GREAT AGAIN: U.S. Jobless Claims Plunge To 49-Year Low...

and to think we were losing between 700,000 to 1 Million jobs a month when Obama became President

Hussein knew nothing about business. He was just a Communist Organizer dunce. That was his only claim to fame. He only stood in the way of prosperity.

But the facts:


Tell me, who did better - the guy under who's administration Initial Jobless claims dropped from 650k to 250K or the guy under whom it dropped from 250K to 220K

Take a min to think about it :rolleyes:
View attachment 179728 View attachment 179729

Bullshit. Do you understand that debt is a function of annual deficits?

Bush came into office with barely any deficit and handed off 1.3Trillion deficit for Obama to deal with in the midst of great Recession. Yes, as it turns out all the tax-cutting, war spending and increased domestic spending DOES HAVE BUDGETARY EFFECTS.


Crazy concept, I know.

Obama spend 870 Billion on Stimulus in response to Great Recession, Trump/Republicans have blown 1.5 Trillion on tax-cuts in the middle of relatively healthy economy that has been growing for 8 years straight, at time when we are already headed for RED RIVERS AS FAR AS THE EYE CAN SEE.
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and to think we were losing between 700,000 to 1 Million jobs a month when Obama became President

Hussein knew nothing about business. He was just a Communist Organizer dunce. That was his only claim to fame. He only stood in the way of prosperity.

But the facts:


Tell me, who did better - the guy under who's administration Initial Jobless claims dropped from 650k to 250K or the guy under whom it dropped from 250K to 220K

Take a min to think about it :rolleyes:
View attachment 179728 View attachment 179729

Do you understand that debt is a function of annual deficits?

Bush came into office with barely any deficit and left with 1.3Trillion deficit for us to shovel out of. Yes, as it turns out all the tax-cutting, war spending and increased domestic spending DOES HAVE BUDGETARY EFFECTS.


Crazy concept, I know.

Obama spend 870 Billion on programs to counter the Great Recession, Trump/Republicans has blown 1.5 Trillion on tax-cuts in the middle of relatively healthy economy that has been growing for 8 years straight.

We can then suggest Clinton lucked out with the dotcom overvalue euphoria? That is the guy who told Americans that China would become free after entering the WTO. Instead they enjoyed hundreds of billions of dollars of trade benefit overnight from America and 100's of thousands of U.S jobs in manufacturing. Now Washington Post writes an article "we were wrong about China, now what do we do about it"? Clowns missing the red nose.

Your concept of "growth" is skewed. The middle class has been gutted over decades. There has been stagnant wages, less disposable income, massive good stamps and entitlement growth under Obama. GDP growth alone isn't a fair value, it's important, but the concept is "where" is that growth coming from?

You need small businesess to become medium sized, mid sized to become large businesses. You need workers to have more disposable income and more money in their pockets. This means some protectionism, which is required simply because socialist nations like China, Canada and others exploit you. Its that simple. If they had played fair, it wouldn't be needed, but they refuse to allow market forces to rule the day.

Get government out of peoples lives ffs, that's all he is doing. For those foreign governments who actively engage in the economy by central planning and covert means and influence he is punishing them. The only ones not happy with Trumps success are Democrats and government employees who would rather watch the country burn for a free more years of easy street at the expense of the taxpayer. We have half of Canada like this, which is why we are important temporary workers to do Canadian jobs for many dollars an hour less while Canadians are struggling. A two tier system, just as Clinton envisioned for America.

Get 'er done Trump! God Bless America! USA! USA!
Noone should be on welfare in a free, capitalist nation with strong protections and a Constitution. I can't imagine why any American would be without work unless there were barriers or disabilities.
95.9 million out of the workforce

We need welfare reform badly....plenty of jobs too

In order to receive welfare you must be looking for a job, thus they are not part of the people out of the work force

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Since when? I know plenty too lazy to work and they are not looking

Since forever...

Who is Eligible for Welfare in the United States?

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and to think we were losing between 700,000 to 1 Million jobs a month when Obama became President

Hussein knew nothing about business. He was just a Communist Organizer dunce. That was his only claim to fame. He only stood in the way of prosperity.

But the facts:


Tell me, who did better - the guy under who's administration Initial Jobless claims dropped from 650k to 250K or the guy under whom it dropped from 250K to 220K

Take a min to think about it :rolleyes:
View attachment 179728 View attachment 179729

Do you understand that debt is a function of annual deficits?

Bush came into office with barely any deficit and left with 1.3Trillion deficit for us to shovel out of. Yes, as it turns out all the tax-cutting, war spending and increased domestic spending DOES HAVE BUDGETARY EFFECTS.


Crazy concept, I know.

Obama spend 870 Billion on programs to counter the Great Recession, Trump/Republicans has blown 1.5 Trillion on tax-cuts in the middle of relatively healthy economy that has been growing for 8 years straight.

We can then suggest Clinton

What the fuck? Clinton?

I know your mind likes to run in ten different directions from simple facts but most of our long term fiscal problems are a simple function of spending on aging population, plus all the revenue erosion from never ending Republican tax-cutting.
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We know one thing, Trump's a YUGE improvement over the Communist cretin who ruled the nation the previous 8yrs.
The joke's on Trump. Go back and look at the approval ratings that past presidents had when their economies hit 4% unemployment.

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