GREAT NEWS!Dozens of Russian missiles hit multiple Ukrainian cities

Russia didn’t defeat Hitler. In fact without British aid, the Germans would have overrun Moscow instead of barely being stopped on its outskirts. Sixty percent of the tanks that stopped the Germans at Moscow were British.
Is that what they taught you at school? A difficult case...
I can spit on you. What else to do with you, nazi nit?

To give him a good kick in his Nazi faggot ass

Does it embarrass you that Putin's military can't win a fight against real soldiers

Ukrainian SS Nazi pigs aren't soldiers but cowardly murders who use civilians as living shields
Ukrainian SS Nazi Pigs murdered more as 100,000 Russian civilians in Donbass by daily missile attack?
Where is the f..... reaction of the f..... West?
On what planet did that happen? Was it close to earth?
While I'm certainly right-leaning I don't carry the gop's water.....Too many neocons and rinos to suit me.

Makes me wonder if the defense industry paid for that poll because I sure as hell don't know anyone that supports shorting Americans in favor of Ukrainians. The polar opposite in fact.

They all think it's BS and that we should be working towards a peace agreement instead of prolonging the conflict and making both the Money Launderers In Chief along with the defense industry richer.
If there are so many neocons and rinos in the GOP, why would you be surprised that 66% of Republicans support continuing aid to Ukraine to fight off the Russian invaders and think the "defense industry" must have paid for this poll?

My point is that while some politicians are seeking to politicize this issue, support for continuing this aid is clearly bipartisan.
Apparently neither does Ukraine. They are STILL getting their asses kicked despite massive help from the USA and NATO. Too bad neither Zelensky nor Biddum would seek peace!

Perhaps you need to watch the news.

Russia is getting THEIR asses kicked. Ukraine has taken back thousands of square miles of land in the last month.
Russia is getting THEIR asses kicked. Ukraine has taken back thousands of square miles of land in the last month.

Last I heard Russia is just fine, all of the bombing and destruction is going on in Ukraine. Let me know when Russia surrenders.
Last I heard Russia is just fine, all of the bombing and destruction is going on in Ukraine. Let me know when Russia surrenders.

Might want to watch the news. Something other than CNN or PMSDNC. A bridge just got bombed in Russian territory to take out Russian supplies. If Ukraine would bomb Russia Putin would go nuclear. Just like Zalinski would if he had nukes right now.

Ukraine is on the defensive, not offensive. They aren't going to bomb Russia, they're defending their motherland. The fact that supposedly the strongest military in the world can't beat a rag tag military like Ukraine shows Russia is getting its ass kicked.
Might want to watch the news. A bridge just got bombed in Russian territory to take out Russian supplies.
Old news. You talk of the bridge connecting the Crimea. But if the Ukraines did that why don't they take credit? And if they didn't do it then I guess WE bombed it.

If Ukraine would bomb Russia Putin would go nuclear. Just like Zalinski would if he had nukes right now.
Let them both bomb each other to smithereens.

the strongest military in the world can't beat a rag tag military like Ukraine
Rag tag with 100 billion in weapons and aid from the USA, billions more from NATO, and all kinds of secret assistance in the shadows. Otherwise, Ukraine would have surrendered or been beaten 9 months ago and there would still be something left of the country.
Old news. You talk of the bridge connecting the Crimea. But if the Ukraines did that why don't they take credit? And if they didn't do it then I guess WE bombed it.

Let them both bomb each other to smithereens.

Rag tag with 100 billion in weapons and aid from the USA, billions more from NATO, and all kinds of secret assistance in the shadows. Otherwise, Ukraine would have surrendered or been beaten 9 months ago and there would still be something left of the country.

Old news. You talk of the bridge connecting the Crimea. But if the Ukraines did that why don't they take credit?

Um this is from last week. And you stay quiet during war. Loose lips sink ships. Russia denies shooting all these missiles into Ukraine. Does that mean they aren't doing it?

Rag tag with 100 billion in weapons and aid from the USA, billions more from NATO, and all kinds of secret assistance in the shadows. Otherwise, Ukraine would have surrendered or been beaten 9 months ago and there would still be something left of the country.

Yea we tend to defend those who can't defend themselves and are invaded illegally and without provocation.

God speed, Ukraine.
Yea we tend to defend those who can't defend themselves and are invaded illegally and without provocation.

Then where is our help, aid and defense of Tibet? The Tibetans have been begging us for help for at least 20 years! Oh, yeah, there was no strategic interest in Tibet for the USA because we suck China's dick!

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