Goya Foods CEO warns we’re on the precipice of a global food crisis

No putin is selling to China and India making more money now than before. He is also selling it in rubles. Weakening our dollar, thanks Joe Biden.
Putin is making the whole world a worse place to live in. I hope his own people realize this and rise up against him this has to end. And it's not going to end well for Putin.
Putin is making the whole world a worse place to live in. I hope his own people realize this and rise up against him this has to end. And it's not going to end well for Putin.
I agree but what does that have to do with Biden giving Putin the means to go to war?
On other threads I"ve ben bitch slapping Russians.........lol

I am commenting on WHY WE HAVE SHORTAGES............and immediately you go YOU MUST BE RUSSIAN

You TDS Clowns are PROGRAMMED.............short circuits

This is causing what's coming............and added to the lock downs that only screwed us and NOTHING MORE..........they did NOTHING.......even the WHO has said it.
I think you're confusing me with someone else I never called you a Russian on this thread.
I agree but what does that have to do with Biden giving Putin the means to go to war?
WTF are you talking about ? Biden is sending arms to the Ukraine to defend itself since Russia invaded them.
WTF are you talking about ? Biden is sending arms to the Ukraine to defend itself since Russia invaded them.
And of course I do not trust Putin at all. Remember the whole time he said we are not going to war, these are just military maneuvers/ war games. So not only is he a liar he's a murderer on a huge scale, like war crime scale. The only thing he deserves is a quick execution.
Your comments were implying it in my opinion.........
I don't care what you think about Putin. All I know is he needs to be stopped now. Not when he's invading Poland or Sweden or Finland. The man is a total psychopath, his actions prove this. Thank God trump isn't in office, the nuclear war would be over already the planet would be wasted.
I don't care what you think about Putin. All I know is he needs to be stopped now. Not when he's invading Poland or Sweden or Finland. The man is a total psychopath, his actions prove this. Thank God trump isn't in office, the nuclear war would be over already the planet would be wasted.
Your TDS never ends..............If he invades a NATO country even the Senile old idiot would have to fight............

Hitting NATO would be an act of War.................Putin is scared of NATO........why he threatens nukes so much
Your TDS never ends..............If he invades a NATO country even the Senile old idiot would have to fight............

Hitting NATO would be an act of War.................Putin is scared of NATO........why he threatens nukes so much
He shouldn't be it's a defensive organization. So in his mind, he must have a lot of offensive plans for other nations. Or like I said he's psychotic ( like trump ) and his fears are delusions.
He shouldn't be it's a defensive organization. So in his mind, he must have a lot of offensive plans for other nations. Or like I said he's psychotic ( like trump ) and his fears are delusions.
More TDS.............More Fear Mongering.

Russia has shown the world it is a paper tiger.
More TDS.............More Fear Mongering.

Russia has shown the world it is a paper tiger.
I just don't like irresponsible people and there's absolutely no question that Putin's actions and trump's actions are totally
irresponsible. Glad to hear that former attorney general Barr said nominating trump in 2024 is a real mistake. Let's hope the rest of the Republicans come to their senses and come to the same conclusion. As far as your stupid! tDS goes, it's a misnomer, anyone who follows trump has tDS. They are either insane or just really stupid to ever have listened to him in the first place. And it relates to this topic because trump praise putin and at the same time said he would bomb Moscow. Both are totally irresponsible statements.

totally irresponsible.
I just don't like irresponsible people and there's absolutely no question that Putin's actions and trump's actions are totally
irresponsible. Glad to hear that former attorney general Barr said nominating trump in 2024 is a real mistake. Let's hope the rest of the Republicans come to their senses and come to the same conclusion. As far as your stupid! tDS goes, it's a misnomer, anyone who follows trump has tDS. They are either insane or just really stupid to ever have listened to him in the first place. And it relates to this topic because trump praise putin and at the same time said he would bomb Moscow. Both are totally irresponsible statements.

totally irresponsible.
More TDS...........Putin didn't attack on Trumps watch.

Your TDS doesn't change that............Under Obama they gave NON LETHAL WEAPONS........Trump gave javolins.........weapons.

Now they do it because of polls.............

Bottom line...........Trump was a loose cannon..........you don't try this shit with a Loose Cannon........Might get hit..........Putin waited on the hair sniffer.
More TDS...........Putin didn't attack on Trumps watch.

Your TDS doesn't change that............Under Obama they gave NON LETHAL WEAPONS........Trump gave javolins.........weapons.

Now they do it because of polls.............

Bottom line...........Trump was a loose cannon..........you don't try this shit with a Loose Cannon........Might get hit..........Putin waited on the hair sniffer.
You are sadly mistaken. Ukraine was about to become a NATO Nation. Putin's paranoia got the better of him and he mistakenly thought it would be his last chance to expand his Little empire. Thinking it would be an easy victory. War is never easy. And yet you think who our president is dictates his actions, that's a bad joke on you. We have little influence on what a Psychopath like putin does. You, yourself described trump as a loose cannon. That is the perfect definition of a irresponsible person. Someone that should never be in charge of a Nation. Thanks for making my point.
You are sadly mistaken. Ukraine was about to become a NATO Nation. Putin's paranoia got the better of him and he mistakenly thought it would be his last chance to expand his Little empire. Thinking it would be an easy victory. War is never easy. And yet you think who our president is dictates his actions, that's a bad joke on you. We have little influence on what a Psychopath like putin does. You, yourself described trump as a loose cannon. That is the perfect definition of a irresponsible person. Someone that should never be in charge of a Nation. Thanks for making my point.
A loose cannon is a good thing at time.............kept the Bear away now didn't it.........Hell Dems even had spies that were to tell China if Trump got REAL SCARY.......

Bottom line...............Putin didn't...........Peace thru Strength escapes you...........Biden is WEAK AND SENILE.
A loose cannon is a good thing at time.............kept the Bear away now didn't it.........Hell Dems even had spies that were to tell China if Trump got REAL SCARY.......

Bottom line...............Putin didn't...........Peace thru Strength escapes you...........Biden is WEAK AND SENILE.
I understand you're totally blind when it comes to your guy trump. I can live with that I hope you can; because it's only going to get worse. The only people he has around him now are enablers and that's not going to help the situation. I've got a lot to do today, I wasted enough of my time on you. Try to have a good day, I plan on it.
I understand you're totally blind when it comes to your guy trump. I can live with that I hope you can; because it's only going to get worse. The only people he has around him now are enablers and that's not going to help the situation. I've got a lot to do today, I wasted enough of my time on you. Try to have a good day, I plan on it.

Trump isn't POTUS right now..........you are the one who keeps bringing him up MOONBAT...


Trump isn't POTUS right now..........you are the one who keeps bringing him up MOONBAT...

Like any other disaster, we must constantly be reminded. trump was the biggest disaster in our nation's history. We will never forget. Laugh your fool head off. Why do you think he keeps having these rallies. Lies do not stand the test of time. He has to keep reinforcing them. And there's still people who gobble it up, fools to the very end. I was looking up fracking. Fracking began in 1947 and it reached a peak in 2013. In 2014 there was a 6% decline and in 2020 there was a 14% decline. You see fracking is forcing the skin remaining oil out of the ground that old time Wells left behind. Once that's gone there's nothing left and I looked up the timetable on that it's a big variable I don't know why of 20 to 40 years and then all the oil will be gone out of America. What to do. Thank GOD all these alternatives are being developed and coming online. I'm really concerned about the rising prices and the main culprit seems to be corporate and/or national greed. Russia basically is a corporation. Never was a democracy. If enough people are no longer searched by the so-called free enterprise system that will have to be replaced with something better. I don't think I'll be around long enough to see what happens next but as always it's going to be an interesting ride on this little planet Earth. Good day.
Not only are the DemonicRats cockblocking food supplies and burning down food production plants.........

They are now instigating new livestock diseases.
If you believe that you are insane. The things you describe hurt everyone including Democrats. It makes absolutely no sense.

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