GREAT NEWS!Dozens of Russian missiles hit multiple Ukrainian cities

Last I heard Russia is just fine, all of the bombing and destruction is going on in Ukraine. Let me know when Russia surrenders.
The only reason the Ukrainians haven't been targeting Russian targets is that the USA is holding them back. I have a feeling that will stop now that Russia is indiscriminately attacking civilian targets.
Might want to watch the news. Something other than CNN or PMSDNC. A bridge just got bombed in Russian territory to take out Russian supplies. If Ukraine would bomb Russia Putin would go nuclear. Just like Zalinski would if he had nukes right now.

Ukraine is on the defensive, not offensive. They aren't going to bomb Russia, they're defending their motherland. The fact that supposedly the strongest military in the world can't beat a rag tag military like Ukraine shows Russia is getting its ass kicked.
No, the bridge runs from Russian to Ukrainian territory.
The only reason the Ukrainians haven't been targeting Russian targets is that the USA is holding them back. I have a feeling that will stop now that Russia is indiscriminately attacking civilian targets.

Good. Let's get this war over with so that Joe can't keep using it as a cover for all of his blunders.
No, the bridge runs from Russian to Ukrainian territory.

The bridge runs from Russia to illegally annexed Russian territory and it was the main route that Russia was getting war machines into the Ukraine war. They aren't doing that now. Now they're like a petulant child. Get your ass kicked on the battle field so you bomb children.

Yea, that'll get the world behind you.
Hi Sharon aka Litwin,

Mongolian hordes ( according to you ) bomb Nazi pigs.
Since 2014 NATO, USA and EU .....sorry, Ukraine..... have rejected a peaceful solution, today the point of NO RETURN had been already passed and only one outcome is possible

Liberated from NAZI pigs like you Ukraine will be included into new Russia ( Belarus, former Ukraine and Russia )
It was a wasting of time and money for the West to support SS Nazi pigs in still Ukraine through the last eight months

Ukraine’s capital, Kyiv, and several other major cities have been hit in a barrage of missile attacks, hours after Russian President Vladimir Putin accused Ukrainian forces of “terrorism” over an explosion on a bridge connecting Russia to its annexed territory of Crimea.
Missiles tore into Kyiv on Saturday, the most intense strikes on the city since Russia abandoned an attempt to capture it in the early weeks of the war that started in late February

Just what we need more crazy Russians posting on this site. They honestly believe they are Christians too. LOL
It's all lies!
"Russian army is a bunch of flee rats" "Russia bark not bite" "Russia don't have any missiles because of economics"
So, as you can think, it's self-shooting ukrainian action... So sad...
Just what we need more crazy Russians posting on this site. They honestly believe they are Christians too. LOL
Wanna know, who's Christian, who's the devils seed?

Ok, just stop shoot first and kill civilians.
Cannot? Give all complaints to mirror :)))
Why are you, hypocrites, grieving only for civilians on the ukrainian side? Don't answer, it was a rhetorical question.
The war is happening only in Ukraine. Go buy yourself a fucking map, lol.
The only reason the Ukrainians haven't been targeting Russian targets is that the USA is holding them back. I have a feeling that will stop now that Russia is indiscriminately attacking civilian targets.
If that were to happen I suspect the result would be tactical nukes although Russia is supposed to have other horrendous killing weapons. Bottom line is Russia's heaviest weapons are possibly slightly better than the US's as if that mattered but push Russia too far and they will get everyone into their soviet era nuke shelters and set the nukes off. They are not going to let you destroy them. That is reality so there will be consequences for what you do. This was the consequence for the Crimea bridge. This is just reality.
Russia does not use phosphorous ammunition, napalm, chemical weapons, depleted uranium shells like the United States in Yugoslavia, Iraq, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Libya and Syria, therefore Moscow's strikes on Ukrainian facilities are recognized as extremely undemocratic.
The war is happening only in Ukraine. Go buy yourself a fucking map, lol.
I think that as a decent capitalist you don't like communists. But you recognize the inviolable borders of Ukraine, a state that never existed before communists and which, including its borders, was created by the сommunists.
This is a feature of hypocrites. So, as a hypocrite, you, of course, proclaim the old thesis about the "inviolability of post-war borders in Europe", hypocritically forgetting about the reunification of the two Germanies and the separation of Czechoslovakia and the fragmentation of Yugoslavia with the help of NATO.
And then, you broadcast about the inviolability of the borders of Ukraine and as a born liar and hypocrite, you do not feel a contradiction in your views...
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