Gowdy: If there was evidence President Trump committed any crime, Adam Schiff would have leaked it

Trump's entire administration is a crime fest.

It's only just begun.

They have a lot more partying to do.

There is no evidence at all! None!
"I have not seen one scintilla of evidence that this president colluded, conspired, collaborated, with Russia. And neither has anyone else...." Gowdy added, and he is totally right! :up:

Gowdy: If There Was Evidence That President Trump Committed Any Crime, "Adam Schiff Would Have Leaked It"
And the Turds here would be shouting it from the he mountain tops

Exactly! :wink_2:
If you keep saying it long enough people might believe you but that still does not make it true. The fact is no one, not even Mueller has seen all evidence because the investigation and indictments are still going on.

Once the investigation ends and a report is made the AG, Trump supporters will not believe any evidence against Trump no matter what it might be.
The only evidence not being accepted is that Hillsry lost and you won’t accept it. That’s a fact. You are right, we may dispute any witch hunt resolution
Oh, absolutely. Mueller would have leaked any evidence he had against Trump by now too.
That's nonsense. He would be giving Trump a reason to fire him for violation of his oath of secrecy and could possible face criminal charges. Mueller and his whole team can not reveal any evidence, testimony, or actions of the court.
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The only evidence not being accepted is that Hillsry lost and you won’t accept it. That’s a fact. You are right, we may dispute any witch hunt resolution
Mental Midgetism on display.....

your seeded hatred for Hillary is so deep, that you are willing to throw away, your entire country....

This isn't about Hillary's loss.... it's the loss of our Nation...
you wanted to blow it up.... you got it, 10 times over! You and your lowly disgusting creepy god, have succeeded to make us dust!

Sad to see what hatred has done.... the devil won, and you latched yourself on to him! Be proud! You won! You won! You won! whaaaaa.... you won in destroying the USA and anything that was good or godly that we once stood for, and kept the bad, and 10 folded it..... on the way to 100 folding it.... but by golly you won the election.... that's all that counts, clearly NOT your Country/Nation.

just mind boggling!

How many rubles was that post worth?

Don't ask me

Ask you Hillary Clinton!

She knows all about money.....but then.....I'm sure you knew that!:04:
Lmao! "But...but...but... Hillary!"

Still not reason to for Mueller to share information with Schiff.

Would you like to try again?

As a matter of fact, no I would not like to try again.....

I'm sick and tired of you.

Go find another little friend to play with.
So you admit you cannot come up with a reason why Schiff would be privy to Mueller's information and there for the op is nonsense?

Its clear to 98% of mankind that Mueller has nothing to leak and everyone in DC knows that Schiff would be the first to do so, except you...

It brings me great pleasure to see the DNC dismantled as they attack President Trump with nothing but shear hate, it’s refreshing that so many Americans see the truth for once...

You’re another DNC weasel, stuck sucking the Liberal crap they’ve been spewing for decades...
Actually I truly believe that "98% of mankind" is not that stupid, even if you are.
You can't leak what you don't have, and they simply have no evidence of collusion.
The only evidence not being accepted is that Hillsry lost and you won’t accept it. That’s a fact. You are right, we may dispute any witch hunt resolution
Mental Midgetism on display.....

your seeded hatred for Hillary is so deep, that you are willing to throw away, your entire country....

This isn't about Hillary's loss.... it's the loss of our Nation...
you wanted to blow it up.... you got it, 10 times over! You and your lowly disgusting creepy god, have succeeded to make us dust!

Sad to see what hatred has done.... the devil won, and you latched yourself on to him! Be proud! You won! You won! You won! whaaaaa.... you won in destroying the USA and anything that was good or godly that we once stood for, and kept the bad, and 10 folded it..... on the way to 100 folding it.... but by golly you won the election.... that's all that counts, clearly NOT your Country/Nation.

just mind boggling!

The sky is falling
It’s s Childs tale, why are you immersed in it?
Don't ask me

Ask you Hillary Clinton!

She knows all about money.....but then.....I'm sure you knew that!:04:
Lmao! "But...but...but... Hillary!"

Still not reason to for Mueller to share information with Schiff.

Would you like to try again?

As a matter of fact, no I would not like to try again.....

I'm sick and tired of you.

Go find another little friend to play with.
So you admit you cannot come up with a reason why Schiff would be privy to Mueller's information and there for the op is nonsense?

Its clear to 98% of mankind that Mueller has nothing to leak and everyone in DC knows that Schiff would be the first to do so, except you...

It brings me great pleasure to see the DNC dismantled as they attack President Trump with nothing but shear hate, it’s refreshing that so many Americans see the truth for once...

You’re another DNC weasel, stuck sucking the Liberal crap they’ve been spewing for decades...
Actually I truly believe that "98% of mankind" is not that stupid, even if you are.

You're right they're not stupid, they're leaving the DNC in droves and supporting Trump!

It's okay that you're lagging behind, the door will still be open if you ever figure it out...
There is no evidence at all! None!
"I have not seen one scintilla of evidence that this president colluded, conspired, collaborated, with Russia. And neither has anyone else...." Gowdy added, and he is totally right! :up:

Gowdy: If There Was Evidence That President Trump Committed Any Crime, "Adam Schiff Would Have Leaked It"
And the Turds here would be shouting it from the he mountain tops

Exactly! :wink_2:
No one has pled guilty...no one is under indictment. :auiqs.jpg:
Lmao! "But...but...but... Hillary!"

Still not reason to for Mueller to share information with Schiff.

Would you like to try again?

As a matter of fact, no I would not like to try again.....

I'm sick and tired of you.

Go find another little friend to play with.
So you admit you cannot come up with a reason why Schiff would be privy to Mueller's information and there for the op is nonsense?

Its clear to 98% of mankind that Mueller has nothing to leak and everyone in DC knows that Schiff would be the first to do so, except you...

It brings me great pleasure to see the DNC dismantled as they attack President Trump with nothing but shear hate, it’s refreshing that so many Americans see the truth for once...

You’re another DNC weasel, stuck sucking the Liberal crap they’ve been spewing for decades...
Actually I truly believe that "98% of mankind" is not that stupid, even if you are.

You're right they're not stupid, they're leaving the DNC in droves and supporting Trump!

It's okay that you're lagging behind, the door will still be open if you ever figure it out...
Lol, that's fake news. A Russian bots narrative no less.

Congratulations, you are part of the problem.
"I have not seen one scintilla of evidence that this president colluded, conspired, collaborated, with Russia. And neither has anyone else...." Gowdy added, and he is totally right! :up:

Gowdy: If There Was Evidence That President Trump Committed Any Crime, "Adam Schiff Would Have Leaked It"
Why would Mueller have shared it with Schiff?


like you know more than Trey Gowdy, right?

unbelievable! these nobodies....
Nice deflection.

Would you care to answer my question?

Why would Mueller have shared information with Schiff?

Cause Schiff is full of schiff and a lyin' POS. :04:
An Ironic thing to assert considering who the fake president is.
Oh, absolutely. Mueller would have leaked any evidence he had against Trump by now too.
That's nonsense. He would be giving Trump a reason to fire him for violation of his oath of secrecy and could possible face criminal charges. Mueller and his whole team can not reveal any evidence, testimony, or actions of the court.

Mueller has already violated his oath to the Constitution. Allowing a foreign power to run the White House, make judicial pics and conduct US foreign policy for 18 months! Treasonous evidence should have been made public months ago so the American people could demand action from Congress on Impeachment. Allowing Putin to run the executive branch for years, while indicting people for Facebook posts and YouTube videos is absurd. Where is the indictment against Putin? He made the order to use these tactics?
"I have not seen one scintilla of evidence that this president colluded, conspired, collaborated, with Russia. And neither has anyone else...." Gowdy added, and he is totally right! :up:

Gowdy: If There Was Evidence That President Trump Committed Any Crime, "Adam Schiff Would Have Leaked It"
That's a pretty funny excuse right there.....from someone who altered evidence against H. Clinton and still had nothing after all those investigations. :71:

There is no evidence at all! None!
"I have not seen one scintilla of evidence that this president colluded, conspired, collaborated, with Russia. And neither has anyone else...." Gowdy added, and he is totally right! :up:

Gowdy: If There Was Evidence That President Trump Committed Any Crime, "Adam Schiff Would Have Leaked It"
And the Turds here would be shouting it from the he mountain tops

Exactly! :wink_2:
No one has pled guilty...no one is under indictment. :auiqs.jpg:

"I have not seen one scintilla of evidence that this president colluded, conspired, collaborated, with Russia. And neither has anyone else...." Gowdy added, and he is totally right! :up:

Gowdy: If There Was Evidence That President Trump Committed Any Crime, "Adam Schiff Would Have Leaked It"
Why would Mueller have shared it with Schiff?


like you know more than Trey Gowdy, right?

unbelievable! these nobodies....
Nice deflection.

Would you care to answer my question?

Why would Mueller have shared information with Schiff?

Cause Schiff is full of schiff and a lyin' POS. :04:
An Ironic thing to assert considering who the fake president is.

Oh, absolutely. Mueller would have leaked any evidence he had against Trump by now too.
That's nonsense. He would be giving Trump a reason to fire him for violation of his oath of secrecy and could possible face criminal charges. Mueller and his whole team can not reveal any evidence, testimony, or actions of the court.

Mueller has already violated his oath to the Constitution. Allowing a foreign power to run the White House, make judicial pics and conduct US foreign policy for 18 months! Treasonous evidence should have been made public months ago so the American people could demand action from Congress on Impeachment. Allowing Putin to run the executive branch for years, while indicting people for Facebook posts and YouTube videos is absurd. Where is the indictment against Putin? He made the order to use these tactics?

"I have not seen one scintilla of evidence that this president colluded, conspired, collaborated, with Russia. And neither has anyone else...." Gowdy added, and he is totally right! :up:

Gowdy: If There Was Evidence That President Trump Committed Any Crime, "Adam Schiff Would Have Leaked It"

Gowdy doesn't work at the FBI.


"I have not seen one scintilla of evidence that this president colluded, conspired, collaborated, with Russia. And neither has anyone else...." Gowdy added, and he is totally right! :up:

Gowdy: If There Was Evidence That President Trump Committed Any Crime, "Adam Schiff Would Have Leaked It"

Gowdy doesn't work at the FBI.


Where is the indictment against Putin? He made the order to use these tactics?

I am wondering, as far as you Leftists, if you are really as dumb as you sound, or smart and just using propaganda-)

Mike, why don't you help me with these imbeciles!

OK Leftists, what is Mewlers job? Do you need help? Want me to tell you? TO FIND AND PROSECUTE RUSSIAN COLLUSION with Americans, he was given that mandate, and an open checkbook. Now, can I have an Amen on that?!?!?!?!?!?!

And so, if this is an accurate statement and of course, all roads lead to Trump in the world according to you------------> Then explain why ALL PROSECUTIONS you constantly crow about...……..INCLUDING the Presidents personal lawyer...……..are being handled by REGULAR PROSECUTORS-) Mewler and his friends are only using their power to prosecute 1 (one) person, and that would be Paul Mantefort, while riding a little side saddle on Flynn. So at the very best, he is doing 1 and 1/2, and that with 14 prosecutors; or did they add more, lol!

Ohhhhhh, you mean you didn't know that? Why not-) Why have Mewler if the regular DOJ can handle this stuff, being turned over by Mewler TO THEM, and HE and his team are the ones who are supposed to PROSECUTE AMERICANS involved in this collusion/delusion of yours.

Now then, here in the heartland of Indiana, and MOST everywhere else in the heartland of this country,we would call this a CLUE! If MEW-Mew, along with his Leftists friends are supposed to handle this treasonous working with Russia stuff, then the cases they turned over to the regular DOJ and others, must by LOGIC have NO COLLUSION WITH RUSSIA INVOLVED!

Now then, do you incompetent, irrelevant, and immaterial Leftists also know, that those 12 or 13 Russians who belong to the DPRK or whatever it is called, were also passed off by your hero, Bob Mewler-) Can you EXPLAIN THAT-)

I have already told you what it means, and every conservative should look up what I just said and hit EVERY SMUG LEFTIST over the head with it, lol.

The point is----------> Mewler is now having to save his own credibility. He knows what is in those 19 redacted pages, and what it means to EVERYTHING, and he also knows with a stroke of a pen, Trump can declassify it/ He is also smart enough to know that...…….Trump is just holding on until 4 or 5 weeks before the midterms, and that will then destroy the Lefts credibility in total, with not only independents, but Leftists too.

Yes, Mewler is smart enough to bail NOW, before everything that is coming out, drops in his lap. The only ones to dumb to see it, are the far Leftists on here, there, and everywhere, who drank the koolaid, and have now run into a larger force, who won't kiss their ass, and thanks to their incompetence, has given the ammunition to politically BURY THEM for the forseeable future.

Leftists, I KNOW you don't believe it, but unless America ignores truth with facts, your side is screwed, and there isn't a damn thing you can do about it, because the evidence is already collected. It is just waiting for the most opportune time to be released...……..just like YOUR SIDE would do, and that is why you can't stand Trump...……..because he is going to be the 1st Republican to stick it so far up your a**es, you won't pass go, and NEVER see 200 dollars for years to come-)
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