Grand Juries should NOT be comprised of all DC democrats. We need a new law.... (Poll)

Do we need a law that juries need to be comprised of politically balanced jurors?

  • Yes

    Votes: 14 43.8%
  • No

    Votes: 18 56.3%

  • Total voters
Your spelling sucks....and you call me retard?
Democrat run cities are lawless shit-holes.
This thread is about the political composition of Grand Juries, primarily in DC. Please stay on topic.
Yep, retarded crying bitch is a very good description of you. Maybe you want a better representation of the jury pool you should have some policies that actually help people instead of retard enuendo and crazy conspiracy theories there retard.
Why? Why shouldn't political affiliation matter in jury selection?
Because I do not think we should be curating juries just because you do not like a particular outcome. First you would have to actually establish the bias with actual data. Not your feelings on on an assertion.

IF you establish some bias with actual data then we have somewhere to start. Right now you have an assertion. There needs to be more before we start tampering with juries, digging through records and a 'quiz' is absolutely beyond the pale. Particularly for a subject that is not black and white. People are not left or right in general, politics is not a single metric subject.
I think it is a huge factor in who gets approached by the police, who gets arrested by the police, who gets prosecuted by the DA and who gets sentenced. I always tell the story of my being stopped in Bellaire, Texas (about 95% white) for a tail light that was out on my van work van or something. I went to night court. There were 3 white people in the room; one was the judge, one was an attorney and the third one was me. The other 50-75 people; all ethnic minorities.
That just side steppes my statement tough.

You made the contention that having a more diverse jury effects outcomes for those that are under represented. His point was that the outcomes were worse for a different under represented group. You directly reinforced his point.

An allegory is meaningless, particularly when it is blatantly not true from the onset -

60% white. Of course 95% anything will be somewhat of an exaggeration but we went from 5% other to 40% is an 800% increase. And, as I said, it is not even the largest factor - sex is.

"Grand Juries should NOT be comprised of all DC democrats. We need a new law.... (Poll)"​

Can you name a jury that was comprised of all DC Democrats? Many Republicans also live in DC.

"Grand Juries should NOT be comprised of all DC democrats. We need a new law.... (Poll)"​

Can you name a jury that was comprised of all DC Democrats? Many Republicans also live in DC.
Only 6% of DC residents are Republicans. The prosecution could VERY easily have a Grand Jury of all Democrats, and we see how hateful Democrats are toward Republicans.
And White people are shot, too. We just don’t destroy 100 cities and murder dozens of people and set fire to buildings and cars and assault people and loot and whatever else.

Destroyed cities.. Hmmmm... funny, we had demonstrations in Chicago, but I didn't see any "destroyed" city here. So what were these 100 destroyed cities? Also, there were only 35 death linked to BLM demonstrations, but most of those were the police killing people,

As for what the BLM savages were rioting over, it was kicked off by the George Floyd case - which had nothing to do with race at all.

Yes, because Darren Chauvin was totally progressive, except for all those other black people he brutalized. Hey, but I think his wife is Asian, so that makes him not a racist!

And if you cannot see how toxic is it to have the FBI and DOJ doing everything possible to protect a massively corrupt Democrat president, while going hog-wild dreaming up indictments against his political opposition, you’re beyond help.

Oh, come on and get real. Every president in our history has had that annoying relative who tries to cash in on the family name. Except Obama, I think, I don't recall any of his relatives acting foolish.

Trump didn't lose because the FBI was out to get him. He lost because he fucked up the economy, Covid and the riots.
Only 6% of DC residents are Republicans. The prosecution could VERY easily have a Grand Jury of all Democrats, and we see how hateful Democrats are toward Republicans.
6% of a 12 man jury is less than one person. Quit whining.
6% of a 12 man jury is less than one person. Quit whining.
Are you really this dumb? In a city that votes 94% Democrat, a prosecutor would have no trouble getting a jury of 12 Democrats - and a Republican cannot get a fair trial.

Look at the jury in NY that convicted Trump of “unwanted touching” or whatever lame thing they called it. There was no evidence. It was something that she claimed happened 30 years ago, and there’s no proof of it. She never filed a police report.

But the Dems decided to convict him anyway because….well….they’re Dems.
We cannot have a fair trial when the DC juries (and Grand Juries) are comprised of all democrats.

I hope someone appeals to higher courts to ensure that juries (and Grande Juries) are comprised of politically balanced juries.

Not surprisingly, survey answers show how the heavily Democratic, government-centric city is in line with how elected Democrats view the Republican Trump-supporting protesters and their Capitol Building invasion. One defense attorney labeled Washington a place of “extreme community prejudice” with “an absolute lack of political diversity” and “tribal political landscape.”
I see what you did there.

Poisoning the well to pre-manufacture some bullshit about Trump's possible conviction. :lol:
Destroyed cities.. Hmmmm... funny, we had demonstrations in Chicago, but I didn't see any "destroyed" city here. So what were these 100 destroyed cities? Also, there were only 35 death linked to BLM demonstrations, but most of those were the police killing people,

Yes, because Darren Chauvin was totally progressive, except for all those other black people he brutalized. Hey, but I think his wife is Asian, so that makes him not a racist!

Oh, come on and get real. Every president in our history has had that annoying relative who tries to cash in on the family name. Except Obama, I think, I don't recall any of his relatives acting foolish.

Trump didn't lose because the FBI was out to get him. He lost because he fucked up the economy, Covid and the riots.

Biden fucked up the economy. It was booming under Trump. The FBI was out to get Trump, asshole. That is just to obvious to ignore.
Are you really this dumb? In a city that votes 94% Democrat, a prosecutor would have no trouble getting a jury of 12 Democrats - and a Republican cannot get a fair trial.

Look at the jury in NY that convicted Trump of “unwanted touching” or whatever lame thing they called it. There was no evidence. It was something that she claimed happened 30 years ago, and there’s no proof of it. She never filed a police report.

But the Dems decided to convict him anyway because….well….they’re Dems.
And an anonymous poster is in a better position to make a reasoned decision based on the facts, right? The fact that so few people want to be part of your cult is your problem. Want more people to join you? Quit being such an ignorant prick.
Biden fucked up the economy. It was booming under Trump. The FBI was out to get Trump, asshole. That is just to obvious to ignore.
The FBI is out to get all law breaking traitors. Of course trump will have a problem with that.
And an anonymous poster is in a better position to make a reasoned decision based on the facts, right? The fact that so few people want to be part of your cult is your problem. Want more people to join you? Quit being such an ignorant prick.
What do you mean so few people? That’s just a lie that brainwashed leftists tell themselves - that people who disagree with them are outliers.

News flash, prick: The MAJORITY of this country disapprove of Biden! They see the double standards and the weaponized DOJ and FBI - and they want to put your ilk out of power.
The FBI is out to get all law breaking traitors. Of course trump will have a problem with that.
Trump broke no laws, dirtbag. They hated Trump because he promised to drain the swamp. That means them. They're the law breakers.

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