Great news: Former Taliban leader released from Gitmo now recruiting for ISIS


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2014
The Taliban, and Al Qaeda, along with the rest of the muslim world laughs at us!

On Tuesday, Barack Obama adamantly defended his policy of emptying the detention center at Guantanamo Bay, demanding that Congress get on board with it as well. As Jim Hoft noted at the time, the military leadership present at the State of the Union address didn’t appear too enthusiastic about it:....see video at Great news Former Taliban leader released from Gitmo now recruiting for ISIS Update Yemen gov 8217 t resigns Hot Air
Progressives are all in with Islam at this point. They'll defend the Hussein's treason because all of his actions support the Agenda.
  1. And this proves the republicans right about releasing terrorist from gitmo = it is likely this will happen.
How can you leftist live with yourself?
  1. And this proves the republicans right about releasing terrorist from gitmo = it is likely this will happen.
How can you leftist live with yourself?

They have no PATRIOTISM towards America.... they want to change it to a Socialist heaven!
No surprise. They've released loads of those shitbags from Gitmo who've gone right back to fighting their jihadist war.

We should execute them all and take no more prisoners. End of problem.
Saudi King dies, Yemmen falls into terrorist control, ISIS is moving in the Mideast like the spread of cancer, Iran emboldened to build nukes. What is our Dear Leader doing? He's is being interviewed by a green-lipped, milk bathtub filled with Fruit Loops swimming behemoth who calls herself Gozilla Green.

Be proud liberals, be proud.

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