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graphic and heart breaking

I saw this on the news. Very sad and depressing. Imagine being so desperate that you would put your children's lives at risk? Horrible. :( I hope someone comes up with a solution for this very complicated problem so that there aren't more dead babies washing up on the shore. Why do we not hold these governments responsible. Why doesn't the UN do anything? What good are they anyway?
The United Nations is a paper tiger...................when it hits the fan they always ask what will we do..................

If the world would stand as one, then the world could go in and end this................Europe is now seeing what happens when we allow the Genocide to continue in Syria.............The pics coming from Syria at the hands of ISIS is far worse.......................Yet the world refuses to act to end it................

There is only one way to end it.................perhaps the limited attacks will end it IN YEARS..............after the desert is soaked in blood of all non believers.

Let's hope it doesn't come to that, and there will be some sanity somewhere! I cannot understand how this ISIS movement is so effective!
There is no sanity in the middle east..............The Christians and other groups are being slaughtered whole sale in Syria..............The Genocide is going on and continues to do so......................

The world is going to have to kill them............other wise it doesn't end.

I wonder why the Arabs seem to be not going full psycho on them? Lol. What are they doing over there? Why are they letting this rag tag group of killers get away with so much?
Power play to see who gets control of the region..............
The Turks will not go in unless they can slaughter the Kurds........Iran via proxy is pushing their own agenda..............Syria is exhausted from the years of War.............................

ISIS may have as many 100,000 fighters now.........because the world sat by and let it grow.................

And now have it deposited on Europe's door step...................it will eventually force them to finally act....................

They like bitching at us all the time...........Perhaps they can get off their asses and deal with it this time.................
I saw this on the news. Very sad and depressing. Imagine being so desperate that you would put your children's lives at risk? Horrible. :( I hope someone comes up with a solution for this very complicated problem so that there aren't more dead babies washing up on the shore. Why do we not hold these governments responsible. Why doesn't the UN do anything? What good are they anyway?
The United Nations is a paper tiger...................when it hits the fan they always ask what will we do..................

If the world would stand as one, then the world could go in and end this................Europe is now seeing what happens when we allow the Genocide to continue in Syria.............The pics coming from Syria at the hands of ISIS is far worse.......................Yet the world refuses to act to end it................

There is only one way to end it.................perhaps the limited attacks will end it IN YEARS..............after the desert is soaked in blood of all non believers.

Let's hope it doesn't come to that, and there will be some sanity somewhere! I cannot understand how this ISIS movement is so effective!
There is no sanity in the middle east..............The Christians and other groups are being slaughtered whole sale in Syria..............The Genocide is going on and continues to do so......................

The world is going to have to kill them............other wise it doesn't end.

I wonder why the Arabs seem to be not going full psycho on them? Lol. What are they doing over there? Why are they letting this rag tag group of killers get away with so much?
Power play to see who gets control of the region..............
The Turks will not go in unless they can slaughter the Kurds........Iran via proxy is pushing their own agenda..............Syria is exhausted from the years of War.............................

ISIS may have as many 100,000 fighters now.........because the world sat by and let it grow.................

And now have it deposited on Europe's door step...................it will eventually force them to finally act....................

They like bitching at us all the time...........Perhaps they can get off their asses and deal with it this time.................

It would be really nice if they would take care of their own problems for a change. Yup, they like to beg for OUR help and then criticize us when things aren't perfect.
The United Nations is a paper tiger...................when it hits the fan they always ask what will we do..................

If the world would stand as one, then the world could go in and end this................Europe is now seeing what happens when we allow the Genocide to continue in Syria.............The pics coming from Syria at the hands of ISIS is far worse.......................Yet the world refuses to act to end it................

There is only one way to end it.................perhaps the limited attacks will end it IN YEARS..............after the desert is soaked in blood of all non believers.

Let's hope it doesn't come to that, and there will be some sanity somewhere! I cannot understand how this ISIS movement is so effective!
There is no sanity in the middle east..............The Christians and other groups are being slaughtered whole sale in Syria..............The Genocide is going on and continues to do so......................

The world is going to have to kill them............other wise it doesn't end.

I wonder why the Arabs seem to be not going full psycho on them? Lol. What are they doing over there? Why are they letting this rag tag group of killers get away with so much?
Power play to see who gets control of the region..............
The Turks will not go in unless they can slaughter the Kurds........Iran via proxy is pushing their own agenda..............Syria is exhausted from the years of War.............................

ISIS may have as many 100,000 fighters now.........because the world sat by and let it grow.................

And now have it deposited on Europe's door step...................it will eventually force them to finally act....................

They like bitching at us all the time...........Perhaps they can get off their asses and deal with it this time.................

It would be really nice if they would take care of their own problems for a change. Yup, they like to beg for OUR help and then criticize us when things aren't perfect.
That is very true..................It's always easy from the cheap seats.
Favoritism Forbidden

1My brothers and sisters, believers in our glorious Lord Jesus Christ must not show favoritism. 2Suppose a man comes into your meeting wearing a gold ring and fine clothes, and a poor man in filthy old clothes also comes in. 3If you show special attention to the man wearing fine clothes and say, “Here’s a good seat for you,” but say to the poor man, “You stand there” or “Sit on the floor by my feet,” 4have you not discriminated among yourselves and become judges with evil thoughts?

5Listen, my dear brothers and sisters: Has not God chosen those who are poor in the eyes of the world to be rich in faith and to inherit the kingdom he promised those who love him? 6But you have dishonored the poor. Is it not the rich who are exploiting you? Are they not the ones who are dragging you into court? 7Are they not the ones who are blaspheming the noble name of him to whom you belong?

8If you really keep the royal law found in Scripture, “Love your neighbor as yourself,”a you are doing right. 9But if you show favoritism, you sin and are convicted by the law as lawbreakers. 10For whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles at just one point is guilty of breaking all of it. 11For he who said, “You shall not commit adultery,”b also said, “You shall not murder.”c If you do not commit adultery but do commit murder, you have become a lawbreaker.

12Speak and act as those who are going to be judged by the law that gives freedom, 13because judgment without mercy will be shown to anyone who has not been merciful. Mercy triumphs over judgment.

Faith and Deeds

14What good is it, my brothers and sisters, if someone claims to have faith but has no deeds? Can such faith save them?

15Suppose a brother or a sister is without clothes and daily food. 16If one of you says to them, “Go in peace; keep warm and well fed,” but does nothing about their physical needs, what good is it?

In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead.

yep, the USMBers only pretend to care about fetuses... everyone else, not so much...
The boy and his family were from northern Syria. That is what all the articles I've read say. Now, unless you can come up with something saying else wise, then shut up please.

fuck you dumbass

Ahem, you are the dumbass here. Those people were from Syria, heading to Greece when their boat capsized and their bodies washed up on the shores of Turkey. :) Get your facts straight before you make yourself look foolish next time. Just trying to help you. ;)
Sure, they took a boat from Syria, sailed 100s of miles along the Turkish coast and sank just before they got to Greece. It's very fashionable these since it's so much easier than going across Turkey.

besides that it the article clearly stated that they took off from a place in Turkey

Oh really??? Lol. Why don't you quote where it says that in the article I posted please. :D

really i cant believe it

fuck you dumbass

Ahem, you are the dumbass here. Those people were from Syria, heading to Greece when their boat capsized and their bodies washed up on the shores of Turkey. :) Get your facts straight before you make yourself look foolish next time. Just trying to help you. ;)
Sure, they took a boat from Syria, sailed 100s of miles along the Turkish coast and sank just before they got to Greece. It's very fashionable these since it's so much easier than going across Turkey.

besides that it the article clearly stated that they took off from a place in Turkey

Oh really??? Lol. Why don't you quote where it says that in the article I posted please. :D

really i cant believe it


Those people were escaping from Syria and NOT from Turkey. They were heading to Greece because Turkey isn't taking any asylum seekers. They are not recognizing that there is a "humanitarian crisis" as a direct quote from a Turkish official. Now, if they stopped off in Turkey to take a boat to Syria, that still does not mean they are trying to escape from TURKEY as the other poster said. They are trying to escape from SYRIA and cannot stay in Turkey.
The boy and his family were from northern Syria. That is what all the articles I've read say. Now, unless you can come up with something saying else wise, then shut up please.

fuck you dumbass

Ahem, you are the dumbass here. Those people were from Syria, heading to Greece when their boat capsized and their bodies washed up on the shores of Turkey. :) Get your facts straight before you make yourself look foolish next time. Just trying to help you. ;)
Sure, they took a boat from Syria, sailed 100s of miles along the Turkish coast and sank just before they got to Greece. It's very fashionable these since it's so much easier than going across Turkey.

besides that it the article clearly stated that they took off from a place in Turkey

Oh really??? Lol. Why don't you quote where it says that in the article I posted please. :D

from your article

this is like the fourth time now

Turkish officials, corroborating the reports, said 12 people died after two boats carrying a total of 23 people, capsized after setting off separately from the Akyarlar area of the Bodrum peninsula

Shocking images of drowned Syrian boy show tragic plight of refugees
As the flood of refugees continues........some countries, including Turkey, are putting out No Vacancy signs as they can't afford the flood of people..............which is why the refugees are flooding further into Europe........................

Germany just put up the Vacancy sign and is accepting those that make it there now...............but as they fill up as well......eventually they will pass the buck to someone else.............

It's TAG your it..................but it's not a game.......................

There would be no need to receive the flood if the world just goes in and ends it....................but alas...........they allow the Genocide to continue there and wonder what to do with the millions fleeing the battlefields.............
I read Turkey is not letting refugees in, and the ones who are there, are not permitted to leave.

there is a very good reason why the people in the pathetic little boats drown in the sea rather than land in Turkey------the turks are GENOCIDAL FOR ALLAH
fuck you dumbass

Ahem, you are the dumbass here. Those people were from Syria, heading to Greece when their boat capsized and their bodies washed up on the shores of Turkey. :) Get your facts straight before you make yourself look foolish next time. Just trying to help you. ;)
Sure, they took a boat from Syria, sailed 100s of miles along the Turkish coast and sank just before they got to Greece. It's very fashionable these since it's so much easier than going across Turkey.

besides that it the article clearly stated that they took off from a place in Turkey

Oh really??? Lol. Why don't you quote where it says that in the article I posted please. :D

from your article

this is like the fourth time now

Turkish officials, corroborating the reports, said 12 people died after two boats carrying a total of 23 people, capsized after setting off separately from the Akyarlar area of the Bodrum peninsula

Shocking images of drowned Syrian boy show tragic plight of refugees

What you are ignoring is that the poster I was originally asking why these people were trying to "escape" from Turkey, making it sound as if these people purposefully put their children and families in harm's way. I told him that they are not trying to escape from Turkey but from the war in Syria. Then I posted an article where a Turkish official is quoted as saying they are no longer accepting asylum refugees from Syria.

They were still originally trying to escape from Syria and not from Turkey like the other poster was claiming. Turkey is not executing these people and is not what these people are running from. If they are trying to get out of Turkey it is more than likely because they are there without permission to be there. The war is in Syria though and THAT is what they are running from. That is the reason why they are risking their lives and the lives of their families, not because "they feel like it."
fuck you dumbass

Ahem, you are the dumbass here. Those people were from Syria, heading to Greece when their boat capsized and their bodies washed up on the shores of Turkey. :) Get your facts straight before you make yourself look foolish next time. Just trying to help you. ;)
Sure, they took a boat from Syria, sailed 100s of miles along the Turkish coast and sank just before they got to Greece. It's very fashionable these since it's so much easier than going across Turkey.

besides that it the article clearly stated that they took off from a place in Turkey

Oh really??? Lol. Why don't you quote where it says that in the article I posted please. :D

from your article

this is like the fourth time now

Turkish officials, corroborating the reports, said 12 people died after two boats carrying a total of 23 people, capsized after setting off separately from the Akyarlar area of the Bodrum peninsula

Shocking images of drowned Syrian boy show tragic plight of refugees

Let us not forget----there is plenty of land in the Levant----the refugees could actually WALK to very prosperous countries that have lots of empty land if they would be welcomed there with anything other than bullets in their heads for the glory of allah
fuck you dumbass

Ahem, you are the dumbass here. Those people were from Syria, heading to Greece when their boat capsized and their bodies washed up on the shores of Turkey. :) Get your facts straight before you make yourself look foolish next time. Just trying to help you. ;)
Sure, they took a boat from Syria, sailed 100s of miles along the Turkish coast and sank just before they got to Greece. It's very fashionable these since it's so much easier than going across Turkey.

besides that it the article clearly stated that they took off from a place in Turkey

Oh really??? Lol. Why don't you quote where it says that in the article I posted please. :D

from your article

this is like the fourth time now

Turkish officials, corroborating the reports, said 12 people died after two boats carrying a total of 23 people, capsized after setting off separately from the Akyarlar area of the Bodrum peninsula

Shocking images of drowned Syrian boy show tragic plight of refugees

The other poster I was addressing originally was trying to make it sound as if these people had it made in Turkey and purposefully put their families lives in danger.
I read Turkey is not letting refugees in, and the ones who are there, are not permitted to leave.

there is a very good reason why the people in the pathetic little boats drown in the sea rather than land in Turkey------the turks are GENOCIDAL FOR ALLAH

I thought Turkey was a more secular country?? I've talked to several people from Turkey and that is the impression I've gotten. They seem to speak freely enough on the internet!
Ahem, you are the dumbass here. Those people were from Syria, heading to Greece when their boat capsized and their bodies washed up on the shores of Turkey. :) Get your facts straight before you make yourself look foolish next time. Just trying to help you. ;)
Sure, they took a boat from Syria, sailed 100s of miles along the Turkish coast and sank just before they got to Greece. It's very fashionable these since it's so much easier than going across Turkey.

besides that it the article clearly stated that they took off from a place in Turkey

Oh really??? Lol. Why don't you quote where it says that in the article I posted please. :D

from your article

this is like the fourth time now

Turkish officials, corroborating the reports, said 12 people died after two boats carrying a total of 23 people, capsized after setting off separately from the Akyarlar area of the Bodrum peninsula

Shocking images of drowned Syrian boy show tragic plight of refugees

What you are ignoring is that the poster I was originally asking why these people were trying to "escape" from Turkey, making it sound as if these people purposefully put their children and families in harm's way. I told him that they are not trying to escape from Turkey but from the war in Syria. Then I posted an article where a Turkish official is quoted as saying they are no longer accepting asylum refugees from Syria.

They were still originally trying to escape from Syria and not from Turkey like the other poster was claiming. Turkey is not executing these people and is not what these people are running from. If they are trying to get out of Turkey it is more than likely because they are there without permission to be there. The war is in Syria though and THAT is what they are running from. That is the reason why they are risking their lives and the lives of their families, not because "they feel like it."

making it sound as if these people purposefully put their children and families in harm's way.

they did

they didnt put them on the raft by accident
Sure, they took a boat from Syria, sailed 100s of miles along the Turkish coast and sank just before they got to Greece. It's very fashionable these since it's so much easier than going across Turkey.

besides that it the article clearly stated that they took off from a place in Turkey

Oh really??? Lol. Why don't you quote where it says that in the article I posted please. :D

from your article

this is like the fourth time now

Turkish officials, corroborating the reports, said 12 people died after two boats carrying a total of 23 people, capsized after setting off separately from the Akyarlar area of the Bodrum peninsula

Shocking images of drowned Syrian boy show tragic plight of refugees

What you are ignoring is that the poster I was originally asking why these people were trying to "escape" from Turkey, making it sound as if these people purposefully put their children and families in harm's way. I told him that they are not trying to escape from Turkey but from the war in Syria. Then I posted an article where a Turkish official is quoted as saying they are no longer accepting asylum refugees from Syria.

They were still originally trying to escape from Syria and not from Turkey like the other poster was claiming. Turkey is not executing these people and is not what these people are running from. If they are trying to get out of Turkey it is more than likely because they are there without permission to be there. The war is in Syria though and THAT is what they are running from. That is the reason why they are risking their lives and the lives of their families, not because "they feel like it."

making it sound as if these people purposefully put their children and families in harm's way.

they did

they didnt put them on the raft by accident

Like I said, he was trying to make it sound as if these people are fleeing for no reason. Desperate people will do desperate things.
I read Turkey is not letting refugees in, and the ones who are there, are not permitted to leave.

there is a very good reason why the people in the pathetic little boats drown in the sea rather than land in Turkey------the turks are GENOCIDAL FOR ALLAH

I thought Turkey was a more secular country?? I've talked to several people from Turkey and that is the impression I've gotten. They seem to speak freely enough on the internet!

sorry---you did not keep up -----Turkey is in the midst of a BACK TO THE OLD TIME RELIGION revival-----Erdogan is an
islamicist-----actually promising to recreate the OTTOMAN CALIPHATE for the glory of allah-------no Christian or Kurd need apply. If you scratch Erdogan, Assad, An Ayatoilet or whoever is now the CALIPH of ISIS-----you end up with the same entity--------caliph rapist pig. It is almost a comedy. I call it the 1001 Arabian nights delusion
Well anyways, I think we all know these people are not risking their lives and the lives of their families for the fun of it. They are taking these risks because they feel they are necessary for their survival.
Ahem, you are the dumbass here. Those people were from Syria, heading to Greece when their boat capsized and their bodies washed up on the shores of Turkey. :) Get your facts straight before you make yourself look foolish next time. Just trying to help you. ;)
Sure, they took a boat from Syria, sailed 100s of miles along the Turkish coast and sank just before they got to Greece. It's very fashionable these since it's so much easier than going across Turkey.

besides that it the article clearly stated that they took off from a place in Turkey

Oh really??? Lol. Why don't you quote where it says that in the article I posted please. :D

from your article

this is like the fourth time now

Turkish officials, corroborating the reports, said 12 people died after two boats carrying a total of 23 people, capsized after setting off separately from the Akyarlar area of the Bodrum peninsula

Shocking images of drowned Syrian boy show tragic plight of refugees

Let us not forget----there is plenty of land in the Levant----the refugees could actually WALK to very prosperous countries that have lots of empty land if they would be welcomed there with anything other than bullets in their heads for the glory of allah

that is true -
You seem to be confused. The Syrian boys who drowned had left Turkey with their family in an attempt to reach Greece:

"The Kurdish boy who washed up on the beach was identified by Turkish officials as 3-year-old Aylan Kurdi in news reports. He was in one of two boats, Reuters reported, carrying a total of 23 people that set off separately from the Akyarlar area of Turkey’s Bodrum peninsula, apparently headed to the Greek island of Kos...."

Aylan’s story: How desperation left a 3-year-old boy washed up on a Turkish beach

"He drowned after the 15-foot boat ferrying him from the Turkish beach resort of Bodrum to the Greek island of Kos capsized shortly before dawn on Wednesday, killing 12 passengers. Aylan’s 5-year-old brother, Galip, and his mother, Rehan, were also among the dead. His father, Abdullah, was the only family member to survive."

Image of Drowned Syrian Boy Echoes Around World

"The two young brothers and their mother were among at least 12 Syrians who died on a boat headed for Greece. The boat was part of a flotilla of small dinghies boarded by passengers at Akyarlar, the closest point to the Greek Aegean island of Kos."

Akyarlar is in Turkey.

Family of Syrian boy washed up on beach were trying to reach Canada

"Tens of thousands of Syrians fleeing the war in their homeland have descended on Turkey's Aegean coast this summer to board boats to Greece."

Father of drowned Syrian toddlers prepares to take bodies home

The boys and their family were from the Syrian city of Kobani and had travelled to Turkey. They died after leaving Turkey in an attempt to reach Greece.


Well, if they had made it into Turkey, I don't know why they would be heading for Greece to seek asylum since Greece isn't going to be able to do anything more fo them. They say that Turkey isn't letting anyone in. That would be a reason why refugees are heading to Greece instead. Was Turkey just a stop over with plans to head for Greece? I don't know, but here is one article that says Turkey is turning away refugees.


Your article states that: "Turkey has accepted more than two million refugees since 2011." And the Reuters article reports that tens of thousands of refugees made their way to Turkey's coast this summer. Father of drowned Syrian toddlers prepares to take bodies home It seems clear that a large number of refugees are still able to enter Turkey.

Greece is a member of the EU and as such is part of the Schengen Agreement which allows free travel (no border controls) to other EU member countries. By reaching Greece refugees believe that they will be able to travel on to a country that will provide them with asylum and perhaps some measure of financial assistance. Greece is really nothing more than a stepping stone to more prosperous European countries.


Yes, since 2011, but it says that they aren't taking them right now . . .

“We are of the opinion that there isn’t a humanitarian tragedy there,” Mr Kurtulmus told CNN-Turk television. “Our priority is for them to remain within their border.”

The development comes as Kurdish fighters closed in on the outskirts of Tal Abyad, one of the strategic border towns held by Isis, which provides a vital supply line from Turkey to Raqqa, Isis’ stronghold in Syria.

"Our priority....."
You seem to be confused. The Syrian boys who drowned had left Turkey with their family in an attempt to reach Greece:

"The Kurdish boy who washed up on the beach was identified by Turkish officials as 3-year-old Aylan Kurdi in news reports. He was in one of two boats, Reuters reported, carrying a total of 23 people that set off separately from the Akyarlar area of Turkey’s Bodrum peninsula, apparently headed to the Greek island of Kos...."

Aylan’s story: How desperation left a 3-year-old boy washed up on a Turkish beach

"He drowned after the 15-foot boat ferrying him from the Turkish beach resort of Bodrum to the Greek island of Kos capsized shortly before dawn on Wednesday, killing 12 passengers. Aylan’s 5-year-old brother, Galip, and his mother, Rehan, were also among the dead. His father, Abdullah, was the only family member to survive."

Image of Drowned Syrian Boy Echoes Around World

"The two young brothers and their mother were among at least 12 Syrians who died on a boat headed for Greece. The boat was part of a flotilla of small dinghies boarded by passengers at Akyarlar, the closest point to the Greek Aegean island of Kos."

Akyarlar is in Turkey.

Family of Syrian boy washed up on beach were trying to reach Canada

"Tens of thousands of Syrians fleeing the war in their homeland have descended on Turkey's Aegean coast this summer to board boats to Greece."

Father of drowned Syrian toddlers prepares to take bodies home

The boys and their family were from the Syrian city of Kobani and had travelled to Turkey. They died after leaving Turkey in an attempt to reach Greece.


Well, if they had made it into Turkey, I don't know why they would be heading for Greece to seek asylum since Greece isn't going to be able to do anything more fo them. They say that Turkey isn't letting anyone in. That would be a reason why refugees are heading to Greece instead. Was Turkey just a stop over with plans to head for Greece? I don't know, but here is one article that says Turkey is turning away refugees.


Your article states that: "Turkey has accepted more than two million refugees since 2011." And the Reuters article reports that tens of thousands of refugees made their way to Turkey's coast this summer. Father of drowned Syrian toddlers prepares to take bodies home It seems clear that a large number of refugees are still able to enter Turkey.

Greece is a member of the EU and as such is part of the Schengen Agreement which allows free travel (no border controls) to other EU member countries. By reaching Greece refugees believe that they will be able to travel on to a country that will provide them with asylum and perhaps some measure of financial assistance. Greece is really nothing more than a stepping stone to more prosperous European countries.


Yes, since 2011, but it says that they aren't taking them right now . . .

“We are of the opinion that there isn’t a humanitarian tragedy there,” Mr Kurtulmus told CNN-Turk television. “Our priority is for them to remain within their border.”

The development comes as Kurdish fighters closed in on the outskirts of Tal Abyad, one of the strategic border towns held by Isis, which provides a vital supply line from Turkey to Raqqa, Isis’ stronghold in Syria.

Syria and Turkey share a 900 kilometer border. The Turks are hoping to build an 8 kilometer wall but that leaves the other 892 kilometers open and impossible to keep everyone out.


Okay, well I don't see what that has to do with the humanitarian crisis occurring in Syria. I'm sure the Turks are overwhelmed with asylum seeking refugees right about now. The original argument was that a poster assumed that these people who died were trying to "escape from Turkey." That is what he claimed. I'm saying, no, these people are trying to escape from Syria. If Turkey was a layover for them (since one of their officials is quoted as saying they are currently not accepting refugees into the country because they aren't recognizing them as "asylum seekers"), then it still is not Turkey they are trying to escape.

Life for Syrians in Turkey is very difficult and many want to leave Turkey to find something better:

"Unable to work and striving to make ends meet on stipends of just 85 Turkish lira ($30) a month for each person in the camp, both Ahmad and Khaled left in search of work. "A lot of people work for nothing," said Khaled. "Doctors and engineers work in construction."

Syrian refugees are not granted special work permits in Turkey, therefore, many work illegally and earn lower wages than their Turkish counterparts. "Women work, even the children work," he said. "Life is too expensive. If we want to live, all of us need to work."

According to the men, most Syrian refugees work in construction. "Most people work for nothing," said Ahmed. "Turkish people made 80 lira ($27) and they gave us 20 ($6.80)... We are going to Europe, and wherever we arrive, we will stay. We just want to go out far away from here.""

'Running from death': Refugees pack streets of Turkey

It's fair to say that many Syrians want to "escape" Turkey to find something better in the EU.

Well, if they had made it into Turkey, I don't know why they would be heading for Greece to seek asylum since Greece isn't going to be able to do anything more fo them. They say that Turkey isn't letting anyone in. That would be a reason why refugees are heading to Greece instead. Was Turkey just a stop over with plans to head for Greece? I don't know, but here is one article that says Turkey is turning away refugees.


Your article states that: "Turkey has accepted more than two million refugees since 2011." And the Reuters article reports that tens of thousands of refugees made their way to Turkey's coast this summer. Father of drowned Syrian toddlers prepares to take bodies home It seems clear that a large number of refugees are still able to enter Turkey.

Greece is a member of the EU and as such is part of the Schengen Agreement which allows free travel (no border controls) to other EU member countries. By reaching Greece refugees believe that they will be able to travel on to a country that will provide them with asylum and perhaps some measure of financial assistance. Greece is really nothing more than a stepping stone to more prosperous European countries.


Yes, since 2011, but it says that they aren't taking them right now . . .

“We are of the opinion that there isn’t a humanitarian tragedy there,” Mr Kurtulmus told CNN-Turk television. “Our priority is for them to remain within their border.”

The development comes as Kurdish fighters closed in on the outskirts of Tal Abyad, one of the strategic border towns held by Isis, which provides a vital supply line from Turkey to Raqqa, Isis’ stronghold in Syria.

"Our priority....."
Well, if they had made it into Turkey, I don't know why they would be heading for Greece to seek asylum since Greece isn't going to be able to do anything more fo them. They say that Turkey isn't letting anyone in. That would be a reason why refugees are heading to Greece instead. Was Turkey just a stop over with plans to head for Greece? I don't know, but here is one article that says Turkey is turning away refugees.


Your article states that: "Turkey has accepted more than two million refugees since 2011." And the Reuters article reports that tens of thousands of refugees made their way to Turkey's coast this summer. Father of drowned Syrian toddlers prepares to take bodies home It seems clear that a large number of refugees are still able to enter Turkey.

Greece is a member of the EU and as such is part of the Schengen Agreement which allows free travel (no border controls) to other EU member countries. By reaching Greece refugees believe that they will be able to travel on to a country that will provide them with asylum and perhaps some measure of financial assistance. Greece is really nothing more than a stepping stone to more prosperous European countries.


Yes, since 2011, but it says that they aren't taking them right now . . .

“We are of the opinion that there isn’t a humanitarian tragedy there,” Mr Kurtulmus told CNN-Turk television. “Our priority is for them to remain within their border.”

The development comes as Kurdish fighters closed in on the outskirts of Tal Abyad, one of the strategic border towns held by Isis, which provides a vital supply line from Turkey to Raqqa, Isis’ stronghold in Syria.

Syria and Turkey share a 900 kilometer border. The Turks are hoping to build an 8 kilometer wall but that leaves the other 892 kilometers open and impossible to keep everyone out.


Okay, well I don't see what that has to do with the humanitarian crisis occurring in Syria. I'm sure the Turks are overwhelmed with asylum seeking refugees right about now. The original argument was that a poster assumed that these people who died were trying to "escape from Turkey." That is what he claimed. I'm saying, no, these people are trying to escape from Syria. If Turkey was a layover for them (since one of their officials is quoted as saying they are currently not accepting refugees into the country because they aren't recognizing them as "asylum seekers"), then it still is not Turkey they are trying to escape.

Life for Syrians in Turkey is very difficult and many want to leave Turkey to find something better:

"Unable to work and striving to make ends meet on stipends of just 85 Turkish lira ($30) a month for each person in the camp, both Ahmad and Khaled left in search of work. "A lot of people work for nothing," said Khaled. "Doctors and engineers work in construction."

Syrian refugees are not granted special work permits in Turkey, therefore, many work illegally and earn lower wages than their Turkish counterparts. "Women work, even the children work," he said. "Life is too expensive. If we want to live, all of us need to work."

According to the men, most Syrian refugees work in construction. "Most people work for nothing," said Ahmed. "Turkish people made 80 lira ($27) and they gave us 20 ($6.80)... We are going to Europe, and wherever we arrive, we will stay. We just want to go out far away from here.""

'Running from death': Refugees pack streets of Turkey

It's fair to say that many Syrians want to "escape" Turkey to find something better in the EU.


Okay look, the person I was addressing originally is a hateful person apparently. He was trying to make it sound as if these people are CHOOSING to risk their lives and the lives of their families. That is certainly NOT the case. It's almost as if some don't want to recognize these people as human beings!

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