Graham blasts DemonRAT colleague, Scumbag Hirono: You have ‘slandered’ Barr

In the most fiery exchange so far during Attorney General William P. Barr’s Senate Judiciary testimony, Sen. Lindsey Graham interrupted questioning to accuse Sen. Mazie Hirono of “slandering” the Justice Department’s top official.

“You have slandered this man from top to to bottom,” Mr. Graham said. “You want more of this line of questioning, you are not going to get it.

The moment came while Ms. Hirono, Hawaii Democrat, was grilling Mr. Barr with questions about allegations that President Trump sought to thwart special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia probe.

But she also called Mr. Barr a liar and accused him of trying to conceal Mr. Trump’s alleged misdeeds.

“Being attorney general of the Untied States is a sacred trust,” she said. “You have betrayed that trust. America deserves better. You should resign.”

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

As a side note - this shows me how wise Obama’s handlers were in choosing his AGs. Obama wasn’t smart enough to do it himself.

We can all see clearly now that the DOJ/FBI are the highly political brain and nerve center of the executive branch. They have broad and immense powers of investigation, surveillance, and prosecution, which they have used very unevenly. Their cliches of being “quiet professionals” and dispassionate bureaucrats are revealed as complete bullshit.

The AG must be an absolute ally of the President.

Its clear whoever selected Holder and Lynch for Obama knew very well how the deep state operated. They even made sure both were black, for extra loyalty. Not only did they protect Obama,, he could use them as an political weapon.

Who did Trump have at this most sensitive position upon entering office? Jeff Sessions. It nearly killed his Presidency.

We also learned from Kamela Harris’ questioning that the same DOJ “career” ethics officers who advised Jeff Sessions he must recuse himself because he once shook hands with the Russian ambassador advised Rod Rosenstein that it was no problem for him to supervise the special counsel even though Rosey participated in the decision to fire Comey and was a witness to it.

I guess now that Rosey has detected the change in direction of the wind with Barr’s appointment as AG and has adjusted his sails accordingly, the Dems are now flip flopping back to the position that Rosey is a bad guy.

She nailed Barr to the wall. He is supposed to be the top law enforcement officer of the US not Trump's security officer. He has betrayed that trust. I would like to have seen Graham try it. He is attempting to cover up Trump's obstruction.

Barr was totally embarrassed today. He admitted that he did not look at Mueller's filings when he determined that Trump did not obstruct. He claimed that Trump was spied on but admitted he did not read the Australian government's referral.

The AG is the chief enforcement officer of the US and should not be an ally of the President. The AG must defend justice in the US. Sessions got it right when he was AG.
That bitch from Hawaii is just plain rude, hateful and dumber than a bag of hammers


Sorry that honor is reserved for Trump and his acolytes. They are the plain rude, hateful and dumber than a brick wall.
What do you think Trump has over Lindsey Graham, for him to change so much and become such an ass kissing wimp? Does he know Lindsey is gay or something, which in the R-party is a career killer?
The truth hurts you ABNORMALS....Learn to accept it instead of listening to the liars and Anti-Americans in your party...the 3 new bitches come to mind immediately....Jew haters all!

You wouldn't know the truth if it hit you in the face. The followers of the cult of Trump like you are abnormally stupid.
Hirano is living proof that we might have made a mistake giving Hawaii statehood in 1958.
Hirono is mostly Japanese, isn't she?
Descendant of 'Tokyo Rose'?
I'm pretty sure she's mostly American.

Legally, but not figuratively.
There's too many of you seditionists currently out there.
Your denial of her citizenship makes me a seditionist in your mind?

I didn't deny her citizenship. Only her allegiance to America and our rule of law.
If she chooses to spit venomous tripe in a Congressional hearing, her allegiance to the above is highly suspect.
Trump is bringing out the worst of the leftist, could it be by design ???

Trump brings out the worst in his far right wing base. White supremacists, neo-nazis and other far right wing hate groups feel emboldened by Trump.
Hirano is living proof that we might have made a mistake giving Hawaii statehood in 1958.
Hirono is mostly Japanese, isn't she?
Descendant of 'Tokyo Rose'?
I'm pretty sure she's mostly American.

Legally, but not figuratively.
There's too many of you seditionists currently out there.
Your denial of her citizenship makes me a seditionist in your mind?

I didn't deny her citizenship. Only her allegiance to America and our rule of law.
If she chooses to spit venomous tripe in a Congressional hearing, her allegiance to the above is highly suspect.
She seems more allegiant to a party than to her country. There is a huge difference these days.

Nearly every Republican in Congress puts party over country.
It’s only slander if it’s untrue. For instance if you say Trump took Russian spies into the oval office and gave them secret material, for any normal president that would be slander but for Trump that’s what he did.

See how that works?

How do we know Trump did that? All the pictures.
Besides, they told us.
She called him names that which had nothing to do with anything being spoken about concerning the hearing. She slandered the man out of built up pure emotional distress. Period. Apologize is what she should do in order to save face, but she may even need some emotional treatment of some kind. The lady appears to be wired, and hates men.

She did not slander anyone. She spoke the truth. Republicans hate women except when they sit down and shut up like the Republican cows do.
What do you think Trump has over Lindsey Graham, for him to change so much and become such an ass kissing wimp? Does he know Lindsey is gay or something, which in the R-party is a career killer?
Graham is a just and decent man. Trump is having the most lowlife smear campaign launched against him in American political history. Graham won’t tolerate it.

Graham is a unjust, indecent pig. He is more concerned with his own political future rather than doing the right thing. McCain was a great man however Graham is a small immature boy. Trump is the lowlife who runs smear campaigns against anyone who holds him accountable.
I can't remember if this is Busy Bee or Penelope difference!

Besides, the thread is about Hirano. But what I posted about Koon, Dick(less) applies.
I also add Whitehouse to this list!
Okay. Last try: My problem isn't going after Hirono, Whitehouse, Koons, Dick-less Blumenthal and the other ghouls on Feinstein's committee. It's just you give them another excuse to attack when you break out the racist bullshit.
It looks like Blumenthal uses a mortician for his make up.

Barr Stuns ‘Da Nang Dick’ Blumenthal When He Refuses to Hand Over His Mueller Memos, “No…Why Should You Have Them?”

Blumenthal, who lied about his Vietnam War service, had the gall to tell Barr “history will judge you harshly.”

In Blumenthal’s second round of questioning, he asked Attorney General Bill Barr if he memorialized his telephone call with Robert Mueller on March 27th.

“Did you or anyone, either you, or anyone on your staff memorialize your conversation with Robert Mueller?” Blumenthal asked Barr.

“Yes,” replied Barr.

“There were notes taken of the call,” Barr said in response to Blumenthal asking who took the memos.

“May we have those notes?” Blumenthal asked.

“No,” Barr promptly replied.

“Why not?” Blumenthal shot back.

“Why should you have them?” Barr replied.

Blumenthal couldn't come up with an intelligent reason.
What do you think Trump has over Lindsey Graham, for him to change so much and become such an ass kissing wimp? Does he know Lindsey is gay or something, which in the R-party is a career killer?
Having him primary-ed!
In the most fiery exchange so far during Attorney General William P. Barr’s Senate Judiciary testimony, Sen. Lindsey Graham interrupted questioning to accuse Sen. Mazie Hirono of “slandering” the Justice Department’s top official.
But he didn't say a peep when she called POS Tramp "the grifter and liar in the oval office."
It’s only slander if it’s untrue. For instance if you say Trump took Russian spies into the oval office and gave them secret material, for any normal president that would be slander but for Trump that’s what he did.

See how that works?

How do we know Trump did that? All the pictures.
Besides, they told us.
Did you forget that Hillary PAID for a fake Russian dossier? :cuckoo:
I loved the way Barr handled the Dems today. He basically exposed them for what they are unhinged mental midgets, while giving them that "blow it out your ass!" look. What a champion.
In the most fiery exchange so far during Attorney General William P. Barr’s Senate Judiciary testimony, Sen. Lindsey Graham interrupted questioning to accuse Sen. Mazie Hirono of “slandering” the Justice Department’s top official.
But he didn't say a peep when she called POS Tramp "the grifter and liar in the oval office."
Just because a wild rabid dog (Hurano) barks, doesn't mean you have to bark back.
In the most fiery exchange so far during Attorney General William P. Barr’s Senate Judiciary testimony, Sen. Lindsey Graham interrupted questioning to accuse Sen. Mazie Hirono of “slandering” the Justice Department’s top official.
But he didn't say a peep when she called POS Tramp "the grifter and liar in the oval office."
Eddie boy, you never fail to exhibit your demented view of America.....
It’s only slander if it’s untrue. For instance if you say Trump took Russian spies into the oval office and gave them secret material, for any normal president that would be slander but for Trump that’s what he did.

See how that works?

How do we know Trump did that? All the pictures.
Besides, they told us.
... and still no Russian connection
It’s only slander if it’s untrue. For instance if you say Trump took Russian spies into the oval office and gave them secret material, for any normal president that would be slander but for Trump that’s what he did.

See how that works?

How do we know Trump did that? All the pictures.
Besides, they told us.
... and still no Russian connection
That's the part they just can't get over. No collusion means nothing to obstruct, because to obstruct something, well you have to have something to obstruct. There was nothing. The bad part is, is that the top officials on the Democrat side knew this for a long time, and they were saying it for a long time (no collusion), yet due to TDS below them, it just kept falling on deaf ears at an expense of millions to we the taxpayers who fund our government.
What do you think Trump has over Lindsey Graham, for him to change so much and become such an ass kissing wimp? Does he know Lindsey is gay or something, which in the R-party is a career killer?

The two facts that explain Grahams conduct are:
1) he is an honest broker
2) Hirono is a shit spewing Identity Politics radical moron.
Slander my ass, she showed how much of a Trump puppet he actually is. Graham has just shown how weak he actually is.

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