Governor DeSantis Backs The "Don't Say Gay" Bill

Why should they copy us?
Because we were here first and the nation is established in our image

It only makes sense that the newcomers should blend in to us rather than the other way around

of course there will be some exceptions but not to the extent of the smorgus board-checkerboard ideal that libs aspire to
How about you move to Venezuela or Zimbabwe and put it to the test?

I have lived all over the world, there are good and bad people of every color and race. I grew up in Iran, some of the most amazing people I have ever known were there. I have lived in Japan and Korea. They are all good people.

What is most telling of all is that in your eyes American = White.
Because we were here first and the nation is established in our image

WOW. I have to give you credit, you do not mind showing your racism to the whole world

It only makes sense that the newcomers should blend in to us rather than the other way around

They can blend in without needing to become 'White in their heart". This will totally blow your mind and you will not believe me, but people of other races and colors can have good hearts as well.
In post #162 I wrote :

There are limits to diversity and a need for common values

but the left refuses to see that

and your hair has been on fire ever since

do you really oppose the ide of a common culture based on common values?

I spent 20 years in the Marine Corps. A pretty darn diverse set of people as you will find, rich and poor and white and brown and black and every other color that people can be. We had a common value, but never once was anyone told they needed to be more "white of heart", never once was anyone ask to not be Latino or Black or Asian. It is that diversity that makes us great.
I guess we should probably also make sure that schools don’t say anything about any religion. Black it out or all textbooks. Zero mentions. That’s a parent’s job.
I guess we should probably also make sure that schools don’t say anything about any religion. Black it out or all textbooks. Zero mentions. That’s a parent’s job.

There isn't any mentions of religion in school unless you go to a Catholic school or something.

Also I think they should get rid of all mentions of capitalism. That’s a parents job.

Now you're just being ridiculous. :rolleyes:
There isn't any mentions of religion in school unless you go to a Catholic school or something.

Now you're just being ridiculous. :rolleyes:
Religion is mentioned in all schools. It’s just that no religion is favored. I really don’t want schools teaching me kids about capitalism. That’s my job to teach them values. I raise my kids, not the school.
Religion is mentioned in all schools. It’s just that no religion is favored. I really don’t want schools teaching me kids about capitalism. That’s my job to teach them values. I raise my kids, not the school.

WTF??? First of all when I went to school religion was never mentioned in our curriculum. Second of all, how government works is supposed to be taught and if you really want to teach them then homeschool them. It's that simple.

'Don't Say Gay' bill moves forward in Florida​

It would limit classroom discussions of sexual orientation and gender identity.

A Florida bill that would limit classroom discussions on sexual orientation and gender identity and encourage parents to sue schools or teachers that engage in these topics is speeding through the state House and Senate.

It's being called a "Don't Say Gay" bill by LGBTQ advocates, who fear that if this bill is signed into law, it could act as a complete ban on the lessons on LGBTQ oppression, history and discussions about LGBTQ identities.

70% of people agree with SSM. The republicans make me sick. What that they say about Freedom
it's only for me and not for thee.

'Don't Say Gay' bill moves forward in Florida​

It would limit classroom discussions of sexual orientation and gender identity.

A Florida bill that would limit classroom discussions on sexual orientation and gender identity and encourage parents to sue schools or teachers that engage in these topics is speeding through the state House and Senate.

It's being called a "Don't Say Gay" bill by LGBTQ advocates, who fear that if this bill is signed into law, it could act as a complete ban on the lessons on LGBTQ oppression, history and discussions about LGBTQ identities.

70% of people agree with SSM. The republicans make me sick. What that they say about Freedom
it's only for me and not for thee.

WTF??? First of all when I went to school religion was never mentioned in our curriculum. Second of all, how government works is supposed to be taught and if you really want to teach them then homeschool them. It's that simple.
How did your school teach you about world history?

Our government is a democracy. Teach that. Don’t teach capitalism. I don’t need the school telling my kid to how to think.
The social "conservatives" have big plans for America now that the SC is populated by church ladies.

'Don't Say Gay' bill moves forward in Florida It would limit classroom discussions of sexual orientation and gender identity.The republicans make me sick.​

SHHHH. Don't say gay. Pass it on. :eusa_whistle:

Allow people the freedom to grow up and decide for themselves what they are!
How did your school teach you about world history?

Our government is a democracy. Teach that. Don’t teach capitalism. I don’t need the school telling my kid to how to think.

1. World history is not a religion.
2. So you want to erase history too huh? The US Constitution says that America was founded on capitalism. After one hell of a fight that is. (And I thought that I didn't pay enough attention in school, give me a break! You need to go back to it. :rolleyes: )

'Don't Say Gay' bill moves forward in Florida​

It would limit classroom discussions of sexual orientation and gender identity.

A Florida bill that would limit classroom discussions on sexual orientation and gender identity and encourage parents to sue schools or teachers that engage in these topics is speeding through the state House and Senate.

It's being called a "Don't Say Gay" bill by LGBTQ advocates, who fear that if this bill is signed into law, it could act as a complete ban on the lessons on LGBTQ oppression, history and discussions about LGBTQ identities.

70% of people agree with SSM. The republicans make me sick. What that they say about Freedom
it's only for me and not for thee.
thats what they say about much alike its uncanny.....
Why should proponents of Homosexuality be given a free soapbox in the public schools to push their alternative forms of sexuality?

The "3" R's are Reading, writing and arithmetic. Not Rectal Sex, Role Play and Rim Jobs.

'Don't Say Gay' bill moves forward in Florida​

It would limit classroom discussions of sexual orientation and gender identity.

A Florida bill that would limit classroom discussions on sexual orientation and gender identity and encourage parents to sue schools or teachers that engage in these topics is speeding through the state House and Senate.

It's being called a "Don't Say Gay" bill by LGBTQ advocates, who fear that if this bill is signed into law, it could act as a complete ban on the lessons on LGBTQ oppression, history and discussions about LGBTQ identities.

70% of people agree with SSM. The republicans make me sick. What that they say about Freedom
it's only for me and not for thee.
Why shouldn’t the parents have some say in what age “ gender identity “ would be a appropriate topic? What about READING, WRITING, MATH 🧮, etc?

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