Governor Cuomo accused of sexual harassment by former aide

Uh, guy, if you want Cuomo to resign for his mistakes during Covid (which were minor and probably unavoidable), they you should demand Trump be barred from public office as well, as his mistakes were far worse.
Cuomo tried to cover his mistakes you crazy asshole.

Much like Milosevic tried to hide the bodies in mass graves during his genocide campaign, so did Cuomo and the Dems in NY.....

and this poster is trying to white wash history, and sweep it under the rug...tragic
Minor? 1000s died because of it.....and they were certainly avoidable....

Were they? So let's agree, that nursing home deaths were higher in NY than thought, how is where they died really that big of a deal? The only thing that is being charged here is that people who contracted COVID in a nursing home were being counted as Hospital Deaths if they were brought to a hospital and died there.

Here's the reality. New York had 1.6 million Covid Cases and only 20,000 hospital beds. Keeping them in the Nursing Homes was really the only option. It wasn't like families were rushing down to the Nursing Homes to pull Granny out for the duration. They dumped her off on the nursing home for a reason.

Sorry, Trump followed the advice of the experts.....Cuomo ignored it, and ignored the resources provided to him, and then attempted to cover it all up..

The experts said to leave people in nursing homes.

And, no, a drafty boat that wasn't taking Covid Patients wasn't a "resource". It was a cheap Reality TV stunt.

Minor? Geez...tell that to the 1000s of families that lost love ones because of Cuomo's genocide...

Genocide? Are you fucking retarded?

Minor? 1000s died because of it.....and they were certainly avoidable....

Were they? So let's agree, that nursing home deaths were higher in NY than thought, how is where they died really that big of a deal? The only thing that is being charged here is that people who contracted COVID in a nursing home were being counted as Hospital Deaths if they were brought to a hospital and died there.

Here's the reality. New York had 1.6 million Covid Cases and only 20,000 hospital beds. Keeping them in the Nursing Homes was really the only option. It wasn't like families were rushing down to the Nursing Homes to pull Granny out for the duration. They dumped her off on the nursing home for a reason.

Sorry, Trump followed the advice of the experts.....Cuomo ignored it, and ignored the resources provided to him, and then attempted to cover it all up..

The experts said to leave people in nursing homes.

And, no, a drafty boat that wasn't taking Covid Patients wasn't a "resource". It was a cheap Reality TV stunt.

Minor? Geez...tell that to the 1000s of families that lost love ones because of Cuomo's genocide...

Genocide? Are you fucking retarded?

Yes, it's a big deal...many deaths were likely preventable....putting sick people, in the home with other elderly people who we know were much more greatly impacted by the virus..was wrong.

No there was more hospital beds provided by Trump, that Cuomo requested, then didn't use.

No, the guidelines did not say that, they gave a specific guide as to when or it what conditions that was possible, and Cuomo ignored it, and order them returned....causing spread and death

"Retard"? Seriously, that term is very offensive.....something a neanderthal would use.
A President does indeed have control of the response and is responsible for organizing the response to fight the disease. Trump's response was to call the covid a "hoax" perpetrated by the Democrats and said that it would disappear. Of course, he put a muzzle on Fauci. He then bragged about closing the border to China and neglected to close the border on the east coast where millions of Europeans flooded the airports and spread the virus.
As far as Cuomo is concerned:

Trump allowed Dr's Fauci and Birx to address the public repeatedly during his daily press conferences. When Trump said it was a hoax, he was referring to the Democrats saying how serious it was because they will do anything to make Trump look bad, induce panic in the public, just to try and win an election. He was talking about the Democrats more than the virus.

Dr. Fauci said in an interview about Woodhead's book that everything about the virus that he and the President discussed was properly relayed to the public. On several occasions Trump told people to wear a mask; one time stating it was the patriotic thing to do. There is not much more a President can do in a constitutional republic where citizens have guaranteed rights.
Trump poo -pood masks, coronavirus, Fauci, and if you think he was supportive, oh well.
Both Fauci and Birx have serious reservations about Trump's support and their
access to the public if you have watched their interviews. Fox News probably didn't cover these interviews. No, Trump called it a hoax and blamed the Democrats for that "hoax". Democrats were warning about the seriousness of the virus early on, and Trump said that he had it under control and that it would simply disappear,
yes? Democrats would not do "anything" to make Trump look bad because he does that all by himself. Check out Trump's interview with Bob Woodward.
He needs to go.

again- The difference between liberals and cannibals is cannibals don't eat their friends.

Reading between the lines, I don't think Cuomo has ever been anyone's friend.

Put people before your politics for once.
Which is even crazier....the top brass of the left apparently knew he was a tyrant, bully, sexual predator and all around bad person....yet they praised him for all of 2020....made him the face of the party, pushed him out there.....sad....obviously if the left knowingly did that with this sort of person, who else and what else would they do in their quest for power?

Scary stuff

They did. We've seen this play out quite a few times. Seems to be pretty common with NY politicians.
Really? Well this is beyond NY politics..the Dems put him on a national stage, not just now, but they have in the past as well.

Why did they keep what they knew about him a secret?

People always make excuses for their flawed politicians. I don't know why. At least they didn't pass this off as just "locker room talk".
No they just ignored it until 3 women complained and then they still down played it.

Many have called for him to step down. Did you excuse Trump?
No, and I don't think Cuomo should resign just for the sexual harassment claims...I"m all for Due Process. Cuomo should resign over the genocide of the elderly and the attempted, admitted coverup.....then investigated for possible crimes
Let's not get carried away. Where do you suggest these nursing-home residents should be sent? Resign--absolutely. Trump also should have resigned.
Trump wasn't ignoring the guidelines and sending them back to spread the virus to other elderly people, and then attempt to cover it up.

They should have stayed in the hospital......the Feds gave more hospital space for NY to use for non-covid cases, NY didn't use them....instead shipped the elderly to die, and spread the virus...then Andy attempted to cover up the number of deaths...just horrible
Actually, many hospitals had hospital space for non-covid cases and were concerned about the highly contagious nature of the covid, so brought no covid cases into that space. This situation certainly falls into that category.
Trump wasn't ignoring the guidelines. He was doing much worse by calling it a "hoax", saying that it would disappear, and then not doing anything to organize a response, resulting in the death of many infected people.
Trump wasn't ignoring the guidelines...Cuomo was.

Trump sent the extra hospital space, because Cuomo wanted them, and it was suppose to be used for non-covid, NY didn't use it....instead Cuomo send the elderly with it, back to the homes to spread the virus, ignoring the guidelines, then covered it up

Trump never called the virus a hoax, and in fact did every thing and provided everything NY wanted

and the virus will disappear, thanks to Trump's quite response in getting the Trump vaccine out....well let me would have disappeared, it's hard to say what will happen now that Biden is letting Covid positive illegals run loose in the USA
Utter nonsense
He needs to go.

again- The difference between liberals and cannibals is cannibals don't eat their friends.

Reading between the lines, I don't think Cuomo has ever been anyone's friend.

Put people before your politics for once.
Which is even crazier....the top brass of the left apparently knew he was a tyrant, bully, sexual predator and all around bad person....yet they praised him for all of 2020....made him the face of the party, pushed him out there.....sad....obviously if the left knowingly did that with this sort of person, who else and what else would they do in their quest for power?

Scary stuff

They did. We've seen this play out quite a few times. Seems to be pretty common with NY politicians.
Really? Well this is beyond NY politics..the Dems put him on a national stage, not just now, but they have in the past as well.

Why did they keep what they knew about him a secret?

People always make excuses for their flawed politicians. I don't know why. At least they didn't pass this off as just "locker room talk".
No they just ignored it until 3 women complained and then they still down played it.

Many have called for him to step down. Did you excuse Trump?
No, and I don't think Cuomo should resign just for the sexual harassment claims...I"m all for Due Process. Cuomo should resign over the genocide of the elderly and the attempted, admitted coverup.....then investigated for possible crimes
Let's not get carried away. Where do you suggest these nursing-home residents should be sent? Resign--absolutely. Trump also should have resigned.
Trump wasn't ignoring the guidelines and sending them back to spread the virus to other elderly people, and then attempt to cover it up.

They should have stayed in the hospital......the Feds gave more hospital space for NY to use for non-covid cases, NY didn't use them....instead shipped the elderly to die, and spread the virus...then Andy attempted to cover up the number of deaths...just horrible
Actually, many hospitals had hospital space for non-covid cases and were concerned about the highly contagious nature of the covid, so brought no covid cases into that space. This situation certainly falls into that category.
Trump wasn't ignoring the guidelines. He was doing much worse by calling it a "hoax", saying that it would disappear, and then not doing anything to organize a response, resulting in the death of many infected people.
Trump wasn't ignoring the guidelines...Cuomo was.

Trump sent the extra hospital space, because Cuomo wanted them, and it was suppose to be used for non-covid, NY didn't use it....instead Cuomo send the elderly with it, back to the homes to spread the virus, ignoring the guidelines, then covered it up

Trump never called the virus a hoax, and in fact did every thing and provided everything NY wanted

and the virus will disappear, thanks to Trump's quite response in getting the Trump vaccine out....well let me would have disappeared, it's hard to say what will happen now that Biden is letting Covid positive illegals run loose in the USA
Utter nonsense
Yes, having to respond to your post was nonsense....but it's important that we try and shut down misinformation and I am glad I still did
He needs to go.

again- The difference between liberals and cannibals is cannibals don't eat their friends.

Reading between the lines, I don't think Cuomo has ever been anyone's friend.

Put people before your politics for once.
Which is even crazier....the top brass of the left apparently knew he was a tyrant, bully, sexual predator and all around bad person....yet they praised him for all of 2020....made him the face of the party, pushed him out there.....sad....obviously if the left knowingly did that with this sort of person, who else and what else would they do in their quest for power?

Scary stuff

They did. We've seen this play out quite a few times. Seems to be pretty common with NY politicians.
Really? Well this is beyond NY politics..the Dems put him on a national stage, not just now, but they have in the past as well.

Why did they keep what they knew about him a secret?

People always make excuses for their flawed politicians. I don't know why. At least they didn't pass this off as just "locker room talk".
No they just ignored it until 3 women complained and then they still down played it.

Many have called for him to step down. Did you excuse Trump?
No, and I don't think Cuomo should resign just for the sexual harassment claims...I"m all for Due Process. Cuomo should resign over the genocide of the elderly and the attempted, admitted coverup.....then investigated for possible crimes
Let's not get carried away. Where do you suggest these nursing-home residents should be sent? Resign--absolutely. Trump also should have resigned.
Trump wasn't ignoring the guidelines and sending them back to spread the virus to other elderly people, and then attempt to cover it up.

They should have stayed in the hospital......the Feds gave more hospital space for NY to use for non-covid cases, NY didn't use them....instead shipped the elderly to die, and spread the virus...then Andy attempted to cover up the number of deaths...just horrible
Actually, many hospitals had hospital space for non-covid cases and were concerned about the highly contagious nature of the covid, so brought no covid cases into that space. This situation certainly falls into that category.
Trump wasn't ignoring the guidelines. He was doing much worse by calling it a "hoax", saying that it would disappear, and then not doing anything to organize a response, resulting in the death of many infected people.
Trump wasn't ignoring the guidelines...Cuomo was.

Trump sent the extra hospital space, because Cuomo wanted them, and it was suppose to be used for non-covid, NY didn't use it....instead Cuomo send the elderly with it, back to the homes to spread the virus, ignoring the guidelines, then covered it up

Trump never called the virus a hoax, and in fact did every thing and provided everything NY wanted

and the virus will disappear, thanks to Trump's quite response in getting the Trump vaccine out....well let me would have disappeared, it's hard to say what will happen now that Biden is letting Covid positive illegals run loose in the USA
Utter nonsense
Yes, having to respond to your post was nonsense....but it's important that we try and shut down misinformation and I am glad I still did
You have a history of creating misinformation and propaganda rather than shutting it down. You need to do some research before flapping away with your uninformed imagination.
He needs to go.

again- The difference between liberals and cannibals is cannibals don't eat their friends.

Reading between the lines, I don't think Cuomo has ever been anyone's friend.

Put people before your politics for once.
Which is even crazier....the top brass of the left apparently knew he was a tyrant, bully, sexual predator and all around bad person....yet they praised him for all of 2020....made him the face of the party, pushed him out there.....sad....obviously if the left knowingly did that with this sort of person, who else and what else would they do in their quest for power?

Scary stuff

They did. We've seen this play out quite a few times. Seems to be pretty common with NY politicians.
Really? Well this is beyond NY politics..the Dems put him on a national stage, not just now, but they have in the past as well.

Why did they keep what they knew about him a secret?

People always make excuses for their flawed politicians. I don't know why. At least they didn't pass this off as just "locker room talk".
No they just ignored it until 3 women complained and then they still down played it.

Many have called for him to step down. Did you excuse Trump?
No, and I don't think Cuomo should resign just for the sexual harassment claims...I"m all for Due Process. Cuomo should resign over the genocide of the elderly and the attempted, admitted coverup.....then investigated for possible crimes
Let's not get carried away. Where do you suggest these nursing-home residents should be sent? Resign--absolutely. Trump also should have resigned.
Trump wasn't ignoring the guidelines and sending them back to spread the virus to other elderly people, and then attempt to cover it up.

They should have stayed in the hospital......the Feds gave more hospital space for NY to use for non-covid cases, NY didn't use them....instead shipped the elderly to die, and spread the virus...then Andy attempted to cover up the number of deaths...just horrible
Actually, many hospitals had hospital space for non-covid cases and were concerned about the highly contagious nature of the covid, so brought no covid cases into that space. This situation certainly falls into that category.
Trump wasn't ignoring the guidelines. He was doing much worse by calling it a "hoax", saying that it would disappear, and then not doing anything to organize a response, resulting in the death of many infected people.
Trump wasn't ignoring the guidelines...Cuomo was.

Trump sent the extra hospital space, because Cuomo wanted them, and it was suppose to be used for non-covid, NY didn't use it....instead Cuomo send the elderly with it, back to the homes to spread the virus, ignoring the guidelines, then covered it up

Trump never called the virus a hoax, and in fact did every thing and provided everything NY wanted

and the virus will disappear, thanks to Trump's quite response in getting the Trump vaccine out....well let me would have disappeared, it's hard to say what will happen now that Biden is letting Covid positive illegals run loose in the USA
Utter nonsense
Yes, having to respond to your post was nonsense....but it's important that we try and shut down misinformation and I am glad I still did
You have a history of creating misinformation and propaganda rather than shutting it down. You need to do some research before flapping away with your uninformed imagination.
huh? when have I ever created such things?
He needs to go.

again- The difference between liberals and cannibals is cannibals don't eat their friends.

Reading between the lines, I don't think Cuomo has ever been anyone's friend.

Put people before your politics for once.
Which is even crazier....the top brass of the left apparently knew he was a tyrant, bully, sexual predator and all around bad person....yet they praised him for all of 2020....made him the face of the party, pushed him out there.....sad....obviously if the left knowingly did that with this sort of person, who else and what else would they do in their quest for power?

Scary stuff

They did. We've seen this play out quite a few times. Seems to be pretty common with NY politicians.
Really? Well this is beyond NY politics..the Dems put him on a national stage, not just now, but they have in the past as well.

Why did they keep what they knew about him a secret?

People always make excuses for their flawed politicians. I don't know why. At least they didn't pass this off as just "locker room talk".
No they just ignored it until 3 women complained and then they still down played it.

Many have called for him to step down. Did you excuse Trump?
No, and I don't think Cuomo should resign just for the sexual harassment claims...I"m all for Due Process. Cuomo should resign over the genocide of the elderly and the attempted, admitted coverup.....then investigated for possible crimes
Let's not get carried away. Where do you suggest these nursing-home residents should be sent? Resign--absolutely. Trump also should have resigned.
Trump wasn't ignoring the guidelines and sending them back to spread the virus to other elderly people, and then attempt to cover it up.

They should have stayed in the hospital......the Feds gave more hospital space for NY to use for non-covid cases, NY didn't use them....instead shipped the elderly to die, and spread the virus...then Andy attempted to cover up the number of deaths...just horrible
Actually, many hospitals had hospital space for non-covid cases and were concerned about the highly contagious nature of the covid, so brought no covid cases into that space. This situation certainly falls into that category.
Trump wasn't ignoring the guidelines. He was doing much worse by calling it a "hoax", saying that it would disappear, and then not doing anything to organize a response, resulting in the death of many infected people.
Trump wasn't ignoring the guidelines...Cuomo was.

Trump sent the extra hospital space, because Cuomo wanted them, and it was suppose to be used for non-covid, NY didn't use it....instead Cuomo send the elderly with it, back to the homes to spread the virus, ignoring the guidelines, then covered it up

Trump never called the virus a hoax, and in fact did every thing and provided everything NY wanted

and the virus will disappear, thanks to Trump's quite response in getting the Trump vaccine out....well let me would have disappeared, it's hard to say what will happen now that Biden is letting Covid positive illegals run loose in the USA
Utter nonsense
Yes, having to respond to your post was nonsense....but it's important that we try and shut down misinformation and I am glad I still did
You have a history of creating misinformation and propaganda rather than shutting it down. You need to do some research before flapping away with your uninformed imagination.
huh? when have I ever created such things?
"Those things" didn't occur through osmosis, right. They were developed in your pee-head, little, uneducated mind.
He needs to go.

again- The difference between liberals and cannibals is cannibals don't eat their friends.

Reading between the lines, I don't think Cuomo has ever been anyone's friend.

Put people before your politics for once.
Which is even crazier....the top brass of the left apparently knew he was a tyrant, bully, sexual predator and all around bad person....yet they praised him for all of 2020....made him the face of the party, pushed him out there.....sad....obviously if the left knowingly did that with this sort of person, who else and what else would they do in their quest for power?

Scary stuff

They did. We've seen this play out quite a few times. Seems to be pretty common with NY politicians.
Really? Well this is beyond NY politics..the Dems put him on a national stage, not just now, but they have in the past as well.

Why did they keep what they knew about him a secret?

People always make excuses for their flawed politicians. I don't know why. At least they didn't pass this off as just "locker room talk".
No they just ignored it until 3 women complained and then they still down played it.

Many have called for him to step down. Did you excuse Trump?
No, and I don't think Cuomo should resign just for the sexual harassment claims...I"m all for Due Process. Cuomo should resign over the genocide of the elderly and the attempted, admitted coverup.....then investigated for possible crimes
Let's not get carried away. Where do you suggest these nursing-home residents should be sent? Resign--absolutely. Trump also should have resigned.
Trump wasn't ignoring the guidelines and sending them back to spread the virus to other elderly people, and then attempt to cover it up.

They should have stayed in the hospital......the Feds gave more hospital space for NY to use for non-covid cases, NY didn't use them....instead shipped the elderly to die, and spread the virus...then Andy attempted to cover up the number of deaths...just horrible
Actually, many hospitals had hospital space for non-covid cases and were concerned about the highly contagious nature of the covid, so brought no covid cases into that space. This situation certainly falls into that category.
Trump wasn't ignoring the guidelines. He was doing much worse by calling it a "hoax", saying that it would disappear, and then not doing anything to organize a response, resulting in the death of many infected people.
Trump wasn't ignoring the guidelines...Cuomo was.

Trump sent the extra hospital space, because Cuomo wanted them, and it was suppose to be used for non-covid, NY didn't use it....instead Cuomo send the elderly with it, back to the homes to spread the virus, ignoring the guidelines, then covered it up

Trump never called the virus a hoax, and in fact did every thing and provided everything NY wanted

and the virus will disappear, thanks to Trump's quite response in getting the Trump vaccine out....well let me would have disappeared, it's hard to say what will happen now that Biden is letting Covid positive illegals run loose in the USA
Utter nonsense
Yes, having to respond to your post was nonsense....but it's important that we try and shut down misinformation and I am glad I still did
You have a history of creating misinformation and propaganda rather than shutting it down. You need to do some research before flapping away with your uninformed imagination.
huh? when have I ever created such things?
"Those things" didn't occur through osmosis, right. They were developed in your pee-head, little, uneducated mind.
what things are you talking about?
Great piece highlighting the drastic difference between DeSantis, who put the science and the citizens of FL, ahead of politics, and the Dem's hero Cuomo.

DeSantis has a bright future, and likely will be President.

Cuomo lied, and people died
He needs to go.

again- The difference between liberals and cannibals is cannibals don't eat their friends.

Reading between the lines, I don't think Cuomo has ever been anyone's friend.

Put people before your politics for once.
Which is even crazier....the top brass of the left apparently knew he was a tyrant, bully, sexual predator and all around bad person....yet they praised him for all of 2020....made him the face of the party, pushed him out there.....sad....obviously if the left knowingly did that with this sort of person, who else and what else would they do in their quest for power?

Scary stuff

They did. We've seen this play out quite a few times. Seems to be pretty common with NY politicians.
Really? Well this is beyond NY politics..the Dems put him on a national stage, not just now, but they have in the past as well.

Why did they keep what they knew about him a secret?

People always make excuses for their flawed politicians. I don't know why. At least they didn't pass this off as just "locker room talk".
No they just ignored it until 3 women complained and then they still down played it.

Many have called for him to step down. Did you excuse Trump?
No, and I don't think Cuomo should resign just for the sexual harassment claims...I"m all for Due Process. Cuomo should resign over the genocide of the elderly and the attempted, admitted coverup.....then investigated for possible crimes
Let's not get carried away. Where do you suggest these nursing-home residents should be sent? Resign--absolutely. Trump also should have resigned.
Trump wasn't ignoring the guidelines and sending them back to spread the virus to other elderly people, and then attempt to cover it up.

They should have stayed in the hospital......the Feds gave more hospital space for NY to use for non-covid cases, NY didn't use them....instead shipped the elderly to die, and spread the virus...then Andy attempted to cover up the number of deaths...just horrible
Actually, many hospitals had hospital space for non-covid cases and were concerned about the highly contagious nature of the covid, so brought no covid cases into that space. This situation certainly falls into that category.
Trump wasn't ignoring the guidelines. He was doing much worse by calling it a "hoax", saying that it would disappear, and then not doing anything to organize a response, resulting in the death of many infected people.
Trump wasn't ignoring the guidelines...Cuomo was.

Trump sent the extra hospital space, because Cuomo wanted them, and it was suppose to be used for non-covid, NY didn't use it....instead Cuomo send the elderly with it, back to the homes to spread the virus, ignoring the guidelines, then covered it up

Trump never called the virus a hoax, and in fact did every thing and provided everything NY wanted

and the virus will disappear, thanks to Trump's quite response in getting the Trump vaccine out....well let me would have disappeared, it's hard to say what will happen now that Biden is letting Covid positive illegals run loose in the USA
Utter nonsense
Yes, having to respond to your post was nonsense....but it's important that we try and shut down misinformation and I am glad I still did
You have a history of creating misinformation and propaganda rather than shutting it down. You need to do some research before flapping away with your uninformed imagination.
huh? when have I ever created such things?
"Those things" didn't occur through osmosis, right. They were developed in your pee-head, little, uneducated mind.
what things are you talking about?
You mean "misinformation"?
He needs to go.

again- The difference between liberals and cannibals is cannibals don't eat their friends.

Reading between the lines, I don't think Cuomo has ever been anyone's friend.

Put people before your politics for once.
Which is even crazier....the top brass of the left apparently knew he was a tyrant, bully, sexual predator and all around bad person....yet they praised him for all of 2020....made him the face of the party, pushed him out there.....sad....obviously if the left knowingly did that with this sort of person, who else and what else would they do in their quest for power?

Scary stuff

They did. We've seen this play out quite a few times. Seems to be pretty common with NY politicians.
Really? Well this is beyond NY politics..the Dems put him on a national stage, not just now, but they have in the past as well.

Why did they keep what they knew about him a secret?

People always make excuses for their flawed politicians. I don't know why. At least they didn't pass this off as just "locker room talk".
No they just ignored it until 3 women complained and then they still down played it.

Many have called for him to step down. Did you excuse Trump?
No, and I don't think Cuomo should resign just for the sexual harassment claims...I"m all for Due Process. Cuomo should resign over the genocide of the elderly and the attempted, admitted coverup.....then investigated for possible crimes
Let's not get carried away. Where do you suggest these nursing-home residents should be sent? Resign--absolutely. Trump also should have resigned.
Trump wasn't ignoring the guidelines and sending them back to spread the virus to other elderly people, and then attempt to cover it up.

They should have stayed in the hospital......the Feds gave more hospital space for NY to use for non-covid cases, NY didn't use them....instead shipped the elderly to die, and spread the virus...then Andy attempted to cover up the number of deaths...just horrible
Actually, many hospitals had hospital space for non-covid cases and were concerned about the highly contagious nature of the covid, so brought no covid cases into that space. This situation certainly falls into that category.
Trump wasn't ignoring the guidelines. He was doing much worse by calling it a "hoax", saying that it would disappear, and then not doing anything to organize a response, resulting in the death of many infected people.
Trump wasn't ignoring the guidelines...Cuomo was.

Trump sent the extra hospital space, because Cuomo wanted them, and it was suppose to be used for non-covid, NY didn't use it....instead Cuomo send the elderly with it, back to the homes to spread the virus, ignoring the guidelines, then covered it up

Trump never called the virus a hoax, and in fact did every thing and provided everything NY wanted

and the virus will disappear, thanks to Trump's quite response in getting the Trump vaccine out....well let me would have disappeared, it's hard to say what will happen now that Biden is letting Covid positive illegals run loose in the USA
Utter nonsense
Yes, having to respond to your post was nonsense....but it's important that we try and shut down misinformation and I am glad I still did
You have a history of creating misinformation and propaganda rather than shutting it down. You need to do some research before flapping away with your uninformed imagination.
huh? when have I ever created such things?
"Those things" didn't occur through osmosis, right. They were developed in your pee-head, little, uneducated mind.
what things are you talking about?
You mean "misinformation"?
yes, that's the stuff I am trying to correct......and we found a lot in your post, that needed to be fixed. You are welcome
Trump poo -pood masks, coronavirus, Fauci, and if you think he was supportive, oh well.
Both Fauci and Birx have serious reservations about Trump's support and their
access to the public if you have watched their interviews. Fox News probably didn't cover these interviews. No, Trump called it a hoax and blamed the Democrats for that "hoax". Democrats were warning about the seriousness of the virus early on, and Trump said that he had it under control and that it would simply disappear,
yes? Democrats would not do "anything" to make Trump look bad because he does that all by himself. Check out Trump's interview with Bob Woodward.

Yes, Trump did not tell people to wear masks when they were not needed. He said it at the same time Fauci did. It was March of last year when Dr. Fauci said mask were unnecessary. Need the video, let me know, I have it in my bookmarks. He also said it at the time Piglosi was telling people to go to Chinatown. He said it at the time when Deblazio told people to ride the subway and shop in NYC; when Cuomo told people not to worry about this silly virus. Their state was more than prepared to handle anything.

What you leftist liars like to do is make statements without providing a timeline.

Trump said the Democrats are now politicizing the coronavirus. This is their new hoax. We have 15 people in the entire country with it, and we are doing all we can to contain it and stop it from spreading.

See, your leftist lies don't work here with video, dates and evidence.
You mean an adult had a relationship with another adult... who was kind of hot, frankly. And when he was warned that she might be an operative, he broke off the relationship.

Yeah, he got involved with a hot young spy from an enemy country as a rising politician, and had no clue? You have to be kidding me. The the Democrats kept it secret and then put him on the House intelligence committee? Really? Why would you put a sucker like Swalwell in such a position? If he can be compromised once, he can be compromised a hundred times.
Trump poo -pood masks, coronavirus, Fauci, and if you think he was supportive, oh well.
Both Fauci and Birx have serious reservations about Trump's support and their
access to the public if you have watched their interviews. Fox News probably didn't cover these interviews. No, Trump called it a hoax and blamed the Democrats for that "hoax". Democrats were warning about the seriousness of the virus early on, and Trump said that he had it under control and that it would simply disappear,
yes? Democrats would not do "anything" to make Trump look bad because he does that all by himself. Check out Trump's interview with Bob Woodward.

You know......talking to you leftists is like talking to the wall. No matter how solidly we disprove your claims, you just reply by repeating the lies over and over again. For crying out loud, I posted the video where you can actually see what Trump said, but to leftists, it doesn't matter what anybody says, it's what they wish he would have said. There are still some of you here claiming that Trump said ALL Mexicans are rapists and murderers.

I may not have everything I want in life, but when I thank God for the blessings he did give me, one of those is that he didn't give me the brain of a leftist, because I can only imagine how awful life would be thinking like that and not being able to control it.
Trump poo -pood masks, coronavirus, Fauci, and if you think he was supportive, oh well.
Both Fauci and Birx have serious reservations about Trump's support and their
access to the public if you have watched their interviews. Fox News probably didn't cover these interviews. No, Trump called it a hoax and blamed the Democrats for that "hoax". Democrats were warning about the seriousness of the virus early on, and Trump said that he had it under control and that it would simply disappear,
yes? Democrats would not do "anything" to make Trump look bad because he does that all by himself. Check out Trump's interview with Bob Woodward.

You know......talking to you leftists is like talking to the wall. No matter how solidly we disprove your claims, you just reply by repeating the lies over and over again. For crying out loud, I posted the video where you can actually see what Trump said, but to leftists, it doesn't matter what anybody says, it's what they wish he would have said. There are still some of you here claiming that Trump said ALL Mexicans are rapists and murderers.

I may not have everything I want in life, but when I thank God for the blessings he did give me, one of those is that he didn't give me the brain of a leftist, because I can only imagine how awful life would be thinking like that and not being able to control it.
Frankly, my view is that you and your ilk are being brainwashed and grifted by Trump. I also watched videos and heard him live.
Trump poo -pood masks, coronavirus, Fauci, and if you think he was supportive, oh well.
Both Fauci and Birx have serious reservations about Trump's support and their
access to the public if you have watched their interviews. Fox News probably didn't cover these interviews. No, Trump called it a hoax and blamed the Democrats for that "hoax". Democrats were warning about the seriousness of the virus early on, and Trump said that he had it under control and that it would simply disappear,
yes? Democrats would not do "anything" to make Trump look bad because he does that all by himself. Check out Trump's interview with Bob Woodward.

Yes, Trump did not tell people to wear masks when they were not needed. He said it at the same time Fauci did. It was March of last year when Dr. Fauci said mask were unnecessary. Need the video, let me know, I have it in my bookmarks. He also said it at the time Piglosi was telling people to go to Chinatown. He said it at the time when Deblazio told people to ride the subway and shop in NYC; when Cuomo told people not to worry about this silly virus. Their state was more than prepared to handle anything.

What you leftist liars like to do is make statements without providing a timeline.

Trump said the Democrats are now politicizing the coronavirus. This is their new hoax. We have 15 people in the entire country with it, and we are doing all we can to contain it and stop it from spreading.

See, your leftist lies don't work here with video, dates and evidence.

Neither do your lies and misinformation.

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