Great News: The FBI Reports It Has Cut Back (Not Stopped) Spying On Americans Without Warrants


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
'The FBI has some fantastic news for you.

The agency has reportedly cut back on conducting surveillance on Americans without warrants. This means they have supposedly been violating our rights fewer times than they were a couple of years ago

Now don't you feel better?

Haven't your feelings changed and your confidence in the FBI improved after this?

Yes, yes. Yes...they are STILL violating the Constitution, violating the Patriot Act, and trampling Americans' rights ... BUT THEY HAVE CUT BACK the number of times they are doing it.

'The number of warrantless searches of Americans’ telephone calls, emails and text messages conducted by the Federal Bureau of Investigation plummeted last year, dropping from millions of searches to about 120,000, according to a U.S. intelligence report.'

The drop in number is reportedly due to the fact that the FBI is now complying more often with search restrictions. They aren't in compliance ALL THE TIME, but they are complying MORE:

'This drop is attributed to improved compliance with search restrictions following internal reforms and variations in national security investigations.'

Some would argue that these do not meet the criteria to qualify as 'violating rhe Patriot Act / Constitution'; however, you are either complying with the law - and all of its restrictions - or you are NOT.

This FBI report caught the attention of Congress, and it is considering amending the law that authorizes the surveillance program before it expires at the end of the ensure COMPLETE compliance.

'Supporters of the program argue that it is a valuable intelligence tool for national security, aiding in counterterrorism efforts and providing insights into the strategic ambitions of adversaries like Russia and China.'

Of course the FBI and others argue that the program - which they have illegally abused apparantly thousands of times - is important ... but is it more important than the Constitution and protecting Americans' Constitutional rights?

After it was made public during the failed "coup' against then President Trump that the FBI had illegally spied on Americans (defrauding tbe FISA Court and violating the Patriot Act) ... after it was publicly revealed the FBI had done so under FBI Directors Mueller, Comey, and even Wray...Congress voted to keep the Patriot Act in place with no changes being made ... even when they knew tbe FBI had repeatedly violated it and would continue to do so.

'However, privacy advocates argue that the program lacks transparency and raises concerns about warrantless access to Americans’ data.'

The FBI has already proven them to be right.

How much of its freedom are Americans willing to give up To be 'safe' (from the 'bad guys')?

Emough of that....great news - time to celebrate!: The FBI has been willing to comply more with restrictions resulting in less spying without warrants!


This has been going on for years. Courts have ruled it unconstitutional but the government just doesn't care.

It's another example where the government has no standing in expecting the people to abide by laws when they will not either.
'The FBI has some fantastic news for you.

The agency has reportedly cut back on conducting surveillance on Americans without warrants. This means they have supposedly been violating our rights fewer times than they were a couple of years ago

Now don't you feel better?

Haven't your feelings changed and your confidence in the FBI improved after this?

Yes, yes. Yes...they are STILL violating the Constitution, violating the Patriot Act, and trampling Americans' rights ... BUT THEY HAVE CUT BACK the number of times they are doing it.

'The number of warrantless searches of Americans’ telephone calls, emails and text messages conducted by the Federal Bureau of Investigation plummeted last year, dropping from millions of searches to about 120,000, according to a U.S. intelligence report.'

The drop in number is reportedly due to the fact that the FBI is now complying more often with search restrictions. They aren't in compliance ALL THE TIME, but they are complying MORE:

'This drop is attributed to improved compliance with search restrictions following internal reforms and variations in national security investigations.'

Some would argue that these do not meet the criteria to qualify as 'violating rhe Patriot Act / Constitution'; however, you are either complying with the law - and all of its restrictions - or you are NOT.

This FBI report caught the attention of Congress, and it is considering amending the law that authorizes the surveillance program before it expires at the end of the ensure COMPLETE compliance.

'Supporters of the program argue that it is a valuable intelligence tool for national security, aiding in counterterrorism efforts and providing insights into the strategic ambitions of adversaries like Russia and China.'

Of course the FBI and others argue that the program - which they have illegally abused apparantly thousands of times - is important ... but is it more important than the Constitution and protecting Americans' Constitutional rights?

After it was made public during the failed "coup' against then President Trump that the FBI had illegally spied on Americans (defrauding tbe FISA Court and violating the Patriot Act) ... after it was publicly revealed the FBI had done so under FBI Directors Mueller, Comey, and even Wray...Congress voted to keep the Patriot Act in place with no changes being made ... even when they knew tbe FBI had repeatedly violated it and would continue to do so.

'However, privacy advocates argue that the program lacks transparency and raises concerns about warrantless access to Americans’ data.'

The FBI has already proven them to be right.

How much of its freedom are Americans willing to give up To be 'safe' (from the 'bad guys')?

Emough of that....great news - time to celebrate!: The FBI has been willing to comply more with restrictions resulting in less spying without warrants!


The Trumpies aren't calling the Russian embassy all the time.
This has been going on for years. Courts have ruled it unconstitutional but the government just doesn't care.

It's another example where the government has no standing in expecting the people to abide by laws when they will not either.

Calling the Russian embassy triggers surveillance of communication since at least 1970.
The Trumpies aren't calling the Russian embassy all the time.

'B...b...but Trump.'


You, poor, sad little TDS-suffering, snowflake...just can't let go of Hillary's scaml or your irrational hatred.

This has been going on for years. Courts have ruled it unconstitutional but the government just doesn't care.

It's another example where the government has no standing in expecting the people to abide by laws when they will not either.

Calling the Russian embassy triggers surveillance of communication since at least 1970.
So they say. They're far more capable of lying and getting away with it than ordinary folks, as long as their internal affairs teams are in on it.
Millions never did that yet the government spied on them.

Even then, you provide evidence to a court and get a warrant.

I'm speaking strictly of repeated calls to any Russian embassy. Surveillance has been SOP for over 50 years. Trump's crew was calling from Trump Tower trying to get a back channel to the Kremlin. Maybe that was just naivete.
Sounds like the FBI is trying to redeem itself from the anti-American image it set for itself in supporting the bogus witch hunts of the Democrats while Trump was in office. So now it's "See, we really ARE good guys. Really. We are!"
I'm speaking strictly of repeated calls to any Russian embassy. Surveillance has been SOP for over 50 years. Trump's crew was calling from Trump Tower trying to get a back channel to the Kremlin. Maybe that was just naivete.

That they spied on Trump does not excuse the millions of others they unconstitutionally spy on.
This has been going on for years. Courts have ruled it unconstitutional but the government just doesn't care.

It's another example where the government has no standing in expecting the people to abide by laws when they will not either.
It's the old case of "do what we say, and not as we do", because we got it like that.

Now get back in the hole, GET BACK IN THE HOLE YOU !! ROTFLMBO 🤣
'The FBI has some fantastic news for you.

The agency has reportedly cut back on conducting surveillance on Americans without warrants. This means they have supposedly been violating our rights fewer times than they were a couple of years ago

Now don't you feel better?

Haven't your feelings changed and your confidence in the FBI improved after this?

Yes, yes. Yes...they are STILL violating the Constitution, violating the Patriot Act, and trampling Americans' rights ... BUT THEY HAVE CUT BACK the number of times they are doing it.

'The number of warrantless searches of Americans’ telephone calls, emails and text messages conducted by the Federal Bureau of Investigation plummeted last year, dropping from millions of searches to about 120,000, according to a U.S. intelligence report.'

The drop in number is reportedly due to the fact that the FBI is now complying more often with search restrictions. They aren't in compliance ALL THE TIME, but they are complying MORE:

'This drop is attributed to improved compliance with search restrictions following internal reforms and variations in national security investigations.'

Some would argue that these do not meet the criteria to qualify as 'violating rhe Patriot Act / Constitution'; however, you are either complying with the law - and all of its restrictions - or you are NOT.

This FBI report caught the attention of Congress, and it is considering amending the law that authorizes the surveillance program before it expires at the end of the ensure COMPLETE compliance.

'Supporters of the program argue that it is a valuable intelligence tool for national security, aiding in counterterrorism efforts and providing insights into the strategic ambitions of adversaries like Russia and China.'

Of course the FBI and others argue that the program - which they have illegally abused apparantly thousands of times - is important ... but is it more important than the Constitution and protecting Americans' Constitutional rights?

After it was made public during the failed "coup' against then President Trump that the FBI had illegally spied on Americans (defrauding tbe FISA Court and violating the Patriot Act) ... after it was publicly revealed the FBI had done so under FBI Directors Mueller, Comey, and even Wray...Congress voted to keep the Patriot Act in place with no changes being made ... even when they knew tbe FBI had repeatedly violated it and would continue to do so.

'However, privacy advocates argue that the program lacks transparency and raises concerns about warrantless access to Americans’ data.'

The FBI has already proven them to be right.

How much of its freedom are Americans willing to give up To be 'safe' (from the 'bad guys')?

Emough of that....great news - time to celebrate!: The FBI has been willing to comply more with restrictions resulting in less spying without warrants!


Good deal. Nice job Biden.

I wonder why the former guy didn't do this?
The FBI's admission to Congress that it CONTINUES TO VIOLATE THE PATRIOT ACT by illegally spying on Americans proves it has no intention of adhering to tbe US Vonstitution and Rule of Law.

This recent admission by the FBI to Congress, combined with Special Counsel Durham's Russian Collusion hoax report, has brought the United States to a point where a choice needs to be made:

The well-intended but failed, criminally abused Patriot Act must be terminated altogether OR the Federal Bureau of Investigations, as it exists today, must cease to exist, its proven partisanly weaponized, criminal leaders brought to justice.

The FBI's comtinuous disregard for the US Constitution and criminal violations of the Patriot Act are historically revorded and go back drcades.

FBI Director Mueller and his FBI officially illegally spied on Americans, and Mueller was called before the FISA Court to answer for nearly a dozen violations of the Patriot Act.

FBI Director Comey, Mueller's aprentice, continued the crimes by being proven to have defrauded the FISA Court and illegally spied on Americans as well.

When current FBI Director Wray took over the FBI the FISA Court mistakenly tasked Wray with coming up with an FBI self-policing plan to ensure the afency's defrauding of the FISA Court and criminal violations of the Patriot Act would not continue. Withing months of presenting his plan to the FISA Court FBI Director Wray and the FBI were caught AGAIN lying to the court, violating the Patriot Act AGAIN, and illegally spying on Americans AGAIN.

When it comes to credibility the FBI has proved it has none, especially when it comes to violating the Constitution and breaking laws. Comey has proven to be just another corrupt, lyi g, tominal FBI director groomed and brought up from within the criminal agency.

Recently the FBI submitted a report to Congress, with FBI Director Wray's full knowledge and blessing, admitting to Congress that the FBI is STILL violating both Constitution and Patriot Act. They made NO EFFORT TO HIDE IT.

In their report the FBI proudly declared it had REDUCED THE NUMBER OF CASES OF ILLEGALLY SPYING ON AMERICANS...vecause it was intentionally MAKING A MORE FOCUSED EFFORT ON OBEYING THE LAW / RESTRICTIONS on its spying progream.

:shok: WTF?

You know what would help them completely STOP? Immediately removing FBI Director Wray from the FBI & prosecuting several FBI Agents responsible for Violating the Constitution and Patriot Act, to potentially include FBI Director Wray and other top FBI leaders.

AGAIN, either the Parriot Act needs to be terminated to ensure Americans will ot be crimialky spied on again OR the FBI, as is, needs to cease to exist.

Here is how you immediately put a stop to the criminal, treasonous FBI:

1. Remove / FIRE FBI Director Wray and all top FBI leadership.
- Appoint a new Director from outside the FBI
- All new leaders should be researched / reviewed - past / present political associations / affiliations, social media, etc... - any connection to past FBI Crimes should disqualify

2. Appoint an official Overseer to manage / control the FBI, someone non-partisan / NOT groomed and raised up within the historically ctiminal organization.
-- NO spying operayions (FISA Warrant applications /spying ops should be submitted without review and approval by this appointed overseer & his office)

3. The FBI's Intel Division should be immediately terminated / disbanded. The FBI's job is investigation. There are more than enough seperate over-lapping US Intel agencies to work with the FBI - the FBI's own have severely failed to do its job (as pointed out in the Durham report) and, intentionally or not, has facilitated crimes committed by tbe FBI.

4. A y member of tbe FBI found to have had any knowledge of and / or has participated in hiding / the cover-up of 1) The Huntter Bidel Laptop, 2) The Hunter Biden Laptop 'Russian Disinformation' Letter, 3) Joe Biden's TS/SCI - classified information scandal prior to the 2022 midterm elections, and / or 4) the on-going cover-up of the 'Biden 12' crimimal financial money laundering scandal involving 20 shell companies / 12 banks / hundreds of Suspicioys Activity Alerts caused my hundreds of money laundering moves of millions od dollars from China, Russia, Romania, Ukraine, Burisma, etc... SHOULD BE FIRED, NEVER BE ALLOWED TO WORK IN FEDERAL SERVICE / LAW ENFORCEMENT SERVICE EVER AGAIN, AND / OR PROSECUTED.

These actions are about the ONLY thing that will stop what the FBI has been doing and ensure it never happens again.



...right before he recently filed a Congressional report stating the FBI had DECREASED the FBI's continiing volations of the Constitution and Patriot Act.

The FBI WILL NOT stop illegally spying on Americans on its own. They have repeatedly proven this.

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