Governor Romney now wants to insource jobs to non-citizens:

It looks to me like Romney has a plan for legal immigration for law abiding, educated, job producing persons. And it's not a pathway to amnesty. Do you have a problem with that OP?

I feel it would be better if he made it easier for companies to hire native born citizens instead of making it easier for them to hire non-natives who will work cheaper.

YET our president has fought AZ tooth and nail to make all these illegals stay. You cant have it both ways :eusa_whistle:

I don't want it both ways. I'm in favor of employing the maximum number of native born citizens. At the same time however, historically, there have been shortages of native born citizens who didn't want the hard labor jobs of picking grapefruit, service jobs, etc... There is a difference between allowing someone to stay here who is just here to make a buck and making it easier for companies to look beyond the borders actively for cheaper talent when we have natives who are out of work for these higher paying positions.

It is, to defend your point, the same principle and we should encourage native-hiring in all respects. It's just that historically, we've had trouble with the lower paying positions and no trouble with the higher paying ones so this is a curious initiative for the Governor to put on his website.
"Grant permanent residency to eligible graduates with advanced degrees in math, science, and engineering"

Agree! The shortage of Americans trained in these fields falls in line with the small amount of available education slots in the USA!!

RNs are one of my pet peeves.

There are a lot of out-of-work RN's. When the local health department had their latest round of lay-offs, we were flooded with resumes. There are a lot of out of work engineers too come to think of it.

Out-of work RN'S???? With the baby boomer generation getting sick? My daughter is an NP and they're always short-handed begging for RN'S.
This is from Governor Romney's website:

Attracting the Best and the Brightest​

To ensure that America continues to lead the world in innovation and economic dynamism, a Romney administration would press for an immigration policy designed to maximize America’s economic potential. The United States needs to attract and retain job creators from wherever they come. Foreign-born residents with advanced degrees start companies, create jobs, and drive innovation at an especially high rate. While lawful immigrants comprise about 8 percent of the population, immigrants start 16 percent of our top-performing, high-technology companies, hold the position of CEO or lead engineer in 25 percent of high-tech firms, and produce over 25 percent of all patent applications filed from the United States.

  • Raise visa caps for highly skilled workers
  • Grant permanent residency to eligible graduates with advanced degrees in math, science, and engineering


While America is the destination for many of the world's best and brightest minds; making it easier for companies to hire these professionals on the cheap while ignoring native born citizens of equal or greater qualifications is an area where I disagree with the governor.

you do, of course, realize that the quotation from Romney's website does not support the thread title in the slightest... right?

"a Romney administration would press for an immigration policy designed to maximize America’s economic potential. The United States needs to attract and retain job creators from wherever they come. Foreign-born residents with advanced degrees start companies, create jobs, and drive innovation at an especially high rate."

It's talking about attracting people from other countries to start businesses here, creating jobs. It says nothing about those jobs going to non-citizens.

Dumb ass.

Have someone help you with the big words before you comment in the future. :eusa_shhh:
This is from Governor Romney's website:

Attracting the Best and the Brightest​

To ensure that America continues to lead the world in innovation and economic dynamism, a Romney administration would press for an immigration policy designed to maximize America’s economic potential. The United States needs to attract and retain job creators from wherever they come. Foreign-born residents with advanced degrees start companies, create jobs, and drive innovation at an especially high rate. While lawful immigrants comprise about 8 percent of the population, immigrants start 16 percent of our top-performing, high-technology companies, hold the position of CEO or lead engineer in 25 percent of high-tech firms, and produce over 25 percent of all patent applications filed from the United States.

  • Raise visa caps for highly skilled workers
  • Grant permanent residency to eligible graduates with advanced degrees in math, science, and engineering


While America is the destination for many of the world's best and brightest minds; making it easier for companies to hire these professionals on the cheap while ignoring native born citizens of equal or greater qualifications is an area where I disagree with the governor.
What an idiot you are!

For decades, the rest of the world has experienced a 'brain drain' TO the USA.

Under Obama, that is no longer the case.

Yeah, let's keep those scientists, engineers, doctors, etc. in other countries. :rolleyes:
This is from Governor Romney's website:

Attracting the Best and the Brightest​

To ensure that America continues to lead the world in innovation and economic dynamism, a Romney administration would press for an immigration policy designed to maximize America’s economic potential. The United States needs to attract and retain job creators from wherever they come. Foreign-born residents with advanced degrees start companies, create jobs, and drive innovation at an especially high rate. While lawful immigrants comprise about 8 percent of the population, immigrants start 16 percent of our top-performing, high-technology companies, hold the position of CEO or lead engineer in 25 percent of high-tech firms, and produce over 25 percent of all patent applications filed from the United States.

  • Raise visa caps for highly skilled workers
  • Grant permanent residency to eligible graduates with advanced degrees in math, science, and engineering


While America is the destination for many of the world's best and brightest minds; making it easier for companies to hire these professionals on the cheap while ignoring native born citizens of equal or greater qualifications is an area where I disagree with the governor.

Upset with the similarity to the DREAM Act?

They're not illegals.
And it's a helluva lot cheaper than losing them to the competition.
This is from Governor Romney's website:

Attracting the Best and the Brightest​

To ensure that America continues to lead the world in innovation and economic dynamism, a Romney administration would press for an immigration policy designed to maximize America’s economic potential. The United States needs to attract and retain job creators from wherever they come. Foreign-born residents with advanced degrees start companies, create jobs, and drive innovation at an especially high rate. While lawful immigrants comprise about 8 percent of the population, immigrants start 16 percent of our top-performing, high-technology companies, hold the position of CEO or lead engineer in 25 percent of high-tech firms, and produce over 25 percent of all patent applications filed from the United States.

  • Raise visa caps for highly skilled workers
  • Grant permanent residency to eligible graduates with advanced degrees in math, science, and engineering


While America is the destination for many of the world's best and brightest minds; making it easier for companies to hire these professionals on the cheap while ignoring native born citizens of equal or greater qualifications is an area where I disagree with the governor.

Upset with the similarity to the DREAM Act?

They're not illegals.
And it's a helluva lot cheaper than losing them to the competition.

It's also a helluva lot cheaper than hiring natives at an increased rate.

I never said they were illegals, by the way.
"Grant permanent residency to eligible graduates with advanced degrees in math, science, and engineering"

Agree! The shortage of Americans trained in these fields falls in line with the small amount of available education slots in the USA!!

RNs are one of my pet peeves.

There are a lot of out-of-work RN's. When the local health department had their latest round of lay-offs, we were flooded with resumes. There are a lot of out of work engineers too come to think of it.

Out-of work RN'S???? With the baby boomer generation getting sick? My daughter is an NP and they're always short-handed begging for RN'S.

It's the truth.
You're classic dumbshit. The only incentive to hire foreign workers is that the US can't get qualified US workers for the same job. But that's econ 101 and thus way above your pay grade.

So you're saying we don't have qualified workers here? Really? Now that's funny.

Yeah honest. Otherwise companies wouldn't go through the hassle of hiring foreign workers with visa requirements. But this is doubtless beyond you which is why you'll probably retort with some shit about the unemployment rate like the dumb bunny you are.

Okay so you're in favor of hiring non-native workers instead of Americans as long as it's the plan of Governor Romney?
This is from Governor Romney's website:

Attracting the Best and the Brightest​

To ensure that America continues to lead the world in innovation and economic dynamism, a Romney administration would press for an immigration policy designed to maximize America’s economic potential. The United States needs to attract and retain job creators from wherever they come. Foreign-born residents with advanced degrees start companies, create jobs, and drive innovation at an especially high rate. While lawful immigrants comprise about 8 percent of the population, immigrants start 16 percent of our top-performing, high-technology companies, hold the position of CEO or lead engineer in 25 percent of high-tech firms, and produce over 25 percent of all patent applications filed from the United States.

  • Raise visa caps for highly skilled workers
  • Grant permanent residency to eligible graduates with advanced degrees in math, science, and engineering


While America is the destination for many of the world's best and brightest minds; making it easier for companies to hire these professionals on the cheap while ignoring native born citizens of equal or greater qualifications is an area where I disagree with the governor.

you do, of course, realize that the quotation from Romney's website does not support the thread title in the slightest... right?

"a Romney administration would press for an immigration policy designed to maximize America’s economic potential. The United States needs to attract and retain job creators from wherever they come. Foreign-born residents with advanced degrees start companies, create jobs, and drive innovation at an especially high rate."

It's talking about attracting people from other countries to start businesses here, creating jobs. It says nothing about those jobs going to non-citizens.

Dumb ass.

Have someone help you with the big words before you comment in the future. :eusa_shhh:
I understood the words perfectly. You obviously did not. typical.
This is from Governor Romney's website:

Attracting the Best and the Brightest​

To ensure that America continues to lead the world in innovation and economic dynamism, a Romney administration would press for an immigration policy designed to maximize America’s economic potential. The United States needs to attract and retain job creators from wherever they come. Foreign-born residents with advanced degrees start companies, create jobs, and drive innovation at an especially high rate. While lawful immigrants comprise about 8 percent of the population, immigrants start 16 percent of our top-performing, high-technology companies, hold the position of CEO or lead engineer in 25 percent of high-tech firms, and produce over 25 percent of all patent applications filed from the United States.

  • Raise visa caps for highly skilled workers
  • Grant permanent residency to eligible graduates with advanced degrees in math, science, and engineering


While America is the destination for many of the world's best and brightest minds; making it easier for companies to hire these professionals on the cheap while ignoring native born citizens of equal or greater qualifications is an area where I disagree with the governor.

Upset with the similarity to the DREAM Act?

They're not illegals.
And it's a helluva lot cheaper than losing them to the competition.

It's also a helluva lot cheaper than hiring natives at an increased rate.

I never said they were illegals, by the way.

I'm just saying that he's not proposing amnesty or anything.
Only that we'd like to keep these resources here.
you do, of course, realize that the quotation from Romney's website does not support the thread title in the slightest... right?

"a Romney administration would press for an immigration policy designed to maximize America’s economic potential. The United States needs to attract and retain job creators from wherever they come. Foreign-born residents with advanced degrees start companies, create jobs, and drive innovation at an especially high rate."

It's talking about attracting people from other countries to start businesses here, creating jobs. It says nothing about those jobs going to non-citizens.

Dumb ass.

Have someone help you with the big words before you comment in the future. :eusa_shhh:
I understood the words perfectly. You obviously did not. typical.

"Foreign-born". Feel free to look up the definition.
Have someone help you with the big words before you comment in the future. :eusa_shhh:
I understood the words perfectly. You obviously did not. typical.

"Foreign-born". Feel free to look up the definition.

you really are monumentally stupid. He's talking about foreign born people coming here, starting businesses and creating jobs.

He says NOTHING about those foreign born people giving the created jobs only to foreign born.

Let's see if I can break it down into bullet points for you, as you appear to have a limited attention span...

Romney said...
  • The United States needs to attract and retain job creators from wherever they come
  • Foreign-born residents with advanced degrees start companies, create jobs, and drive innovation at an especially high rate
  • immigrants start 16 percent of our top-performing, high-technology companies

Again, it's talking about attracting people from other countries to start businesses here, creating jobs. It says nothing about those jobs going to non-citizens.

Dumb ass.
I understood the words perfectly. You obviously did not. typical.

"Foreign-born". Feel free to look up the definition.

you really are monumentally stupid. He's talking about foreign born people coming here, starting businesses and creating jobs.

He says NOTHING about those foreign born people giving the created jobs only to foreign born.

Let's see if I can break it down into bullet points for you, as you appear to have a limited attention span...

Romney said...
  • The United States needs to attract and retain job creators from wherever they come
  • Foreign-born residents with advanced degrees start companies, create jobs, and drive innovation at an especially high rate
  • immigrants start 16 percent of our top-performing, high-technology companies

Again, it's talking about attracting people from other countries to start businesses here, creating jobs. It says nothing about those jobs going to non-citizens.

Dumb ass.

Scientists tell us that visas are usually issued to non-citizens. Again, feel free to read comments prior to posting rebuttals. You'll appear to be a lot less idiotic.

Of course appearances are deceiving and we'll all know just how idiotic you actually are.
"Foreign-born". Feel free to look up the definition.

you really are monumentally stupid. He's talking about foreign born people coming here, starting businesses and creating jobs.

He says NOTHING about those foreign born people giving the created jobs only to foreign born.

Let's see if I can break it down into bullet points for you, as you appear to have a limited attention span...

Romney said...
  • The United States needs to attract and retain job creators from wherever they come
  • Foreign-born residents with advanced degrees start companies, create jobs, and drive innovation at an especially high rate
  • immigrants start 16 percent of our top-performing, high-technology companies

Again, it's talking about attracting people from other countries to start businesses here, creating jobs. It says nothing about those jobs going to non-citizens.

Dumb ass.

Scientists tell us that visas are usually issued to non-citizens. Again, feel free to read comments prior to posting rebuttals. You'll appear to be a lot less idiotic.

Of course appearances are deceiving and we'll all know just how idiotic you actually are.

Ok, let's try this again...

FOREIGN BORN coming here, starting businesses. Yes, THEY are foreign born, no one is saying they are not.

HOWEVER, the companies they start here would create jobs here... and NOWHERE in what Romney says does it say those jobs created here (by companies started here by foreign born people) would automatically go to non-citizens.

Example: A foreign born man comes to NJ, opens a business building lawnmowers. He hires 30 people. WHERE do Romney's website comments indicate that those 30 people hired in NJ would be foreign born??? Answer is NOWHERE. Yes, the guy that STARTED the business in the example is foreign born, but NOWHERE is it indicated that the jobs created by that business would go only to non-citizens.

You really can't possibly be this stupid... can you?
you really are monumentally stupid. He's talking about foreign born people coming here, starting businesses and creating jobs.

He says NOTHING about those foreign born people giving the created jobs only to foreign born.

Let's see if I can break it down into bullet points for you, as you appear to have a limited attention span...

Romney said...
  • The United States needs to attract and retain job creators from wherever they come
  • Foreign-born residents with advanced degrees start companies, create jobs, and drive innovation at an especially high rate
  • immigrants start 16 percent of our top-performing, high-technology companies

Again, it's talking about attracting people from other countries to start businesses here, creating jobs. It says nothing about those jobs going to non-citizens.

Dumb ass.

Scientists tell us that visas are usually issued to non-citizens. Again, feel free to read comments prior to posting rebuttals. You'll appear to be a lot less idiotic.

Of course appearances are deceiving and we'll all know just how idiotic you actually are.

Ok, let's try this again...

FOREIGN BORN coming here, starting businesses. Yes, THEY are foreign born, no one is saying they are not.

HOWEVER, the companies they start here would create jobs here... and NOWHERE in what Romney says does it say those jobs created here (by companies started here by foreign born people) would automatically go to non-citizens.

Example: A foreign born man comes to NJ, opens a business building lawnmowers. He hires 30 people. WHERE do Romney's website comments indicate that those 30 people hired in NJ would be foreign born??? Answer is NOWHERE. Yes, the guy that STARTED the business in the example is foreign born, but NOWHERE is it indicated that the jobs created by that business would go only to non-citizens.

You really can't possibly be this stupid... can you?

No but apparently you can.

Visas are not issued to citizens. Its as simple as that. Again, feel free to have an adult (preferably a non-conservative) explain the concept to you any old time now.

Thanks and have a good night.
There are a lot of out-of-work RN's. When the local health department had their latest round of lay-offs, we were flooded with resumes. There are a lot of out of work engineers too come to think of it.

Out-of work RN'S???? With the baby boomer generation getting sick? My daughter is an NP and they're always short-handed begging for RN'S.

It's the truth.

If an RN can't get hired, there is something wrong with him/her.

RNs have been in high demand for years.
"Foreign-born". Feel free to look up the definition.

you really are monumentally stupid. He's talking about foreign born people coming here, starting businesses and creating jobs.

He says NOTHING about those foreign born people giving the created jobs only to foreign born.

Let's see if I can break it down into bullet points for you, as you appear to have a limited attention span...

Romney said...
  • The United States needs to attract and retain job creators from wherever they come
  • Foreign-born residents with advanced degrees start companies, create jobs, and drive innovation at an especially high rate
  • immigrants start 16 percent of our top-performing, high-technology companies

Again, it's talking about attracting people from other countries to start businesses here, creating jobs. It says nothing about those jobs going to non-citizens.

Dumb ass.

Scientists tell us that visas are usually issued to non-citizens. Again, feel free to read comments prior to posting rebuttals. You'll appear to be a lot less idiotic.

Of course appearances are deceiving and we'll all know just how idiotic you actually are.
To the bolded: What the ever living fuck are you trying to talk about?
You really can't possibly be this stupid... can you?

Oh, yes she can! :D

She also needs an education regarding our immigration policy that goes back many decades - a policy that has always opened its arms wide for the highly educated, skilled immigrant.

Acting as if this is a brand new policy created by Romney and then twisting it beyond belief only displays that ignorance for the world to see.
She's talked herself into a corner................

trying desperately to find an exit :D

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