Graduated 5th from bottom of 899 calls Rhodes Scholar - "not very bright"

The mindless sheep are obvious. Harvard publicizes their honors graduates list, yearly. Now, theres three types of people:

Those who know that, because they do their homework and are not mindless sheep.
The mindless sheep who blindly accept that its a secret, and have not done backbresearch.
Conspiracy theorists.

Out yourselves, fools.

Is an award that one in six graduates receive that impressive?

It's almost like a medal for participating.
Magna cum laude at harvard,
Compared to what. ....when asking if its impressive -
obama's term as editor of the HLR ranks as the worst in all of Harvard's history. Probably because Harvard had to ignore their own rules by having an Editor who had never been published. obama never wrote a published paper, nor has he ever had a published review. His legal career was likewise unremarkable for never having progressed beyond being a second chair. obama was the quintessential affirmative action student and employee. His accomplishments are zero. But, because of this place and time, he is more than qualified to run an ineptocracy.
Two time POTUS vs. Random loser usernames 'daveman' and 'crusaderfrank'.....for comparison. Giggle snort.
Let's see, according to union educated left wing radicals you can't criticize the liberal elite because you didn't go to the same schools. The left thinks a US Senator isn't qualified to criticize a Obama appointee because she is a "Rhodes scholar" and he was just a combat Navy pilot. How smart can you be if you go before the American people and tell a lie that you know is easily uncovered? Can Rhodes scholars be dummies? Look at bubba Bill Clinton.
Its funny to watch haters try to rationaliz amongst themselves how someone so opposite of them could possibly be a billion lightyears more successful. It has to be some excuse ahahahahahahahahah *hugs*
Twob conspiracy theorists come to light.
Not at all. I'm just not willing to accept the claims that Obama's a smart man without proof.

And what I've seen of his actions thus far is not proving he's a smart man.
Two time POTUS vs. Random loser usernames 'daveman' and 'crusaderfrank'.....for comparison. Giggle snort.
Sure. He couldn't have been a two-term POTUS were it not for people like you who don't question what you're told.
Two time POTUS vs. Random loser usernames 'daveman' and 'crusaderfrank'.....for comparison. Giggle snort.
Sure. He couldn't have been a two-term POTUS were it not for people like you who don't question what you're told.

The election wasnt about him. It was about old mean spirited douchebags like you and the rest of the country saying "we arent lookin' at ya, were lookin' past ya." So go to your grave a sad old obsolete messageboarder looking for one eyed willie's treasure, and obamas birth records. Congrats, well played.
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Wow. Look at all the not talking about McCain.

Regards from Rosie
Obama was magna cum laude at Harvard, so uh.....use your google if you need to know what qualifies as such.

Affirmative action took care of any qualifications needed for obama.

I know bro if only u had just that one advantage, you could have been so much more.

Yeah, to bad I heard to earn what I got, I didn't wait for the goverment to make it easier to make it easier. Like obama.
Two time POTUS vs. Random loser usernames 'daveman' and 'crusaderfrank'.....for comparison. Giggle snort.
Sure. He couldn't have been a two-term POTUS were it not for people like you who don't question what you're told.

The election wasnt about him. It was about old mean spirited douchebags like you and the rest of the country saying "we arent lookin' at ya, were lookin' past ya." So go to your grave a sad old obsolete messageboarder looking for one eyed willie's treasure, and obamas birth records. Congrats, well played.
The election wasn't about Obama.

Affirmative action took care of any qualifications needed for obama.

I know bro if only u had just that one advantage, you could have been so much more.

Yeah, to bad I heard to earn what I got, I didn't wait for the goverment to make it easier to make it easier. Like obama.

Too bad you didnt make it to the top on your own though bro. Almost? Maybe try again if reincarnated.
I know bro if only u had just that one advantage, you could have been so much more.

Yeah, to bad I heard to earn what I got, I didn't wait for the goverment to make it easier to make it easier. Like obama.

Too bad you didnt make it to the top on your own though bro. Almost? Maybe try again if reincarnated.

Well I can say I won't go down in history as the worst president in history, like obama. Ole carter is soooo happy he got to live to see he won't go down as the worst.
Id have more respect for someone who tried and failed then someone who sits and hates and talks and wont go down in history...period.
When I hear John McCain, who graduated 5th from the bottom out of a class of 899, calling Susan Rice, a Rhodes Scholar, "Not Very Bright", I just sigh and say to myself, "figures".

Not only that, the Republican Leadership is calling her "incompetent". This is the same party that let Bin Laden go, invaded Iraq, ruined the economy, helped move millions of jobs to China, blew it after Katrina and on and on.

Remember that OTHER Rice who suggested Iraq was developing nuclear weapons????? The one who said "No one ever thought of using passenger jets as weapons"?????? The one who with a report that said, "al Qaeda attack imminent"?????

So Susan Rice repeats the intelligence she is given because Republicans are playing politics with a national tragedy that happened 10,000 miles away in a country that just went through a revolution at an embassy Republicans had cut their security budget?????

And this coming from John McCain? A man whose father and grandfather, using "Rich White People's Affirmative Action" to get him into an academy where he graduated 5th from the bottom???? Out of nearly a thousand graduates???? Probabilities suggest he was the most stupid person in every class he was in.

Only Republicans could look at the most stupid person in EVERY SINGLE CLASS and say, "Wow, let's make them president". Only Republicans. No one else.

And they call someone else "incompetent". If they were wrong about EVERYTHING else, why would they be right now???? Short answer?

Audio: Clinton Tales​

AIM Report #18 - Clinton Tales of Getting Bin Laden​

In recent commentaries we talked about how the Clinton administration had actually helped support Osama bin Ladens al-Qaeda terrorist organization. This was done partly through support of the Kosovo Liberation Army, the KLA, in its war against Serbia. The core of the KLA were radical Muslim Marxists who trafficked in heroin, and were linked to bin Laden. It was also done, arguably, as a geopolitical consideration, believing that the Taliban government of Afghanistan served American interests as a check on Iran.
Clintons actions as president have come under close scrutiny as journalists and politicians have begun to analyze how the U.S. was so vulnerable to the September eleventh attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. Recent articles by the Associated Press and the Philadelphia Inquirer have charged that the Clinton administration had opportunities to eliminate bin Laden, but failed to do so. The Inquirer article reported that the U.S. had for years both "the knowledge and capability to kill...bin Laden." It said that American special forces and CIA operatives had been in Afghanistan, but were prohibited by the White House from going after him.

Bin Ladens terrorist organization had been linked to the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, and to the 1998 bombings of the U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania, for which he was indicted by the U.S. government. Clinton signed a policy directive authorizing the CIA to prepare a plan to get him. We attacked one of his camps in Afghanistan with cruise missiles and reportedly killing some of his supporters. Our missiles also destroyed an aspirin plant in Sudan owned by a Saudi businessman. It was targeted because it was believed to be a chemical-weapons plant owned by bin Laden.

The AP has reported that last December the Pentagon told President Clinton that they knew the location of bin Laden and could take him out. But Clinton decided it was too risky, and refused to authorize such an action. Clinton was asked by Fox News if this was true. He said it was not true and that his best shot was when he bombed bin Ladens training camp in 98. Several days later he told the London Times he had authorized bin Ladens capture or assassination two years ago, but the intelligence information needed to carry it out was never available.

Representative Dana Rohrabacher, a Republican from California, charged in a speech on the House floor on September 17, that the Clinton administration had secretly informed Pakistan and Saudi Arabia that it would not try to overthrow the Taliban. He had tried in vain to persuade the Clinton administration that this was a mistake and that the U.S. should be supporting the Northern Alliance, which has succeeded in keeping the Taliban from taking over all of Afghanistan.

Rohrabacher, an authority on Afghanistan, also said that he was going to see White House officials on September 11 to warn them that the Talibans assassination of Commander Massoud, the leader of the Northern Alliance, meant that bin Laden was going to do something so terrible that retaliation would be required. He was right, but his warning was too late.
Read more:
Clinton and Bin Laden
I know bro if only u had just that one advantage, you could have been so much more.

Yeah, to bad I heard to earn what I got, I didn't wait for the goverment to make it easier to make it easier. Like obama.

Too bad you didnt make it to the top on your own though bro. Almost? Maybe try again if reincarnated.

So you claim Obama made it on his own?

What happened to "You didn't build that"?

You people need to stick to your talking-points.

Course a lie only breeds more lies to provide cover.
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The agony of Susan Rice​

By: Rich Lowry

As it happens, the mouthpiece defense probably has a lot to it. Rice was aiming to please the White House in a high-profile audition. If she’s nominated, Republicans shouldn’t let the ritualistic cries of racism scare them off of holding her accountable. On the other hand, they shouldn’t get distracted from more important questions involving the president himself.

Was he apprised of prior attacks on the consulate, and what did he do with that information? When did he get the accurate account of the attack from the intelligence agencies? What did he do when he learned of the hours-long attack, and what orders did he give to help the besieged Americans?

We know in great detail the president’s involvement in the Osama bin Laden raid. But Benghazi has been a closed book. If the White House had a good story to tell, presumably the New York Times already would have reported the details in a 5,000-word front-page article built on leaks by anonymous administration officials.

Read the Article
The Agony of Susan Rice - Rich Lowry - National Review Online
Id have more respect for someone who tried and failed then someone who sits and hates and talks and wont go down in history...period.

I wouldn't want to be president. I'm fine being a single father that is respected by eveyone I know. Did it all on my own. Obama on the other hand relied on goverment, felons, and the liberal media whose in his back pocket to get elected. Being known as the welfare president isn't exactly a great thing.

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