Governor Orders End To LGBT Protected Class

I guess we are suppose to just accept, they are MORE SPECIAL than the rest of us.

and then also demand we stay out of their bedrooms.

how the hell can you expect people to take you seriously and be accepting all the same time?

these laws only brings more RESENTMENT against you. what won't accept about that?

you are NOT SPECIAL PEOPLE in this country. we are all created EQUAL UNDER our laws of this country

Typical Stephanie. First she says they are not equal under the law and then says they are.

The one line that is true is "... demand we stay out of their bedrooms...'

Yes. I believe that if it involves consenting adults and harms no one, I have no right to tell you what you can and cannot do in your bedroom.
I guess we are suppose to just accept, they are MORE SPECIAL than the rest of us.

and then also demand we stay out of their bedrooms.

how the hell can you expect people to take you seriously and be accepting all the same time?

these laws only brings more RESENTMENT against you. what won't accept about that?

you are NOT SPECIAL PEOPLE in this country. we are all created EQUAL UNDER our laws of this country
People are getting tired of their shit. They continuously try to redefine terminology to suit themselves. If you want the freedom to choose your customers and employees then you want bigger government? You want to be involved in people's bedrooms? You want traditional marriage? You're hateful. You think men with women is special, sorta like the rest of the animal kindom? You're intolerant. It's insane.

Then shut up and butt out of other people's lives.

Problem solved.

EDIT: I meant to write LIVES.

Stay out of people's lives.

Sorry for the confusion.
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Unconstitutional but, coming from the radical right, that's no surprise.

Anyone who thinks Nazi Germany could not happen here has only to look at blatant discrimination like this.

or vote for and support the far left!

So, you're in favor of trashing the Constitution and discriminating against a group of people with whom you disagree.

I did not vote far left like you did...

Why not? Are you one of those self-hating gays?
Gay Americans should simply establish a church. Make the practice of homosexuality a tenet of that religion.

Then they automatically become a protected class.

Unconstitutional but, coming from the radical right, that's no surprise.

Anyone who thinks Nazi Germany could not happen here has only to look at blatant discrimination like this.

or vote for and support the far left!

So, you're in favor of trashing the Constitution and discriminating against a group of people with whom you disagree.
You mean like how the gays forced gay marriage on states that voted against it?

So you are for unequal protection for gay people? Of course you are. You are on the wrong side of history.

The Constitution was established to protect the minority from the will of the majority. That's why the 14th amendment says ALL US Citizens are given equal protection under the law.
I guess we are suppose to just accept, they are MORE SPECIAL than the rest of us.

and then also demand we stay out of their bedrooms.

how the hell can you expect people to take you seriously and be accepting all the same time?

these laws only brings more RESENTMENT against you. what won't accept about that?

you are NOT SPECIAL PEOPLE in this country. we are all created EQUAL UNDER our laws of this country
People are getting tired of their shit. They continuously try to redefine terminology to suit themselves. If you want the freedom to choose your customers and employees then you want bigger government? You want to be involved in people's bedrooms? You want traditional marriage? You're hateful. You think men with women is special, sorta like the rest of the animal kindom? You're intolerant. It's insane.

Then shut up and butt out of other people's lies.

Problem solved.

Look the far left wants people to butt out of their lies!!!

So you believe I should be able to control who you marry.

EDIT: My previous post, quoted here, contains a typo. I meant to write LIVES and have since changed the original post. Sorry for the confusion.
Ya know...if those damned queers would just stay in the closet where they belong, the good people of Kansas wouldn't have to shove them back in there.

Geez Louise!
Unconstitutional but, coming from the radical right, that's no surprise.

Anyone who thinks Nazi Germany could not happen here has only to look at blatant discrimination like this.

or vote for and support the far left!

So, you're in favor of trashing the Constitution and discriminating against a group of people with whom you disagree.

I did not vote far left like you did... kidding. So, who needs to either listen to you or try to convince you. You're already down the rabbit hole. :D

See how dangerous the far left religion is? They try and make being "gay" a religion now..

First it was being "gay" was a race, now it is a religion...
I can understand your confusion. RWrs don't get analogies very well. It requires higher level thinking skills.
Unconstitutional but, coming from the radical right, that's no surprise.

I doubt it's unconstitutional. Many states don't have workplace protections for gays and there are not protections at a Federal level like there are for, oh say, religion.

Good point.

People can be fired for smoking on their own time and yes, we're now seeing discrimination based on religion. Indeed, people can be fired for no reason at all and they have no legal recourse.

Why has Obama not been fired for smoking?
You should try to fire President Obama. Yes, you should. Go for it.
Ya know...if those damned queers would just stay in the closet where they belong, the good people of Kansas wouldn't have to shove them back in there.

Geez Louise!

True. If they would just accept their second-class citizenship, the nutters wouldn't have to work so hard to deny them the equality guaranteed them under the Constitution.
or vote for and support the far left!

So, you're in favor of trashing the Constitution and discriminating against a group of people with whom you disagree.

I did not vote far left like you did... kidding. So, who needs to either listen to you or try to convince you. You're already down the rabbit hole. :D

See how dangerous the far left religion is? They try and make being "gay" a religion now..

First it was being "gay" was a race, now it is a religion...
I can understand your confusion. RWrs don't get analogies very well. It requires higher level thinking skills.
Higher thinking skills, meaning creative bullshit to obfuscate the matter.
Unconstitutional but, coming from the radical right, that's no surprise.

Anyone who thinks Nazi Germany could not happen here has only to look at blatant discrimination like this.

or vote for and support the far left!

So, you're in favor of trashing the Constitution and discriminating against a group of people with whom you disagree.
You mean like how the gays forced gay marriage on states that voted against it?

Show me where you can be forced to marry someone of the same sex.

Do you believe I should be able to control who you marry?
Not what I was saying doofus, I said the gays and gay activist judges forced legal gay marriage on states that voted against it. Got it? were they able to do that?
So, you're in favor of trashing the Constitution and discriminating against a group of people with whom you disagree.

I did not vote far left like you did... kidding. So, who needs to either listen to you or try to convince you. You're already down the rabbit hole. :D

See how dangerous the far left religion is? They try and make being "gay" a religion now..

First it was being "gay" was a race, now it is a religion...
I can understand your confusion. RWrs don't get analogies very well. It requires higher level thinking skills.
Higher thinking skills, meaning creative bullshit to obfuscate the matter.
Wrong answer.

Gay isn't a one but silly little RWrs like Kosh are asserting that.....because he confuses easily when presented with an analogy.

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