Grassley Dares To Challenge His Highness?

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Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016

Grassley Dares To Challenge His Highness?

Iowa Republican Chuck Grassley timidly led a small group of senators in a bipartisan effort asking his highness, the impeached president trump, for a more detailed account behind his firing of Michael Atkinson from his post as inspector-general of the intelligence community. What a joke.

Obviously, it has escaped Grassley’s notice that the impeached president trump is petty and vindictive, just as it has escaped the notice of the vast majority of conservatives and centrists.

People of reason knew immediately why the impeached president trump sh!t-canned Atkinson. It was with due diligence in his position as inspector-general that Atkinson sent Congress a complaint filed by a whistle-blower, which outlined the impeached president trump’s questionable conduct with Ukraine, conduct Atkinson found “both urgent and credible”.

This action by Atkinson permitted Pelosi to bring impeachment proceedings against the (soon to be) impeached president trump, while also enabling her to avoid bringing more serious charges with evidence gathered by the Mueller team. The “minor” charges that brought impeachment quieted public demands, but gave Moscow Mitch and his GOP Senate majority the ability to keep the impeached president trump where the 0.1% wanted him, in the Whitest House.

By challenging the impeached president trump, Grassley makes himself a target of the impeached president trump's petty vindictiveness, and, he only has himself to blame. He voted to acquit the impeached president trump in the sham trial orchestrated by Moscow Mitch, and also voted to stack the USSC with crooked conservative Justices, which put the impeached president trump on his way to becoming dictator.

However, the petty and vindictive impeached president trump didn't realize Atkinson did him a favor, providing Pelosi evidence guaranteed to keep him in the Whitest House. Never the less, the impeached president trump believes he suffered humiliation at the hands of the inspector-general, so Atkinson could not escape the wrath of his highness.

For committing this serious transgression against the impeached president trump, from here on, Grassley must watch his step, along with anyone else who dares question the impeached president trump. His highness could, on a whim, just as easily fire one or all of them and appoint some of his loyal yes-men to replace them in the Senate. Yes, everyone understands the U.S. Constitution forbids this, but, Chief Justice John Roberts already proved his disregard for the Constitution as he presided over the sham trial presented by Moscow Mitch. So, the impeached president trump need only order his conservative Supreme Court Justices to reinterpret the constitution, and give him the power to do anything he damn well pleases. Who’s going to stop him?

Seven senators join Iowa Republican Grassley in bipartisan demand for full story of Trump’s firing of intelligence-community watchdog


Grassley Dares To Challenge His Highness?

Iowa Republican Chuck Grassley timidly led a small group of senators in a bipartisan effort asking his highness, the impeached president trump, for a more detailed account behind his firing of Michael Atkinson from his post as inspector-general of the intelligence community. What a joke.

Obviously, it has escaped Grassley’s notice that the impeached president trump is petty and vindictive, just as it has escaped the notice of the vast majority of conservatives and centrists.

People of reason knew immediately why the impeached president trump sh!t-canned Atkinson. It was with due diligence in his position as inspector-general that Atkinson sent Congress a complaint filed by a whistle-blower, which outlined the impeached president trump’s questionable conduct with Ukraine, conduct Atkinson found “both urgent and credible”.

This action by Atkinson permitted Pelosi to bring impeachment proceedings against the (soon to be) impeached president trump, while also enabling her to avoid bringing more serious charges with evidence gathered by the Mueller team. The “minor” charges that brought impeachment quieted public demands, but gave Moscow Mitch and his GOP Senate majority the ability to keep the impeached president trump where the 0.1% wanted him, in the Whitest House.

By challenging the impeached president trump, Grassley makes himself a target of the impeached president trump's petty vindictiveness, and, he only has himself to blame. He voted to acquit the impeached president trump in the sham trial orchestrated by Moscow Mitch, and also voted to stack the USSC with crooked conservative Justices, which put the impeached president trump on his way to becoming dictator.

However, the petty and vindictive impeached president trump didn't realize Atkinson did him a favor, providing Pelosi evidence guaranteed to keep him in the Whitest House. Never the less, the impeached president trump believes he suffered humiliation at the hands of the inspector-general, so Atkinson could not escape the wrath of his highness.

For committing this serious transgression against the impeached president trump, from here on, Grassley must watch his step, along with anyone else who dares question the impeached president trump. His highness could, on a whim, just as easily fire one or all of them and appoint some of his loyal yes-men to replace them in the Senate. Yes, everyone understands the U.S. Constitution forbids this, but, Chief Justice John Roberts already proved his disregard for the Constitution as he presided over the sham trial presented by Moscow Mitch. So, the impeached president trump need only order his conservative Supreme Court Justices to reinterpret the constitution, and give him the power to do anything he damn well pleases. Who’s going to stop him?

Seven senators join Iowa Republican Grassley in bipartisan demand for full story of Trump’s firing of intelligence-community watchdog


Mm, he got cought in trying to start collusion 2.0. Honestly, had it been me that little rat would not have been fired. I just would have made his life at work suck so bad that he quit. make him work the mail room and clean toilets.
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