Grand Juries should NOT be comprised of all DC democrats. We need a new law.... (Poll)

Do we need a law that juries need to be comprised of politically balanced jurors?

  • Yes

    Votes: 14 43.8%
  • No

    Votes: 18 56.3%

  • Total voters
We cannot have a fair trial when the DC juries (and Grand Juries) are comprised of all democrats.

I hope someone appeals to higher courts to ensure that juries (and Grande Juries) are comprised of politically balanced juries.

Not surprisingly, survey answers show how the heavily Democratic, government-centric city is in line with how elected Democrats view the Republican Trump-supporting protesters and their Capitol Building invasion. One defense attorney labeled Washington a place of “extreme community prejudice” with “an absolute lack of political diversity” and “tribal political landscape.”

Yep, they know their Dear Leader is about to be convicted.

Convulsions have begun.
That means Biden has PLENTY to worry about. Public corruption is against the law.

All of these so-called star, bombshell witnesses who have damaging information about the 'Biden Crime Family' just never seem to pan out, do they?

Look, you'll get no argument from me that 'Liddle' Hunter Biden is a coke-snorting, womanizing, spoiled little punk who probably would have gotten knuckles across the nose from big brother Beau by now if he were still around. Maybe daddy enabled him and bailed him out too often, as loving parents tend to do. But Hunter is Hunter. Joe is Joe.
All of these so-called star, bombshell witnesses who have damaging information about the 'Biden Crime Family' just never seem to pan out, do they?

Look, you'll get no argument from me that 'Liddle' Hunter Biden is a coke-snorting, womanizing, spoiled little punk who probably would have gotten knuckles across the nose from big brother Beau by now if he were still around. Maybe daddy enabled him and bailed him out too often, as loving parents tend to do. But Hunter is Hunter. Joe is Joe.
Biden enabled his son to rake in millions in bribery schemes from foreign countries. That alone is illegal.
Yep. Trump has no concept of being an ordinary citizen. Maybe that's why he broke the law in the first place.

Neither do his supporters. They don't think their favorite politicians should be constrained by the law, only 'Democrat party' politicians. And they even feel Democrat politicians should be constrained even in the absence of evidence.

Trump supporters are the product of a rapidly changing country and years of rightwing media brainwashing, which reinforces attitudes and beliefs they already have. Fox News has probably fucked up the American mind beyond repair.
Lol. So you want every Federal crime to have jurors from Texas, North Carolina, Florida etc? Is that what you are demanding?
You have evil delegates in power in D.C. Like the ugly shrew from the Virgin Islands. And she is barred from the Constitution from that. And she is an Epstein surrogate.
Biden enabled his son to rake in millions in bribery schemes from foreign countries. That alone is illegal.

There is no evidence of this, no matter how many times you hear it said in rightwing fake news media reporting. Fox News keeps pushing this, but this is the same Fox News that had to pay out nearly a billion dollars to settle defamation (i.e., lying about someone and damaging their reputation) and they're still facing another billion or so in more damages. So that tells you about the credibility of the reporting that you rely on for your information. OANN, Newsmax, Fox -- all the same.

Find different sources of information and your world will begin to look a little different.
You have evil delegates in power in D.C. Like the ugly shrew from the Virgin Islands. And she is barred from the Constitution from that. And she is an Epstein surrogate.

I have no idea what you're talking about. Trump will get a fair trial just like you or me.
You have evil delegates in power in D.C. Like the ugly shrew from the Virgin Islands. And she is barred from the Constitution from that. And she is an Epstein surrogate.
What about that evil Democrat Congresswoman who said that those of us who support Trump “are dangerously near criminality” ourselves?

The Dems are turning this into a Communist country. Now it is not only punishable by prison if a Republican feels the election was fraudulent - and says so - but those of us who support him are close to being criminalized ourselves.

Lord, save us.
What about that evil Democrat Congresswoman who said that those of us who support Trump “are dangerously near criminality” ourselves?

The Dems are turning this into a Communist country. Now it is not only punishable by prison if a Republican feels the election was fraudulent - and says so - but those of us who support him are close to being criminalized ourselves.

Lord, save us.

Damn, you'd believe anything. Communist indeed 😂.
Biden enabled his son to rake in millions in bribery schemes from foreign countries. That alone is illegal.

That sounds like a weasel word. It generally means “didn’t stop”.

A. That’s not a crime

B. I have as of yet seen no actual crime in that regard that HUNTER (not Joe) has been charged with
Who defines the "general public"? In DC that means all democrats.
The general public should mean that the jury gets approved by both the prosecutor and the accused, and is a balanced cross-section of the population.
It’s a Grand Jury, dupe. A new jury is seated every so many days. They see all of the cases presented during their tenure. They aren’t picked for each case.
Grow up. Be an adult and educate yourself . You come across as a real moron bitching about what you don’t know.

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