Gowdy, Answering If FBI Committed Fraud Against FISA Court, Said, "It's Even Worse Than That."


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Former Congressman (R-S.C.) and former chairman of the House Oversight and Reform Committee Trey Gowdy would know - he has seen the classified internal FBI documents fellow Senator (R-S.C.) Lindsey Graham has seen and is currently trying to get de-classified to release to the public.

"They have their own internal documents," Gowdy pointed out. "Part of what Lindsey [Graham] wants to make public are the internal FBI documents where they did their own assessment. And I think you'll be surprised at whether or not they viewed Steele as being credible."

"Gowdy said he'd seen the documents himself, including a 302 [a report or summary of an FBI interview] where an FBI informant [Steele] "said he'd do anything in the world to make sure Donald Trump lost."

When asked if he believed the FBI committed fraud upon the FISA Court by using Steele's unverified report (that DOJ Bruce Oher warned them was 'unreliable) to illegally acquire warrants to spy on the Trump team, Gowdy responded by saying that 'it is worse than that':

"It is what you described, in addition to withholding of exculpatory information — which has (Rep.) Johnny Ratcliffe so exercised. And they made no effort to corroborate the dossier until after it had been used in the application and a renewal. No effort! It's not that they failed. They made no effort to do it!"

Gowdy offered to the Federal Prosecutors US AG William Barr have appointed to help investigate the origins of the Obama administration's / FBI's investigation of Trump and his team the advice that they should start their investigations by looking at the FBI's (and CIA's) e-mails and internal communication for any contact between the FBI and CIA in December of 2016. Gowdy stated that these messages / communications will provide a roadmap to follow.

Again, Gowdy himself would know what he is talking about, as he was a successful prosecutor in SC who reportedly never lost a case. While I am sure he would be professional enough to welcome / accept such advice from former Senator / Prosecutor Gowdy, I do not believe, however, that Connecticut U.S. Attorney John H. Durham, whom US AG Barr just hired, particularly NEEDS any advice. He himself is a very successful prosecutor with a well-known reputation for getting the job done.

Trey Gowdy: Investigators Need to 'Look for Emails Between Brennan and Comey in December of 2016'

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