Grand Juries should NOT be comprised of all DC democrats. We need a new law.... (Poll)

Do we need a law that juries need to be comprised of politically balanced jurors?

  • Yes

    Votes: 14 43.8%
  • No

    Votes: 18 56.3%

  • Total voters
You never get to move a trial out of state.
Doesn’t work like that
DC isn’t a state.

You get to move your trial out of a city if you can’t get a fair trial. And usually that’s a city in the same state. But since DC isn’t a state, it’s got to be moved elsewhere.

Half the DC residents are government teat-suckers, and the other half are welfare recipients. That’s why DC is 95% Dimwits.
DC isn’t a state.

You get to move your trial out of a city if you can’t get a fair trial. And usually that’s a city in the same state. But since DC isn’t a state, it’s got to be moved elsewhere.

Half the DC residents are government teat-suckers, and the other half are welfare recipients. That’s why DC is 95% Dimwits.
DC is a legal jurisdiction and has a court system.

Maybe Trump should not have chosen DC for his insurrection
DC is a legal jurisdiction and has a court system.

Maybe Trump should not have chosen DC for his insurrection
All you’re doing is showing why DC residents can’t make up a jury. Fully 95% already have decided he’s guilty - as you prove with your words.
No, the people there are just uninformed. They actually believe in the beliefs of the right far more than they agree with the left.
Odd that you can't convince them of that. Are you saying those that disagree with you are just too stupid to do otherwise?
Yeah, weird how it works when a virus mutates and because much less potent. Also weird that the same can be said about the rest of the world. Biden did nothing.

Actually, the reason covid went away was because the vaccines got out there, and we hit herd immunity with 70% vaccinated. We can thank Biden for that, because Trump fucked up the initial rollout of the vaccine.

Democrats pushed to close everything down. Of course that is going to force many closures. Biden did nothing.
Other than actually giving those businesses and consumers a shot in the arm to get them open again.
Petulant Democrats are not throwing tantrums in the streets for not getting their way. They will riot once again if their guy doesn’t win the election. Maybe if spoiled Democrats ever grew up, we wouldn’t have this problem.

Maybe if racist cocksuckers stop shrugging their shoulders when black people are murdered by police, they won't feel a need to riot.

BLM asked nicely for 12 years to clean up our police departments. We only started doing it when they burned shit down. How to make a white person do the right thing, threaten to burn his shit.

Again, COVID. Biden did nothing.
You mean that he handled the problem Trump fucked up?
DC isn’t a state.

You get to move your trial out of a city if you can’t get a fair trial. And usually that’s a city in the same state. But since DC isn’t a state, it’s got to be moved elsewhere.

Half the DC residents are government teat-suckers, and the other half are welfare recipients. That’s why DC is 95% Dimwits.

Then Trump shouldn't have tried to stage his overthrow of the government in DC, then, if all those people who like Government live there.
You never get to move a trial out of state. Doesn’t work like that
Someone should tell that political hack, Jack Smith that.

Judge in Trump’s Mar-a-Lago case rejects special counsel’s bid for secrecy, wonders about ‘legal propriety’ of separate grand jury​

I hope Judge Cannon throws the illegal DC case about classified documents out.

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