GREAT LEADER blames DOJ and FBI for rigging election

No serious, sane person honestly believes that millions of Biden only votes legitimately were added to the count after 2 AM Election Eve.

No serious, sane person honestly believes that actually happened.

But Trump cult derp derp derp derp

LOL! Millions of Biden votes magically added overnight. Get help!
Nothing magical or nefarious about it. Get reality.


Obvious fraud is obvious. Get help, Crazy person
Obvious out of context quote is obvious out of context quote. Try honesty.
What context? LOL You sound like a legitimate lunatic!!

Take your meds


I always figured you for a partisan dickhead but I didn’t think your Trumpism would overrule your brain. Guess I’m wrong.

I listened to Demented Joe, it's what he actually said.

I feel sorry for you

Butt Hurt
Really? Fair enough. I suppose it's reserved for constitutional autocrats.
Save the misinformation for your brainwashed kids.
My point is that Trump's main base is hard-working, patriotic Americans
from all walks of life. I voted for Jill Stein in 2016, but would proudly have voted for DJT
knowing what I know now.
Mmmm. So many Trump cult sore-loser tears. So delicious. Bitter, yet soul nourishing. Mor plz.
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^^ Doesn't believe there's a "deep state".

"Deep state" is a useful term. Once you hear someone say it non-ironically, you know you're dealing with a piss-gargling cult imbecile, so there's no point in listening to any more of their cult whining. Just smile and slowly back away slowly before you get drooled on.
LOL, still arguing over a lame duck President and on New Years eve, what a waste of time!

LOL, still arguing over a lame duck President and on New Years eve, what a waste of time!

My wife's an English major if you ever decide you need online tutoring to correct
all those embarrassing punctuation errors . She's fairly reasonable.

Oh a classic snobbish response on New Years eve!

I, am, sure, she, hated, reading, the, King, James, bible.

Meanwhile you don't even realize what a fool you are, with your reply.

No sane serious person honestly believes your ever changing conspiracy theories put forth in a slate attempt to steal an election.

No wonder your MAGA Majesty (cheered on by his supporters)is now trying to twist political arms in hopes getting Republican legislatures to appoint Republican electors.
Many sane people know it was an attempted steal.
Secret Service has announced a realignment of White House agents. Biden's current crew and agents from his VP days are replacing Trump's crew.
The Constitution was violated. It casts a shadow of doubt over the outcome. Tens of millions have every right to be outraged and suspicious in the face of a flagrant violation of constitutional law and an egregious lack of proper accountability
The one overarching goal of FBI + DOJ is to ban all guns in America except for those owned by police or issued to active duty military. They will definitely rig an election for the Democrats in order to accomplish their universal worldwide gun control and disarmament agenda.

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