Grand Juries should NOT be comprised of all DC democrats. We need a new law.... (Poll)

Do we need a law that juries need to be comprised of politically balanced jurors?

  • Yes

    Votes: 14 43.8%
  • No

    Votes: 18 56.3%

  • Total voters
The system wasn't rigged.

The majority voted against your boy in 2016. It voted against him harder in 2020.

Now we are going to throw his ass in jail where it belongs.
We got F CURVED right up the ass, and you demented zombies cheer it on.
Democrats count on Republicans trying to do everythig fair, so they can cheat.

They view it as a weakness.

Oh snap! Pretty much like Russians.

Russians always try to cheat. Look at the Olympics for the past 80 years.
The economy is fine, dummy.

The fact that all you have to talk about is Hunter Biden and some Trannies tells me you have no game.
The economy is fine, dummy.

The fact that all you have to talk about is Hunter Biden and some Trannies tells me you have no game.
If the economy is so fine, why am I paying double for groceries over what I was paying when Biden was elected. Interest rates for a thirty year fixed mortgage was 2.75% today it is 7.38%, roughly TRIPLE. Utilities are much higher, gasoline prices averaged $2.38, today it’s $3.82 a gallon, half again as much. Everything costs much more and there are still persistent supply line shortages. You are either blind or a liar, which is it?
If the economy is so fine, why am I paying double for groceries over what I was paying when Biden was elected.

You suck at shopping?

Interest rates for a thirty year fixed mortgage was 2.75% today it is 7.38%, roughly TRIPLE.
And? Too bad you weren't smart enough to get a good mortgage when rates were low.

Utilities are much higher, gasoline prices averaged $2.38, today it’s $3.82 a gallon, half again as much.
Too bad you bought that big gas guzzling SUV. Also 2.38 isn't half of 3.82. Clearly you suck at math.

Everything costs much more and there are still persistent supply line shortages.
Yes, but that was the case in 2020. As someone who actually WORKS in supply Chain, things are a lot better than they were in 2021.

You are either blind or a liar, which is it?
Here's what we DON'T have now that we had under Trump.

We don't have 4000 people a day dying of Covid.
We don't have a bunch of closed stores. In fact, a lot of stores that closed during Covid are reopening.
We don't have riots in the streets.
We don't have double digit unemployment and mass layoffs.

What I like about Biden is the boring normalcy. If the worst thing you have to worry about in life is Hunter Biden's dick-pics, you have a pretty good life.
We don't have 4000 people a day dying of Covid

Yeah, weird how it works when a virus mutates and because much less potent. Also weird that the same can be said about the rest of the world. Biden did nothing.

We don't have a bunch of closed stores. In fact, a lot of stores that closed during COVID are reopening.

Democrats pushed to close everything down. Of course that is going to force many closures. Biden did nothing.

We don't have riots in the streets.

Petulant Democrats are not throwing tantrums in the streets for not getting their way. They will riot once again if their guy doesn’t win the election. Maybe if spoiled Democrats ever grew up, we wouldn’t have this problem.

We don't have double digit unemployment and mass layoffs

Again, COVID. Biden did nothing.
So the people there recognize that repubs don't support the same things they do. You want more people to like you, don't be such a bitch.
No, the people there are just uninformed. They actually believe in the beliefs of the right far more than they agree with the left.
You are tried by a jury of your peers in the municipality you committed the crime.

They are not his peers. They are anti-Trumpers.
Trump chose his Jan 6 Insurrection in Washington DC.
That is where it should be prosecuted with randomly selected jurors.

There was no insurrection, and Trump tries to prevent it. The Dems wouldn’t allow him the extra security he wanted.
No, the people there are just uninformed. They actually believe in the beliefs of the right far more than they agree with the left.

Yes, this is it exactly. Most Democrats don’t have a clue what they are actually voting for or they are single issue voters.
They are not his peers. They are anti-Trumpers.

There was no insurrection, and Trump tries to prevent it. The Dems wouldn’t allow him the extra security he wanted.

Your peers are the people who reside in the jurisdiction you committed the crime in. You do not get to pick your peers.

The jury will decide if it was an insurrection and how Trump acted on that day.
Your peers are the people who reside in the jurisdiction you committed the crime in. You do not get to pick your peers.
Not necessarily. Plenty of trials have gotten a change of venue due to the likelihood the jury would be biased.
The jury will decide if it was an insurrection and how Trump acted on that day.
Sure - a FAIR jury. Not a bunch of DC leftists out for blood.
Not necessarily. Plenty of trials have gotten a change of venue due to the likelihood the jury would be biased.

Sure - a FAIR jury. Not a bunch of DC leftists out for blood.

What would make you think a jury of peers is not FAIR?
If you do your crime in DC you do not get to be tried in Buttfuk Idaho
If you are accused of free speech in Democrat-brainwashed DC, and you are a Republican, yes… can get a change of venue to where the Dembots, like you, already have him tried, convicted, and sentenced.

An hour out in WV or central VA would be good.
If you are accused of free speech in Democrat-brainwashed DC, and you are a Republican, yes… can get a change of venue to where the Dembots, like you, already have him tried, convicted, and sentenced.

An hour out in WV or central VA would be good.

You never get to move a trial out of state.
Doesn’t work like that

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