Grand Juries should NOT be comprised of all DC democrats. We need a new law.... (Poll)

Do we need a law that juries need to be comprised of politically balanced jurors?

  • Yes

    Votes: 14 43.8%
  • No

    Votes: 18 56.3%

  • Total voters
Going through the rolls to find out political leanings of an individual is investigating. Using that information for jury selection is quite the government overreach. (no childish epithet included)
We disagree.
Not excluded. Just have balanced juries, unlike DC juries.
ANYONE who will allow their political bias to enter the courtroom should be excluded from serving in any capacity on a jury, judge, prosecutor, court reporter or bailiff.

Unless, of course, you're willing to go with majority rules in criminal cases?
Lol, sure thing retard. I am sure there are no longer any felonies on the court dockets any where in any big city. Hilarious 😂 what a fucking retard. Your retarded ass will believe any damn thing. Yep no republican procsecuters or judges exist. Lol let's go with that one. Lol, lol , lol, retard story time sure is entertaining. Yep. Trumpy boy did not appoint Durham. Kenneth Star was never appointed. Lol, the last 3 directors of the fbi were not appointed by a republican and. On down the list of absolutely insane horse shit you are trying to pedal huh. Lol, sure thing there retard. More retard story time please we can all use a good laugh.
Your spelling sucks....and you call me retard?
Democrat run cities are lawless shit-holes.
This thread is about the political composition of Grand Juries, primarily in DC. Please stay on topic.
ANYONE who will allow their political bias to enter the courtroom should be excluded from serving in any capacity on a jury, judge, prosecutor, court reporter or bailiff.
Unless, of course, you're willing to go with majority rules in criminal cases?
No one can ever get rid of all their bias, its who we are.
I like one poster's suggestion to eliminate Grand Juries.
Heve (sic) you found any credible evidence that the Biden crime syndicate produced anything other than access to power, to justify its revenues?
Your childish insistance to use the term "crime family" shows you are not a serious person. I don't have any information as to the obligations for each party in their private business any more than I am aware of the specific obligations of a wide range of businesses that I am not a party to.
No, I mean you.
Your inability to separate fact from fantasy because of your ignorance and hate is why you and fools like you should only be allowed at the defendant's table in a court of law.
OMG…..the irony. Once again.
Your childish insistance to use the term "crime family" shows you are not a serious person. I don't have any information as to the obligations for each party in their private business any more than I am aware of the specific obligations of a wide range of businesses that I am not a party to.
What about the childish insistence of referring to Republicans as maggots?
We cannot have a fair trial when the DC juries (and Grand Juries) are comprised of all democrats.

I hope someone appeals to higher courts to ensure that juries (and Grande Juries) are comprised of politically balanced juries.

Not surprisingly, survey answers show how the heavily Democratic, government-centric city is in line with how elected Democrats view the Republican Trump-supporting protesters and their Capitol Building invasion. One defense attorney labeled Washington a place of “extreme community prejudice” with “an absolute lack of political diversity” and “tribal political landscape.”
You ever hear of the jury selection process?
Some of the 1/6 protestors were put in solitary, and deprived of decent food and medical care.
There should be decent food in prison? A lot of prisoners are put in solitary for various reasons. What medical care was denied?
Why? Democrat prisoners might have hurt them? No….it was for an extra measure of punishment for going against the Biden narrative.
Guys in the joint don't like red hat insurrectionists. Hurt them? No, they would be killed.
We cannot have a fair trial when the DC juries (and Grand Juries) are comprised of all democrats.

I hope someone appeals to higher courts to ensure that juries (and Grande Juries) are comprised of politically balanced juries.

Not surprisingly, survey answers show how the heavily Democratic, government-centric city is in line with how elected Democrats view the Republican Trump-supporting protesters and their Capitol Building invasion. One defense attorney labeled Washington a place of “extreme community prejudice” with “an absolute lack of political diversity” and “tribal political landscape.”

Are you suggesting that Republicans are more honorable than Democrats? Funny...

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