Governor Romney now wants to insource jobs to non-citizens:

This is from Governor Romney's website:

Attracting the Best and the Brightest​

To ensure that America continues to lead the world in innovation and economic dynamism, a Romney administration would press for an immigration policy designed to maximize America’s economic potential. The United States needs to attract and retain job creators from wherever they come. Foreign-born residents with advanced degrees start companies, create jobs, and drive innovation at an especially high rate. While lawful immigrants comprise about 8 percent of the population, immigrants start 16 percent of our top-performing, high-technology companies, hold the position of CEO or lead engineer in 25 percent of high-tech firms, and produce over 25 percent of all patent applications filed from the United States.

  • Raise visa caps for highly skilled workers
  • Grant permanent residency to eligible graduates with advanced degrees in math, science, and engineering


While America is the destination for many of the world's best and brightest minds; making it easier for companies to hire these professionals on the cheap while ignoring native born citizens of equal or greater qualifications is an area where I disagree with the governor.

H1Bs are the other dirty little secret of executives.

Saturate the labor market with them..and inevitably cost of labor goes does the bargaining position of highly skilled workers.

Thank's Mitt.

And thanks conservatives.
We have a shortage of many research scientists in the USA. We've had it for years. But, yeah, let's keep them OUT of the USA. Oh, and let's keep the entrepreneurs out, as well. They can make jobs in their own countries. :rolleyes:

Fuck the Statue of Liberty while we're at it. It's fucking French anyway.
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I think making it easier for well educated, well off foreigners to come here, start a business, and create jobs here is an excellent idea. Encouraging investment in this country by anyone, citizen or non-citizen, can only help the economy.

Why not make it easier for Americans to become well educated? Is that even an option or do we try to recruit the people who benefit from free education in other countries.


Aside from setting up a system to make it harder for native-born workers to compete; apparently the Governor also wishes to increase the competition for native-born employers as well.

To use a volleyball analogy, Instead of hiring a top flight striker or setter from outside the ranks, why not build better bench strength for the home team first?

Now the Leftists are separating themselves from immigrants????

Aside from setting up a system to make it harder for native-born workers to compete; apparently the Governor also wishes to increase the competition for native-born employers as well.

To use a volleyball analogy, Instead of hiring a top flight striker or setter from outside the ranks, why not build better bench strength for the home team first?

Why do you hate the educated and the entrpreneurial?

What a moron you are.

You guys remind of all of the new reality shows. Storage Wars, Cupcake Wars, Food Truck Wars, Property Wars etc..

Every response to an arguement involves accusations of "hating"

Turnabout sucks, hunh?
It's a pain in the ass to always be on the defensive....
I think making it easier for well educated, well off foreigners to come here, start a business, and create jobs here is an excellent idea. Encouraging investment in this country by anyone, citizen or non-citizen, can only help the economy.

Why not make it easier for Americans to become well educated? Is that even an option or do we try to recruit the people who benefit from free education in other countries.

All for that too.
This is from Governor Romney's website:

Attracting the Best and the Brightest​

To ensure that America continues to lead the world in innovation and economic dynamism, a Romney administration would press for an immigration policy designed to maximize America’s economic potential. The United States needs to attract and retain job creators from wherever they come. Foreign-born residents with advanced degrees start companies, create jobs, and drive innovation at an especially high rate. While lawful immigrants comprise about 8 percent of the population, immigrants start 16 percent of our top-performing, high-technology companies, hold the position of CEO or lead engineer in 25 percent of high-tech firms, and produce over 25 percent of all patent applications filed from the United States.

  • Raise visa caps for highly skilled workers
  • Grant permanent residency to eligible graduates with advanced degrees in math, science, and engineering


While America is the destination for many of the world's best and brightest minds; making it easier for companies to hire these professionals on the cheap while ignoring native born citizens of equal or greater qualifications is an area where I disagree with the governor.

H1Bs are the other dirty little secret of executives.

Saturate the labor market with them..and inevitably cost of labor goes does the bargaining position of highly skilled workers.

Thank's Mitt.

And thanks conservatives.

As uncharitable as you're being; it never the less is the truth.

But that really isn't the point. The point is to incentivize getting more Americans to work. For whatever reason, the Governor seems to place a greater value on insourcing non-native workers who will, as you have proven through simple supply and demand, drive down the wages across the board.
This is from Governor Romney's website:

Attracting the Best and the Brightest​

To ensure that America continues to lead the world in innovation and economic dynamism, a Romney administration would press for an immigration policy designed to maximize America’s economic potential. The United States needs to attract and retain job creators from wherever they come. Foreign-born residents with advanced degrees start companies, create jobs, and drive innovation at an especially high rate. While lawful immigrants comprise about 8 percent of the population, immigrants start 16 percent of our top-performing, high-technology companies, hold the position of CEO or lead engineer in 25 percent of high-tech firms, and produce over 25 percent of all patent applications filed from the United States.

  • Raise visa caps for highly skilled workers
  • Grant permanent residency to eligible graduates with advanced degrees in math, science, and engineering


While America is the destination for many of the world's best and brightest minds; making it easier for companies to hire these professionals on the cheap while ignoring native born citizens of equal or greater qualifications is an area where I disagree with the governor.

H1Bs are the other dirty little secret of executives.

Saturate the labor market with them..and inevitably cost of labor goes does the bargaining position of highly skilled workers.

Thank's Mitt.

And thanks conservatives.

As uncharitable as you're being; it never the less is the truth.

But that really isn't the point. The point is to incentivize getting more Americans to work. For whatever reason, the Governor seems to place a greater value on insourcing non-native workers who will, as you have proven through simple supply and demand, drive down the wages across the board.
You really ARE a moron!

It's just amazing to watch you crash and burn.

Why do you hate scientists and entrepreneurs?
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STAGGERING stupidity!!!!!

Simply jaw-dropping, mind-numbing stupid.

the Governor seems to place a greater value on insourcing non-native workers who will, as you have proven through simple supply and demand, drive down the wages across the board.

As he has proven??

So NATIVE workers "through simple supply and demand" WON'T drive down wages? But non-natives will?

Especially when you claim, but refuse to show proof, that these highly educated NON-native workers work cheap.

There are no truer words in the English language and you are a prime example - YA CAN'T FIX STUPID!
This is from Governor Romney's website:

Attracting the Best and the Brightest​

To ensure that America continues to lead the world in innovation and economic dynamism, a Romney administration would press for an immigration policy designed to maximize America’s economic potential. The United States needs to attract and retain job creators from wherever they come. Foreign-born residents with advanced degrees start companies, create jobs, and drive innovation at an especially high rate. While lawful immigrants comprise about 8 percent of the population, immigrants start 16 percent of our top-performing, high-technology companies, hold the position of CEO or lead engineer in 25 percent of high-tech firms, and produce over 25 percent of all patent applications filed from the United States.

  • Raise visa caps for highly skilled workers
  • Grant permanent residency to eligible graduates with advanced degrees in math, science, and engineering


While America is the destination for many of the world's best and brightest minds; making it easier for companies to hire these professionals on the cheap while ignoring native born citizens of equal or greater qualifications is an area where I disagree with the governor.

H1Bs are the other dirty little secret of executives.

Saturate the labor market with them..and inevitably cost of labor goes does the bargaining position of highly skilled workers.

Thank's Mitt.

And thanks conservatives.
We have a shortage of many research scientists in the USA. We've had it for years. But, yeah, let's keep them OUT of the USA. Oh, and let's keep the entrepreneurs out, as well. They can make jobs in their own countries. :rolleyes:

Fuck the Statue of Liberty while we're at it. It's fucking French anyway.

As if the Dems aren't doing this kind of thing- attracting highly educate immigrants. The difference is Obama ALSO wants to spend money to to improve that kind of education for AMERICANS.

Sorry the French were absolutely correct that Booosh/Cheney were rushing us in to a stupid war. They're the OTHER great republic and our oldest ally. How hateful and dumb can you get...
H1Bs are the other dirty little secret of executives.

Saturate the labor market with them..and inevitably cost of labor goes does the bargaining position of highly skilled workers.

Thank's Mitt.

And thanks conservatives.
We have a shortage of many research scientists in the USA. We've had it for years. But, yeah, let's keep them OUT of the USA. Oh, and let's keep the entrepreneurs out, as well. They can make jobs in their own countries. :rolleyes:

Fuck the Statue of Liberty while we're at it. It's fucking French anyway.

As if the Dems aren't doing this kind of thing- attracting highly educate immigrants. The difference is Obama ALSO wants to spend money to to improve that kind of education for AMERICANS.

Sorry the French were absolutely correct that Booosh/Cheney were rushing us in to a stupid war. They're the OTHER great republic and our oldest ally. How hateful and dumb can you get...
Thanks for letting us know you are a moron. :thup:
As if the Dems aren't doing this kind of thing. The difference is Obama ALSO wants to spend money to to improve that kind of education for AMERICANS.

That's quite stupid. We already have the best math, science and engineering schools. The classes are filled with foreign students because Americans would rather not bother.
This is from Governor Romney's website:

Attracting the Best and the Brightest​

To ensure that America continues to lead the world in innovation and economic dynamism, a Romney administration would press for an immigration policy designed to maximize America’s economic potential. The United States needs to attract and retain job creators from wherever they come. Foreign-born residents with advanced degrees start companies, create jobs, and drive innovation at an especially high rate. While lawful immigrants comprise about 8 percent of the population, immigrants start 16 percent of our top-performing, high-technology companies, hold the position of CEO or lead engineer in 25 percent of high-tech firms, and produce over 25 percent of all patent applications filed from the United States.

  • Raise visa caps for highly skilled workers
  • Grant permanent residency to eligible graduates with advanced degrees in math, science, and engineering


While America is the destination for many of the world's best and brightest minds; making it easier for companies to hire these professionals on the cheap while ignoring native born citizens of equal or greater qualifications is an area where I disagree with the governor.

H1Bs are the other dirty little secret of executives.

Saturate the labor market with them..and inevitably cost of labor goes does the bargaining position of highly skilled workers.

Thank's Mitt.

And thanks conservatives.
We have a shortage of many research scientists in the USA. We've had it for years. But, yeah, let's keep them OUT of the USA. Oh, and let's keep the entrepreneurs out, as well. They can make jobs in their own countries. :rolleyes:

Fuck the Statue of Liberty while we're at it. It's fucking French anyway.

We've "had" it for years because conservatives do their damndest to make sure that people who even think of going into research or so at the lowest possible wage. So, people who would otherwise be great at these jobs..get their MBAs.
H1Bs are the other dirty little secret of executives.

Saturate the labor market with them..and inevitably cost of labor goes does the bargaining position of highly skilled workers.

Thank's Mitt.

And thanks conservatives.
We have a shortage of many research scientists in the USA. We've had it for years. But, yeah, let's keep them OUT of the USA. Oh, and let's keep the entrepreneurs out, as well. They can make jobs in their own countries. :rolleyes:

Fuck the Statue of Liberty while we're at it. It's fucking French anyway.

We've "had" it for years because conservatives do their damndest to make sure that people who even think of going into research or so at the lowest possible wage. So, people who would otherwise be great at these jobs..get their MBAs.
It's funny to watch you think you know a thing about any aspect of the scientific community. :lmao:
Many thanks to Pubs who allowed college costs to quadrupble under voodoo/Reaganism, public costs doubled just under Booosh, and they put banks in as greedy middlemen- that story is still coming out, as are the Pub crony new online/BS universities whose huge costs and crappe reputations lead to them being behind HALF the unpaid student loans...

Pub are TOTALLY FOS and you are their chumps, MORONS.

Keep mouthing their stupid BS talking points- and your stupid insults are very impressive and relevant LOL
Many thanks to Pubs who allowed college costs to quadrupble under voodoo/Reaganism, public costs doubled just under Booosh, and they put banks in as greedy middlemen- that story is still coming out, as are the Pub crony new online/BS universities whose huge costs and crappe reputations lead to them being behind HALF the unpaid student loans...

Pub are TOTALLY FOS and you are their chumps, MORONS.

Keep mouthing their stupid BS talking points- and your stupid insults are very impressive and relevant LOL
You're a moron. The federal government has no ability to control college costs.

Isn't it ironic???

Here we have libs/Dems gung-ho for more and more gov't intrusion into our lives while at the same time castigating Pubs for controlling and destroying every aspect of our lives.

They are not just morons. They are oxy-morons.

H1Bs are the other dirty little secret of executives.

Saturate the labor market with them..and inevitably cost of labor goes does the bargaining position of highly skilled workers.

Thank's Mitt.

And thanks conservatives.
We have a shortage of many research scientists in the USA. We've had it for years. But, yeah, let's keep them OUT of the USA. Oh, and let's keep the entrepreneurs out, as well. They can make jobs in their own countries. :rolleyes:

Fuck the Statue of Liberty while we're at it. It's fucking French anyway.

We've "had" it for years because conservatives do their damndest to make sure that people who even think of going into research or so at the lowest possible wage. So, people who would otherwise be great at these jobs..get their MBAs.

You're on the money once more. The goal is to get the optimum number of Americans working. Issuing more visas or longer-termed visas isn't going to do that. And that's just the fact of the matter.
H1Bs are the other dirty little secret of executives.

Saturate the labor market with them..and inevitably cost of labor goes does the bargaining position of highly skilled workers.

Thank's Mitt.

And thanks conservatives.
We have a shortage of many research scientists in the USA. We've had it for years. But, yeah, let's keep them OUT of the USA. Oh, and let's keep the entrepreneurs out, as well. They can make jobs in their own countries. :rolleyes:

Fuck the Statue of Liberty while we're at it. It's fucking French anyway.

We've "had" it for years because conservatives do their damndest to make sure that people who even think of going into research or so at the lowest possible wage. So, people who would otherwise be great at these jobs..get their MBAs.
Did you really just claim that the GOP controls wages in private enterprise?

Really? Wow.
Many thanks to Pubs who allowed college costs to quadrupble under voodoo/Reaganism, public costs doubled just under Booosh, and they put banks in as greedy middlemen- that story is still coming out, as are the Pub crony new online/BS universities whose huge costs and crappe reputations lead to them being behind HALF the unpaid student loans...

Pub are TOTALLY FOS and you are their chumps, MORONS.

Keep mouthing their stupid BS talking points- and your stupid insults are very impressive and relevant LOL
You're a moron. The federal government has no ability to control college costs.


The rise in college costs is driven mostly by raises for professors and administrators. Every time there is a new college "office" there is an increase in administrative costs that have to be paid for. Multicultural affairs, gay complaints, chicano affairs. They all increase costs.

The next cause of college costs is support for non essential college infrastructure. That new sports stadium, replanting on the quad after a protest, programs that support Title IX teams that do nothing but make sure that popular sports can exist.

Cut the waste and colleges can reduce costs, but that's not going to happen.

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