he receives (which he did) to the public, and as Fauci stated, in a timely and complete fashion. Again with the hoax lie when I posted a video of exactly what he said, and a factcheck link that proves what you say is a lie, but you people on the left can't help yourselves. We point out your lies, prove what you said are lies, post a very biased source that says you lie, and you continue to do it anyway.

I understand how brainwashing works. The left has been successful using it for many years, but even the most brainwashed will finally admit when they were proven to be telling a lie. Not you.
The blob is not responsible for the covid virus. He is responsible for his denials, his
"hoax" claims, and his approach to the pandemic. You blob supporters have more excuses for the blob's fuck-ups than Carter has peanuts. The WHO announced that it was very serious early on and the blob refuted that claim by saying that we had it under control and that it would soon disappear.
Your ridiculous comment about 200,000 deaths during Obama's years is patently FALSE. Out of the blob's lying mouth and into your manipulated ears:
President Obama declared H1N1 a public health ... - PolitiFact › factchecks › mar ›

Claim: Says President Barack Obama “waited six months to call swine flu an emergency after thousands died.”

Which is my point. A President cannot control a microorganism. A President cannot tell people what they have to do in a constitutional republic. All a President can do is pass the information he receives (which he did) to the public, and as Fauci stated, in a timely and complete fashion. Again with the hoax lie when I posted a video of exactly what he said, and a factcheck link that proves what you say is a lie, but you people on the left can't help yourselves. We point out your lies, prove what you said are lies, post a very biased source that says you lie, and you continue to do it anyway.

I understand how brainwashing works. The left has been successful using it for many years, but even the most brainwashed will finally admit when they were proven to be telling a lie. Not you.
Trump has lied his way through life, and there is no change here. He passed it along---finally, and without fervor. C'mon, man! Saying it and meaning it are 2 different things. He put 0 pressure to take it seriously and said that he had it under control and that it was going to disappear. Your fact-check link is only splitting hairs and changes nothing that I said. You are still being brainwashed by Trump,
who is an expert at conning weaker, uninformed people.
Trump has lied his way through life, and there is no change here. He passed it along---finally, and without fervor. C'mon, man! Saying it and meaning it are 2 different things. He put 0 pressure to take it seriously and said that he had it under control and that it was going to disappear. Your fact-check link is only splitting hairs and changes nothing that I said. You are still being brainwashed by Trump,
who is an expert at conning weaker, uninformed people.

That's only true of the left, not the right. It's why when any of you come here, it's the same ole CNN talking points that are all lies. You try to turn our arguments of you against us, and actually expect us to believe it.

"Folks, if you want to know what the Democrats are up to, all you have to do is take note what they accuse Republicans of."
Rush Limbaugh
You guys had 8 investigations into Benghazi.

let's try having an investigation into Russia where POTUS isn't running interference, see how that works out, 'kay?

Trump never interfered once in the phony Russia probe. Mueller hired all anti-Trump lawyers for his team. As a major member of the deep state, he still couldn't find shit because there was nothing to find. Trump was a private citizen when he ran for the presidency; no political power and no international ties. The only people who colluded with the Russians were Hillary and the DNC, getting their phony information from them through a foreign agent. They even tried to cover it up by laundering money through a law firm instead of writing the checks themselves.
Trump didn't interfere with the Mueller probe? Really?? What rock have you been hiding under? Throughout his term, Trump impeded anything that had to do with his nefarious activities when he should have let the DOJ do its job. He even hired a lap dog as AG to do his bidding.
Did Trump and His Team Successfully Obstruct Mueller's ... › did-trump-and-his-team-success...

Jun 25, 2019 — Special Counsel Robert Mueller documented efforts by the Trump campaign to impede his investigation into Russia's attack on our election.
Well we can take your word for it, and some propagandist...or we can go right to Mueller...he did testify under oath:


At any time in the investigation, was your investigation curtailed or stopped or hindered?

You guys had 8 investigations into Benghazi.

let's try having an investigation into Russia where POTUS isn't running interference, see how that works out, 'kay?

Trump never interfered once in the phony Russia probe. Mueller hired all anti-Trump lawyers for his team. As a major member of the deep state, he still couldn't find shit because there was nothing to find. Trump was a private citizen when he ran for the presidency; no political power and no international ties. The only people who colluded with the Russians were Hillary and the DNC, getting their phony information from them through a foreign agent. They even tried to cover it up by laundering money through a law firm instead of writing the checks themselves.
Trump didn't interfere with the Mueller probe? Really?? What rock have you been hiding under? Throughout his term, Trump impeded anything that had to do with his nefarious activities when he should have let the DOJ do its job. He even hired a lap dog as AG to do his bidding.
Did Trump and His Team Successfully Obstruct Mueller's ... › did-trump-and-his-team-success...

Jun 25, 2019 — Special Counsel Robert Mueller documented efforts by the Trump campaign to impede his investigation into Russia's attack on our election.
Well we can take your word for it, and some propagandist...or we can go right to Mueller...he did testify under oath:


At any time in the investigation, was your investigation curtailed or stopped or hindered?

We all know what Trump tried to do, whether you twist or not.
Trump has lied his way through life, and there is no change here. He passed it along---finally, and without fervor. C'mon, man! Saying it and meaning it are 2 different things. He put 0 pressure to take it seriously and said that he had it under control and that it was going to disappear. Your fact-check link is only splitting hairs and changes nothing that I said. You are still being brainwashed by Trump,
who is an expert at conning weaker, uninformed people.

That's only true of the left, not the right. It's why when any of you come here, it's the same ole CNN talking points that are all lies. You try to turn our arguments of you against us, and actually expect us to believe it.

"Folks, if you want to know what the Democrats are up to, all you have to do is take note what they accuse Republicans of."
Rush Limbaugh
Rush Limbaugh? Who the fuck was he, except for being a blabbermouth.
CNN talking points are not lies, pal. They just question Trump's motives and he responds by calling it "fake news". You want lies? Try Hannity, Tuckee, and Lewie.
You guys had 8 investigations into Benghazi.

let's try having an investigation into Russia where POTUS isn't running interference, see how that works out, 'kay?

Trump never interfered once in the phony Russia probe. Mueller hired all anti-Trump lawyers for his team. As a major member of the deep state, he still couldn't find shit because there was nothing to find. Trump was a private citizen when he ran for the presidency; no political power and no international ties. The only people who colluded with the Russians were Hillary and the DNC, getting their phony information from them through a foreign agent. They even tried to cover it up by laundering money through a law firm instead of writing the checks themselves.
Trump didn't interfere with the Mueller probe? Really?? What rock have you been hiding under? Throughout his term, Trump impeded anything that had to do with his nefarious activities when he should have let the DOJ do its job. He even hired a lap dog as AG to do his bidding.
Did Trump and His Team Successfully Obstruct Mueller's ... › did-trump-and-his-team-success...

Jun 25, 2019 — Special Counsel Robert Mueller documented efforts by the Trump campaign to impede his investigation into Russia's attack on our election.
Well we can take your word for it, and some propagandist...or we can go right to Mueller...he did testify under oath:


At any time in the investigation, was your investigation curtailed or stopped or hindered?

We all know what Trump tried to do, whether you twist or not.
what am I twisting? Those are Mueller's's obvious at this point you won't accept the results of any investigation and are always going to be tied up in your imaginary the chum the propagandist toss out for their little dembot fish
Rush Limbaugh? Who the fuck was he, except for being a blabbermouth.
CNN talking points are not lies, pal. They just question Trump's motives and he responds by calling it "fake news". You want lies? Try Hannity, Tuckee, and Lewie.

They are nothing but lies and brainwashing from the Democrat party. Who was Rush Limbaugh? The most listened to national radio broadcaster. People in the industry have stated repeatedly, there would be no AM radio today if not for Limbaugh.

Flynn deserved it, but that pardon wasn't promised...Flynn spoke with the Mueller team.

And then he stopped cooperating.... and got a pardon.

No pardons were offered during the investigation....just rubbish on your part, and back to making things up.

Yeah, okay, you go with that. Trump all but said he'd give pardons to people who didn't cooperate with Mueller, because the guy can't control himself.
Flynn deserved it, but that pardon wasn't promised...Flynn spoke with the Mueller team.

And then he stopped cooperating.... and got a pardon.

No pardons were offered during the investigation....just rubbish on your part, and back to making things up.

Yeah, okay, you go with that. Trump all but said he'd give pardons to people who didn't cooperate with Mueller, because the guy can't control himself.
Yeah....after he got the Brady evidence the Mueller team was hiding that exonerated him.....he didn't want a pardon, but, frankly it's better to get it over with the risk the backlash from a Dem admin.

I will...because it's a are just making that up....

Mueller testified under oath he was not obstructed at all, and conducted a deep, through investigation. I get that you all have decided facts be damned, investigations be damned, facts be damned.....just hang 'em.....very Stalinist like......
Horse shit. He ordered nursing homes to allow hospital patients with Covid back into those facilities, even after they warned him they didn't have the resources to deal with the problem.

Because they had nowhere else to put them.... The hospitals were full, their families didn't want them back, and frankly, the nursing homes were the only places set up to deal with them.

They are nothing but lies and brainwashing from the Democrat party. Who was Rush Limbaugh? The most listened to national radio broadcaster. People in the industry have stated repeatedly, there would be no AM radio today if not for Limbaugh.

Limbaugh stopped being a thing years ago. Probably right after he called Sandra Fluke a slut.

Bush didn't out anybody. More communist lies is all, just like Trump and the Russians. It was Richard Armitage that leaked her name, but nothing happened to the guy because he was also well liked by the Communists. All that talk about putting an agents life on the line, destroying our agencies credibility, making it more dangerous for other agents in the future, all lies. When they found out who it really was, they didn't even fine the guy.

Instead, the commies tried to lockup Libby for near life because he didn't answer some questions correctly. Like I said, the Democrats are nothing but a bunch of Nazis that need to be defeated.

My point was she got the job because she was kind of a hottie... and I'm sure there are a lot of other hotties on the CIA payroll. Just like Fang Fang, who was a hottie.

I agree with you, Plamegate was a lot of bullshit. So was MonicaGate and ContraGate and every other bullshit investigation where they go in looking at one thing and end up somewhere else. But Libby really did lie to investigators. Karl Rove didn't. Armitage didn't. Robert Novak didn't. So while Plamegate was a Republican Circle Jerk (everyone involved was a Republican, except maybe Plame) it shows the problem with special investigations in general.

Well when you can have them launch a 30 million dollar investigation into it, then make that claim. But commies protect their own. It made the media for less than a week, disappeared, and he kept his position on the House Intelligence committee, and even played a role in the second phony impeachment of Trump.

Um, yeah, because nobody cared who he dated 5 years ago.

And seriously, look at her! Who wouldn't tap that? I'd tap that.

Yeah....after he got the Brady evidence the Mueller team was hiding that exonerated him.....he didn't want a pardon, but, frankly it's better to get it over with the risk the backlash from a Dem admin.

I will...because it's a are just making that up....

Mueller testified under oath he was not obstructed at all, and conducted a deep, through investigation. I get that you all have decided facts be damned, investigations be damned, facts be damned.....just hang 'em.....very Stalinist like......

Actually, the only thing Mueller proved is that we can't hold our leaders accountable. But we already knew that from Bush, from Clinton and from Reagan. If they guy isn't taping himself committing crimes like Nixon was dumb enough to do, it's impossible to hold these guys accountable.
Yeah....after he got the Brady evidence the Mueller team was hiding that exonerated him.....he didn't want a pardon, but, frankly it's better to get it over with the risk the backlash from a Dem admin.

I will...because it's a are just making that up....

Mueller testified under oath he was not obstructed at all, and conducted a deep, through investigation. I get that you all have decided facts be damned, investigations be damned, facts be damned.....just hang 'em.....very Stalinist like......

Actually, the only thing Mueller proved is that we can't hold our leaders accountable. But we already knew that from Bush, from Clinton and from Reagan. If they guy isn't taping himself committing crimes like Nixon was dumb enough to do, it's impossible to hold these guys accountable.
There was nothing to hold Trump accountable for.....Mueller said there was no conspiracy....but I suppose it's true we haven't been able to hold the propagandist like Adam Shifty accountable for his lies, or the Obamagate gang accountable for their abuse of power in reopening the investigation and their attack on General Flynn.

Clinton was held somewhat accountable, after leaving office he had to take a plea with the DOJ for his crimes Because he, actually committed crimes.


At any time in the investigation, was your investigation curtailed or stopped or hindered?

Rush Limbaugh? Who the fuck was he, except for being a blabbermouth.
CNN talking points are not lies, pal. They just question Trump's motives and he responds by calling it "fake news". You want lies? Try Hannity, Tuckee, and Lewie.

They are nothing but lies and brainwashing from the Democrat party. Who was Rush Limbaugh? The most listened to national radio broadcaster. People in the industry have stated repeatedly, there would be no AM radio today if not for Limbaugh.

There was nothing but lies and brainwashing from Limbaugh.
You guys had 8 investigations into Benghazi.

let's try having an investigation into Russia where POTUS isn't running interference, see how that works out, 'kay?

Trump never interfered once in the phony Russia probe. Mueller hired all anti-Trump lawyers for his team. As a major member of the deep state, he still couldn't find shit because there was nothing to find. Trump was a private citizen when he ran for the presidency; no political power and no international ties. The only people who colluded with the Russians were Hillary and the DNC, getting their phony information from them through a foreign agent. They even tried to cover it up by laundering money through a law firm instead of writing the checks themselves.
Trump didn't interfere with the Mueller probe? Really?? What rock have you been hiding under? Throughout his term, Trump impeded anything that had to do with his nefarious activities when he should have let the DOJ do its job. He even hired a lap dog as AG to do his bidding.
Did Trump and His Team Successfully Obstruct Mueller's ... › did-trump-and-his-team-success...

Jun 25, 2019 — Special Counsel Robert Mueller documented efforts by the Trump campaign to impede his investigation into Russia's attack on our election.
Well we can take your word for it, and some propagandist...or we can go right to Mueller...he did testify under oath:


At any time in the investigation, was your investigation curtailed or stopped or hindered?

We all know what Trump tried to do, whether you twist or not.
what am I twisting? Those are Mueller's's obvious at this point you won't accept the results of any investigation and are always going to be tied up in your imaginary the chum the propagandist toss out for their little dembot fish
His words don't mean that Trump didn't attempt to interfere.
You guys had 8 investigations into Benghazi.

let's try having an investigation into Russia where POTUS isn't running interference, see how that works out, 'kay?

Trump never interfered once in the phony Russia probe. Mueller hired all anti-Trump lawyers for his team. As a major member of the deep state, he still couldn't find shit because there was nothing to find. Trump was a private citizen when he ran for the presidency; no political power and no international ties. The only people who colluded with the Russians were Hillary and the DNC, getting their phony information from them through a foreign agent. They even tried to cover it up by laundering money through a law firm instead of writing the checks themselves.
Trump didn't interfere with the Mueller probe? Really?? What rock have you been hiding under? Throughout his term, Trump impeded anything that had to do with his nefarious activities when he should have let the DOJ do its job. He even hired a lap dog as AG to do his bidding.
Did Trump and His Team Successfully Obstruct Mueller's ... › did-trump-and-his-team-success...

Jun 25, 2019 — Special Counsel Robert Mueller documented efforts by the Trump campaign to impede his investigation into Russia's attack on our election.
Well we can take your word for it, and some propagandist...or we can go right to Mueller...he did testify under oath:


At any time in the investigation, was your investigation curtailed or stopped or hindered?

We all know what Trump tried to do, whether you twist or not.
what am I twisting? Those are Mueller's's obvious at this point you won't accept the results of any investigation and are always going to be tied up in your imaginary the chum the propagandist toss out for their little dembot fish
His words don't mean that Trump didn't attempt to interfere.
Other then he was the one leading the investigation and he said he didn't....gotcha...yeah yeah we get it, you won't accept the Mueller or his report.....
There was nothing but lies and brainwashing from Limbaugh.

I used to listen to him every day. Whatever he brought to the mic he had statistics to back him up. CNN and other commie outlets don't do that.
He had statistics that he invented. CNN sure does have expert commentators, statistics, and knowledgeable interviewees. Limbaugh had his mouth. That is your undoing and inability to understand the truth.

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