GREAT NEWS!Dozens of Russian missiles hit multiple Ukrainian cities

I think that as a decent capitalist you don't like communists. But you recognize the inviolable borders of Ukraine, a state that never existed before communists and which, including its borders, was created by the сommunists.
This is a feature of hypocrites. So, as a hypocrite, you, of course, proclaim the old thesis about the "inviolability of post-war borders in Europe", hypocritically forgetting about the reunification of the two Germanies and the separation of Czechoslovakia and the fragmentation of Yugoslavia with the help of NATO.
And then, you broadcast about the inviolability of the borders of Ukraine and as a born liar and hypocrite, you do not feel a contradiction in your views...
First of all, Ukraine has been around for centuries, way before there was communism.
Secondly, Russia had no business invading them, no reason whatsoever.
Thirdly, communism has been proven not to work.
Other Arabs don't give a shit about them (Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Iran...) so why should we? Anyways, all Arabs are terrorists and want Sharia to rule the world.
The Israelis go far out of their way to avoid killing civilians. They even warn the occupants of buildings that air, or artillery strikes are coming in time for evacuations.
If that were to happen I suspect the result would be tactical nukes although Russia is supposed to have other horrendous killing weapons. Bottom line is Russia's heaviest weapons are possibly slightly better than the US's as if that mattered but push Russia too far and they will get everyone into their soviet era nuke shelters and set the nukes off. They are not going to let you destroy them. That is reality so there will be consequences for what you do. This was the consequence for the Crimea bridge. This is just reality.
Once the Russian fleet is destroyed and the military defeated the logical Target is Moscow IF the Russians don't stop there attacks on the Ukraine and surrender.
First of all, Ukraine has been around for centuries, way before there was communism.
The Sioux Indian tribe has also been known for centuries, and I remember some years ago reading in the news that the Sioux Indian Council declared its territory an independent state. Can you tell me where to look at this state on the map of the USA?
Other Arabs don't give a shit about them (Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Iran...) so why should we? Anyways, all Arabs are terrorists and want Sharia to rule the world.
I see. So you don't have a problem with civilians being killed. You only have a problem with white civilians being killed. That makes your position seem a lot less genuine.
Once the Russian fleet is destroyed and the military defeated the logical Target is Moscow IF the Russians don't stop there attacks on the Ukraine and surrender.
Moscow and you have thermal nuclear war. At least all the people of Moscow have nuclear shelters. Bet you don't but Biden and Boris will be sitting in luxurious ones.
The Israelis go far out of their way to avoid killing civilians. They even warn the occupants of buildings that air, or artillery strikes are coming in time for evacuations.
They do do that if it is places like news agencies. On the other hand they kill Palestinian journalists in their beds or out at work with Press firmly written on them. Plenty of times. They kill families in their beds and for some reason last time Doctors and people in charge of Covid and other medical things. It is a game Israel plays that it is a moral army. Hell some years ago they even worked out a way not to follow the laws of war. In particular not to give due care to civilians. At the time they knew they could be in for trouble but somehow or other they knew the US were going to be warmongering and they hoped they would be as bad so they would get away with it. They were right.
The Bridge and Nordstream pipeline are civilian targets
Not so sure about that. Putin had that bridge built and is using it to transport troops and supplies against Ukraine. I think that makes it a very valid military target. Bridges and railways often get hit in war for that very reason.

I’m less sure that the Nordstream pipeline is a legit target; but it was a tool allowing Russia to make money which is being used to fund the war. So maybe it too was a legit target.
They do do that if it is places like news agencies. On the other hand they kill Palestinian journalists in their beds or out at work with Press firmly written on them. Plenty of times. They kill families in their beds and for some reason last time Doctors and people in charge of Covid and other medical things. It is a game Israel plays that it is a moral army. Hell some years ago they even worked out a way not to follow the laws of war. In particular not to give due care to civilians. At the time they knew they could be in for trouble but somehow or other they knew the US were going to be warmongering and they hoped they would be as bad so they would get away with it. They were right.
:thankusmile: :yes_text12: Indeed,thst trollboy sure has quite a fantastic thst Israel goes out of theyr way to avoid killing citizens.fucking dumbass.
The Sioux Indian tribe has also been known for centuries, and I remember some years ago reading in the news that the Sioux Indian Council declared its territory an independent state. Can you tell me where to look at this state on the map of the USA?
The Indians are glad we came, now they live in houses, shop at a supermarket, drive a pick-up truck, and even wear jeans and a cowboy hat!!!
I see. So you don't have a problem with civilians being killed. You only have a problem with white civilians being killed. That makes your position seem a lot less genuine.
I don't like Arabs, they're all terrorists and want to make the whole world follow Islam and Sharia.
Many do not understand why ukrainian anti-missiles fall to the ground, and do not shoot down russian missiles.
I explain: The air defense is ukrainian, and the missiles are still soviet and soviet missiles are programmed to shoot down enemy targets.
Does it embarrass you that Putin's military can't win a fight against real soldiers but instead rains missiles down on civilians as they sleep?
Is there anything on the planet more cowardly than the Russian military?
Nope. The only thing that Russian soldiers have ever been good at is raping and murdering civilians.
The only thing that Russian soldiers have ever been good at is raping and murdering civilians.
What a pathetic statement. What happened, are you in grief? Your boyfriend doesn't love you anymore and you're expressing your grief and anger to the whole world?

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