Grand Juries should NOT be comprised of all DC democrats. We need a new law.... (Poll)

Do we need a law that juries need to be comprised of politically balanced jurors?

  • Yes

    Votes: 14 43.8%
  • No

    Votes: 18 56.3%

  • Total voters
People that think that political views should influence legal matters should be excluded from serving in the legal system i any capacity.
And that would include Garland, would it not? His DOJ, in their eagerness to protect Joe Biden, tried to come up with an unprecedented deal in which Hunter would get blanket immunity from crimes that haven’t even yet been discovered - all in an effort to put the kabosh on the corruption investigation involving Joe.
Joe Biden has not broken any laws. His son, Hunter, likely has, and I think he will answer for that in time.
Of course he broke laws. And Hunter’s business partner is about to expose just how directly involved he was with the massive influence-peddling corruption schemes.
Yup….these anti-American leftists have Trump already tried, convicted, and in prison.

The irony is that the MUCH more concerning case is the one involving the Biden family, massive corruption, and $50 million hidden everywhere, including in off-shore accounts. And Democrats deflect, defend, and deny.
Heve you found any credible evidence that Biden broke any laws, or are you still just pulling all those accusations out of your ass?
Heve (sic) you found any credible evidence that the Biden crime syndicate produced anything other than access to power, to justify its revenues?
We cannot have a fair trial when the DC juries (and Grand Juries) are comprised of all democrats.

I hope someone appeals to higher courts to ensure that juries (and Grande Juries) are comprised of politically balanced juries.

Not surprisingly, survey answers show how the heavily Democratic, government-centric city is in line with how elected Democrats view the Republican Trump-supporting protesters and their Capitol Building invasion. One defense attorney labeled Washington a place of “extreme community prejudice” with “an absolute lack of political diversity” and “tribal political landscape.”
Lol, ya mean ya want a law that repugs can't get indicted. Hilarious 😂 Well we can get rid of prisons that way. Just join the Republican Party and no prosecution. Murders and rapists can run the streets.Soubds like a great idea.
Heve (sic) you found any credible evidence that the Biden crime syndicate produced anything other than access to power, to justify its revenues?
Lol, hey ass clown you have to come up with evidence of guilt. Innocent till proven guilty not the other way around ass clown. You clowns never get convictions and never win in court because all your accusations are horse shit. Meanwhile how many Trump cabinet members are convicted fellons? Hundreds upon hundreds of Jan 6th idiots in jai! More to come on election interference. Fox News paying billions in defamation suits. Whole lot of winning on our side a whole lot of losses on yours. The Republican Party nothing but a bunch of conman marks. Love laughing at ya. It is fun.
We cannot have a fair trial when the DC juries (and Grand Juries) are comprised of all democrats.

I hope someone appeals to higher courts to ensure that juries (and Grande Juries) are comprised of politically balanced juries.

Not surprisingly, survey answers show how the heavily Democratic, government-centric city is in line with how elected Democrats view the Republican Trump-supporting protesters and their Capitol Building invasion. One defense attorney labeled Washington a place of “extreme community prejudice” with “an absolute lack of political diversity” and “tribal political landscape.”

A new law investigating the political leanings of citizens.

Small gubberment Republicans in action.
We cannot have a fair trial when the DC juries (and Grand Juries) are comprised of all democrats.

I hope someone appeals to higher courts to ensure that juries (and Grande Juries) are comprised of politically balanced juries.

Not surprisingly, survey answers show how the heavily Democratic, government-centric city is in line with how elected Democrats view the Republican Trump-supporting protesters and their Capitol Building invasion. One defense attorney labeled Washington a place of “extreme community prejudice” with “an absolute lack of political diversity” and “tribal political landscape.”
It’s so unfair…:crybaby:
The grand jury was in Florida!

In June 2023, media outlets reported that another grand jury had been convened in a federal court in Miami related to the Mar-a-Lago documents. It is this Miami-based grand jury, rather than the grand jury convened in Washington, DC, that returned the indictment against former President Trump and his associate.
OK, thanks. There are Grand Juries all over the place. My OP point still stands that DC Grand Juries need to be more balanced politically.
A grand jury in Washington, D.C. that has been hearing evidence about efforts by Donald Trump to overturn his 2020 election ended a session Thursday without an apparent criminal indictment of the former president, NBC News reported. Earlier, a court official in Washington said no indictments were expected to be issued there Thursday, NBC reported.
People that think that political views should influence legal matters should be excluded from serving in the legal system i any capacity.
Not excluded. Just have balanced juries, unlike DC juries.

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