Great challenge for GSMYS


Dec 21, 2013
I think we've all noticed how holy you are, having no patience with "sexual perversions" or "abominations", wihch are the work of Satan, but here is a question for you :

Where did Cain get his wife?
gismo doesn't answer questions.

He's above all that cuz he's all holy and shit like that.

Instead, he'll just copy/paste the same ole shit he always c/p's.
gismo doesn't answer questions.

He's above all that cuz he's all holy and shit like that.

Instead, he'll just copy/paste the same ole shit he always c/p's.

He reminds me of my really stupid cop friend. We're watching the Cosmos and bring up in front of him that there is no god or jesus and he blurts out almost like when a doctor hits your knee and your leg moves automatically, he says right away "YOU"LL GO TO HELL".

We all just laughed and laughed. After a few weeks he doesn't say YOU'LL GO TO HELL anymore but you know he's thinking it the poor stupid bastard.

His dad took him every Sunday growing up. We're out playing or sleeping in and he's at church. Oh yea, when his wife left him he was committed. Almost killed himself. This is the weak fucked up mind religion prays on. We all have a little bit of that part of us that wants there to be a daddy figure or we fear there is a father figure but guess what? No one there.

If there is a god that made this, he's off flying around creating new universes in his wake. He isn't worrying about Gismys or why she fingers herself thinking about me instead of her husband. She probably doesn't have one and doesn't get any so she says she's saving it for marriage but there's a big difference between not wanting to get laid and not being able to. :badgrin:
gismo doesn't answer questions.

He's above all that cuz he's all holy and shit like that.

Instead, he'll just copy/paste the same ole shit he always c/p's.

I'm almost confident it's a woman. I can't imagine a man being like this. What makes you think it's a man? Boy that would change a lot in my mind. I would then want to know where he lives, what he does, have kids, what are they like, what were his parents like growing up, what church was he born into. Until now I just thought it was a lonely sad crazy bible thumper. Never considered it might be a dude. :eek:
I think we've all noticed how holy you are, having no patience with "sexual perversions" or "abominations", wihch are the work of Satan, but here is a question for you :

Where did Cain get his wife?

Cain didn't really kill Able. He had his health plan pay for Able's sex change operation. That is why Christians, ever since, have been fighting against mandatory benefits in their group health policies.
I think we've all noticed how holy you are, having no patience with "sexual perversions" or "abominations", wihch are the work of Satan, but here is a question for you :

Where did Cain get his wife?

You can do better than that...
Where did Adam get HIS wife?

Which begs the question...
What was the definition of incest from the Beginning through the giving of the Torah and why did God change the paradigm with the passage of time.

Which begs another question...
Why is GISMYS so damn preachy?
Why are any of them so damn preachy? Its not just gismo who just goes on and on with the very same crap every single day until you could just throw up. Its like they have to persuade themselves. Its also like they really hate this prison they've made for themselves.

Pretty sure gismo has mentioned a wife ... Somebody's gotta support him so he can carry on his important internet missionary work here, right?

I'd like to know who Cain and Abel were fucking to make kids ... Seems to me that christianity isn't just based on infanticide, its also built on incest.

Then there's that whole tantrum thing where the old guy killed everyone and got drunk Noah to repopulate the world.
Why are any of them so damn preachy? Its not just gismo who just goes on and on with the very same crap every single day until you could just throw up. Its like they have to persuade themselves. Its also like they really hate this prison they've made for themselves.

Pretty sure gismo has mentioned a wife ... Somebody's gotta support him so he can carry on his important internet missionary work here, right?

I'd like to know who Cain and Abel were fucking to make kids ... Seems to me that christianity isn't just based on infanticide, its also built on incest.

Then there's that whole tantrum thing where the old guy killed everyone and got drunk Noah to repopulate the world.

Who takes the Adam, Noah, Moses & Jesus stories literally? I don't even think most christians have even thought about it not being true. But 7 out of 10 when asked say they don't take the stories literally. So Jesus, god, the bible, christianity, jews are all just a way to scare us into not fucking guys, doing drugs, dishonoring mom and dad, stealing, cheating, murdering, rape.

But like Santa, eventually you gotta fess up and admit the churches are all telling lies about past experiences with god. It's sad. A lie is a lie no matter how good it makes you feel. Right?

“Now, if the book of Genesis is an allegory, then sin is an allegory, the Fall is an allegory and the need for a Savior is an allegory – but if we are all descendants of an allegory, where does that leave us? It destroys the foundation of all Christian doctrine—it destroys the foundation of the gospel.” - Ken Ham
Why are any of them so damn preachy? Its not just gismo who just goes on and on with the very same crap every single day until you could just throw up. Its like they have to persuade themselves. Its also like they really hate this prison they've made for themselves.

Pretty sure gismo has mentioned a wife ... Somebody's gotta support him so he can carry on his important internet missionary work here, right?

I'd like to know who Cain and Abel were fucking to make kids ... Seems to me that christianity isn't just based on infanticide, its also built on incest.

Then there's that whole tantrum thing where the old guy killed everyone and got drunk Noah to repopulate the world.

Pretty sure it says that after Cain kills Able he flees to a nearby village but where dafuq did the village come from?? Lol

Also another point where the Bible weirdly supports incest in clear contradiction with itself. Right after God destroys Gammora for their sexual perversion Lot gets it on with his daughters in a cave....DAFUQ??? God flattened Gammora for being full of adulterers but he's totally cool with Lot having sex with his two daughters? Seems legit..

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