GREAT NEWS!Dozens of Russian missiles hit multiple Ukrainian cities


European Union​

The president of the European Parliament said the strikes in Kyiv were “sickening”.

“It shows the world, again, the regime we are faced with: One that targets indiscriminately. One that rains terror and death down on children,” Roberta Metsola tweeted.
and that is what happens when you refuse to come to agreements concerning your own people who you are killing. It is war.
But I wonder, whose missiles were they after all? They are not russian's, that's for sure, because according to information from absolutely reliable ukrainian news, the russians ran out of missiles back in march and now they are intensively searching for bombs in warehouses from tsarist times.
Most likely it was the ukrainians who fired at themselves or the air conditioners exploded. The summer was hot and they overextended themselves in work, that's the result.
Wanting to make worse on and on demanding money as well as support from the EU who you are destroying. Grow UP.


They don't look scared.
They look pissed...


Hi Sharon aka Litwin,

Mongolian hordes ( according to you ) bomb Nazi pigs.
Since 2014 NATO, USA and EU .....sorry, Ukraine..... have rejected a peaceful solution, today the point of NO RETURN had been already passed and only one outcome is possible

Liberated from NAZI pigs like you Ukraine will be included into new Russia ( Belarus, former Ukraine and Russia )
It was a wasting of time and money for the West to support SS Nazi pigs in still Ukraine through the last eight months

Ukraine’s capital, Kyiv, and several other major cities have been hit in a barrage of missile attacks, hours after Russian President Vladimir Putin accused Ukrainian forces of “terrorism” over an explosion on a bridge connecting Russia to its annexed territory of Crimea.
Missiles tore into Kyiv on Saturday, the most intense strikes on the city since Russia abandoned an attempt to capture it in the early weeks of the war that started in late February

Does it embarrass you that Putin's military can't win a fight against real soldiers but instead rains missiles down on civilians as they sleep?

Is there anything on the planet more cowardly than the Russian military?
I represent here 73% of #Americans.

You represent jack. Most americans have no idea what this war is even about or what a scumhole Zelensky is because our media keeps them in the dark, but no one wants to risk nuclear war.

Except maybe Joe Biden to take news coverage of his disastrous administration and its efforts at global climate terrorism off the front page before another election.
Weird how nationalist rightwingery is pro-POOtLER no matter where it manifests.

No one is pro-Putin you idiot. We are just sick of Zelensky and this war. This is THEIR war not ours. Either man up and fight it yourself or surrender.
who cares what you like or want ? you are a typical marginal

I represent here 73% of #Americans. so keep sucking muslims´ducks you pootler´s he-hole
73% of #Americans believe the U.S. should continue to support #Ukraine despite
threats of nuclear weapons use by Moscow , according to a Reuters/Ipsos opinion poll.

I'm never gonna be down with giving taxpayer money to our weapons manufacturers and the most corrupt country in Europe with Nazi Battalions because the rulers want to weaken Russia by using Ukraine in a proxy war, because they couldn't get Putin to give up their natural resources.

Go suck more Nazi dick Adolf.
Rootin' for Putin, huh?
No, I'm just still tryin' to figure out why I should care about Little and Great Russia, much less why we have sent close to 100 billion into that black hole of corruption.

Oh wait, maybe I'm supposed to care about the Ukrainian .gov that The Halfrican and Tater installed there in 2014....That must be it!

The dems sure are good at installing corrupt tyrants both here and abroad so yeah, I guess I can understand your concern.

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