Great advance in stem cell research

Under President George W. Bush, federal money for research on human embryonic stems cells was limited to those stem cell lines that were created before Aug. 9, 2001. No federal dollars could be used on research with cell lines from embryos destroyed from that point forward.

Um yes you idiot. President Bush funded embroynic stem cell research. You have just demonstrated that you know for a fact that he did fund the research and that he did not ban private funding.

There was no ban.

This really isnt that hard to understand. You would say the sun was up if President Bush stated it was night wouldnt you? You are that delusional.

I think you just summed kirky up perfectly.
Okay, Jr. did not BAN anything, he cut funding because of pressure from the anti-abortion terrorists (possibly out of fear at this point with all the military gone *joking*). A ban requires that it is a right, and federal funding is NOT a right, also banning something requires a law made, there were no laws made against the research. Jr. cutting funding may have slowed progress in some labs (which is not a good thing, but it's not a bad thing really either since the best scientific advances have all be privately funded) but he didn't stop them from doing the research nor did he stop them from getting funding, he just stopped allowing the government to give them more money, which he started himself in the first place.
Under President George W. Bush, federal money for research on human embryonic stems cells was limited to those stem cell lines that were created before Aug. 9, 2001. No federal dollars could be used on research with cell lines from embryos destroyed from that point forward.

Um yes you idiot. President Bush funded embroynic stem cell research. You have just demonstrated that you know for a fact that he did fund the research and that he did not ban private funding.

There was no ban.

This really isnt that hard to understand. You would say the sun was up if President Bush stated it was night wouldnt you? You are that delusional.

He's trying to say that he thinks because President Bush "limited funding to specific lines", that means that there was previously unlimited funding, which he then cut. Of course, what it really means to people who didn't have their heads in their rectums at the time and have memory spans longer than the lives of mayflies is that there was NO federal funding prior to President Bush, and when he authorized the FIRST federal funding of ESCR, he authorized it only for those lines.
He's trying to say that he thinks because President Bush "limited funding to specific lines", that means that there was previously unlimited funding, which he then cut. Of course, what it really means to people who didn't have their heads in their rectums at the time and have memory spans longer than the lives of mayflies is that there was NO federal funding prior to President Bush, and when he authorized the FIRST federal funding of ESCR, he authorized it only for those lines.
Very true!

And then, because if you give 'em an inch they want a mile, instead of slipping their boondoggle embryonic stem cell bill into a omnibus bill or another one they knew Bush would sign, they grandstanded with a separate bill which they knew he would veto. So they could convince idiots that Bush is "against science."

Then legions of goobs such as Chris here, think Dems are all about more stem cell research, when actually, obviously it's just the opposite. Because they could have gotten most anything they wanted out of Bush.

They didn't really want it for anything other than a political football, and the dupes bought it! And where is it now, dupeass dolts? Why weren't there billions for it in the stimulus bill? Why not billions for it in the omnibus spending package just approved? The Dems have total control now, and still no more funding for embryonic stem cell research? Egads!
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He's trying to say that he thinks because President Bush "limited funding to specific lines", that means that there was previously unlimited funding, which he then cut. Of course, what it really means to people who didn't have their heads in their rectums at the time and have memory spans longer than the lives of mayflies is that there was NO federal funding prior to President Bush, and when he authorized the FIRST federal funding of ESCR, he authorized it only for those lines.
Very true!

And then, because if you give 'em an inch they want a mile, instead of slipping their boondoggle embryonic stem cell bill into a omnibus bill or another one they knew Bush would sign, they grandstanded with a separate bill which they knew he would veto. So they could convince idiots that Bush is "against science."

Then legions of goobs such as Chris here, think Dems are all about more stem cell research, when actually, obviously it's just the opposite. Because they could have gotten most anything they wanted out of Bush.

They didn't really want it for anything other than a political football, and the dupes bought it! And where is it now, dupeass dolts? Why weren't there billions for it in the stimulus bill? Why not billions for it in the omnibus spending package just approved? The Dems have total control now, and still no more funding for embryonic stem cell research? Egads!

Because it is coming in a seperate bill....

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Two prominent supporters of stem cell research said on Thursday they had reintroduced a Senate bill that would allow federal funding for human embryonic stem cell research, in anticipation of President Barack Obama's support for the work.

Senators Tom Harkin, an Iowa Democrat, and Arlen Specter, a Republican from Pennsylvania, said their bipartisan measure would allow federal funding for research using stem cells taken from human embryos left over from fertility treatments.

"It is the same bill that both houses of Congress approved in 2007, but was vetoed by President Bush," they said in a statement.

Obama has promised to overturn Bush's policy that strictly limited the use of federal funds for embryonic stem cell research.

Many groups that support embryonic stem cell research have been eagerly waiting for him to do so, but White House spokesman Robert Gibbs has hinted that Obama would prefer to wait and do something in concert with Congress.

"For too long, political interference has delayed research that holds the promise for millions of Americans who suffer from a wide range of diseases," Harkin said in a statement.

Stem cell research supporters offer U.S. Senate bill | Health | Reuters
He's trying to say that he thinks because President Bush "limited funding to specific lines", that means that there was previously unlimited funding, which he then cut. Of course, what it really means to people who didn't have their heads in their rectums at the time and have memory spans longer than the lives of mayflies is that there was NO federal funding prior to President Bush, and when he authorized the FIRST federal funding of ESCR, he authorized it only for those lines.
Very true!

And then, because if you give 'em an inch they want a mile, instead of slipping their boondoggle embryonic stem cell bill into a omnibus bill or another one they knew Bush would sign, they grandstanded with a separate bill which they knew he would veto. So they could convince idiots that Bush is "against science."

Then legions of goobs such as Chris here, think Dems are all about more stem cell research, when actually, obviously it's just the opposite. Because they could have gotten most anything they wanted out of Bush.

They didn't really want it for anything other than a political football, and the dupes bought it! And where is it now, dupeass dolts? Why weren't there billions for it in the stimulus bill? Why not billions for it in the omnibus spending package just approved? The Dems have total control now, and still no more funding for embryonic stem cell research? Egads!

Because it is coming in a seperate bill....

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Two prominent supporters of stem cell research said on Thursday they had reintroduced a Senate bill that would allow federal funding for human embryonic stem cell research, in anticipation of President Barack Obama's support for the work.

Senators Tom Harkin, an Iowa Democrat, and Arlen Specter, a Republican from Pennsylvania, said their bipartisan measure would allow federal funding for research using stem cells taken from human embryos left over from fertility treatments.

"It is the same bill that both houses of Congress approved in 2007, but was vetoed by President Bush," they said in a statement.

Obama has promised to overturn Bush's policy that strictly limited the use of federal funds for embryonic stem cell research.

Many groups that support embryonic stem cell research have been eagerly waiting for him to do so, but White House spokesman Robert Gibbs has hinted that Obama would prefer to wait and do something in concert with Congress.

"For too long, political interference has delayed research that holds the promise for millions of Americans who suffer from a wide range of diseases," Harkin said in a statement.

Stem cell research supporters offer U.S. Senate bill | Health | Reuters
so, they are putting up another propaganda spending bill
Because it is coming in a seperate bill....
If they really wanted it so bad, why didn't they stick it in with all the other pork in various stimulus bills, omnibus spending packages, emergency appropriations, stuff they knew for sure Bush would have to sign?

Why did they grandstand it, then not include it in the most recent "stimulus" and omnibus spending bills under The Obama?

Have you thought?
Very true!

And then, because if you give 'em an inch they want a mile, instead of slipping their boondoggle embryonic stem cell bill into a omnibus bill or another one they knew Bush would sign, they grandstanded with a separate bill which they knew he would veto. So they could convince idiots that Bush is "against science."

Then legions of goobs such as Chris here, think Dems are all about more stem cell research, when actually, obviously it's just the opposite. Because they could have gotten most anything they wanted out of Bush.

They didn't really want it for anything other than a political football, and the dupes bought it! And where is it now, dupeass dolts? Why weren't there billions for it in the stimulus bill? Why not billions for it in the omnibus spending package just approved? The Dems have total control now, and still no more funding for embryonic stem cell research? Egads!

Because it is coming in a seperate bill....

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Two prominent supporters of stem cell research said on Thursday they had reintroduced a Senate bill that would allow federal funding for human embryonic stem cell research, in anticipation of President Barack Obama's support for the work.

Senators Tom Harkin, an Iowa Democrat, and Arlen Specter, a Republican from Pennsylvania, said their bipartisan measure would allow federal funding for research using stem cells taken from human embryos left over from fertility treatments.

"It is the same bill that both houses of Congress approved in 2007, but was vetoed by President Bush," they said in a statement.

Obama has promised to overturn Bush's policy that strictly limited the use of federal funds for embryonic stem cell research.

Many groups that support embryonic stem cell research have been eagerly waiting for him to do so, but White House spokesman Robert Gibbs has hinted that Obama would prefer to wait and do something in concert with Congress.

"For too long, political interference has delayed research that holds the promise for millions of Americans who suffer from a wide range of diseases," Harkin said in a statement.

Stem cell research supporters offer U.S. Senate bill | Health | Reuters
so, they are putting up another propaganda spending bill

Judas Maude, how many trillion will this cost?
Because it is coming in a seperate bill....

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Two prominent supporters of stem cell research said on Thursday they had reintroduced a Senate bill that would allow federal funding for human embryonic stem cell research, in anticipation of President Barack Obama's support for the work.

Senators Tom Harkin, an Iowa Democrat, and Arlen Specter, a Republican from Pennsylvania, said their bipartisan measure would allow federal funding for research using stem cells taken from human embryos left over from fertility treatments.

"It is the same bill that both houses of Congress approved in 2007, but was vetoed by President Bush," they said in a statement.

Obama has promised to overturn Bush's policy that strictly limited the use of federal funds for embryonic stem cell research.

Many groups that support embryonic stem cell research have been eagerly waiting for him to do so, but White House spokesman Robert Gibbs has hinted that Obama would prefer to wait and do something in concert with Congress.

"For too long, political interference has delayed research that holds the promise for millions of Americans who suffer from a wide range of diseases," Harkin said in a statement.

Stem cell research supporters offer U.S. Senate bill | Health | Reuters
so, they are putting up another propaganda spending bill

Judas Maude, how many trillion will this cost?
this is something they KNOW Obama WILL sign
look for it to be LOADED with pork
He didn't ban federal funding? Okay, then my question about grounds doesn't apply in that case.
Not only did he not ban it, he was the only President to ever fund it.

He funded embryonic stem cell research? Then what's the fuss about :confused:

Well, people on one side think it has no business being federally funded at all, and people on the other side think the federal government should fund it without any restraints, AND tend to want to view former President Bush as the Antichrist into the bargain.

As Bush discovered, compromise means no one goes home happy.
He didn't ban federal funding? Okay, then my question about grounds doesn't apply in that case.
Not only did he not ban it, he was the only President to ever fund it.

He funded embryonic stem cell research? Then what's the fuss about :confused:

Because he vetoed their later, pork-laden, stand-alone grandstander bill on MORE funding, just as they hoped he would. So they could lie and say he banned it, and imbeciles would believe it.
Not only did he not ban it, he was the only President to ever fund it.

He funded embryonic stem cell research? Then what's the fuss about :confused:

Because he vetoed their later, pork-laden, stand-alone grandstander bill on MORE funding, just as they hoped he would. So they could lie and say he banned it, and imbeciles would believe it.

George Bush called frozen embryos "snowflake babies."

His veto had nothing to do with pork.

Why do you lie?
He funded embryonic stem cell research? Then what's the fuss about :confused:

Because he vetoed their later, pork-laden, stand-alone grandstander bill on MORE funding, just as they hoped he would. So they could lie and say he banned it, and imbeciles would believe it.

George Bush called frozen embryos "snowflake babies."

His veto had nothing to do with pork.

Why do you lie?
Shitstains like you must be on hundreds of ignore lists. Not only are you a twerp, as correctly defined in another thread, you cannot even read or comprehend, and use terms you don't understand.

Do you even know what a "snowflake baby" is, idiot?

Bush VETOED their grandstander, pork-laden, embryonic stem cell research bill. Just like they knew he would, and wanted him to do, so complete simpleton morons like you would believe them when they said "Booooosh banned stem cell research."

You were played like the total clod you are.

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