Great news! The murderer of Serenity Broughton (see my avatar) has been caught!


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The gang banging scum was hiding in his Grandmother's basement. It is a miracle that Serenity's sister Aubrey survived a bullet to the lung. The tragedy is, for every gang banging murderer they find, there are 50 others who never get arrested.

The gang banging scum was hiding in his Grandmother's basement. It is a miracle that Serenity's sister Aubrey survived a bullet to the lung. The tragedy is, for every gang banging murderer they find, there are 50 others who never get arrested.

I didn't know, that's who your avatar was. How was he found there. Did his Grammy finally turn him in?
I didn't know, that's who your avatar was. How was he found there. Did his Grammy finally turn him in?
Good question, I just read the report quickly and didn't see how they caught him. Most likely a tip from someone who knows the killer. Occasionally, the "no snitching" rule is ignored when the murder involves a young child.
The gang banging scum was hiding in his Grandmother's basement. It is a miracle that Serenity's sister Aubrey survived a bullet to the lung. The tragedy is, for every gang banging murderer they find, there are 50 others who never get arrested.

I sure hope there is no plea bargain, in fact, I hope there are enhanced charges.
Good question, I just read the report quickly and didn't see how they caught him. Most likely a tip from someone who knows the killer. Occasionally, the "no snitching" rule is ignored when the murder involves a young child.
Your link was the only one I have read, and your avatar thing is what prompted me to read it. Truly a tragic thing Mike. Never considered using avatar for advocacy on here. Well done, to ya. You probably have written on it before, but I missed it.:clap:
I sure hope there is no plea bargain, in fact, I hope there are enhanced charges.

Like doing an extra fifty years to life for involving his grandmother, who was aiding and abetting, to keep her out of prison.


White 6 Thanks man. It boggles my mind how the the whole country can go absolutely nuts over Gabby Pertito's death, but think nothing of these children getting gunned down by gangsters on a daily basis.
Understand, but all that inner-city stuff, seems well tolerated by the inner-city dwellers, and the mouthpiece sham BLM national organization does not give a damn unless it involves a cop, and preferably a white cop.
Glad to hear they occasionally get caught...
No justice yet for these three kids in Mpls yet from this spring, in what started a flurry of innocent victims getting hit by moronic gang related shootings.
Glad to hear they occasionally get caught...
No justice yet for these three kids in Mpls yet from this spring, in what started a flurry of innocent victims getting hit by moronic gang related shootings.
The code of silence is shameful, but the community does not even realize it.
The code of silence is shameful, but the community does not even realize it.

They seem to think they're being stand up citizens in the black community.
Of course some will say they're scared of retaliation but thats bullshit,there's ways they can testify and stay anonymous.
White 6 That's why I maintain the Black Deaths Matters thread. If we committed resources to the problem we could cut off the drug supply to the Inner Cities and bring down the gangs. There is no political will to do it. Those are American citizens living in third world conditions and I believe it affects all of us one way or another.
White 6 That's why I maintain the Black Deaths Matters thread. If we committed resources to the problem we could cut off the drug supply to the Inner Cities and bring down the gangs. There is no political will to do it. Those are American citizens living in third world conditions and I believe it affects all of us one way or another.
The war on drugs was poorly thought out, poorly implemented and only served to raise the price/profit margin (there by raising the competition) and incarcerate users, as they were easy busts, black or white. Much of the street hustling and even the violence done by juveniles, and they are protected to a large degree under the community code of silence.
If that is the community you came from, and you got out, stay out. Don't go back even to help or probably especially not to help. It often doesn't end well. I have seen it.
Oh STFU ya waste of skin.
Great argument you got there, ignoramus. Tax the rich and start a real mental health system for change. Every other modern country has a real mental health system. And a living wage health care daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training Great infrastructure and vacations. Only the brainwash stops us, brainwashed functional moron. Then we could stop all this ridiculous inequality and upward mobility and have a healthy middle class again. Poor America change the goddamn channel
If we committed resources to the problem we could cut off the drug supply to the Inner Cities and bring down the gangs
What these recourses should be and where they should go? Drugs have been illegal through decades, but illegal drug business is still flourishing around the world. Too many people engage in that activity, including the ones having real power.

Except of that, you can't expect that after illegal drugs having been stopped flowing in, the problems of inner cities will go away alongside with that. Those young people should get jobs to support themselves and their families. And what is more important, they should be convinced that hard work is way better than criminal activity.

The latter thing will prove quite hard to achieve. Because 'easy' money don't require you to go to school or college, learn some trade, work hard and so on.

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