graphic and heart breaking

gotta love the compassion of christians.....for those out of the womb...just admit ...once they are beyond the fetus stage yall just dont give a flying fuck what happens to them
You're an idiot. It's Christians that are fleeing. I blame Obama for that child's death.
1. What is this tragedy got to do with Obama?
2. What difference does it make if Christians, Muslims, Jehovah, Asian blacks or whatever the fuck you call it. But they are drowning.
3. This just show you are heartless asshole.

not exactly----the fact that Christians and muslims are both desperate with no place to go is a very important issue. It is a sociologic phenomenon-----the middle east is not ----short of space and it is not actually short of wealth and the overwhelming wealth and space is controlled by MUSLIMS who now spit and shit on their own bretheren. It would be nice if muslims took care of their own
Thank you for clarification BUT they are human being.
Desperation? Like any other refugees?
What were they so desperate for that they would risk the life of their toddler in some kind of boat obviously unsafe and without even a life jacket? They were already in western Turkey, far from ISIS's reach.

you are a Monday morning quarterback at a funeral----

the "funeral" was caused by the parents.

Would you put your son in a rickety boat with no life jacket and try to sneak into another country illegally?
You and meathead are both using your opinion based from your life status and luxury living in U.S. Have you traveled to third world ferry boat? Or any leisure boat? Life jacket? In a life and death situation to get out of the country. Do you expect them look for life vest before boarding to a boat? Can they even afford to buy vest when there's no food? Try to put your place in that situation.
Desperation? Like any other refugees?
What were they so desperate for that they would risk the life of their toddler in some kind of boat obviously unsafe and without even a life jacket? They were already in western Turkey, far from ISIS's reach.

you are a Monday morning quarterback at a funeral----

the "funeral" was caused by the parents.

Would you put your son in a rickety boat with no life jacket and try to sneak into another country illegally?
You and meathead are both using your opinion based from your life status and luxury living in U.S. Have you traveled to third world ferry boat? Or any leisure boat? Life jacket? In a life and death situation to get out of the country. Do you expect them look for life vest before boarding to a boat? Can they even afford to buy vest when there's no food? Try to put your place in that situation.
I have indeed. A sharper mind might have noticed that I do not live a life of status and luxury in the US at least. An even less observant person would have noticed that the child was not traveling on a third-world ferry, but on a dingy from the Turkish coast to a Greek island on which any parent who takes a little tyke without a life vest ensures a greater chance of compromising their genetic survival.

I tire of fools.
Hey dummy! What does it say here? And there is a map included if you would only click on the link and educate yourself, but continue to make a fool of yourself. Makes no difference to me. :)

Shocking images of drowned Syrian boy show tragic plight of refugees

A second image portrays a grim-faced policeman carrying the tiny body away. Within hours it had gone viral becoming the top trending picture on Twitter under the hashtag #KiyiyaVuranInsanlik (humanity washed ashore).

Turkish media identified the boy as three-year-old Aylan Kurdi and reported that his five-year-old brother had also met a similar death. Both had reportedly hailed from the northern Syrian town of Kobani, the site of fierce fighting between Islamic state insurgents and Kurdish forces earlier this year.

12 people died after two boats carrying a total of 23 people, capsized after setting off separately from the Akyarlar area of the Bodrum peninsula.

The boy and his family were from northern Syria. That is what all the articles I've read say. Now, unless you can come up with something saying else wise, then shut up please.

fuck you dumbass

Ahem, you are the dumbass here. Those people were from Syria, heading to Greece when their boat capsized and their bodies washed up on the shores of Turkey. :) Get your facts straight before you make yourself look foolish next time. Just trying to help you. ;)
Sure, they took a boat from Syria, sailed 100s of miles along the Turkish coast and sank just before they got to Greece. It's very fashionable these since it's so much easier than going across Turkey.


she certainly is an idiot why bother with her --LOL
Hey dummy! What does it say here? And there is a map included if you would only click on the link and educate yourself, but continue to make a fool of yourself. Makes no difference to me. :)

Shocking images of drowned Syrian boy show tragic plight of refugees

A second image portrays a grim-faced policeman carrying the tiny body away. Within hours it had gone viral becoming the top trending picture on Twitter under the hashtag #KiyiyaVuranInsanlik (humanity washed ashore).

Turkish media identified the boy as three-year-old Aylan Kurdi and reported that his five-year-old brother had also met a similar death. Both had reportedly hailed from the northern Syrian town of Kobani, the site of fierce fighting between Islamic state insurgents and Kurdish forces earlier this year.

12 people died after two boats carrying a total of 23 people, capsized after setting off separately from the Akyarlar area of the Bodrum peninsula.

The boy and his family were from northern Syria. That is what all the articles I've read say. Now, unless you can come up with something saying else wise, then shut up please.

fuck you dumbass

Ahem, you are the dumbass here. Those people were from Syria, heading to Greece when their boat capsized and their bodies washed up on the shores of Turkey. :) Get your facts straight before you make yourself look foolish next time. Just trying to help you. ;)
Sure, they took a boat from Syria, sailed 100s of miles along the Turkish coast and sank just before they got to Greece. It's very fashionable these since it's so much easier than going across Turkey.

besides that it the article clearly stated that they took off from a place in Turkey
Sure, they took a boat from Syria, sailed 100s of miles along the Turkish coast and sank just before they got to Greece. It's very fashionable these since it's so much easier going across Turkey.


Uh, there's a war going on, and Turkey isn't just letting people in, you know! You see here?? You really need to understand the story before you comment, I think. Just some friendly advice. :)
I don't know why I bother:

Syrian refugees cross into Turkey - in pictures

Buddy, buddy, buddy. You were saying earlier that these people were trying to escape from Turkey. Should I go fetch your post? Or are you going to be a man about it and admit that you were wrong?

I understand that your first instinct is to throw a temper tantrum, but try to be a man, K? ;)


Let's try this again, one more time. Those people got on boats to escape from the war going on in Syria. Their boat capsized off the coast of Turkey while they were trying to make their way to Greece. The dead bodies washed up on the shores of Turkey. You see? Reading is fundamental. ;)

they departed from a bay in Turkey
Ahem, you are the dumbass here. Those people were from Syria, heading to Greece when their boat capsized and their bodies washed up on the shores of Turkey. :) Get your facts straight before you make yourself look foolish next time. Just trying to help you. ;)
Sure, they took a boat from Syria, sailed 100s of miles along the Turkish coast and sank just before they got to Greece. It's very fashionable these since it's so much easier going across Turkey.


Uh, there's a war going on, and Turkey isn't just letting people in, you know! You see here?? You really need to understand the story before you comment, I think. Just some friendly advice. :)
I don't know why I bother:

Syrian refugees cross into Turkey - in pictures

you made one good contribution in your life-----you taught me that KURDI means "nomad" in farsi Do Iranians use the same word for Bedouins? Gypsies?
Please! I'm busy right now trying to make another contribution. Teaching geography and common sense to a borderline idiot is not easy.

you are being much too kind saying borderline

Desperation? Like any other refugees?
What were they so desperate for that they would risk the life of their toddler in some kind of boat obviously unsafe and without even a life jacket? They were already in western Turkey, far from ISIS's reach.

you are a Monday morning quarterback at a funeral----

the "funeral" was caused by the parents.

Would you put your son in a rickety boat with no life jacket and try to sneak into another country illegally?
You and meathead are both using your opinion based from your life status and luxury living in U.S. Have you traveled to third world ferry boat? Or any leisure boat? Life jacket? In a life and death situation to get out of the country. Do you expect them look for life vest before boarding to a boat? Can they even afford to buy vest when there's no food? Try to put your place in that situation.
I have indeed. A sharper mind might have noticed that I do not live a life of status and luxury in the US at least. An even less observant person would have noticed that the child was not traveling on a third-world ferry, but on a dingy from the Turkish coast to a Greek island on which any parent who takes a little tyke without a life vest ensures a greater chance of compromising their genetic survival.

I tire of fools.
Try to remove the rotten meat on top of your head then maybe you can make 3rd grade common sense.
As usual the the OP and the rest of the left will place the blame on places like Britain and the rest of Europe instead of the people that have created the shit holes in the first place.

I've got a great idea, let's have the bleeding hearts that want Europe and other first world western countries to take in all these third worlders, to take their places in the countries they come from.
Or ask them to open up their own homes and put their money where their mouth is.
Sure, they took a boat from Syria, sailed 100s of miles along the Turkish coast and sank just before they got to Greece. It's very fashionable these since it's so much easier going across Turkey.


Uh, there's a war going on, and Turkey isn't just letting people in, you know! You see here?? You really need to understand the story before you comment, I think. Just some friendly advice. :)
I don't know why I bother:

Syrian refugees cross into Turkey - in pictures

you made one good contribution in your life-----you taught me that KURDI means "nomad" in farsi Do Iranians use the same word for Bedouins? Gypsies?
Please! I'm busy right now trying to make another contribution. Teaching geography and common sense to a borderline idiot is not easy.

you are being much too kind saying borderline


were I a Syrian KURD-----I would avoid going to TURKEY.
Kurds do not have much of a life in Turkey
gotta love the compassion of christians.....for those out of the womb...just admit ...once they are beyond the fetus stage yall just dont give a flying fuck what happens to them

It's the Christians that are fleeing, moron

not entirely Lassie-----BUT, I am going to take credit now for absolutely nothing-------I have been advising "AIR LIFT THE CHRISTIANS OUT OF THERE NOW" ---for more than a year.
I know that you know ---from where comes that air lift idea.
If I were queen-----it would have been ------settling them
would not have been a major problem ----even just a year ago.
We should have air lifted the chaldeans out of Iraq too. If I were queen--------Hezbollah would not exist in Lebanon------if
that ugly situation had been correctly addressed----Lebanon
could have become a very nice place-----and that airlift thing
could have aimed for Beirut.

Lots of the refugees now are muslims. Keep in mind---
the SUNNIS in Syria are facing the prospect of even more
Shiites on their heads------from Iran. The parties to the
conflict will not be able to shake the MADHI out of their
deranged minds

Hezbollah exists due to Israel, before Israel or the Zionist came there was no Hezbollah.,
Really? So before Israel, the Muslims all lived in peace and harmony? Maybe we should start rounding up the Jews and gassing them for making Muslims violent, eh?
gotta love the compassion of christians.....for those out of the womb...just admit ...once they are beyond the fetus stage yall just dont give a flying fuck what happens to them

It's the Christians that are fleeing, moron

not entirely Lassie-----BUT, I am going to take credit now for absolutely nothing-------I have been advising "AIR LIFT THE CHRISTIANS OUT OF THERE NOW" ---for more than a year.
I know that you know ---from where comes that air lift idea.
If I were queen-----it would have been ------settling them
would not have been a major problem ----even just a year ago.
We should have air lifted the chaldeans out of Iraq too. If I were queen--------Hezbollah would not exist in Lebanon------if
that ugly situation had been correctly addressed----Lebanon
could have become a very nice place-----and that airlift thing
could have aimed for Beirut.

Lots of the refugees now are muslims. Keep in mind---
the SUNNIS in Syria are facing the prospect of even more
Shiites on their heads------from Iran. The parties to the
conflict will not be able to shake the MADHI out of their
deranged minds

Hezbollah exists due to Israel, before Israel or the Zionist came there was no Hezbollah.,
Really? So before Israel, the Muslims all lived in peace and harmony? Maybe we should start rounding up the Jews and gassing them for making Muslims violent, eh?

Muslims have never lived in peace and harmony
Uh, there's a war going on, and Turkey isn't just letting people in, you know! You see here?? You really need to understand the story before you comment, I think. Just some friendly advice. :)
I don't know why I bother:

Syrian refugees cross into Turkey - in pictures

Buddy, buddy, buddy. You were saying earlier that these people were trying to escape from Turkey. Should I go fetch your post? Or are you going to be a man about it and admit that you were wrong?

I understand that your first instinct is to throw a temper tantrum, but try to be a man, K? ;)


Let's try this again, one more time. Those people got on boats to escape from the war going on in Syria. Their boat capsized off the coast of Turkey while they were trying to make their way to Greece. The dead bodies washed up on the shores of Turkey. You see? Reading is fundamental. ;)

they departed from a bay in Turkey
Uh, there's a war going on, and Turkey isn't just letting people in, you know! You see here?? You really need to understand the story before you comment, I think. Just some friendly advice. :)
I don't know why I bother:

Syrian refugees cross into Turkey - in pictures

you made one good contribution in your life-----you taught me that KURDI means "nomad" in farsi Do Iranians use the same word for Bedouins? Gypsies?
Please! I'm busy right now trying to make another contribution. Teaching geography and common sense to a borderline idiot is not easy.

you are being much too kind saying borderline


were I a Syrian KURD-----I would avoid going to TURKEY.
Kurds do not have much of a life in Turkey
Greeks, Armenians, Assyrians, Jews and even Arabs didn't have much of a life there either. That's why they all left.
gotta love the compassion of christians.....for those out of the womb...just admit ...once they are beyond the fetus stage yall just dont give a flying fuck what happens to them

It's the Christians that are fleeing, moron

not entirely Lassie-----BUT, I am going to take credit now for absolutely nothing-------I have been advising "AIR LIFT THE CHRISTIANS OUT OF THERE NOW" ---for more than a year.
I know that you know ---from where comes that air lift idea.
If I were queen-----it would have been ------settling them
would not have been a major problem ----even just a year ago.
We should have air lifted the chaldeans out of Iraq too. If I were queen--------Hezbollah would not exist in Lebanon------if
that ugly situation had been correctly addressed----Lebanon
could have become a very nice place-----and that airlift thing
could have aimed for Beirut.

Lots of the refugees now are muslims. Keep in mind---
the SUNNIS in Syria are facing the prospect of even more
Shiites on their heads------from Iran. The parties to the
conflict will not be able to shake the MADHI out of their
deranged minds

Hezbollah exists due to Israel, before Israel or the Zionist came there was no Hezbollah.,
Really? So before Israel, the Muslims all lived in peace and harmony? Maybe we should start rounding up the Jews and gassing them for making Muslims violent, eh?

I was schooled in Islamic history long ago-----when young----
barely 20. I got the real story on the CALIPHATES OF OLD-----the originals ----the mostest bestest was centered
in BAGHDAD----administered by relative of big MO himself.
That city was PERFECTION for all inhabitants----muslims,
Christians, Zoroastrians and Jews-----and the mostest
scientifically advanced and a giant in PHILOSOPHY,
Medicine, Math, ----BRILLIANT LIKE A DIAMOND---
even the area rugs knew how to fly. Then there was ANDALUSIA ------same story but I did not get the flying rug
part. ----then the MOGHUL EMPIRE----same thing----
(I have only touched on the GLORIOUS HISTORY)

all of the development of human civilization
took place first in Mecca and then the caliphates.

The whole magic bubble was destroyed-----in the past 500 to 100 years-----by DA JOOOS and DA HINDOOS and-----DA
WEST. The destruction of heaven on earth began with the
Reconquista in the Iberianpenninsula------Christians STOLE
gotta love the compassion of christians.....for those out of the womb...just admit ...once they are beyond the fetus stage yall just dont give a flying fuck what happens to them

It's the Christians that are fleeing, moron

not entirely Lassie-----BUT, I am going to take credit now for absolutely nothing-------I have been advising "AIR LIFT THE CHRISTIANS OUT OF THERE NOW" ---for more than a year.
I know that you know ---from where comes that air lift idea.
If I were queen-----it would have been ------settling them
would not have been a major problem ----even just a year ago.
We should have air lifted the chaldeans out of Iraq too. If I were queen--------Hezbollah would not exist in Lebanon------if
that ugly situation had been correctly addressed----Lebanon
could have become a very nice place-----and that airlift thing
could have aimed for Beirut.

Lots of the refugees now are muslims. Keep in mind---
the SUNNIS in Syria are facing the prospect of even more
Shiites on their heads------from Iran. The parties to the
conflict will not be able to shake the MADHI out of their
deranged minds

Hezbollah exists due to Israel, before Israel or the Zionist came there was no Hezbollah.,
Really? So before Israel, the Muslims all lived in peace and harmony? Maybe we should start rounding up the Jews and gassing them for making Muslims violent, eh?

I was schooled in Islamic history long ago-----when young----
barely 20. I got the real story on the CALIPHATES OF OLD-----the originals ----the mostest bestest was centered
in BAGHDAD----administered by relative of big MO himself.
That city was PERFECTION for all inhabitants----muslims,
Christians, Zoroastrians and Jews-----and the mostest
scientifically advanced and a giant in PHILOSOPHY,
Medicine, Math, ----BRILLIANT LIKE A DIAMOND---
even the area rugs knew how to fly. Then there was ANDALUSIA ------same story but I did not get the flying rug
part. ----then the MOGHUL EMPIRE----same thing----
(I have only touched on the GLORIOUS HISTORY)

all of the development of human civilization
took place first in Mecca and then the caliphates.

The whole magic bubble was destroyed-----in the past 500 to 100 years-----by DA JOOOS and DA HINDOOS and-----DA
WEST. The destruction of heaven on earth began with the
Reconquista in the Iberianpenninsula------Christians STOLE
Like many great civilizations, The Arab world collapsed and then was squashed into what it is today by the Renaissance and the rise of the West. As Lawrence of Arabia {in the film} said, they became a feuding and silly people, or something to that effect
gotta love the compassion of christians.....for those out of the womb...just admit ...once they are beyond the fetus stage yall just dont give a flying fuck what happens to them

It's the Christians that are fleeing, moron

not entirely Lassie-----BUT, I am going to take credit now for absolutely nothing-------I have been advising "AIR LIFT THE CHRISTIANS OUT OF THERE NOW" ---for more than a year.
I know that you know ---from where comes that air lift idea.
If I were queen-----it would have been ------settling them
would not have been a major problem ----even just a year ago.
We should have air lifted the chaldeans out of Iraq too. If I were queen--------Hezbollah would not exist in Lebanon------if
that ugly situation had been correctly addressed----Lebanon
could have become a very nice place-----and that airlift thing
could have aimed for Beirut.

Lots of the refugees now are muslims. Keep in mind---
the SUNNIS in Syria are facing the prospect of even more
Shiites on their heads------from Iran. The parties to the
conflict will not be able to shake the MADHI out of their
deranged minds

Hezbollah exists due to Israel, before Israel or the Zionist came there was no Hezbollah.,
Really? So before Israel, the Muslims all lived in peace and harmony? Maybe we should start rounding up the Jews and gassing them for making Muslims violent, eh?

Muslims have never lived in peace and harmony

We have to admit, the Jews and Christians didn't either, but when people have been displaced from their land and homes , they get upset.
It's the Christians that are fleeing, moron

not entirely Lassie-----BUT, I am going to take credit now for absolutely nothing-------I have been advising "AIR LIFT THE CHRISTIANS OUT OF THERE NOW" ---for more than a year.
I know that you know ---from where comes that air lift idea.
If I were queen-----it would have been ------settling them
would not have been a major problem ----even just a year ago.
We should have air lifted the chaldeans out of Iraq too. If I were queen--------Hezbollah would not exist in Lebanon------if
that ugly situation had been correctly addressed----Lebanon
could have become a very nice place-----and that airlift thing
could have aimed for Beirut.

Lots of the refugees now are muslims. Keep in mind---
the SUNNIS in Syria are facing the prospect of even more
Shiites on their heads------from Iran. The parties to the
conflict will not be able to shake the MADHI out of their
deranged minds

Hezbollah exists due to Israel, before Israel or the Zionist came there was no Hezbollah.,
Really? So before Israel, the Muslims all lived in peace and harmony? Maybe we should start rounding up the Jews and gassing them for making Muslims violent, eh?

Muslims have never lived in peace and harmony

We have to admit, the Jews and Christians didn't either, but when people have been displaced from their land and homes , they get upset.
Very few Muslims have been displaced from their lands and homes.On the contrary, it seems that many of them can't wait to leave.
It's the Christians that are fleeing, moron

not entirely Lassie-----BUT, I am going to take credit now for absolutely nothing-------I have been advising "AIR LIFT THE CHRISTIANS OUT OF THERE NOW" ---for more than a year.
I know that you know ---from where comes that air lift idea.
If I were queen-----it would have been ------settling them
would not have been a major problem ----even just a year ago.
We should have air lifted the chaldeans out of Iraq too. If I were queen--------Hezbollah would not exist in Lebanon------if
that ugly situation had been correctly addressed----Lebanon
could have become a very nice place-----and that airlift thing
could have aimed for Beirut.

Lots of the refugees now are muslims. Keep in mind---
the SUNNIS in Syria are facing the prospect of even more
Shiites on their heads------from Iran. The parties to the
conflict will not be able to shake the MADHI out of their
deranged minds

Hezbollah exists due to Israel, before Israel or the Zionist came there was no Hezbollah.,
Really? So before Israel, the Muslims all lived in peace and harmony? Maybe we should start rounding up the Jews and gassing them for making Muslims violent, eh?

I was schooled in Islamic history long ago-----when young----
barely 20. I got the real story on the CALIPHATES OF OLD-----the originals ----the mostest bestest was centered
in BAGHDAD----administered by relative of big MO himself.
That city was PERFECTION for all inhabitants----muslims,
Christians, Zoroastrians and Jews-----and the mostest
scientifically advanced and a giant in PHILOSOPHY,
Medicine, Math, ----BRILLIANT LIKE A DIAMOND---
even the area rugs knew how to fly. Then there was ANDALUSIA ------same story but I did not get the flying rug
part. ----then the MOGHUL EMPIRE----same thing----
(I have only touched on the GLORIOUS HISTORY)

all of the development of human civilization
took place first in Mecca and then the caliphates.

The whole magic bubble was destroyed-----in the past 500 to 100 years-----by DA JOOOS and DA HINDOOS and-----DA
WEST. The destruction of heaven on earth began with the
Reconquista in the Iberianpenninsula------Christians STOLE
Like many great civilizations, The Arab world collapsed and then was squashed into what it is today by the Renaissance and the rise of the West. As Lawrence of Arabia {in the film} said, they became a feuding and silly people, or something to that effect

read the book-----T C Lawrence never actually had much regard for the arab people at all------he did not admire them.
In fact
the arabs have been a silly feuding people thruout
their history. They managed to invade and brutally conquer ALREADY MADE PLACES. Baghdad was not a center of
culture because of the presence of the invading arabs----it
was ALREADY MADE by resident Zoroastrians, Jews and
Christians. Andalusia was also ALREADY MADE. etc etc.
The BRILLIANCE of some of the arab conquerers was in
limiting the destruction for a period of time. They made up
for that limitation over time. The Turkish muslims did not even make
It's the Christians that are fleeing, moron

not entirely Lassie-----BUT, I am going to take credit now for absolutely nothing-------I have been advising "AIR LIFT THE CHRISTIANS OUT OF THERE NOW" ---for more than a year.
I know that you know ---from where comes that air lift idea.
If I were queen-----it would have been ------settling them
would not have been a major problem ----even just a year ago.
We should have air lifted the chaldeans out of Iraq too. If I were queen--------Hezbollah would not exist in Lebanon------if
that ugly situation had been correctly addressed----Lebanon
could have become a very nice place-----and that airlift thing
could have aimed for Beirut.

Lots of the refugees now are muslims. Keep in mind---
the SUNNIS in Syria are facing the prospect of even more
Shiites on their heads------from Iran. The parties to the
conflict will not be able to shake the MADHI out of their
deranged minds

Hezbollah exists due to Israel, before Israel or the Zionist came there was no Hezbollah.,
Really? So before Israel, the Muslims all lived in peace and harmony? Maybe we should start rounding up the Jews and gassing them for making Muslims violent, eh?

Muslims have never lived in peace and harmony

We have to admit, the Jews and Christians didn't either, but when people have been displaced from their land and homes , they get upset.

Jews and Christians did not live
in harmony for most of the time that they lived in proximity-----but I have never encountered a Christian who INSISTED that they DID. The silly notion that jews and muslims and even Christians added to the mix and Zoroastrians lived in absolute
BLISS together is party line fed to muslim school children and believed by hundreds of millions of muslims today. Anyone interested ask your local muslim taxi driver. Just about all the people of the world have been DISPLACED at time-----what point are you unsuccessfully struggling to make, penny dear?
12 people died after two boats carrying a total of 23 people, capsized after setting off separately from the Akyarlar area of the Bodrum peninsula.

The boy and his family were from northern Syria. That is what all the articles I've read say. Now, unless you can come up with something saying else wise, then shut up please.

fuck you dumbass

Ahem, you are the dumbass here. Those people were from Syria, heading to Greece when their boat capsized and their bodies washed up on the shores of Turkey. :) Get your facts straight before you make yourself look foolish next time. Just trying to help you. ;)
Sure, they took a boat from Syria, sailed 100s of miles along the Turkish coast and sank just before they got to Greece. It's very fashionable these since it's so much easier than going across Turkey.

besides that it the article clearly stated that they took off from a place in Turkey

Oh really??? Lol. Why don't you quote where it says that in the article I posted please. :D

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