Governor Katie Hobbs vetoes ban on filming porn at public schools

So we had two teachers who did something stupid and were fired but someone thought there needs to be a law so teachers can be fired for doing such a thing?
So we had two teachers who did something stupid and were fired but someone thought there needs to be a law so teachers can be fired for doing such a thing?
You think filming porn in K-12 schools is acceptable?

Losing their jobs so they can move to other schools and do the same isn't enough. They need to do jail time.
You think filming porn in K-12 schools is acceptable?

English not your first language?

Losing their jobs so they can move to other schools and do the same isn't enough. They need to do jail time.

Sure, taxpayers need to be on the hook for the teachers doing something stupid. And when asked to pay more taxes for all these jails you are going to fill you are going to then complain about taxes.
English not your first language?
Sure, taxpayers need to be on the hook for the teachers doing something stupid. And when asked to pay more taxes for all these jails you are going to fill you are going to then complain about taxes.
Put one or two in jail and then the others know what the consequences are. Otherwise there are no consequences.
Put one or two in jail and then the others know what the consequences are. Otherwise there are no consequences.

Teachers don't understand the consequences are losing their livelyhood?

What other "crimes" might we apply this to? How about fraud?
Teachers don't understand the consequences are losing their livelihood?
What other "crimes" might we apply this to? How about fraud?
Bad teachers could just relocate to a more liberal school district, not punishment enough.

Moral turpitude is a legal concept in the United States and prior to 1976, Canada, that refers to "an act or behavior that gravely violates the sentiment or accepted standard of the community".

I'm not sure it was porn she was filming. More likely a horror movie.


Is that the perv who made the porn flick?

And she's talking about how she isn't paid enough?

Maybe schools ought to hire homeless, unemployed people who are nonetheless law abiding.. They'd feel they won the lottery getting paid what a teacher is paid..

and most people, whether "educated" enough to be a teacher or not... would never do what this sicko did

Again, is the perv's name Samantha Peer?
How did children find thisfilth?


you just don't even know what to say about all this sick stuff happening.. and isn't it interesting the sickest of the sick came down after 2020?

but i'm sure it's just a coincidence...

"Let a Democrat steal an election, what could possibly go wrong?"

Trust a filthy Democrat to always side with the perverts and groomers.

The Democrat Party is a party of perverts, assholes and shitheads.

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