Governor Orders End To LGBT Protected Class

So you believe I should be able to control who you marry.
No, I believe the state should decide by means of the democratic process, as I've told you 1,000 times before.
You think civil rights should be decided democratically?
Since I've rejected the assertion that there is a civil right to marry like genders your question is dishonest. Which is the main problem with gays and why I would never hire one. They are the most dishonest people I know.
Those damned activist judges. Forcing interracial marriages on states that voted against them. Forcing gun rights on states that voted them away. Forcing unlimited campaign spending on countries that voted against it.

Now they are forcing gay marriage on states.

Busy, busy, busy.
I did not vote far left like you did... kidding. So, who needs to either listen to you or try to convince you. You're already down the rabbit hole. :D

See how dangerous the far left religion is? They try and make being "gay" a religion now..

First it was being "gay" was a race, now it is a religion...
I can understand your confusion. RWrs don't get analogies very well. It requires higher level thinking skills.
Higher thinking skills, meaning creative bullshit to obfuscate the matter.
Wrong answer.

Gay isn't a one but silly little RWrs like Kosh are asserting that.....because he confuses easily when presented with an analogy.
Wrong answer. You don't get to dictate answers for others. Gay activists are the ones trying to massage civil rights for religions and race to include sexual preference. It isn't the right that brings it up.
Yeah, that's nice...The state of Ohio can fire it's queers. How proud you Ohioans must be...
When the courts conduct social engineering against the Will of The People, then The People will eventually find a way to reverse such engineering.

When you strip away the thin veneer of Political Correctness, most folks don't want that filth and degeneracy infecting their communities and their government.

Any day in which the Gay Mafia experiences a defeat of one kind or another, while the rest of the country is fighting a holding action until corrections can be made, is a good day indeed.
Made broke like a third world country by stupid politicians, they reelected the same idiots. Soon they will have to move their Universities and colleges out of state due to lack of students and potential out of state students afraid of the native mutants. Could this be the result of inner breeding or might it be that the nuke silo's are leaking?
Since I've rejected the assertion that there is a civil right to marry like genders your question is dishonest. Which is the main problem with gays and why I would never hire one. They are the most dishonest people I know.
What incredibly twisted illogic. This post should be in a Logic 101 textbook as a case study.
He'll do anything at this point to distract away from his failed economic policies.
Isn't Kansas home to the Westboro Baptist Church? Birds of a feather..........
I keep saying that whenever you scratch an anti same-sex marriage person, you find a Westboro Baptist underneath the surface.

Brownback must have gotten a bad case of poison ivy.
Yeah, that's nice...The state of Ohio can fire it's queers. How proud you Ohioans must be...
When the courts conduct social engineering against the Will of The People, then The People will eventually find a way to reverse such engineering.

When you strip away the thin veneer of Political Correctness, most folks don't want that filth and degeneracy infecting their communities and their government.

Any day in which the Gay Mafia experiences a defeat of one kind or another, while the rest of the country is fighting a holding action until corrections can be made, is a good day.
So you object to such social engineering as:

Brown v. Board of Ed
Loving v. Virginia
Cooper v. Aaron
Gideon v. Wainwright
Miranda v. Arizona

and so on and so forth....
With the stroke of a pen, Kansas Gov. Sam Brownback erased protections offered to LGBT state employees facing discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity.

Governor orders end to LGBT protected class

LGBT, as usual, are whining and complaining like spoiled children. They are deviant and morally offensive to others who don't share their immoral ways. They should not be a protected class.

I could make the claim about Christians- always whining and complaining like spoiled children. They are deviant and morally offensive to others who don't share their immoral ways. They should not be a protected class.

But I won't do that.
So you believe I should be able to control who you marry.
No, I believe the state should decide by means of the democratic process, as I've told you 1,000 times before.
You think civil rights should be decided democratically?
Since I've rejected the assertion that there is a civil right to marry like genders your question is dishonest. Which is the main problem with gays and why I would never hire one. They are the most dishonest people I know.
You just don't like intelligent, creative, and tasteful people.

don't move to Kansas you don't like their LAWS..OR just sit and whine like you always do
With the stroke of a pen, Kansas Gov. Sam Brownback erased protections offered to LGBT state employees facing discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity.

Governor orders end to LGBT protected class

LGBT, as usual, are whining and complaining like spoiled children. They are deviant and morally offensive to others who don't share their immoral ways. They should not be a protected class.

You should warn us before you send us to that site of dreck eyes still ache from seeing that crap.

don't move to Kansas you don't like their LAWS..OR just sit and whine like you always do
And if you are gay and born in Kansas, you better leave town before sundown, boy!
I think divorced people who have remarried should not be a protected class, either. They are immoral adulterers and you should be allowed to fire them.

Also, I think you should be allowed to fire someone who looks at porn. They are deviant and immoral.

And if a woman wears shorts on Sunday, or a thong on the beach any day of the week, she should be fired.

Yoga pants? You're fired! kidding. So, who needs to either listen to you or try to convince you. You're already down the rabbit hole. :D

See how dangerous the far left religion is? They try and make being "gay" a religion now..

First it was being "gay" was a race, now it is a religion...
I can understand your confusion. RWrs don't get analogies very well. It requires higher level thinking skills.
Higher thinking skills, meaning creative bullshit to obfuscate the matter.
Wrong answer.

Gay isn't a one but silly little RWrs like Kosh are asserting that.....because he confuses easily when presented with an analogy.
Wrong answer. You don't get to dictate answers for others. Gay activists are the ones trying to massage civil rights for religions and race to include sexual preference. It isn't the right that brings it up.
To say "gay activists are the ones trying to massage civil rights for religions and race to include sexual preference" IS NOT the same thing as saying "gay activists are saying that gay is a religion".

Are YOU able to tell the difference in the analogy? Or are you as stupid as Kosh?

FYI...civil rights are for citizens....period. It is NOT limited based on religion (a choice) or race (inherent). It is also based on age, on gender, on physical capability, on national origin. People like you are just like those in the 60s who were shocked to find out that the Civil Rights Act ALSO covered women.
If you cheat on your wife, you're fired.

If you cheat on your husband, you're fired.

If you covet your neighbor's plasma TV, you're fired.

If you ever get drunk, you're fired.

If you eat pork or shellfish, you're fired.

If you use the Lord's name in vain, you're fired.

If you dishonor your parents, you're fired.

If you don't go to church, you're fired.

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