Great news! The murderer of Serenity Broughton (see my avatar) has been caught!

White 6 I agree, "The War On Drugs" only hurt the little guy. I'm talking about going after the drug sources and gang leaders. But it won't happen because neither the GOP nor DEM see any political gain from it.
Great argument you got there, ignoramus. Tax the rich and start a real mental health system for change. Every other modern country has a real mental health system. And a living wage health care daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training Great infrastructure and vacations. Only the brainwash stops us, brainwashed functional moron. Then we could stop all this ridiculous inequality and upward mobility and have a healthy middle class again. Poor America change the goddamn channel

It appears you'd benefit from some mental health treatment.
Understand, but all that inner-city stuff, seems well tolerated by the inner-city dwellers, and the mouthpiece sham BLM national organization does not give a damn unless it involves a cop, and preferably a white cop.
No it is not. There are community organizations that deal with this and BLM deals with law enforcement reform. So just because some white asshole wants to be disingenuously posting stories like this while opposing things that will reduce these kinds of things doesn't make your opinion true.
White 6 That's why I maintain the Black Deaths Matters thread. If we committed resources to the problem we could cut off the drug supply to the Inner Cities and bring down the gangs. There is no political will to do it. Those are American citizens living in third world conditions and I believe it affects all of us one way or another.
The drug supply is not the problem. And you keep that racist thread because you're a white racist. So while you fake indignation over black deaths and dugs based on your ignorant racist stereotypes, whites are dropping dead by bigger numbers due to opiods.

You will bring down gangs by investing money in business ideas from black entrepreneurs who will strt buinesses that offer alternatives to drug sales.
There are community organizations that deal with this and BLM deals with law enforcement reform.
Oh yeah those community organizers really get it done! Obama is the perfect example of how useless community organizers are. And BLM "deals with law enforcement reform"? BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! :auiqs.jpg:
The drug supply is not the problem. And you keep that racist thread because you're a white racist.
Hater gonna hate. Your assertion that I am racist because I maintain a thread drawing attention to the forgotten murdered innocents like Serenity Broughton is pathetic and makes no sense whatsoever. But then, you rarely do.
The gang banging scum was hiding in his Grandmother's basement. It is a miracle that Serenity's sister Aubrey survived a bullet to the lung. The tragedy is, for every gang banging murderer they find, there are 50 others who never get arrested.

I was hoping that he would be brought to justice. Now, I hope they convict and do very bad things to this animal.
I was hoping that he would be brought to justice. Now, I hope they convict and do very bad things to this animal.
Or we could try having a civilized country with a living wage healthcare cheap college etc. We have 10 times the number in prison as Europe. I wonder why. Your idea is almost as bad as the criminals
Franco laughs at that statement, further proving tards are economically illiterate
We have a flat tax system if you count all taxes, brainwashed functional moron, that's why our richest are totally bloated and we have the worst inequality and upward mobility anywhere and ever. Google the only tax graph you need to know and stop wasting our time.
Or we could try having a civilized country with a living wage healthcare cheap college etc. We have 10 times the number in prison as Europe. I wonder why. Your idea is almost as bad as the criminals
We have more criminals 1) we allow trash to come over---immigration control like only those who support themselves and don't have a criminal record or criminal ties would go a long way 2) our welfare system encourages the worst among us to breed who then have kids with no morals-shock I know 3) we aren't killing off enough of violent criminals that can't be changed.....
Or we could try having a civilized country with a living wage healthcare cheap college etc. We have 10 times the number in prison as Europe. I wonder why. Your idea is almost as bad as the criminals
Being a good Leftist, you are mashing multiple issues together to divert attention away from the subject.
We have more criminals 1) we allow trash to come over---immigration control like only those who support themselves and don't have a criminal record or criminal ties would go a long way 2) our welfare system encourages the worst among us to breed who then have kids with no morals-shock I know 3) we aren't killing off enough of violent criminals that can't be changed.....
Or we or we could have a civilized country with cheap college a living wage healthcare etc so people don't have to go on welfare to survive. So stupid this GOP mess we have now. Every other country has benefits of citizenship and the rich are not totally bloated..
Being a good Leftist, you are mashing multiple issues together to divert attention away from the subject.
We are the only modern country without cheap collage and training a living wage healthcare daycare paid perennial leave great infrastructure and vacations and mainly taxing the rich. You are an idiot. Oops brainwashed functional idiotsL. Keep voting for the greedy idiot Rich GOP brainwash.

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