Grand Juries should NOT be comprised of all DC democrats. We need a new law.... (Poll)

Do we need a law that juries need to be comprised of politically balanced jurors?

  • Yes

    Votes: 14 43.8%
  • No

    Votes: 18 56.3%

  • Total voters

The grand jury system should be abolished period. It's nothing more than a system designed to protect bad DA's

As to normal jury's no again. Jurors have a right to privacy. Who the vote for is no one's fucking business.

Terrible idea
Lol, ya mean ya want a law that repugs can't get indicted. Hilarious 😂 Well we can get rid of prisons that way. Just join the Republican Party and no prosecution. Murders and rapists can run the streets.Sounds like a great idea.
1. Big city prosecutors are already not prosecuting for violent crimes.
2. Big city prosecutors are only prosecuting conservatives. (Bragg, Letisha, J6, etc.)
The grand jury system should be abolished period. It's nothing more than a system designed to protect bad DA's
As to normal jury's no again. Jurors have a right to privacy. Who the vote for is no one's fucking business. Terrible idea
So how do you solve the biased DC and big city juries comprised of all democrats?
So how do you solve the biased DC and big city juries comprised of all democrats?
The defense gets to be as involved in jury selection as the prosecution. They can dismiss jurors they don't like during the selection process.

Grand jury's never hear testimony or see evidence that exonerates someone so that's just one more reason they should be abolished.
I don't have much faith in our justice system anymore and that isn't changing. Making laws or rules for our justice system to follow won't do a thing because they'll just ignore them. Radical people have taken control of our country.
Why would anyone have faith in our utterly corrupt legal system?
Then Republicans shouldn't commit crimes in DC.

The logic there is that if you exclude Democrats, you should also exclude Republicans.
So Republicans aren't allowed to protest in the capital?

You're a scumbag dumbfuck.
1. Big city prosecutors are already not prosecuting for violent crimes.
2. Big city prosecutors are only prosecuting conservatives. (Bragg, Letisha, J6, etc.)
Lol, sure thing retard. I am sure there are no longer any felonies on the court dockets any where in any big city. Hilarious 😂 what a fucking retard. Your retarded ass will believe any damn thing. Yep no republican procsecuters or judges exist. Lol let's go with that one. Lol, lol , lol, retard story time sure is entertaining. Yep. Trumpy boy did not appoint Durham. Kenneth Star was never appointed. Lol, the last 3 directors of the fbi were not appointed by a republican and. On down the list of absolutely insane horse shit you are trying to pedal huh. Lol, sure thing there retard. More retard story time please we can all use a good laugh.
Lots of people want trials outside the jurisdiction they are in. They can always request a different venue and they can appeal the verdict.

There is also the faulty assumption that a juror cannot be impartial due to whatever political party they belong to. And what do you do with independents? This would corrupt the entire process.

Lawyers can question jurors and reject them, they can request a different venue. That would minimize it.
That's not a faulty assumption if they are Democrats.
Why just DC? How about juries in deep red states? Who decides which side of a political line is a bias?

Either way…bad idea. This is deliberately politicizing our judicial system at its most important point: a trial by an independent jury. If they feel they can’t get a fair trial they can always ask for a different venue.
Why didn't cohen get a different venue?
Heve you found any credible evidence that Biden broke any laws, or are you still just pulling all those accusations out of your ass?
Why don't you find the evidence to date credible?
When the fix is in and the media becomes the propaganda arm of the democrat party and the DOJ is thoroughly corrupted, there is nothing you can do except bend over and kiss your ass goodbye.
And that would include Garland, would it not? His DOJ, in their eagerness to protect Joe Biden, tried to come up with an unprecedented deal in which Hunter would get blanket immunity from crimes that haven’t even yet been discovered - all in an effort to put the kabosh on the corruption investigation involving Joe.
No, I mean you.
Your inability to separate fact from fantasy because of your ignorance and hate is why you and fools like you should only be allowed at the defendant's table in a court of law.
1. Look at their voter registration
2. If not registered, give them a simple quiz
I'll bet that I, like most people, could figure out how to answer the quiz to indicate a political persuasion, that I am not.

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