GREAT NEWS ! HIMARS Strike on putin´s HQ in Ukranien village Kadiivka

Given the near half million troops amassing for invasion?

I doubt this narrative very much. I am willing to bet they will save their powder till they are desperate.
Premiered 22 hours ago
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Titloose reaching for rock bottom school girl Fake News.

Using the very problems faced by the Ukey Army which is now literally in tatters

Ukeys deserting in droves with no winter uniforms, food or ammunition .
where did they found half million troops, they have in Ukraine less than 200k

Tanks aren't really that important in the 21st century, as military commanders are rapidly finding out.
Of course Russians have lost tanks, but? Ukraine has lost all their too. Duh. And w/o integrated arms? All of those new tanks coming? Will just wind up the same.

It is like you aren't watching what is going on, reading, or viewing anything anyone is posting. You just want to believe in your own fantasy world.

This is an artillery war, as you acknowledge by posting the HIMARS propaganda.

The Russians are firing more than three times the artillery that Ukraine is.

Where did Russia find 450k troops? Don't you read or watch anything but NATO propaganda? Are you not aware of the Russian partial mobilization at the beginning?
Now, since the beginning, Ukraine had mobilized for full war. They are spent, exhausted, it is done for them.

But Russia? Nah, they had just treated this like a minor annoyance since Oct. of 2022. Then? IN Nov, they decided to start mobilizing.


Oh my goodness. You don't even know what is going on now. You are so screwed.

NATO Continues Its Disarmament​

NATO is continuing its disarmament mission.

Given the near half million troops amassing for invasion?

I doubt this narrative very much. I am willing to bet they will save their powder till they are desperate.
Premiered 22 hours ago

I’m not sure a half a million old men and little girls will be adequate for the task Putin is attempting to place on his military.

Fuck his HQ. I wish an assassin’s bullet would swiftly remove Putin’s diseased brain from his skull.
I’m not sure a half a million old men and little girls will be adequate for the task Putin is attempting to place on his military.

Fuck his HQ. I wish an assassin’s bullet would swiftly remove Putin’s diseased brain from his skull.
I have read the Atlantacist propaganda, and I have read the Russian proganda.

I imagine the truth lay somewhere in between, and we will only know what it is, after the spring offensive begins.
I have read the Atlantacist propaganda, and I have read the Russian proganda.

I imagine the truth lay somewhere in between, and we will only know what it is, after the spring offensive begins.
Competing propaganda is a miasma to decipher.

For my part, I will tentatively concede that Ukraine has major faults including a great deal of corruption and a far too friendly relationship with Nazi-isM. That said, Russia’s Putin is a major league evil scumbag head of a corrupt plutocracy and his military invasion of Ukraine is utterly unacceptable.

Ukraine has obviously been severely injured. That comes from the Russian military conducting an ongoing policy of military atrocities and war crimes directed at Ukraine’s civilian population and its infrastructure.

But Russia has had its military exposed as largely ineffective despite that brutal and illegal war crime behavior.

I don’t pretend to know how it will turn out in the end. But I seriously do hope that Putin is assassinated sooner rather than later. Don’t care if it’s a lingering and painful death. I just want him dead.
I’m not sure a half a million old men and little girls will be adequate for the task Putin is attempting to place on his military.

Fuck his HQ. I wish an assassin’s bullet would swiftly remove Putin’s diseased brain from his skull.
That comes from the Russian military conducting an ongoing policy of military atrocities and war crimes directed at Ukraine’s civilian population and its infrastructure.
If Obama, Victoria Nuland, and the associated NGOs had not engineered the coup in 21014, we would not be at this point now.
The UN has this principle, called, "self-determination," which, the EU, and NATO, don't wish to apply, to find peace in this situation. Why? Economics. Plan and simple. The global politicians are corrupt sons of bitches. You know this, I know this.

These are just the facts. The MIC, and the Atlantacist elites knew what the Russians, and ethnic Russian red lines in Ukraine were, and they purposely crossed them, pouring unlimited amounts of cash into that region, to provoke this conflict.

It is a globalist provoked balkanization of regional populations, in order to create a NWO. You need to pay attention to the rhetoric coming out of the World Economic Forum.

They are doing this to America's Southern Border too. It will provoke a war there eventually as well, if we do not stop the internal balkanization, which global elites are purposely causing. This is why, there will be NO peaceful resolution to the political turmoil here in the US, because we have the same problem. The resource which the elites WANT, are under the feet of those whose politics they disagree with. The majority of the hydro chemicals which are used for plastics, fertilizer, energy/to unit ratio, are all under the feet, of those who disagree with centralized government, and have conservative social/religious spiritual values. This is the same situation in Ukraine. The ethnic Russians that occupy the best agricultural land, and some of the best land that contains natural gas, could have just been allowed to secede, and dissolve Ukraine, politically, just like they did with Yugoslavia and Serbia, after the 2014 coup. . . but NATO and the EU WANT THOSE RESOURCES.

In order to have a nation, you either need a shared language and culture, or, you need to be accepting of differences. The neo-nazis, D.C. and the EU funding Nazis which made the Russian langage illegal, which it had been part of NovoRussian culture for CENTURIES. The Atlanticists and the crown knew this would result in separatists and war.




Just as global elites and global institutions are purposely balkanizing the United State, to try to divide and rule here, they did this to Ukraine, ON PURPOSE.

If a dominionist administration were elected to office in this nation, and disallowed, the Spanish language and Spanish culture in any school, business, or public sphere, and let militias start attacking folks of Latino decent, do you think Mexico would stand for such a thing?

That is similar to what is going on here.

You really have to know the history, the culture, the language, and the goals of all the sides, and get beyond the propaganda.

Russia is not "committing atrocities," on the civilian population, any more than the allies did to Germany or Japan, during WWII, this is just western propaganda. It is a standard tactic to demonize one's opponent in war.
If Obama, Victoria Nuland, and the associated NGOs had not engineered the coup in 21014, we would not be at this point now.
The UN has this principle, called, "self-determination," which, the EU, and NATO, don't wish to apply, to find peace in this situation. Why? Economics. Plan and simple. The global politicians are corrupt sons of bitches. You know this, I know this.

These are just the facts. The MIC, and the Atlantacist elites knew what the Russians, and ethnic Russian red lines in Ukraine were, and they purposely crossed them, pouring unlimited amounts of cash into that region, to provoke this conflict.

It is a globalist provoked balkanization of regional populations, in order to create a NWO. You need to pay attention to the rhetoric coming out of the World Economic Forum.

They are doing this to America's Southern Border too. It will provoke a war there eventually as well, if we do not stop the internal balkanization, which global elites are purposely causing. This is why, there will be NO peaceful resolution to the political turmoil here in the US, because we have the same problem. The resource which the elites WANT, are under the feet of those whose politics they disagree with. The majority of the hydro chemicals which are used for plastics, fertilizer, energy/to unit ratio, are all under the feet, of those who disagree with centralized government, and have conservative social/religious spiritual values. This is the same situation in Ukraine. The ethnic Russians that occupy the best agricultural land, and some of the best land that contains natural gas, could have just been allowed to secede, and dissolve Ukraine, politically, just like they did with Yugoslavia and Serbia, after the 2014 coup. . . but NATO and the EU WANT THOSE RESOURCES.

In order to have a nation, you either need a shared language and culture, or, you need to be accepting of differences. The neo-nazis, D.C. and the EU funding Nazis which made the Russian langage illegal, which it had been part of NovoRussian culture for CENTURIES. The Atlanticists and the crown knew this would result in separatists and war.

View attachment 757527View attachment 757528



Just as global elites and global institutions are purposely balkanizing the United State, to try to divide and rule here, they did this to Ukraine, ON PURPOSE.

If a dominionist administration were elected to office in this nation, and disallowed, the Spanish language and Spanish culture in any school, business, or public sphere, and let militias start attacking folks of Latino decent, do you think Mexico would stand for such a thing?

That is similar to what is going on here.

You really have to know the history, the culture, the language, and the goals of all the sides, and get beyond the propaganda.

Russia is not "committing atrocities," on the civilian population, any more than the allies did to Germany or Japan, during WWII, this is just western propaganda. It is a standard tactic to demonize one's opponent in war.
The history lesson you offered is of course debatable. And of course propaganda distorts everything we see Fromm both sides.

That said, of course Russia is committing atrocities. They deliberately target schools, hospitals, residential apartment complexes — not just valid military targets.

It is one thing to note that other nations in prior wars also sometimes targeted civilian population centers. History has never legitimized it though. It is still a war crime and an atrocity. In this war, it is a basic principle of the Russian military effort.
The history lesson you offered is of course debatable. And of course propaganda distorts everything we see Fromm both sides.

That said, of course Russia is committing atrocities. They deliberately target schools, hospitals, residential apartment complexes — not just valid military targets.

It is one thing to note that other nations in prior wars also sometimes targeted civilian population centers. History has never legitimized it though. It is still a war crime and an atrocity. In this war, it is a basic principle of the Russian military effort.
No, not really.

I used western sources, and kept to those, to prove the data on this war. Those facts are not debatable.

Those are really, just the facts about the resources and demographics on this.

The Russians don't deliberately target schools, hospitals, and residential complexes, anymore than the Americans and British needed to fire bomb Dresden. I have no idea where you are getting such an idea, but if you want to win a war, you only use your forces in a strategic way. No military purposely wastes munitions unnecessarily, when it will bring no strategic benefit. The only time any nation ever attempts to do this, is if they are attempting a war of genocide, or chasing ethnic populations out of an area. There is no indication that this is what is going on.

I honestly thought you were smarter than to fall for such silly and fallacious propaganda. ESPECIALLY, when the Atlantacists are ADMITTING to doing this to you.

In a break with the past, U.S. is using intel to fight an info war with Russia, even when the intel isn't rock solid​

“It doesn’t have to be solid intelligence,” one U.S. official said. “It’s more important to get out ahead of them [the Russians], Putin specifically, before they do something."
I have read the Atlantacist propaganda, and I have read the Russian proganda.

I imagine the truth lay somewhere in between, and we will only know what it is, after the spring offensive begins.
I wrote this in a similar thread. I have listened to both, too. Anyone who lived through a sizable chunk of the Cold War knows that our government AND the Russian government have both participated in massive misinformation campaigns to aggrandize themselves while slandering the other. Arguably the West's is much farther reaching, contaminating far more media outlets worldwide than Russia's.
The history lesson you offered is of course debatable. And of course propaganda distorts everything we see Fromm both sides.

That said, of course Russia is committing atrocities. They deliberately target schools, hospitals, residential apartment complexes — not just valid military targets.

It is one thing to note that other nations in prior wars also sometimes targeted civilian population centers. History has never legitimized it though. It is still a war crime and an atrocity. In this war, it is a basic principle of the Russian military effort.
See how desperate Titloose and his Nazi pals are for any real news -- now reporting a claimed single missile strike .


The US and Ukey forces have been steadily crunched into pieces and their latest tactical major blunder came at Vuhledar.

The beatings taken by the combined Nazi forces at Bakhmut and Vahledar have torn huge holes in the home team's front line .

Looks as though it is now time for the Russian dash toward Odessa with pincer effort from Belarus .

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