Grand Juries should NOT be comprised of all DC democrats. We need a new law.... (Poll)

Do we need a law that juries need to be comprised of politically balanced jurors?

  • Yes

    Votes: 14 43.8%
  • No

    Votes: 18 56.3%

  • Total voters
The statistics came from Duke. Not me.

Not sure who Mayhap is.

No. The OP--the guy you agree with--said that they are.

So perhaps you should debate the guy you agree with.

I'm sorry you find my pointing out the hypocrisy on the right inconvenient.
I have been addressing his argument but you are to much of a partisan hack to see anything outside of 'right bad, left good.'

You can handle having your own hypocrisy pointed out. Remain an idiot. You are at least useful to remind me that it is not just the righties here that are blind partisan hacks. It is just ironic to see a partisan leftie make an argument for a right winger and not even realize it.

I have been addressing his argument but you are to much of a partisan hack to see anything outside of 'right bad, left good.'

You can handle having your own hypocrisy pointed out. Remain an idiot. You are at least useful to remind me that it is not just the righties here that are blind partisan hacks. It is just ironic to see a partisan leftie make an argument for a right winger and not even realize it.

My argument was that conservatives complaining about biased juries is laughable which it is. Especially in light of last week's dedication of the Emmitt Till Memorial. His murderers had essentially admitted to the murder and were found not guilty by an all white jury.

If you think that this somehow makes the OP's point that political prisoners (again--his word) need to have a jury of folks that agree with them...I would hide my face in shame as you're doing.
Its a fact, not a theory.
Everybody, even jurors are entitled to their own political beliefs. Are you accusing every juror in DC of breaking the law? It's a hoot how you MAGA's think it is unfair for someone to not share your every belief. If people don't like you, you should quit being a whiney bitch.
Its a fact, not a theory.
It is a fact they are generally democrats.

It is not a fact that being a democrat effects the outcomes of trials against republicans. I pointed out that data was missing on page one and here we are - not a single cite of any data thus far.
Everybody, even jurors are entitled to their own political beliefs. Are you accusing every juror in DC of breaking the law? It's a hoot how you MAGA's think it is unfair for someone to not share your every belief. If people don't like you, you should quit being a whiney bitch.
Once a juror’s political beliefs influence their decision in a jury, and DC is 94% Democrat, a fair trial is impossible..You yourself are proof of the unfounded hatred toward people of different political views by calling me a racist - and on a thread completely unrelated to race.

You leftists can’t help yourself. You’ve been so brainwashed to view kind, compassionate people as racists….or white supremacists….or threats to democracy….or whatever that there is NO way a known
Republican could get a fair trial in DC.
Once a juror’s political beliefs influence their decision in a jury, and DC is 94% Democrat, a fair trial is impossible..You yourself are proof of the unfounded hatred toward people of different political views by calling me a racist - and on a thread completely unrelated to race.

You leftists can’t help yourself. You’ve been so brainwashed to view kind, compassionate people as racists….or white supremacists….or threats to democracy….or whatever that there is NO way a known
Republican could get a fair trial in DC.

A fair trial is "Did you do what you were indicted for?"
Trump did what he was indicted for... He didn't even try to hide it.
Once a juror’s political beliefs influence their decision in a jury, and DC is 94% Democrat, a fair trial is impossible..You yourself are proof of the unfounded hatred toward people of different political views by calling me a racist - and on a thread completely unrelated to race.

You leftists can’t help yourself. You’ve been so brainwashed to view kind, compassionate people as racists….or white supremacists….or threats to democracy….or whatever that there is NO way a known
Republican could get a fair trial in DC.
So you're saying no one with any political leanings can be a juror, or do you believe only Democrats might be guilty of your accusation? Do you want to exclude all republcans from jury duty as well?
Could a Democrat get a fair trial in Texas?
I don't call you a racist because you aren't from the same party as me. I call you a racist because I've read your racist posts.
The four new indictments that violate "free speech" were approved by a DC Grand Jury. Surprise surprise.

Those new Smith over-reach indictments will be thrown out....eventually.
The four new indictments that violate "free speech" were approved by a DC Grand Jury. Surprise surprise.

Those new Smith over-reach indictments will be thrown out....eventually.
And the Deep Staters know that. Their hope is to get Trump tied up with nonsense charges and hope enough gullible and ill-informed Americans will not know the details - only that Orange Man did something baaaaad, amd won’t vote for him.
And the Deep Staters know that. Their hope is to get Trump tied up with nonsense charges and hope enough gullible and ill-informed Americans will not know the details - only that Orange Man did something baaaaad, and won’t vote for him.
The "indictments" always come out right after new info about the Biden's financial scams.
The MSM is complicit in the coverup of the Biden crimes, and the persecution of Trump.
The House needs to get busy with the Impeachment Inquiry....
The "indictments" always come out right after new info about the Biden's financial scams.
The MSM is complicit in the coverup of the Biden crimes, and the persecution of Trump.
The House needs to get busy with the Impeachment Inquiry....
And everyone but the extreme left sees that. People who are opposed to a government that tries to imprison Republican opposition for what he says and thinks will be voting against what the weaponized Democrat government employees are doing. Translation: for Trump.
The fine and outstanding citizens of D.C. will, of course, judge Donald J. Trump strictly on the merits of the case.

We all know how sophisticated and sensitive the residents of D.C. are.

D.C. is an oasis of peace and beauty and order.

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