Graphic NSFW shock footage: undercover probe catches abortion doctors play fighting with dead babies

Someone posted about this yesterday. Some on the Left denied it was real. After sharing it with a friend, she called herself "heartsick" over it. I suppose those who deny such pure fucking evil do so for the same reasons one one might fly the antidepressant skies. Someone else went off on a rant about how young people think everything is funny. Me, I call them desensitized and devoid of the ability to interpret reality as anything other than a video game. Unless of course, it happens to them. That's when they all scream victimhood.

Someone posted about this yesterday. Some on the Left denied it was real. After sharing it with a friend, she called herself "heartsick" over it. I suppose those who deny such pure fucking evil do so for the same reasons one one might fly the antidepressant skies. Someone else went off on a rant about how young people think everything is funny. Me, I call them desensitized and devoid of the ability to interpret reality as anything other than a video game. Unless of course, it happens to them. That's when they all scream victimhood.
They're completely soulless!
I have two cousins who may not ever be able to have kids of their own and another cousin who has adopted one child and fosters at least one more.

God bless you and my family always!!!


P.S. When are them staff people going to learn that what they are playing with was at one time alive and something that could've gone to those who couldn't have appreciated it more?

Someone posted about this yesterday. Some on the Left denied it was real. After sharing it with a friend, she called herself "heartsick" over it. I suppose those who deny such pure fucking evil do so for the same reasons one one might fly the antidepressant skies. Someone else went off on a rant about how young people think everything is funny. Me, I call them desensitized and devoid of the ability to interpret reality as anything other than a video game. Unless of course, it happens to them. That's when they all scream victimhood.
They're completely soulless!
Trump agrees with me. Democrats are NASTY.

You wish ya heartless evil bastard

Gawd I despise proaborts with every fiber of my being

Easy now, don't soil yer diaper.

I know giving women the right to choose to vote was hard for you.

Baby murder pure and simple. Now gfy

Baby murder?

Nope, rusty limpthought let the cat out of the bag today when he stated that abortions just lead to brown immigrates taking over a Merica.

Its a racial thing to conservatives, not humanity.
That's a fake video, and everyone on here pretending it isn't are liars.

In other news, anti-abortion Gestapo pigs are trying to make women have invasive procedures treating them as if they are not human prior to an abortion. The procedure has nothing to do with abortion. And you all are pro-life? Bull shit! You all don't give two shits about life. You're all a bunch of fakes hiding behind your sick religion who need to be mentally institutionalized.

Someone posted about this yesterday. Some on the Left denied it was real. After sharing it with a friend, she called herself "heartsick" over it. I suppose those who deny such pure fucking evil do so for the same reasons one one might fly the antidepressant skies. Someone else went off on a rant about how young people think everything is funny. Me, I call them desensitized and devoid of the ability to interpret reality as anything other than a video game. Unless of course, it happens to them. That's when they all scream victimhood.
They're completely soulless!
About what?
Come on liars. I'm waiting for the proof that those are real babies.
The limit of human depravity must not be much further than the murder of innocent babies for profit.

And the Dimocrats embrace it with a whole heart, with joy and celebration.

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