Grand Juries should NOT be comprised of all DC democrats. We need a new law.... (Poll)

Do we need a law that juries need to be comprised of politically balanced jurors?

  • Yes

    Votes: 14 43.8%
  • No

    Votes: 18 56.3%

  • Total voters
DC is NOT a state. A FEDERAL crime should require a FEDERAL grand jury from ALL states, not just citizens of DC which isn't even a state.
Uh huh…
USMB should require basic adult competency before one can post too. But oh well. :dunno:
If I've been following America's news correctly, did the Left not have a melt down when Trump elected Right Wing supreme court justices?

So I assume there's no Left Wing screaming because the majority of jurors are Left Wing?

You guys advertise your political hypocrisy on your shirt sleeves.
Where is the left complaining about political affiliations of the jurors and insisting on a change in venue? I suspect it happens and, like this, the answer is no.

However there is HUGE difference between a jury and a Supreme Court. I thought you would have realized that.
The only reason Trump was indicted is because he IS Trump, and the Dems are trying to block him from running for president. Basically, he’s being indicted for challenging the results of an election which half the people had doubts about, given the unprecedented anomalies.
Trump was indicted because there was such overwhelming evidence of possible crimes it breached the very high bar his status as a former President set.
Lawyers can ask those questions themselves and deny a juror during the selection process.
Lawyers can only reject a few candidates peremptorily. After that, they can't reject potential jurors without cause and political bias isn't considered cause.
Where is the left complaining about political affiliations of the jurors and insisting on a change in venue? I suspect it happens and, like this, the answer is no.

However there is HUGE difference between a jury and a Supreme Court. I thought you would have realized that.
It's called consistency of thought, you should hold the same attitude. If someone is aggrieved with one part of the judicial system being imbalanced between Lefties and Righties, then they should be equally aggrieved at another part being imbalanced also. Slap whatever name on each part between the courts, it doesn't matter. But when you're Right Wing or Left Wing and they rant at one part being imbalanced because it doesn't weigh in their favour, then defend the other because it's on their favour, it's called hypocrisy.

Don't worry, you're no different to many on here, you cherry pick. Same ole same.
Come on. I am 67 years old and live in a red area and was treated like a child from the local law enforcement while walking exercising. For not complying to orders for not putting two steps into a street at 4 in the morning I was humiliated and emasculated. I sat in a police car for an hour cuffed. Jaywalking and the usual resisting shit was the charge. I ended up paying 350 dollars total with the court case and frankly I will never forgive this. I lived in another area where the local law enforcement stopped me at least ten times over the years with the fascists even ringing K 9 dogs out for walking exercising a few times. And I lived there. We are not free. We live in tyranny. The authoritarians can abuse anyone they want. If you do anything to protest even with stupidity involved, they act like preachers down talking you. The wort part is when someone belittles you and they know nothing what you have gone through in life. Revenge is not one sided. And you better realize it.
Did you do what the LEOs charged you with doing? Jaywalking IS illegal. If you didn't cooperate with the LEOs, you WERE resisting. If you don't break any laws and don't abuse the police, they don't give you trouble. Over the years, I've watched quite a few people talk themselves into trouble with the cops. When I was on a criminal grand jury, the DA told me that you can almost never talk yourself out of trouble with the cops, but you can easily talk yourself INTO trouble. If you don't believe me, there are thousands of video's on YouTube where people do exactly that. They escalate something that would have been a warning into an arrest for resisting or obstructing.
It's called consistency of thought, you should hold the same attitude. If someone is aggrieved with one part of the judicial system being imbalanced between Lefties and Righties, then they should be equally aggrieved at another part being imbalanced also. Slap whatever name on each part between the courts, it doesn't matter. But when you're Right Wing or Left Wing and they rant at one part being imbalanced because it doesn't weigh in their favour, then defend the other because it's on their favour, it's called hypocrisy.

Don't worry, you're no different to many on here, you cherry pick. Same ole same.
I don’t agree.

Most large cities are going to be large enough and diverse enough that the presumption you can’t find 12 impartial jurors is pretty far-fetched. Secondly, jurors are selected after a rigorous process that includes intensive questioning by the lawyers on BOTH sides and the judge. This is to weed out jurors who might have a bias or be unwilling to set aside their personal views to judge a case based on only evidence and facts. If, after this process, they still can’t put together a jury, they can then request a change of venue.

So…no, although I do agree, both sides can be hypocritical, I think you are arguing apples and oranges in making a comparison with the Supreme Court.
Lawyers can only reject a few candidates peremptorily. After that, they can't reject potential jurors without cause and political bias isn't considered cause.
lf a person can’t judge a case based on just the facts and evidence, if a bias gets in the way of that, then they be rejected and that should come out in the questioning. But if the person happens to be a Democrat or Republican, that alone isn’t sufficient cause because it‘s unreasonable to assume a person can’t or won’t rule on the evidence based on party alone.
lf a person can’t judge a case based on just the facts and evidence, if a bias gets in the way of that, then they be rejected and that should come out in the questioning. But if the person happens to be a Democrat or Republican, that alone isn’t sufficient cause because it‘s unreasonable to assume a person can’t or won’t rule on the evidence based on party alone.
I’ve served on a number of regular juries as well as a criminal grand jury. Every single one had at least one member who was biased and hid it during jury questioning. My IPAD won’t let me type the Latin. On the juries where I was the chair, I got them expelled, on the others the unbiased jurors argued them into submission. Only on one did we deadlock, the juror refused to accept the fact that the defendant had already been judged competent to stand trial.
The only reason Trump was indicted is because he IS Trump, and the Dems are trying to block him from running for president. Basically, he’s being indicted for challenging the results of an election which half the people had doubts about, given the unprecedented anomalies.

NO, he's being prosecuted for trying to overthrow the government.

Daniel Penny restrained a violent criminal with a long rap sheet who threatened to kill passengers.
He deserves a medal for stepping up to protect the other passengers.

"Oh, my God, the MIchael Jackson Impersonator is going to get us" said no one ever.

Yup. And are you aware that a week later, another black homeless lunatic was harassing passengers on the NY subway (although not threatening to kill anyone, like Neely did), and another passenger stabbed him to death?

That case was worse because the other passenger INTENTIONALLY killed the lunatic, and then he fled the scene. But a Grand Jury declined to have him charged.

What was the difference between that case and Penny’s? He was black, so all is forgiven.

Do you have a link to that, Lisa?

Oh, wait, I do.

First and foremost, the Penney case happened in Manhattan, the Williams case happened in Brooklyn.


Law enforcement sources told NBC New York that Ouedraogo had allegedly been harassing people on the train and acting belligerently and erratically.

A police official told the station that one of the people he harassed was Williams' girlfriend; a source told NBC New York that Ouedraogo had punched her. It was not clear what exactly happened in the lead-up to the stabbing

Penny, a former Marine who is white, is accused of coming up from behind Neely, who is Black, and placing him in a lethal chokehold for the perceived threat of menacing passengers. Unlike the allegations of assault that prompted Williams to fatally confront Ouedraogo, Neely — who was in the throes of a mental health crisis and yelled at passengers that he was hungry and didn’t care if he died or went to jail — was never accused of being violent before his death.

Unlike Penny, Williams was promptly arrested for the stabbing, including a perp walk for the media.

Penny, on the other hand, was quickly released from custody hours after he choked Neely to death and afforded the privilege to get his personal and legal affairs in order before his lawyers orchestrated his surrender to law enforcement on their own terms nearly two full weeks later.

So you are right... The black guy was treated differently. He was immediately arrested and treated like he was guilty until further investigation proved he wasn't.

Unlike the white guy, who was treated like he was innocent until public outcry caused his arrest.
Biden enabled his son to rake in millions in bribery schemes from foreign countries. That alone is illegal.

We have yet to see what these guys got for their"bribes".

You do realize the Vice President doesn't really have that much influence, right?
NO, he's being prosecuted for trying to overthrow the government.

"Oh, my God, the MIchael Jackson Impersonator is going to get us" said no one ever.

Do you have a link to that, Lisa?

Oh, wait, I do.

First and foremost, the Penney case happened in Manhattan, the Williams case happened in Brooklyn.


Law enforcement sources told NBC New York that Ouedraogo had allegedly been harassing people on the train and acting belligerently and erratically.

A police official told the station that one of the people he harassed was Williams' girlfriend; a source told NBC New York that Ouedraogo had punched her. It was not clear what exactly happened in the lead-up to the stabbing

Penny, a former Marine who is white, is accused of coming up from behind Neely, who is Black, and placing him in a lethal chokehold for the perceived threat of menacing passengers. Unlike the allegations of assault that prompted Williams to fatally confront Ouedraogo, Neely — who was in the throes of a mental health crisis and yelled at passengers that he was hungry and didn’t care if he died or went to jail — was never accused of being violent before his death.

Unlike Penny, Williams was promptly arrested for the stabbing, including a perp walk for the media.

Penny, on the other hand, was quickly released from custody hours after he choked Neely to death and afforded the privilege to get his personal and legal affairs in order before his lawyers orchestrated his surrender to law enforcement on their own terms nearly two full weeks later.

So you are right... The black guy was treated differently. He was immediately arrested and treated like he was guilty until further investigation proved he wasn't.

Unlike the white guy, who was treated like he was innocent until public outcry caused his arrest.
You spelled PERSECUTED wrong!

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